Alem bersh i (EDITOR'S NOTE: Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis will announce his opinion of Student Government Council's membership motion in a statement to the SGC meeting tonight. Lewis can either approve or veto the motion. The membership controversy has a long history which the following story details.) By CARL J. COHEN The struggle of students for a voice in regulating membership practices in student organizations dates back to the establishment of the Committee on Student Affairs in the early 1900's and the Student Legislature which first- gave students a voice in University business. The Committee on Student Affairs was composed of seven students, six faculty members, the dean of men and the dean of women. On May 3, 1949, this committee passed a motion stating that "the Committee on Student Affairs refuses to recognize any organiza- tion which prohibits membership in the organization because of race, religion or color." That was the start of it all. Presidential Vetoes Two efforts were made to get the University to enforce this mo- tion, and both were vetoed by presidents of the University. On March 6, 1951, the Student Affairs Committee passed a reso- lution setting October 15 of that year as the date by which all rec- ognized student organizations must eliminate "discriminatory clauses" as a condition of continued University recognition. Ten days after this resolution was passed, Interfraternity Coun- cil filed a formal appeal with University President Alexander Ruthven Bias onCamp us: that it be overruled. President Ruthven's decision was announced on May 24, 1951: "... In our zeal to protect the constitutional privileges, and immunities of certain citizens, we must be careful not to in- fringe upon or impare equally sacred rights of others Rescind Resolution "The resolution . . . would preemptoriiy withdraw recognition as of October 15, 1956, from any organization still retaining discrimina- * tory clauses even though the local chapter had in good faith attempt- < ed to remove such clauses from its constitution . . . therefore the action of the Student Affairs Committee in approving the foregoing resolution is hereby rescinded." The next official action by the Student Affairs Committee was another resolution, on March 11, 1952. The situation surrounding the resolution was different from the first in two significant respects: first it was merely a recommendation to the president of the Univer- sity, and second there was a new president of the University, Harlan Hatcher. The substance of the recommendation was also mfiilder, its only requirements for continued recognition of a student organization was, that the group "present a motion on the floor of their respective na- tional conventions asking for the removal of such clauses, support, and vote positively for such a motion." Religious groups were exempt- LEXANDER RUTHVEN ed, and provisions were made in case there was no national conven- two presidents :.. tion within the period. Also, yearly progress reports were demanded. A Recap itulatio On May 20 of that year, President Hatcher issued a comment on the recommendation, saying that although "the overwhelming major- ity of us (the University) are in agreement on the principles of our democratic society ... we believe that the processes of education and personal and group convictions will bring us forward faster and on a sounder basis, then the proposed methods of coercion." In 1954 the Student Legislature became the Student Government Council, and in 1956 the Sigma Kappa case came up. On Sept. 3, 1956, SGC learned that the National Council of Sigma Kappa Sorority had suspended two chapters, Cornell and Tufts, which had each just admitted two Negro students. Sigma Kappa Issue On Dec. 5, SGC determined that Sigma Kappa Sorority had failed (a) to continue to meet the conditions for initial recognition listed in the "University Regulations Concerning Student Affairs, Con- duct and Discipline," and (b) to act in good faith with the spirit of the regulations for recognized organizations. A stay-of-action was placed on the SGC resolution by the calling of a meeting of the Board in Review, composed of the dean of men, dean of women, thrpe faculty members and two students, who met a week later along with representatives of Sigma Kappa. The decision of the board was that there was no basis for changing the resolution, See STUDENT, Page 5 A HARLAN HATCHER .. . two vetoes MIAMI VIOLATES FREEDOM OF PRESS See Editorial Page 5kr t~~ :4Iaitt1 FAIR High--60 Low--30 A little warmer, cloudy towards evening Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Law School Studies Expansion Question To Build New Libraries, Offices; To Handle Enrollment, Joiner Says By MARILYN KORAL The Law School has recently taken three related steps to gauge and prepare for likely enrollment increases in the near future, Dean Allan Smith of the Law School said in an interview yesterday. A report submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs late last semester by Dean Smith predicts expanding need for lawyers in the state, and charts an upswing in applicants for admission. The esti- maztes ,were based on current ratios of lawyers to population figures in the light of expected population rise. Commenting onthe report, Dean Smith said, "The conclusions seemed clear. Somewhere in the state there are going to have to be more lawyers trained soon." Since Into day I Full xpand Center at Fun Four-Year * * * * * * * * * filing the report with the OAA last spring, there have been "no deci- sions reached by the central ad- ministration on this problem," he said. It was decided by the Law School faculty that plans for en- rollment increases "are contingent upon expansion of facilities." Ex- pansion is necessary now and will be vital when larger freshman classes are admitted in the future, Dean Smith commented. Thus a second step was taken when a faculty committee, head- ed by Associate Dean Charles Joiner, was created this summer to plan for expansion in the phy- sical plant of the school. Library space, student seminar rooms and office space would be made avail- able through new building. In his annual report to Uni- versity. President Harlan Hatcher at the close of last semester, Dean Smith wrote, "For two years, I have called attention to the need for planning added facilities . . needs are now sufficiently press- ing that planning should be com- pleted during the year 1963-64, so that they may be included in the University's c a p i t a 1 expansion program." The building program will prob- ably not begin for about five years because of its position on the capital outlay priority list, Dean Smith estimated. There are two possible alterna- tives to the location of the facili- ties, he explained: space between the present library and Monroe St., or the vacant land across the street from the Law Quadrangle on South University St. Although the faculty committee has met a few times this summer, major decision making on the building program won't be made by the faculty committee until earlyr next semester. The delay in planning is due to Dean Joiner's participation on a state commit- tee presently deciding ways to im- plement the new constitution, Dean Smith explained. More Professors In a third step, Dean Smith re- cently filed a report with Vice- President for Academic Affairs Roger Heyns requesting authori- zation for a program to add 10 new professors to the Law School faculty over a five-year period. "I have not received written or confirmed response on the entire program," he commented. How- ever, he was authorized to hire two or three new law professors next year. Dean Smith estimated that "the only reason" Vice-President Heyns could not commit himself to the five-year program was that legis- lative appropriations are not ex- tended this long, and there could be no guarantee of funds for fac- ulty salaries. Cheapest Graduate School "Legal education has for many years been conducted as the cheapest graduate education in the country," he declared. Approximately one-third of a law student's education-includ- ing all of the basic courses-takes place in a classroom of 80-100 students. "This is far too big for first rate instruction," Dean Smith claimed.f However, he made clear that the problem was beyond power of the OAA, and that this year's hir- ing authorisation represents "some, progress." Romneyccepts scPlan - Governor Says FOUR-YEAR CLASSIFICATION: Program Fits-- -- Groesbeck Views Possibilities Most Demands By KAREN WEINHOUSE By The Associated Press for most of the student body, to which required preclassification. LANSING - Governor George "We would like eventually to plan so far in advance, he ad- The following semester pre- work out an advanced classifica- mitted. classification was opened to all Romney said yesterday the re- tion system whereby a student A second immediate drawback undergraduate courses. Groesbeck vamped tax reform program being would sign up for as many years to University-wide long range now hopes to extend the system discussed in Republican legislative in advance about which he is able classification would be the great to graduate courses. caucuses today is acceptable to o make an adequa ecision expense of clerical and computer It was hoped that eventually Edward Groesbeck, director of the time, he said. the entire registration process him. Office of Registration and Rec- The system of advanced classi- could be done by mail. The stu- The governor told a news con- ords, said yesterday. fication which has been operating dent would fill out his desired ference that although the pro- Although such a system would for the last two semesters has program and registration mater- gram is in some aspects different benefit students in programs such proved to be advantageous to both ials and return both to the Office from his own, it mee is our as pre-medical or pre-legal stu- students and the academic depart- of Registration and Records. basic demands for acceptance. dies, it might prove impractical ments, according to Mr. Groes- Groesbeck now considers this im- In fact, Romney said, some of beck. He expects it to continue practical. the new parts of the program are T permanently. improvements over his original ohnson V e Academic counselors are now plan.' cdmccuslr r o i e Romney's four criteria for an notified when a course is closed. G ven acceptable tax reform program Dr Line Zone This eliminated the problem of have been that it provide tax re- students having to see their coun- lief and equity for business and selors a second time when they 30Fine low-income groups, that it pro- Third Ward Councilman Paul H. found their approved courses fill- vide for local governments to raise Johnson, chairman of the liquor ed at registration. needed revenue and thas t give committee, told the City Council Advanced classification is a ben- The Interfraternity C o u n c i 1 relief from the property taxes. Monday night that his committee efit to the academic departments Executive Committee last night Telie m th pey txed is studying proposals which would because it allows them to provide found Alpha Tau Omega guilty The new plan has been worked "more closely define the eastern more sections for a popular course. of "conduct unbecoming of a out in recent days by five Repub- boundary of the dry zone." In any case this system "does fraternity" in that there was ex- hcan senators and five Republican The committee is also studying for the student what he would do cessive noise at an ATO party last House members.Thetenlawak-a the possibility of the creation of for himself," Mr. Groesbeck said. Saturday night and fined the ers formed a special leadershipa"dyi committee after Romney's plan a "dry island" rather than an The classification department tries fraternity $300. eastern boundary which would be to fit into the academic schedule $150 of the fine was suspended bogged down in the Senate. a "psychological thing to let par- each student's individual elections over two years. Whether a majority of the Re- ents think their children are away at the time he elects them. A sec- ATO was also found guilty of publicans in the Senate would ac- from liquor." tion being full, the student will be having alcohol present in the cdet er ne npro osalwcauses inJohnson said his commnittee placed in another section of that house even though it had been currently has no specific recom- course. confiscated by chaperones from the House and Senate. mendations as to the actual The advanced classification pro- uninvited guests. Senate Majority Leader Stanley boundaries, but added that he ex- gram was put into effect in the The committee, in fining ATO G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said pects it will present three alter- spring of 1963. At that time the took only the excessive noise vio- the special committee "reported I natives to the council in the near Office of Registration of Records lation into consideration. The al- , See ROMNEY, Page 5 future. selected 100 undergraduate courses cohol violation was not consider- Institution ChangeWould Ease Admissions Problem Dorr Emphasizes Importance Of Complete Community Support By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The University is currently considering the possibility of expanding its Flint College into a four year institution. Aimed at easing the growing University admissions pres- sures, this proposed expansion would be begun next fall by ad- mitting a 200-student freshman class to what is now the Uni- versity's two-year senior college in Flint, Dean for Statewide Education Harold M. Dorr said yesterday. Flint's two classes-junior and senior-make up the cur- rent enrollment of 600 students. Studying the chances of effecting this expansion is an in- quiry group composed of University officials, Flint College administrators and prominento Y :' ue'' g - . 1 t, . ! f, t] 1 Flint citizens which has ex- pressed "considerable senti- ment" for the expansion but which realizes "the numerous barriers blocking it," he said. Flint Attitudes The strength of these barriers will center particularly around the attitude of Flint citizens. If the expansion is to be effected, Dorr explained, it will depend on their efforts to aid the proposed expan- sion, the attitude of the local school board and the willingness of the Flint Community Junior College-currently affiliated with the senior college-to work out a suitable expansion arrangement will also be important, Dorr said. The Flint junior college shares the same campus, facilities and maintains loose academic ties with the senior college. Currently, about 70 per cent ,of the students at the senior college formerly attended the junior college. Dorr observed that the Univer- sity has taken special notice of the possible conflict which could flare over students from the Flint area. These students who might have enrolled at the junior college in the past might now enroll in the Flint College freshman class, he said. Because of the importance of local issues, an encouraging factor in the expansion movement is that "among its supporters are prom- inent citizens of Flint." 'U's' Wish He explained that their desire to bring a four year degree-grant- ing institution has supported the University's own wish "to assume its statewide responsibility for pro- viding higher education facilities." It was this joining of local and University interests which brought about the structuring of an in- quiry committee composed of lo- cal and University representatives, he explained. It was formed last year. The inquiry committee includes nrr. Flint College Dean David M. NEGRO PROBLEMS: Mayhew Sees Necessity of Special Compensation 1 1 ;">----- By ROBERT SHLIFER < "I think there is a need for special compensation to Negroes -let me tell you why this is justified," Leon Mayhew of the sociology dept. said in a talk at! Mary Markley Hall last night. The demand for special com- pensation has always existed, Mr. Mayhew said. "During the 1940's3 most liberals thought they had an answer-convince people to be color-blind, to look at Negroes for their ability." Fair employment laws came about from this ap- proach, the idea being to force those doing the hiring to be orni ind hP n,,tAndr school recruitment were given, it was soon evident that most of their employees were friends and relatives of previous employees," he said. "These are primary group affiliations. Irish will tell other Irish about job opportunities and Negroes will tell other Negroes. Only, if there are no Negroes in the firm to start with, there are never going to be any." Discrimination in one sphere will reproduce itself in another, he maintained. Residential seg- regation reproduces itself as de facto school segregation which, in most cases produces poorly train- ed people which reproduces itself on the labor markets, he explain- Negroes know about open jobs so no Negroes apply." Getting back to his subject, Mayhew talked about affirmative action as opposed to special com- pensation. Quotas, a form of com- pensation, are hard to justify and are illegal, he said. Affirmative action that falls just short of quotas is needed, he explained. Mayhew, upon finding that one company had recruited only at the high schools that the person- nel managers had attended, sug- gested that recruitment at a Ne- gro high school be done.' Discrimination in Reverse "A white man lost out on a job ed in levying the fine, because it was taken by the correct au- thority, according to IF Execu- tive Vice-President Richard Man- del, '64. Ann Arbor police reported the excessive noise violation, while Office of Student Affairs Invest- igator Harold Swoverland discov-; ered the alcohol in the possession of chaperones after the close of the party. Accordin. to Mandel, e v e n though the committee did not take the alcohol violation into consid- eration, it considered the excessive noise charge a serious offense. ATO has not decided whether it will appeal the decision. U.S. Approves 'Nuclear' Zones UNITED NATIONS AP) - The United States gave limited approv- .. - DEAN OAROLD DORR ... cooperation needed St udent Group At Wisconsin Forms Union Special ToThe Daily MADISON - Student employes at the University of Wisconsin have organized the first student labor union in the nation. Called the Wisconsin Student Employes Association (WISEM), the union includes part-time and non-civil service employes, both student and non-student at the university. The union states its goals as higher wages, a graduated wage scale based upon skill, yearly in- creases based on tenure, seniority rights, protection from unw9rrant- ed dismissal and aid in finding jobs. An official of WISEM said that there would be "no closed shop techniques." Charles W. Allmand, University nesnneloicemr. exnlainedri s-