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August 27, 1963 - Image 45

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trong Swim Squad Challenges Indiana

Women Tankers Lose Coach


F. t

Sports Editor
They haven't exactly been "re-
building" years, and yet Michigan
t hasn't won a Big Ten swimming
title for four seasons now.
Nationally, Coach Gus Stager's
teams have ranked first, fourth
and third in the three-year inter-
v'al since the 1960 championship,
while finishing second behind In-
diana three straight times in the
* Big Ten.
This winter, with Indiana serv-
Ing out the last of its four years
of NCAA probation and ineligibil-
ity for football recruiting viola-
tions, Stager says he thinks his
Wolverines may be able tao put an
end to the Hoosiers' claim to be
the uncrowned champions of col-
legiate swimming.
Lots of Potential
"We're getting much more depth
every year," Stager points out.
"We'll have a tremendous amount
of potential this season. If every-
body comes through, we can beat
Indiana, but we're going to have
to .work harder than we have so
far." ;
Stager's reason for optumism is
that most of his varsity team has
been left intact from last year and
will be supplemented by the best
crop of new sophomores since the
1957 freshman squad, which pro-
duced one Olympic and three
NCAA champions.
The total effect is that Michigan
will lave even better than its cus-
tomary depth to build around a
nucleus of two world-class swim-
mers, backstroker Ed Bartsch and
distance freestyler Bill Farley.
Bartsch, an amiable .iunior from
Philadelphia, finished a spectacu-
lar 1963 season on the upsurge by
winning the NCAA title at 200
yards and then outstroking the
best in the Western Hemisphere
for the Pan-American title at 100
Farley Makes Impression
Farley became Bartsch's Pan-
Am teammate for the United
States by finishing second in the
AAU 1650-yard. freestyle to estab-
lish himself as one of the most
promising. newcomers in the sport.
In the Games, however, the La-
Canada,. Calif., freshman suffered
an attack of dysentery and had to
settle for fourth. As a sophomore
this season, Farley will be unbeat-
able, in Big Ten competition, in
Stager's estimation.
Besides. Bartsch and Farley,
Michigan's depth chart. will be
headed by five finalists beck from
last year's NCAA meet competition
-butterfiyer Jeff Moore, breast-
stroker Geza Bodolay, diver Ed
Boothman and distance freestylers
Roy Burry and Tom Dudley.
The caliber of the team this sea-
son is such that Stager says he
feels that it will not be noticeably
handicapped by the loss of six
men to graduation, even though
one of them, Dick (Breezy) Nel-
son, was a former national AAU
champion breaststroker and three-
time collegiate titlist, and another,
Pete Cox, was runner-up in the
NCAA one-meter dive.
Four More Leave
The others were distance men
John Dumont and Warren Uhler,
backstroker Mike Reissing and
sprinter Steve Thrasher.
Here is a rundown, event by
event, of Michigan's hopes this
BACKSTROKE: Although Bar-
tsch protects both backstroke
events, Stager has no one of proven

calls this Michigan's weakest
stroke, although Reppert was
fourth at 400 yards and sixth at
200 in theh Big Ten last year.
D'Arti, Orlando and Spann are
others who may see action in the
gan has all its sprinters back ex-
cept Thrasher, and Stager says
this could be one of the team's
strongest areas if the problem of
inconsistency can be solved. There
are seven challengers for a limited
number of openings-senior Frank
Berry, juniors Jim Riutta, Tom
Burns and Reppert, and sopho-
mores Rich Walls, Bob Hoag and
Bob Tanner.
Riutta, Berry Place
Riutta was fourth in the Big
Ten 50 last year, while Berry, who
has anlchored both relay teams for
two years, was the squad's best
man at 200 yards, having beaten
Michigan State's Mike Wood, then
the NCAA-record-holder, for third
place in the Big Ten.
without Dumont and Uhler, Michi-
gan's traditionally strong distance
men will provide one of the best
one-two-three punches in the na-
tion this year. Farley, besides hav-
ing swum 16:59.7, the second-fast-
est 1650 in history, is also excellent
at the 500 and 200 and was one of
the first men in the nation to
break 5:00 in the 500 last year.
Burry and Dudley, both seniors,
came in two-three in the NCAA
1650 last year after placing four-
three in the Big 'Ien. Burry was
sixth in the NCAA 500 after he
and Dudley had gone five-six in
the Big Ten.
DIVING: Boothman, a junior
this year, will lead a strong diving
contingent. While Cox was placing
second in the NCAA one-meter,
Boothman was doing the same at
three meters. Senior Paul Attar
and British Olympian John Cand-
ler both return and will be supple-
mented by sophomores Bruce
Brown, John White and Greg
That will do for a starter for
Michigan while Indiana Coach Jim
(Doc) Counsilman is trying to find
replacements for Chet Jastrem-
ski, Ken Nakasone and Alan Som-

'The old gang is breaking up,"
said Mrs. Rose Marie Dawvson,
women's swimming coach, just be-
fore she, her husband Buck, three
daughters and one son packed up
and moved to London, Ont. last
Mrs. Dawson resigned her post
at Michigan after^ deciding that
she would havea better opportun-
ity at Western Ontario to develop
a comprehensive women's athletic
program. Not only will Mrs. Daw-
son not be here to coach this sea-
son, but practically all the swim-
mers who helped start off the Ann
Arbor Swim Club six years ago will
be missing.
Suzy Thrasher, probably the best
all-around swimmer that Mrs.
Dawson developed, moved to Ha-
waii last summer. She hopes to
con2inue in a physical education
program there and eventually to
become a coach. Miss Thrasher
has won the trophy presented to
the best woman swimmer in Mich-
igan for the past four years.
Sinn Gone
Marty Sinn left the amateur
ranks before last season by com-
peting in the 15-mile World
Championship Swim in Lake On-
tario the summer before last. Miss
Sinn was fifth in the race but was
the first woman to finish.
Three other competitors from
last season's squad will not be
back this season. Jan Snavely and
Nancy Wager have both an-
nounced their retirement from

Miss Snavely is from Ann Arbor
and swam for the AASC before
joining the Michigan team in her
freshman year. Miss Wager has
been the swimming representative
on the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion for the past two seasons. Both
swimmers have placed in the state
AAU finals and the women's col-
legiate championships.
Staying Home
Donna Conklin, after swimming
at Michigan in her freshman year,
is going back to her home in Mon-'
treal to attend school. Miss Conk-
lin placed in both the state AAU
and women's collegiate nationals
last season.
With such former state and na-'
tional champions as Sue Rogers,
Eileen Murphy and Sperry Jones,
having retired a year or two ago,'
there is now no one left from the'
early days of women's swimming
in Ann Arbor. But a new crop of
swimmers that arrived before last'
season will be carrying on the
swimming tradition.
Pam Swart, a sophomore from
Ft. Lauderdale, won two firsts and
a second as Michigan took the
team championship at the first
Women's Collegiate Swimming
Meet last December. She set a na-
tional collegiate record in the 200-
yard freestyle and tied her own
record at 100 yards.
More Records.
Peggi Wirth, a sophomore fom
Royal Oak, also set one record and
tied another. Her time in the 100-'
yard individual medley was good

enough for a new record. Mi
Wirth tied the 50-yard freesty
record in winning that event.
Cynthia Osgood, a sophomo
from Detroit, took third in tl
100-yard freestyle and was on t.
winning 200-yard medley reli
Diving will again be stror
Micki King and June Mori we
first and fourth in the one-met
diving event. Miss King also plac
in the top seven at the Natiorn
AAU Meet last spring. Karen Rya
the best Ann Arbor diver tv
seasons ago, will be back after
year of studying in France.
Good Year
Last season the Wolverine me
maids won all seven of their du
meets prior to winning the n
tional championship. This tot
included two victories over Mich
gan State. Other teams defeatf
were McGill, Ontario Agricultur:
Western Ontario, Syracuse, ar
After the college season w
over, the swimmers joined the A
Arbor Swim Club for the AA
season. The team lost only o:
dual meet and then took its lf f
straight Michigan championshir
The AASC also won its thi:
straight national AAU water po
championship last spring. Cyntb
Osgood was named the most vali
able player in the championsh
tournament as well as being nam
to the All-American team. Oth
All-Americans named were Mic
King, Nancy Wager and Peg

-'Ensian-Gerry Ahronheim
ANOTHER FIRST-Ed Bartsch (lower) displays some of the form which made him one of the top
men in the backstroke in the country last year. The Philadelphia Junior last season was second in
the Big Ten, tied for third in the AAU and first inthe NCAA plus representing the United States at
the Pan-American games, taking the 100 meter crown. Bartsch will be backed up this year by Mike
Reissing and new sophomores Geoff D'Atri and Rees Orland, a former high school All-American.

ability to back him up without
Reissing, fourth in the Big Ten1
200 last year. The best bets among
the new sophomores are Geoff
D'Atri and Rees Orland, a former
high school All-America.
If 'Bartsch repeats last year's'
performance, however, Michigan
will need no one to back him up.'
Beaten at 200 yards only by Chuck
Bittick of the U.S. Navy 'and Tom
Stock of Indiana, Bartsch was sec-
ond in the Big Ten, tied for third
in the AAU and first in the NCAA.
Bittick and Stock are the only two
men ever to have swum faster
than Bartsch's varsity record of
Best, Worst in 100
At 100 yards, which-Bartsch as
a pace swimmer feels is his weaker
distance, he finished third in the
Big Ten, second in the AAU, fourth
in tlhe NCAA and first in the Pan-
Ams. Although he was defeated
during the season by Bittick,
Stock, Princeton's Jed Graei,
Southern California's Bob Ben-
nett and Michigan State's Jeff

Mattson, he recouped it with re-
turn victories over all of them,l
including the supposedly invincibles
Bittick, a former USC star come1
out of retirement and the only
man to have surpassed Bartsch's
varsity record of :53.5 in the 100.r
BUTTERFLY: Moore, the team1
captain-elect, proved himself one
of the best 200 men in the country'
last year with a fourth in the Big
Ten and third in the NCAA meet.
He has a personal best of 2:00.0
and will be shooting for the varsity;
record of 1:58.4 thisyear.
The best man at 100 yards, how-.
ever, was Jeff Longstreth, a senior
who finished fourth in the Big Ten
and eighth in the NCAA with a
best of :53.2. Versatile junior Lantz
Reppert is another possibility here,
although he is probably more val-
uable elsewhere. Two outstanding
sophomores at both 100 and 200
are Dave Roadhouse and Bill
Spann. Senior Enn Mannard,
fourth in the Big Ten 200 as a
sophomore, will try for a comfe-
back after missing most of last
year because of illness.

los of Nelson, one of the best men;
at 100 yards in the country, Stager;
thinks the team could be stronger
this year than last in the stroke.
Returnng are both Boloday, a
Hungarian refugee who placed
third in the NCAA 200 at 2:18:1;
last year, and senior John Baker,
who placed fourth in the same
race as a sophomore but never got
off the ground last year.
An invaluable addition will be
sophomore Steve Rabinovich, the
Canadian champion and an Olym-
pian who Stager thinks can at
least fill Nelson's shoes at 100 yards
on the medley relay. Other possi-
bilities are D'Atri and junior Drew




1963 Football Schedule

Oct. 19 PURDUE
Oct. 26 Minnesota
Nov. 9 Illinois
Nov. 16 IOWA


-'Enslan-Gerry Ahronheim
PLANING HIGH-Jeff Moore, team captain-elect, seems to be
ready for take off during this bit of last year's action in Moore's
specialty, the 200-yard butterfly event. Last season Moore proved
himself one of the best men in the 200 in the country by taking
fourth in the Big Ten and third in the NCAA meet. He has a best
time of 2:00.0, :01.6 off the varsity record.

Nov. 23


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