TO INTERFERE OR NOT TO INTERFERE See Editorial Page Ai Au ~Iait1i CLOUDY Ifigh--52 Low-4Q Mild with light rain or drizzle through today Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No.56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Question Passage LSA Vote Backs Achievement Exams Of Romney Plan Clear Tests * * * *C * * * * * Caucus Shows Republican Support Falls Below Expected Minimuni By THOMAS COPI Gov. George Romney's fiscal reform program is bogged down in the state Legislature, and there is serious question as to whether any tax program will be passed this year. A poll taken in Republican House caucus yesterday showed that only 33 representatives favored proceeding with a tax package' which includes an income tax. This is substantially less than the 40 votes house speaker Alli- Ci4 Cty Council Sets Office Description By RAYMOND HOLTON Ann Arbor City Council last; night approved a job description for a full-time human relations director and passed unanimously the first reading of the ordinance which establishes the position. The job description, prepared by Paul Wagner, chairman of Human Relations Commission, . outlined the characteristics, duties and qualifications of the new office. The director, "subject to admin- istrative approval, has charge of and is responsible for the develop- ment and implementation of a program of investigation, research, education and counselling in mat- ters involving inter-group rela- tions." He is also responsible for the enforcement of all codes, laws and ordinances relating to human re- lations. Duties of the director include acting as executive secretary to ' the Human Relations Commission, investigating complaint cases in- volving human relations and pro- viding laison with between gov- ernmental agencies and civic and private organizations. In other action council also ex- pressed its consent to a letter written by City Administrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr. which en- dorsed the' police department's practice of filming demonstrations held within the city. The letter was in response to a charge made by Ann Arbor's branch of the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Colored People that the practice of filming demonstrations violat- ed the "privacy of individual dem- onstrators." The group also claim- ed that the films could be used as "a potential instrument of intimidation." Right Situation May Influence Voting Pattern By The Associated Press Politicians look for possible handwriting on the wall-though perhaps sketchy - in scattered elections across the country today. In Mississippi, voters settle a rare general election campaign for governor as they decide between Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson, a veteran Democratic political f gure, and Republican Rubel Phillips. Most observers give Phillips a chance to pull a historic upset if the voting turnout is much lower than the expected 300,000 Both candidates are pledged to fight desegregation in this last! bastion of school segregation. Philadelphia Issues In Philadelphia, Democrats' pushed President John F. Ken- nedy's name yesterday in last minute campaigning to elect May- or James H.J. Tate to a four year term. Republican James T. McDer- mott, a 37-year-old lawyer who has never held political office. is opposing Tate in a contest which, due to mounting civil rights ten- sions, should be a close one. Kennedy went to Philadelphia last week in Tate's behalf, while Gov. William Scranton has cam- paigned for McDermott. Kentucky Battle A big issue in today's guberna- torial election in Kentucky is which candidate - Democrat Ed- ward T. Breathitt or Republican Louie B. Nunn-can build up the state economically. An executive order by retiring son-Green (R-Kingston) predicted would be cast in favor of such a measure. More Votes This lack of Republican sup- port will make it necessary to have many more Democratic votes than were anticipated by Green for passage of the pro)gram. Green was non-commital on the actions of the caucus, but said that the House compliment to the special joint committee which was appointed to revise Romney's fis- cal program had been expanded from five to eight. Green said that the committee would "secure ad- ditional facts and figures and work out plans." On the other side of the capital, Sen. Stanley F. Rozycki (D-De- troit) said that "it doesn't even look as though they'll be able to get the six votes needed to get the income tax bill out of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and this is the central bill in Romney's program." Blast Plan Sen. Lloyd Stephens (R-Scott- ville), who is considered to hold the deciding vote in the commit- tee, leveled a blast at the proposed state income tax yesterday, and although Stephens refused to say whether or not he would vote to release the bill to the Senate floor, his apparent strong opposition to the income tax bill is a good in- dication as to where he stands. Stephens said that the Legis- lature should abandon money matters and get to work on con- stitutional implementation. Rozycki commented that it "doesn't look like anything will happen as far as tax reform is concerned in this special session of the Legislature." Democrat's Stand Also yesterday, the Democratic State Central Committee issued a resolution stating exactly where the Democratic party stands on fiscal reform. The resolution declared that Romney's fiscal reform program should be rejected as inadequate unless it contained these seven* points: -A state-wide income tax -Repeal of the sales tax on food and prescription drugs -Repeal of the intangibles tax -Repeal of the business activi- ties tax -State-wide reform of real and personal property assessment pro cedures -Tax equity for senior citizens -Adequate assistance to local units of government and school districts, collected by the state and distributed to local govern- ments Not Committed Although the committee's rec- ommendations do represent over- all party policy, Rozycki said that "the central committee doesn't necessarily speak for Democratic legislators. Their ideas are merely a suggestion for the legislators." For Placing, Counselling By KENNETH WINTER Te literary college faculty "overwhelmingly" voted yesterday to continue requiring its appli- cants for freshman admission to take achievement tests, Dean Wil- liam Haber said. The action came after the col- lege's admissions committee re- iterated its view that these tests should be retained and used "mainly in placement and coun- selling once students have come to Ann Arbor." The tests, given to high school seniors by a national testing agency, have been required by the literary college for two years on an experimental basis. Last May the admissions committee pro- posed to the faculty that this re- quirement be continued. But the achievement tests' va-: lidity was questioned, and the committee was asked to review the question. In backing the tests, the ad- missions committee answered two basic charges leveled against the achievement tests. First, opponents that claimed the tests don't measure what they purport to measure-the level of a student's achievement in a par- ticular academic field. Studies by the Bureau of Psychological Ser- vices and other groups had indi- cated a low correlation between a student's achievement-test scores in a given field and his college grades in that subject. But "the use of college grades as the sole basis for construction or evaluation of tests of any sort is open to question. The charac- teristics of the students we want cannot necessarily be inferred from the grades we give the stu- dents we have," the committee argued. "The professionals in a particu-: lar field are the ones to decide whether a certain test measures knowledge of their subject," their report said. Second, it was argued that the achievement tests merely dupli- cate the Scholastic Aptitude Test, which seeks to measure general academic ability in would-be col- lege students. While admitting some overlap between achievement and scholas- tic aptitude tests, the committee asserted that "the question is whether the degree of overlap is large enough to eliminate the practical utility of one test or the other. We believe that it is not."I Compromise ! On Foreign Aid WASHINGTON (P)-Democratic and Republican Senate leaders agreed at a huddle yesterday to make an all-out fight for their proposed compromise $3.8-billion foreign aid bill. '. 1 They rejected a suggestion by Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) that their package amendment-reduc- ing the $4.2-billion foreign rela- tions bill by $385 million-be laid aside pending Senate action on a series of other deeper cutting pro- posals by Morse and others. Expect $20. Mi olion igp To Over. Advise Request EAST-WEST TENSION: Will Submit Soviets Block U.S. Berlin Convoy 'Lunmp Su' WASHINGTON UP-The latest BERLIN ') - A United States To G overnor incident involving Soviet stop- Army convoy tried to break page of a United States Army con- through a Soviet blockade on the ' Ribbon Uni voy attempting to reach West Ber- highway lifeline to West Berlin fluC Ld I 1L lin caused grave concern in ad- early this morning but was boxed May Request Boost ministration circles last night, in by at least six Russian armor- For State This became known shortly aft- ed personnel carriers.FCollege er reports reached Washington of The incident caused grave con- Soviet armored personnel carriers - cern in Washington as the night By LAURENCEK BAUM and sedans blocking a convoy wore on and the Russians con- Gov. George Romney is expected when it attempted to break tinued to block passage to the to be advised by his "blue ribbon" through to Berlin after having .: .:*12-vehicle convoy at the Marien- education committee that his an- been delayed by the Russians since born checkpoint on the western ticipated appropriation recommen- early Monday morning. end of the 110-mile autobahn dation of $120 million for higher While earlier in the day the linking Berlin to West Germany. education next year would be $20 White House and the State De- "". It appeared to have the mak- million too small. partment had stressed that the ad- ings of a new serious Soviet- This fact was disclosed yester- ministration was not overly alarm-.American confrontation on the day by top University and state ed by this latest harrassment of Berlin issue. officials after the key interim Western communications with the Demand Troops Dsmount "blue ribbon" subcommittee com- Communist - encircled city. last -.The 44-man convoy was first pleted its report over the weekend. night a high ranking official con-.stopped at Marienborn at 8:01 This report will now go to the ceded that the incident took "seri- ca.m. Monday. The Soviet officer overall committee on Nov. 15 be- ous dimensions." in charge demanded that 15 pas- fore being sent to the governor to The matter, the official said, sengers in three of the trucks dis- advise him in making his January was the subject of "intensive con- -Associated Press mount and be counted. appropriation recommendation to sultations" between the three di- BLOCKING U.S. TROOPS AT AUTOBAHN-Soviet armored cars The convoy commander, Lt. the Legislature. rectly affected Western allies - are placed across the autobahn at the Marienborn checkpoint, the Gen. John Lamb, refused. Lump Sum Recommendation e twestern end of the superhighway linking Berlin and West Ger- The day passed without change. Alvin Bentley, chairman of the the United States, Great Britain seser- Then, around midnight, the con- interim subcommittee which will and France-and West Germany. many. The United States convoy had been delayed since early voy suddenly moved forward, driv- submit the report Nov. 15, reveal- The administration, the official Monday morning, ing ahead about a quarter of a ed that his group is recommending said, takes the interference of - -~ - ~ mile before the Russians sent a a "lump sum" needed in its opin armored cars, physically blockingTi their blockading vehicles across ion "to fulfill the state's higher the American convoy, most ser- TENSIONS EASE: the road. educational needs 'rfiscal194- ously. Aside from that, the longer A United States Army spokes- 65." the incident lasts, the greater the man said the blocking of the con- I This sum is reportedly much danger of serious confrontationI Viet i ani Junta elaxes voy was a "flagrant violation of closer to the $140.8 million request becomes. the Western allies' unrestricted made by the 10 state-supported Officials took the view that pro- j iT right of access to Berlin, for which colleges and universities than to cedural technicality is not the real u r1Iew C 'rs W orkers actions the Soviets must bear the the governor's current $120 ml- issue on the autobahn and that a) full responsibility for any conse- lion estimate based on expected there cannot be any question of a quences." tax revenues. "I o c a 1 misunderstanding," as By The Associated Press Diplomatit Moves "We simply arrived at a lump claimed by the Russians after the The ruling military junta in South Viet Nam announced a The attempted breakthrough sum on the basis of the number of last incident in October. relaxation of the martial law curfew in Saigon yesterday, but im- was preceded by a series of dip- degree-seeking students in the A Soviet expert at the State De- posed stricter limitations on government workers. lomatic and military m v e s. state-supported institutions multi- partment maintained that the i It warned that all workers who fail to return to their jobs United States Secretary of State plied by the amount per-student" Russians were seeking to use the without suitable reason in the wake of last weekend's revolution Dean Rusk met with Georgi M. that was felt sufficient to educate current atmosphere of apparently wil__be__hargedwith i Kormenko, the Soviet Charge these students, he explained. relaxed tension to nibble away at Aswll be charged with desertionh'gtfniandrsins allied rights and gain greater con-. and punished, demanded the convoy be released. Stacal Dat trol over the Berlin access routes. Cease Firin g The revolt overthrew the rul- At about the same time, a The report backs up the figure One ting is unquestionable, the ;ingCatholic government of Presi- maneuver of the United States with statistical data comparing it Soviet specialist said. The SovietsiJ , 1 17 * dent Ngo Dinh Diem and placed Army Berlin garrison scheduled to other state per-student appro- clearly have resumed selective har- In Border War Buddhist military leaders in com- to start today was postponed for priations, Bentley said. rassment of Western access to the mand of the nation.1 24 hours because of the crisis. Recent surveys have shown city. The question why remained FIGUIG. Morocco () - Both Diem, and his brother Ngo Dinh -all the states in rate of increase unanswered last night. sides ceased firing on the disputed Nhu, reportedly committed suicide TIT . aheatert udeae Prior to the latest Soviet stop- Morocco-Algeria frontier yester- in order to escape the humility of U nit Institutes each year of the per-student ap- page, Secretary of State Dean day. defeat. However, Madame Nhu in p opmigation. Rusk had asked Russia to permit A precarious calm settled over the United States received a tele- w P In computing the total figure on- the American convoy which had this Moroccan oasis where three phone call from a "top Vietna-N wat- compmittee did not choose to de- been held up to proceed by the days of artillery and mortar shell- mese general" yesterday saying comiee idtot choote "omde- State Department declined to say ing took 20 lives and wounded 20 that her husband and brother-in-Fo cidee ow to shlt thel sum" Rusk had lodged a protest. civilians. law were "brutally killed" by the ed. The White House also reacted At 10:30 a.m. Algerian troops on insurgents. By ALAN SHULMAN Defends Lump Sum cagily to newsmen's questions surrounding mountain ridges re- The unidentified general report-sDefendsnLumpnSum about the affair after Rusk and his ceived a radio order to stop shoot- ed to the former first lady of Freshmen entering the naturalr- In defending the interim sub- top Soviet e x p e r t, Llewellyn ing. The order was issued after the South Viet Nam that Diem had resource school next fall will par- (comrnyttee's choice to recommend Thompson, called on President arrival of a Mali Republic staff been shot to death and her hus- prtgiam in a omon i ye that "we thought in terms onlyted John F. Kennedy. officer to supervise the truce. band had died from stab wounds. aprofessional school," Dean Steph- the needs of the stateras ona of en H. Spurr announced recently. The lack of time and data also "We have substituted a natural precluded an institution-by-insti- science or social science course for tution recommendation, he said. the literary college's language re- Another major factor in the Pnrer uI quirement in the freshman's cur- "lump sum" recommendation, N1n TO - In - NE EES riculum," Dean Spurr said. "Other Bentley revealed, was the testi- than this, there is little difference mony of key university presidents between the typical literary college including University President By H. NEIL BERKSON program and our own." Harlan Hatcher and Michigan To cope with the problem of State University President John Drawings and models decorated the Michigan Union ballroom last the entering freshman who is un- Hannah. night as John G. McKevitt of the Office of Business and Finance certain about his future plans, an Cite State Needs explained the "Central Campus Plan" concept to interested students. orientation course in natural re- "These men all emphasized the The "Plan," first announced in July, is a long-range guide for sources will also be included in total needs of the state rather expansion of the University's physical facilities. the curriculum. "The one-hour than the particular needs of their While specific building projects are not detailed, the planners orientation course gives the stu- institution," he observed. will work within the "grouping" concept already established. Future dent an opportunity to meet pro-: In issuing its lump figure rec- fessors in the school and hear ommendation, the subcommittee expansion will continue to keep engineering facilities, literary college them talk about their specialties," has opened the way, Bentley said, facilities, the library complex and natural science facilities as Dean Spurr said. for the Legislature to appropriate separate units on the campus, McKevitt said. "As a student finds out more a mass sum itself and let the 10 Key Element about the subjects within the institutions "divide the pie." A key element of the plan will be emphasis on walkways which school, he can move into the area He explained that although the allow the student to travel directly from one destination to another, he likes. However, if he decides to committee expressed no formal de- he added. The "Plan" also envisions much greenery and open transfer to the literary college he sire to see the Legislature permit I space around the campus. need only pick up a foreign lan- the schools to divide a delegated guage to meet their requirements." sum, the idea was discussed "since McKevitt called the physical plant planning merely a frame- In addition to the common first many legislators and educators < work, "a canvas on which we can create an imaginative, attractive, year program, the natural re- have noted its possibilities." successful University in terms of its academic and research functions. sources school will, at the same In Lansing, Romney's top edu- J "Our planning assumed a growing, changing University. Our time, open a sophomore-level cation advisor, Charles Orlebeke; f r job was to provide flexibility-alternatives against which the aca- course, Natural Resource Ecology commented that the possibility demic planners can now do their work." 201, to literary college students was "not very likely" and that EXPLAINS CONCEPT: McKevitt Discussesi Eli~