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Ia itj
Cloudy with rain
ending early today
Handy Criticizes Constitution,
Plans To Submit Amendments
Rep. Gail Handy (R-Eau
Claire) thinks the new state con-
stitution which takes effect Jan.
1 is "pretty well messed up," and
is presently consulting with at-
torneys to work out several
Certain sections ,of the consti-
tution are "very objectionable"
and this situation will "have to
be rectified," Handy said yester-
He said that several articles,
such as finance and taxation, and
elections, were so confusing that
it would take many nore bills
than necessary to enact them. As
it stands, Handy said, we will need
"more than 200 bills" to enact the
new constitution completely.
What Handy proposes is revis-
ing those sections of the consti-
tution which he considers ,objec-
tionable, and presenting the re-
visions as amendments.
Handy said that he may intro-
duce his plan in the Legislature's
present special session or may
wait until next year.
The new constitution makes
provision in Article XII for its
amendment, saying that any
amendment to be made to it must
be passed by a two-thirds ma-
jority as a joint resolution, then
presented as a referendum, either
in a general election or in a spe-
cial election.
More Lively
"What I'm trying to do," Han-
dy said, "is make the constitution
more active-make it a live docu-
ment. With the constitution as it
reads now, we'd constantly be in
court with it."
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-
Ann Arbor), commenting on Han-
dy's action, said that it's "almost
a solo effort," and that he didn't
know of any supporters for Han-
dy's proposal.
"The bills needed to implement
the new constitution will be out.
of the constitutional implementa-
tion committee probably by next
week or so, and will be printed up
during the recess that the Legis-
lature will take over the deer
hunting season," Bursley said.
He also said that "Handy is not
an expert" on the constitution,
and that the drawing up of bills
for implementing the new consti-
tution is going on right now and
is secondary in importance only4
to the tax program.
Prof. William J. Pierce of the4
Law School, who is also special
consultant to the constitutionall
implementation committee, saic
that "any member of the Legis-
lature can, of coursepropose any
amendment to the constitution,
and many amendments will prob-
ably be proposed."
Bursley agreed, predicting one
probable amendment would be tc
place a ceiling on the state in-
come tax, if such a tax is passed.
Prof. Pierce noted also that the
implementation committee isn't
being another Con-Con at all -
"they're simply working on the
implementation of the constitu-
tion, not changes in the constitu-
tion itself."
To Submit
Delta Sigma Delta professional
fraternity -- the only other Uni-
versity-recognized organization
besides five sororities which hasn't
submitted its membership selec-
tion criteria to Student Govern-
ment Council-is perfectly willing
to file such a statement.
The dental fraternity and the
sororities must forward such in-
formation within 60 days or face
possible punitive action by Coun-
"SGC is certainly welcome to
the information," David McChes-
ney, '64D, president of Delta Sig-
ma Delta, said last night.
"There is no discrimination
practiced here. There are no re-
strictive clauses in the constitu-
tion or bylaws of the fraternity,"
he remarked.
McChesney said he had no
knowledge of the SGC ruling.
He speculated that previous of-
ficers of the house may not have
considered information concern-
ing the policies of the fraternity,
composed of graduate and pro-
fessional students, actually im-
portant to Council.
Warning that high level eco-
nomic expansion of the first half
of 1963 will not continue atRthe
same rate next year, Prof. Ray-
mond Saulnier of Columbia Uni-
versity yesterday urged the adop-
tion of programs to curb the ill-
effects of "over-expansion."
He said that the Kennedy ad-
ministration tax cut proposals will
not stimulate a generally high
economic level in the long run.
Prof. Saulnier, in speaking be-
fore the Eleventh Annual Eco-
nomic Conference held here, said
that the expansion in the economy
that will accompany the certain
tax cut might require a check on
the increases in federal spending,
a management policy for public
debt, a restricted monetary and
credit policy, and possibly a high-
er structure of interest rates.
Deflation Hurts
Although the expansion would
be accompanied by a large boom
at first, the later effects of defla-
tion would tend to hurt the econ-
omy, he said.
"Excessive expansion could give
our economy trouble,", Prof. Saul-
nier, a member of the Council of
Economic Advisors from 1957-61,
commented. It might first encour-
age the stock market to overspec-
ulate and cause a high amount of
Prof. Saulnier added that the
risinig cost indexes might price the
United States out of world
See related story, Page 6
In Flint ExpaninSu
Urge Cautio
... tax referendum
To Consider
Tax Reform
LANSING - Republican legis
lators have set a showdown fo
next week on whether or not the
will support Gov. George Rom
ney's revised tax reform progra
Meanwhile Sen. John P. Smeek
ens (R-Coldwater) is leading
behind-the-scenes drive to hold
statewide referendum on the im
position of a state income tax, a
well as its ceiling.
House Republicans will caucu
and take a roll-call vote "on th
whole tax package," House Speak
er Allison Green (R-Kingston
said yesterday.
Go It Alone
Green said that if the Romne
program - which he earlier sai
would need bipartisan support fo
passage - fails in either cham
ber, then "our group will try fo:
a strictly Republican plan tha
can get passage without the Dem
This, Green has indicated pre-
viously, would involve relativel
few tax changes in the area o
business, and would not includ
an income tax.
A number of House Democrab
expressed doubt that their part
would deliver the 18 or more vote
Green estimated would be neede(
to pass the Romney program.
Bills on Floor
Future action on the progran
includes a vote in the Senate or
four Romney bills regarding as-
sessment procedure. The Senat
Taxation Committee reportec
them to the floor yesterday along
with four bills offered by Sen
Clyde Geerling (R-Holland) : as
part of his alternate tax reform
Senate Majority Leader Stan-
ley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor)
predicted the bills have sufficient
GOP support for adoption, but in-
dicated action would not come un-
til next week. The bills face
trouble in the House.
Smeekens reportedly has 15 co-
signers to a resolution he has cir-
culated among Republican sena-
tors to put the issue of a consti-
tutional limit to an incomestax on
the ballot either at a pecial
spring election or the regular fall
general election, or bth.
Legal Problems
However, the proposed ma-
neuver raises come immediate
techical and legal questions
which may be resolved only if the
resolution is brought to the elec-
The most important of these is
whether an income tax can le-
gally be taken to the voters in a
Union Seeks
Kennedy Talk
The Michigan Union is still at-
tempting to bring Attorney Gen-
eral Robert F. Kennedy to the
camnn for a senaking enea-
Troop Cut'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy said yesterday "the
policy of the United States is to
maintain six divisions in Germany
as long as they are required."
He said that "we are not plan-
ning any reduction" in the army
combat forces in Germany, but
are planning some cuts in non-
combat units.
Kennedy spoke at a news con-
ference in comment on a deluge
of reports from Europe that the
United States would pull some of
its forces out of West Germany.
Reports Follow 'Big Lift'
These reports came out of Paris,
where NATO has its headquarters.
They followed rumors sparked by
operation "Big Lift," that took a
complete division to Europe by air,
plus a speech by Deputy Secretary
of Defense Roswell Gilpatric a
week ago Saturday in Chicago.
Gilpatric said that a series of
changes in American military
forces overseas lies ahead.
But on the scene in Germany
last week, Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and Secretary of the Army
Cyrus R. Vance both gave renewed'
assurances that the United States
was not going to cut its 250,000-
man ground forces in Europe.
Domestic Politics
And, in the political wars at
home, Kennedy brushed off withaa
laughing retort a charge by Re-
publican Sen. Barry Goldwater
(R-Ariz) that his administration
is falsifying the news in order to
perpetuate itself in power.
"I'm confident that he'll be
making many more serious
charges than this one during the
coming months," Kennedy said.
Asked about troop reductions
in the Far East, Kennedy said the
schedule calls for removing 1000
men from Viet Nam by the end
of the year. The first withdrawal,
he said, would be of about 250.
As far as other forces are con-
cerned, he went on, there would
have to be more study later. He
noted that "we are able to movet
about the world much faster" and
that new planes would increase"
airlift capacity much more.
CAUTION AND STUDY-State education experts and legislators
warned yesterday that the University proceed cautiously in for-
mulating any proposal on expanding its Flint College. State
Superintendent of Public Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett (right) not-
ed that the expansion question must be considered as a whole by
advisory groups such as Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" com-
mittee. Alvin Bentley (left) is a key member of this committee.
Faculty To Evaluate
Admissions Criteria
At their meeting Monday the faculty of the literary college will
consider whether or not to retain current admissions criteria, includ-
ing the achievement tests of the College Entrance Examinaion Board.
Prof. Benno G. Fricke of the psychology department recently
recommended that the University drop the achievement tests because
they are invalid in purporting to represent knowledge in a specific field.
However, Prof. Fricke, who is assistant chief of the University
Evaluations and Examinations division, said in a recent interview that
" the literary college would be "jus-
tified" in continuing to use the
0 R ecTruhScholastic Aptitude Test. He
claimed the test does, in fact,
Wait To
'Blue Ribbon'
Fitzgerald Declares
Intent To Introduce
Capital Outlay Bill
Key state legislators warned the
University yesterday to move cau-
tiously in formulating plans for
an expansion of its Flint College
into a four-year institution.
There were, however, indications
of legislative support should the
University ultimately ask for an
increased capital outlay appro-
priation to finance the expansion.
This included a firm commit-
ment by Rep. Lee Fitzgerald (D-
Flint) to introduce legislation
"asking the Legislature to in-
crease its capital outlay appro-
priation to the University for the
purpose,'of Flint expansion."
Foresaw Barriers
University .officials, in disclos-
ing Wednesday that. they are
studying the possibility of ac-
cepting a freshman class at the
junior-senior Flint branch next
fall for the first time, had ex-
pressed their intention to move
cautiously in view of the/numerous
obstacles-particularly the chances
of getting legislative funds.
They were unable last year to
receive a legislative endorsement
in principle of a proposed merger
of Delta College with the Univer-
Although legislative approval is
not required to permit the Uni-
versity to expand, this approval is
considered crucial by University
officials as an indication that the
Legislature will ultimately back
the expansion financially
Wurzel Comments
"The further danger of expan-
sion invites the American govern-
ment to intervene in American
business with more control," he,
And finally the over-expansion
would create a worsened balance
of payments, although the tax cut
itself will make the American
market more favorable to foreign
The American economy is op-
erating at just about peak capac-
ity; unemployment for men who
are family heads has decreased
to a low level.
Explosive Economy
Prof. Saulnier said that he does
not expect the tax cut to have the
explosive effect on the economy
that many people do. He added
that it is possible that tax cut ef-
fects have already been felt al-
though it has not yet been imple-
Also the individual effect of the
tax cut will not be felt as greatly
as many think; the amount per
family will only be slight.
Prof. Saulnier also commented
that the problem of unemploy-
ment is one that must be solved
and the measures used must be
Better Administration
He urged that programs of job
training, and retraining be better
designed and administered.
Also, a better answer must be
found to the programs "aimed at
the development of industry in
so-called distressed areas." The
local communities must be closely
coordinated with this effort if it
is to be successful, Prof. Saulnier
Thirdly, Prof. Saulnier noted
that the racial problem continues
to keep unemployment high.
He added that there must
finally be a program to create
new jobs for many who will be
added to the economy in the
"If we progress steadily in mas-
tering this problem of unemploy-
ment" along with the present
plans for the tax cut, "the growth
of the economy will be extended
through 1964 and 1965 and be-
yond," Prof. Saulnier said.
-Daily-Sam Haberman
HOMECOMING-These two spirited fans radiate their enthus-
iasm for Saturday's Festivities to passers-by on Diag.i
.Louis Armstrong
to Set Homcoin one
Beds, hay and tricycles will set off a "Roaring Twenties" Home-
coming this weekend.
Reminiscent of the University's first Homecoming 40 years ago,
events from crazy Campus Games to Louis Armstrong's jazz concert
will be featured in the era of "'63 Skidoo."
A take-off on the old Class Games will begin the weekend fes-
tivities at 4:15 p.m. today, as University residence halls challenge
each other in three main events.
Of Switching
Exam Dates
Literary college students faced
with three final exams in one day
this semester have a fairly good
chance off getting one of them
rescheduled, A s s o c i a t e Dean
James H. Robertson said recently.
Some departments give a par-
ticular final on two days: a regu-
lar day on which most students
take the exam, and a special al-
ternate day for students having
direct conflicts with other finals.
"We're requesting those depart-
ments which are giving a final on
two days to allow students with
three-exam problems to take it on
the alternate day," Dean Robert-
son explained.
Students with three exams on
one day, none of which have al-
ternate periods listed in the time
schedule, will have to take them
all unless they can make special
arrangements with their instruc-
tors, Dean Robertson added.
More PupilS
For Project
The Ann Arbor Tutorial Project
announced last night a mass re-
cruitment program, conceived in
order to enlist more Ann Arbor
school children at pupils.
The project has at the moment
approximately 90 unmatched tu-
tors and 20 unmatched children.
Although over 200 pairs of tutors
and children have already been
matched, these other 90 tutorsand
20 children have not found mates
because of selective matching pro-
Meticulous in Selection
"We want to be as meticulous
as possible in making sure tutors
and children are well suited for
each other," said Richard Sleet,
coordinator for the project.
The program is designed to
make us of the 90 tutors that are
as yet unmatched.
"We plan to speak to children
and parents of children already
enrolled in the project. Through
them we hope to find friends,
neighbors or classmates of these
children who would be interested
in participating in the project,"
Jemie McBride, '66, program co-
chairman said.
Increases Reserve Stock
By enlarging its reserve stock of
prospective pupils the project
hopes to facilitate proper match-
ing, according to its selective cri-
teria. The tutors teach on a strict
one-to-one basis, making the cor-
rect matching of a tutor and a
child very important.
Sees Duplication
"The main reason I oppose use
of the College Board's so-called
achievement tests is that the avail-
able evidence suggests they are
not good measures of proficiency
in specific subjects but rather that,
they are mainly measures of gen-
eral academic ability-the same
general ability measured by the
Board's so-called Scholastic Ap-
titude Test," Prof. Fricke declared.
He said ,that he was "not opti-
mistic" that the literary college
would vote to discontinue use of
the tests.
What evidence does he present
that the achievement tests are not
Submits Report
The gist of his data is reported
in a memorandum submitted to
the Board of Trustees of the Col-
lege Entrance Examination Board
last summer.
In the report Prof. Fricke sug-
gested that the Board discontinue
use of the tests, and he recom-
mended use of his own Opinion,
Attitude and Interest Survey for
more accurateprediction of the
academic success of college appli-
"Despite widespread use of the
CEEB Achievement Tests for many
years, there is relatively little re-
search evidence on their distinc-
tive validity and usefulness," the
report stated.
Studies Correlation
After discovering what he con-
sidered to be a dearth of evidence
on the test's validity, Prof. Fricke
began a project to, determine the
correlation between CEEB Achieve-
ment Test scores of University stu-
dents and subsequent grades earn-
ed in the appropriate courses.
The report related his findings:
a specific achievement test "has
about the same correlation with
grades in inappropriate courses as
they do with grades in appropri-
ate courses."
For example, the chemistry de-
partment test correlates .50 with
chemistry grades, but .50 with
social studies grades. Further,
Prof. Fricke's statistics show the
biology test has an even higher
correlation with chemistry grades
than with biology grades.
Startling Finding
Thus, the achievement test in
biology will predict more accurate-
ly success in chemistry courses
than the chemistry test will.
Beyond this, Prof. Fricke stated
in his renort that use of the
The call for prudence came es-
pecially loud yesterday from the
chairman ofl the House Education
Committee, Rep. Raymond C.
Wurzel (R-St. Clair).
He expressed "a strong commit-
ment" to prevent the senior col-
lege from "adopting freshman and
sophomore education under its
Wurzel said he intended "to
make sure that the two colleges
at Flint-the community and sen-
ior colleges-maintain their sep-
arate and autonomous identies."
Save Purpose
He explained that the Flint
community college-which cur-
rently educates freshmen and
sophomores-was "created with a
purpose, a purpose that no big
university should eliminate."
By taking over the freshman
and sophomore education, the
University would bar many stu-
dents currently able to get two-
year "terminal education" from
getting "a higher education de-
gree of any kind," Wurzel explain-
At the same time, Wurzel's
counterpart is the upper house,
Senate Education Committee Edu-
cation Chairman William G. Mil-
liken (R-Traverse City) urged
caution but registered his support
"to encourage the University's ex-
pansion of its Flint College."
Four-Year Institution
Although the University's plans
are obviously only in the specu-
lative stage, "I am very much con-
cerned with the need for a four-,
year institution in the Flint area,"
he commented.
Both legislators did agree, how-
ever, that the University should
await a recommendation by Gov.
George Romney's advisory "blue
ribbon" Citizens Committee on
Higher Education on the general
question of st c-elide expansion.
Committee member Alvin Benta
ley has given assurances that his
subcommittee - charged w i t h
framing a specific recommenda-
tion on higher education by De-
cember-will investigate the over-
all question of expanston this
Other Advisory Opinions
Also calling for advisory opin-
ions, State Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett
said that the University should
Srinsi n n:- - -e --- win n vrn
measure "scholastic aptitude."
Flying Feathers
The first bed race since 1923
will be run from Rackham Lec-
ture Hall to the General Library
to begin the contests. Four men
carrying a four-poster bed with a
woman student on top will make
up each entry.
Following this will be a scram-
ble for silver dollars in a hay-
stack in the middle of the Diag.
The contestants, women in middy
blouses and bloomers, will nave
five minutes to collect all the dol-
lars they can.
A Tricycle Rally around an ob-
stacle course is next on the list of
Latest Attempts at Friday Follies.
A six-feet-tall qualification has
been imposed upon all entrants.
'Clark Cites Conservative Moral Basis
"Conservative views are vital,
modern, and applicable to the 20th
century," Prof. John Clark of the
engineering college said last night.
He added that his moral basis
for conservatism is Christianity,
although Christianity is not neces-
sarily conservatism and can sur-
vive in governments which are not
"The nhilosonhical anchor of
and destruction throughout his-
Utopias are an incorrect view of
morality: It is not a relative state,
but an individual matter to be de-
rived not from laws but from
"within a ,person."
Starts with God
Prof. Clark's personal conserva-
tive view of morality has as its
starting point God-the supreme
fnrna in -h. liivr a n a art
points, and the Bible as a mor-
alistic basis for conservatism.
Majority View
The Supreme Court ruling on
prayer in schools disturbs Prof.
Clark because the nation's major-
ity believes in God.
"We are, in our minds, gettingj
rid of the realization of the pres-
ence and the foundation of God in
American life. We are attempting
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