Ohio State.. ...7 Iowa . . . . . . . . . 3 Michigan State 30 Illinois*........41 Indiana. .0....24 Navy....... . . 35 Mississippi.... 37 Texas ........17 Army .........14 Wisconsin .....13 Purdue.......21 Minnesota..... 6 Notre Dame ...14 LSU .......... 3 SMUJ.........12 Air Force .....10 OBSTACLES IMPEDE COMMON MARKET See Editorial Page Y Sir&'A :4E aity COOL High- 5 Law-28 Fair today with a warming trend Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 55 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES wl-.Rr r" . I44. .. ..V... n. hJ .{. ..}"t r.d..J. ' ...,..:..n .....J....n.:4..Vr.>V:..".,..,r .«...nvnW ...:h".."t WVrn .n*.nJ:'.,".....n"..1....vr.r:;,.............................v........ fl4 ;.F .k' .4 4 "C.. p4.4 '4. Residence College Survey Literary college department chairmen are cautiously opti- mistic about the residential col- lege proposal, a Daily survey indicates. Of 18 chairmen contacted this week, 10 said they per- sonally favor the idea, four ex- pressed substantial reservations and four declined to comment altogether. No chairman an- nounced himself as flatly op- posed to the idea. The potential for educational experimentation was the argu- ment most often mentioned in favor of the new college. Prof. Guy E. Swanson, chairman of the sociology department, said the integration of living and academic units could resurrect the academically-oriented bull session, which is more common in European schools and have proved fruitful there. Unusual Opportunity Prof. Rudolph H. Gjelsness, chairman of the library science department, added that it would be "an unusual oppor- tunity for the library to give a more personal touch to its services and to be in closer con- tact with instructional work." The residence college pro- posal, drafted by a faculty com- mittee and released last April, suggested several types of ex- perimentation. Basic was the concept of having "all the teaching facilities and most of the studying, facilities ..in residence halls." In addition, a more integrat- ed curriculum and greater student-faculty contact were envisioned. At the same time, the college should be near enough to campus so that Uni- versity facilities would be read- ily available to its members, the report state. Enrollment Pressures The department chairmen al- so frequently applauded the residential college concept as a possible answer to enrollment pressures. Prof. Alfred S. Suss- man of the botany department commented, "At least in its early stages the residential col- lege may not be a solution to increasing size, but in the long run it would serve as a model which we could apply to ex- panding the University in a way which would preserve qual- ity." But none of the chairmen denied that there will be prob- lems connected with establish- ing the new college. First, several chairmen, while favoring the college, don't see it as an answer to the enroll- ment problem. Prof. Swanson noted that it could deal with "some of the consequences of growth, but in general growth implies a need for more staff." Present Growth Professors George G. Cam- eron of the Near Eastern stu- dies department and Gerald F. Else of the classical studies de- partment both said the college would take three to four years to set up and consequently would not solve the present growth problem. Prof. Arthur Bromage, chair- man of the political science de- partment, added that the tri- mester and expansion of the regular literary college must be used to accommodate more stu- dents. But the most frequently- voiced objection was financial. Although the original report asserted that the new college "'would not differ in either student-faculty ratio or run- ning-cost expenditure per stu- dent for the college as a whole" from the present literary col- lege, 8 of the 14 chairman commenting mentioned money as an obstacle. Same Problems problems in the new college would be the same as elsewhere in the University, but because of other expenses involved in the residential college its stu- dents would get "some pretty expensive teaching." Prof. James N. Spuhler, chairman of the anthropology department, said the increased student-faculty contact neces- sarily will boost expenses, add- ing that he feels the college would be worth the extra cost. He also said the failure of the Legislature to appropriate enough funds could block the opening of the new college. Might Divert Funds And Prof. John Mersereau, Jr., chairman of the Slavic languages department, said a residential college might divert funds from the rest of the literary college's operations. Staffing problems also were mentioned frequently. Prof. Anderson said he doubts anyone in the chemistry department actively engaged in research would give it up to teach in the residential college. Whether or not teaching in the new college would be pref- erable to working in the regular literary college is "a mater of taste," Prof. Sussman noted. He said there are some members of the botany department 'who would be willing to teach in the residence college for a while. Willing To Work , Most other chairmen indicat- ed that at least a few of their departments' members prob- ably would be willing to work there, though several said they would need additional appoint- ments to man the new college. Prof. William B. Willoox of the history department warned against forming an image of faculty in the residential col- lege as the University's "sec- ond-class citizens.' See DEPARTMENT, Page 2 Algerian, Moroccan War Halts' ALGIERS (M-)-Shooting stopped late yesterday in all sectors along the contested Algerian-Moroccan frontier, Algerian field headquar- ters announced today. The end of hostilities was an- nounced 24 hours after the offi- cial cease-fire went into effect at midnight Friday. The report said an artillery duel in the Figuig- Beni Ounif sector ended by early evening and no engagements had been fought since. The report came from Algerian headquarters at Colomb-Bechar after both sides in the undeclared frontier war traded artillery and machinegun fire in violation of the Bamako cease-fire agreement. Accusations Each side accused the other of violating the agreement within minutes after it came into effect. Morocco had dispatched troops to its eastern frontier and mili- tary duels shattered a brief calm yesterday in the sector 'bordered by the Moroccan town of Figuig on the north end and the Algerian town of Beni Ounif on the south end. Algerian authorities said Moroc- can shells ripped into Beni Ounif 23 minutes after midnight yester- day and kept coming for 20 min- utes. The Algerians said they or- dered their artillery to return fire later. Figuig Firing Morocco charged the Algerians fired on Figuig yesterday after the cease-fire deadline. Algerian Foreign Minister Ab- delaziz Bouteflika told newsmen late yesterday that despite con- tinued fighting he still had "every hope for peace" in the border con- flict with Morocco. Boutilika told a news conference he believed the Moroccan govern- ment was trying "just as hard as the Algerian government to put an end to the incidents that delayed the end of the fighting." Algerian troops took positions around Figuig last week to coun- terbalance the Moroccan advan- tage in the Sahara, he said. The Algerians are known to have Soviet-made tanks and other Communist-bloc equipment, but there has been no previous report Soviet soldiers were at the scene of the fighting. WCC To Beain Rules Survey The Women's Conference Com- mittee will begin a survey tomor- row to determine opinions on women's regulations. Questionnaires will be circulat- ed to girls living in residence halls and sorority houses through house presidents. All girls living in apartments and co-operatives are asked to pick up a form at the League and fill it out there or re- turn it later to the League. All forms should be returned by Friday, Nov. 8. The study is purely a personal opinion poll and is by no means a vote, Gretchen Groth, '64, president of the Michigan League, said. Buddhists Rule I New Tho N Expect U.S. Recognition Of Faction Kennedy Advisers Question More Aid WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States is preparing to recognize the new South Viet Nam regime early next week-probably tomor- row-following the formation of a mixed military-civilian govern- ment. United States officials disclosed this yesterday after President* John F. Kennedy cancelled plans to attend a football game in Chi- cago to confer with top military and State Department advisers at the White House. The major concern at the con- ference was the steps to be taken in the United States-backed war against the Commuist guerrillas. Attend Conference Among those in attendance were Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Beside the question of recogni- tion, informants said the top offi- cials discussed the composition of the new Saigon government and the resumption of United States economic aid programs, which have been curtailed in the last two months. The military group headed by Gen. Duong Van Minh which took power is expected to continue to hold sensitive cabinet posts such as the ministry of defense, inter- ior, police administration and all activities connected with the war effort. Give Assurance The United States apparently finds in the public announcements of the military committee assur- ance that South Viet Nam will return to a constitutional, demo- cratic form of government. So far as is known here the South Viet Nam government's foreign reserves of $165. million are still intact. There had been speculation that some funds may have been cred- ited to the account of the Nhu family in foreign banks. Can't Say United States officials said they could not say if any small diver- sions may have taken place, but they were certain that there have been no massive diversions of funds abroad. The suspension of some aid pro- grams has not led to food short- ages, but there have been specu- lative price increases and hoard- ing of flour, cement, chemicals and steel product. The cost of liv- ing has risen. After two months of virtually no communication with Washington, ame Saigon; Leader CrrowedsExult In Streets After Coup Regime Announces Death of Brothers; Gives No Explanation SAIGON (R') - A Buddhist-led provisional regime controlled a nervous Saigon today after 4 bloody coup that brought down- fall and death to President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu. The new regime declared the z Ngo Dinh brothers dead, but did not explain the circumstances of their demise. Associated Press reporter Roy Essoyan saw unofficial photo- graphs of bodies identified as those of Diem and Nhu. berman Looking for Members d jazz Officially, coup leaders said they trong, were looking for members of the and a Ngo Dinh family in order to hand ties. over the bodies. There were no family members known to be in Saigon. Mrs. Nhu's children were said to be safe at the family's luxury summer villa at Dalat. Jubilant Saigon crowds celebrat- e_ h alo h imrgm Prof. Leigh chairman of the partment, said C. Anderson, chemistry de- that hiring -Daily-Sam Ha HOMECOMING JAZZ-Louie Armstrong, world renowned trumpeter, displayed his talents last night in Hill Aud. Arms playing with a troupe which includes six other musicians2 female vocalist, performed as a part of homecoming festivi A rmstrong Describes Lasting Appeal of Ja. By GAIL BLUMBERG People will always like jazz because it's basic to their Louis Armstrong said last night. Armstrong, who played in the Homecoming concert at H said that jazz has the elements of music that everyone can stand. It has a simple melody and rhythm that has come up the generations. After all, every-' thing in music is derived from jazz, Armstrong explained. "It's ISe origins lay in church music. "When we play we start from a basic plan, and just take off e O 1 from there. Jazz it music that's played from within yourself," Vote Seen S Armstrong noted. Doesn't Matter Bak IBcers of federal aid iapf vN "v :"r :" . ""r.44.V..4v.;..4..4.4 4:"^};r"4 ". ..A.V.k;: :': :."::?":: r::,..?"",.4.4. ?rr. ". :..:.s..}. ::sv."° <: va rs.... ..r..:}.'.4.. .:r. ..3.r'" : . .".".. . . .. X:'',:. ..".::..^..> . "...r:r:""?v:: :w ..'4.4.t. . . . LOCAL CONFERENCE: Mayors Discuss Romney Tax Program nature, [ill Aud., n under- through Tess Rill; oon to edu- The administration of any in- come tax in the state should be handled entirely at the state level, the Michigan Conference of May- ors meeting in Ann Arbor agreed yesterday. Official, Panel To Investigate NIH Practices LOS ANGELES-Dean E. Wool- dridge, a noted aerospace official, has agreed to head a White House study of the National Institutes of Health, the Los Angeles Times reported recently. Wooldridge will chair a panel of about 12 persons working within the Office of Science and Tech- nology, which will make the in- vestigation. T h e NIH, which currently' spends $968 million a year, has been charged with allegedly grow- ing too big too fast, either to manage their programs efficient- ly or to support consistently high- quality medical research. 'Overzealous' Critics have also charged that Congress was "overzealous" in giv- ing money to the NIH. Its budget has been increased almost 15- fold in a decade as a result of congressional action. Dr. James B. Shannon, NIH di- rector, says the charges are un- founded. Research supported by the NIH has been no better or no worse than the average American work in laboratories, he has told Congress. Dr. Shannon admitted, however' that his agency was "remiss" in not establishing from the start as strong an administrative system as its system for supporting scientific research. NIH last year tightened its rules covering granst to scientists. Across the Board The Wooldridge panel will study the NIH across the board, study- ing both the organization of each Although the mayors felt that cities should still be allowed to levy local income taxes, they agreed that this tax should be col- lected by the state. "If an income tax is found to be necessary, we feel that the only reasonable and efficient method lies in a tax administered, collect- ed and distributed on a state lev- el," their statement read. Income Aspect The meetings were held here toj discuss the new tax plan proposed! by Gov. George Romney. Yester- day's session was devoted entirely to the income tax aspect of this program. The mayors defeated a proposal to recommend only one state in- come tax in Michigan. "It is agreed that there is an immediate need to simplify and reform the present system of fi- nancing governmental operations on the state and local levels. How- ever, it is felt that cities and oth- er local units of government must be guaranteed at least the same revenue as these units are present- ly receiving under the sales and intangibles provision. Sources Important tax ed the fall of the Diem regime yesterday by exulting in the streets. But early today they had returned to their homes. The city was quiet. The wave of celebration was heightened by the release of Bud- dhist monks from jails. They had been arrested earlier this year in a crackdown by the Diem re- gime o.'i Buddhists. Name Tho In the background, Gen. Duong Van Minh and his revolutionary junto named Nguyen Ngoc Tho, a 55-year-old Buddhist, as premier of the provisional government, but has not yet made an official an- nouncement. He was vice-president under Diem, but had little power. Whether Tho becomes a real ad- ministrator or a figurehead under military control, United States of- ficials expected South Viet Nam to drop preoccupation with its poli- tical-religious crisis and step up the American-backed war against Communist guerrillas. Censorship imposed in Saigon at the outset of the uprising Fri- See related story, Page 3 "The state administration and Legislature should bear in mind that on the average, approximate- ly 20 per cent of the total local income is derived from these sources. "In order to insure the fairness and flexibility of any rebate pro- gram, provisions for rebate of state-collected revenues to local units should be based upon the size of the recipient relative to the total state population and a per- iodic adjustment should be requir- ed to eliminate inequities result- ing from different rates of growth." Consider Waste' The mayors felt that "strong considerationu must be given to spending reform" in order to curb "waste and, unnecessary, spending in state government." Although the mayors approved a local income tax, they did not encourage it be levied on a large scale basis. i "It doesn't matter to me where' we play-a night club, a dance, high schools, colleges-as long as the music is there. "We improvise in the program also," he continued, "and throw in different songs, according to our mood." The program is never the same in any one engagement, he added. The University audience, Arm- strong said, was "really all right!" "You could tell that this was a great group because they really made us work," one of the musi- cians added. Constant Demand "There is such a constant de- nand for Armstrong that we are continuously on t o u r," Arm- strong's manager said. "The only medium we are ex- cation yesterday submitted a $1.2 billion college classroom construc- tion program for congressional ap- proval. The proposal authorizes a three- year program of grants and loans for the nation's more than 2100 colleges and universities, includ- ing about 800 church-connected, schools. The proposed federal aid meas- ure was completed recently by House and Senate negotiators, who resolved two prickly church- state issues to reach agreement on a compromise bill. First Bill If approved by Congress, the bill would be the first general college' aid program ever enacted.- A similar bill was almost voted on last year but got bogged down --largely because of a dispute i i i, 3 I day was eased. Censors permitted transmission of a backlog of news stories, some long delayed. Detachments of the army, ma- rines and air force headed by the junta battled down resistanceHof Diem's palace guard and elite special forces in an 18-hour fight that ended shortly before dawn. A cease-fire was called. Speculation Michigan Stuns North there is a sense of relief here that tremely careful of is television," over providing federal funds for emphasis can be put on the war, he said. religious institutions. The outlays in the bill are de- signed for construction of class-f rooms needed to meet the flood of new students which is expected w to more than double present cam- l pus enrollments within the next decade.z No Funds By JIM BERGER 'The bill specifies no funds forr Associate sports Editor teachers' salaries. Two-thirds oft Michigan beat Northwestern at its own game yesterday as the the cost of classroom facilitiest Wolverines took advantage of some key breaks and utilized Bob Tim- must be put up by the states in' berlake's passing arm to upset the Wildcats, 27-6, before 51,088 1 order to receive federal grants,! Homecoming fans at Michigan Stadium. and one-fourth the cost in the It was -Michigan's first Big Ten victory of the season and its Tce of loans.hh first genuine upset in three and one-half years. For the Wildcats it The bill authorized the outlays, but the actual money must bet was their third conference loss. approved by Congress in a separ-< Timberlake, who made the fans forget Wildcat All-American can- ate appropriations bill. didate Tom Myers, connected on three touchdown passes, com- One of the church-state -issues pleting 12 of 20 passes for 196, ">settled was an amendment spon-{ yards. He also kicked three extra sored by Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr.E points. Hveryt irt (D-NC), which would have per- mitted a taxpayer to challenge by1 End John Henderson scoaed t 4court suit the dispersal of funds of Michigan's tallies, one on a 24- to church-connected schoolswith yard pass from Timberlake and sucdols wih the other, on a 23-yard runback all such aid being blocked while after intercepting a Myers pass. The conferees decided to strike Michigan led all the way scor- By MIKE BLOCK this from the bill. ing once in the second and fourth Associate sports Editor LimitationsE There was speculation they had actually been slain by revolution- ary troops and that the generals were presenting their death as sui- cide to avoid embarrassment. In Los Angeles, Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu charged yesterday that the deaths of her husband and broth- er-in-law in South Viet Nam "were murders, either with the of- ficial or unofficial blessings of the American goverment." She also said the United States must take responsibility for what- ever has happened to her three younger children, who she believes were in a palace strafed and bom- barded during the upheaval that deposed her ruling family. The junta announced casualties on the revolutionary side had been only about 5 killed and 20 wound- ed. Casualties of the loyalist troops were not known, but they also ap- peared fairly light. Prizes Evans Scholars won the first over-all prize and first prize in the fraternity division in the