THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Army Ousts President, Dissolves Government In Dahomey It -Associated Press MOROCCANS CLAIM SUCCESS-Morocco claimed yesterday its troops had penetrated almost to Tindouf, open arrow. Shaded is disputed border with Algeria. Tinfouchy and Hassi-Beida have been other battle points. Morocco Claims Troops Enter Algerian Territory MARRAKECH, Morocco W--The government said yesterday royal Moroccan troops have moved into the Algerian-held Sahara, pushing close to the ore center of Tindouf. The move was seen as a bid to strengthen the hand of King Hassan II at peace talks in Mali today. Fear mounted among Western diplomats, meanwhile, that the undeclared frontier war between Algeria and Morocco might turn 'into a conflict between East and prising Coup Comes After Strike By Workers New Ruler Reverses Loyalty Proclamation COTONOU, Dahomey (YP)-The oommander of Dahomey's 800- man army seized control of the government yesterday following, workers' demands for the ouster of the West African nation's first and only president, Hubert Maga. The workers, in the fourth day of a general strike, had succeeded in forcing Maga to dissolve the government but the president, his vice-president and another min- ister formed a provisional govern- ment Sunday. Col. Christophe Soglo, the armed forces chief of staff, had proclaimed his loyalty to the provisional government. But in a reversal yesterday, So- glo seized power. First reports said the national, assembly was dissolved. trikers Parade Before Soglo made his move, 1000 strikers paraded past Magta's new palace. Troops diverted 3000 others into side streets. Most of the demonstrators were peaceful. One group ripped a sign bearing Maga's name from a: hospital. The Dahomey General Workers union called the general strike to back demands for improved work- ing conditions. There were other underlying causes of dissatisfac- tion. Syndicalists protested that the union's affiliation with the ruling Dahomey Unity political party hampered free trade union- ism. The strikers, waving banners proclaiming "Maga must resign," passed out sheets of paper with a scrawled three-point demand: Maga's resignation, dissolution of the national assembly and re- vision of the constitution. The strikers said they would not return to their jobs until Maga was ousted. Slaying Sparks Protest The release of a national deputy accused of slaying a political worker sparked antigovernment protests about 10 days ago. The deputy was taken into custody again last week but the protests continued. Maga was elected president Dec. 77, 1960, four months after Da- homey gained independence from France. He had been premier while Dahomey was under French rule. The governing Dahomey Unity party represented a coalition Committee To Review NASA Acts WASHINGTON - The research activities of the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration will come under the scrutiny of another congressional committee -the Senate Space Committee- Nov. 21 and 22. - The committee, under chair- man Sen. Clinton Anderson (D- NM), will consider NASA's rela- tionship with higher education during two days of hearings. 'Vital Activity' Although h i g h e r education spending represents about one per cent of NASA's current budget,-its facilities, training and research grant programs are "a vital activ- ity," Anderson said. In the 1964 appropriation au- thorization bill, NASA was allo- cated $40 million for such pro- grams, although the final amount must wait passage of the actual appropriation. NASA spent $30.6 million last year-$10 million -for facilities, including a $1.75 mil- lion building at the University, $15 million for training grants and $5.6 million for research grants. To Hear Testimony The committee will hear admin- istration officials and may seek testimony from colleges and uni- versities on NASA's impact, An- derson noted. In other congressional action concerning higher education, Rep. Ray J. Madden (D-Ind), speaking for conference committee consid- eration of more funds for National Defense Education Act loans, not- ed that 121 colleges and universi- ties have requested funds exceed- ing the $250,000 institutional loan limit. By JAMES M. LONG Associated Press Staff Writer ROME - The world's rich na- tiotis ate better in the past year than ever before, but in the poor countries, pangs of hunger bit deeper. The 1962-63 annual report of the Food and Agriculture Orga- nization (FAO) told of the widen- ing of a trend evident since World War II, the gap between want and plenty. More food was grown. World food trade increased. But the FAO said the increases and the bulk of the food imports were in the well-off countries, not in the poor- er lands of skyrocketing popula- tion. Better Price The farmer generally got a bet- ter price for his produce. But the FAO said he ended up worse off, as the improvement in his income did not offset the even greater price increases in the goods he had to buy. Other highlights of the report: -Soviet Russia and Eastern Europe were hit by a year of bad weather which hurt food produc- tion. -Hungry Red China finally had a better crop year, after a long run of bad weather seasons, but still needs vast food imports. -Huge food surpluses remain stockpiled in the richer nations, but these showed some decrease in 1962-63. --World agricultural production rose by two to three per cent in 1962-63, keeping slightly ahead of the annual population increase of about two per cent. Record Crops Record crops of wheat, barley and cotton contributed mainly to Study Shows Increase in Food Gap the increase in iood production. Oats, corn, sugar, citrus fruits, coffee and cocoa decreased, along with jute and timber. FAO reported that four-fifths of the world's agricultural exports went to the industrialized nations of North America, Western Europe, Oceania and Japan. Agricultural imports by non-industrial coun- tries declined by two per cent. It said agricultural production appears to have increased appre- ciably in each of the main regions of the world except Latin America and the Far East, both areas of fast-increasing population. I 11 Ecumenical FACULTY-GRADE LUNCHEON. Tuesday, October 29th, 12:00 U.M. International Center (Students 35 cents; others 75 cents) Subject: HIGHER EDUCATION AND MONASTICISM: POINTS OF CONTACT I Inm 11 I I "In mainland China, in spite of reports of bad weather in some areas, all sources agree that 1962- 63 was the second consecutive year of gradual improvement in the production of basic foods," the re- port said. Better Years "Official reports indicate, with- out giving any statistics, that the harvests of rice and wheat were the best since 1959-60, though the production of cotton, oilseeds and other crops remained low. "Food rations seem to have im- proved somewhat, in both quantity and variety, and have recently in- cluded some meat, eggs and fish. Shortages have persisted, however, and heavy grain imports have con- tinued. The report added, "The rapid growth of agricultural production in Eastern Europe and the USSR that took place during the decade of the 1950's seems to have slowed down, at least temporarily ... "Climatic conditions were un- favorable in many parts of the USSR in 1962-63 and yields per hectare (a metric unit equalling 2.471 acres) wore generally low, Almost all of the Eastern Euro- pean countries were affected in 1962-63 by a cold winter and spring and by subsequent drought.' Brother David, Benedictine Order Ph.D. Psychology, Vienna\ Brother David is an artist using media of painting and stone carving; is interested in symbolism, especially Arabic and Hebrew, for building and architecture. } y; h'..Ii"QP';t"y ' t ::s: tI:"}^ ;.z..:::: ::.,'.;":,:?: 1- Apportionment Work Stymied By Difficulties LANSING-No matter what it does, the bipartisan commission on legslative apportionment appears headed for trouble, the Detroit News reported yesterday. Aside from the wrangling over setting boundaries for state House and Senate seats, it also must field new contradictory c h a 1l e n g e s thrown its way by Rep. Joseph A. Gillis (R-Det). Plans Questioned The commission's plans to start informal work before the new state constitution goes into effect Jan. 1 were questioned when Gillis told the group last week that he has asked for an attorney general's ruling on whether it is lawful even to begin work drawing new leg- islative boundary lines before the new constitution goes into effect. Adding to the confusion, Gillis Came back to the commission with a letter written to Detroitcorpora- tion counsel Robert Reese from the city's election director, Louis A. Urban. Chaos Urging that the redistricting be done Jan. 15-some 16 days be- fore the commission can even sub- mit a final plan under the rules of the new constitution, Urban warn- ed that Detroit's election timetable would be thrown into chaos. Gillis, also questioned the le- gality of the eight member com- mission, appointed by Democratic and Republican party leaders. The new constitution stipulates that Jan. 31 is the earliest any final redistricting plan can be of- fered by the commission. If a majority of the commission can't agree on one proposal, dif- ferent redistricting plans can be submitted to the Supreme Court to see which proposal complies most closely with constitutional requirements. West. Western embassies in North Africa have dispatched alarming reports of sizable arrivals of Soviet weapons in Algerian ports aboard Cuban and Egyptian freighters. Some Westerners believe the arms' were part of deals made by Al- geria before the border conflict erupted two weeks ago. UAR Sends Troops There were some reports that the United Arab Republic was sending three shiploads of para- chute troops recently withdrawn from Yemen. In Cairo, official newspapers lent credence to - the reports by publishing the. dispatches from abroad that Egyptian troops and arms were heading for Algeria. I World News IRoundup, By The Associated Press TOKYO-Red China is close to learning the secrets of the atom, but testing atomic bombs is sever- al years off because of economic setbacks, that country's foreign minister is quoted as saying. Japa- nese newsmen who interviewed Foreign Minister Chen Yi in Pe- king reported he said it would be some time before China will mass- produce atomic weapons. WASHINGTON-Former United States Senator Tom Connally (D- Tex), author of the Connally res- ervation which limits United States participation in the World Court, died yesterday at the age of 86. NEW YORK - General Motors Corp. yesterday reported record profits for the nine month period ending Sept. 30, but the statement came in the face of a general de- cline on the New York Stock Ex- change. The final Dow-Jones aver- ages showed 30 industrials down 3.78, 20 railroads down .99, 15 util- ities up .21 and 65 stocks up .50. I I I I I From z NORTHERN NIGHTS "SKI-JAMAS i Bright Scandinavian print in cozy-warm, fleecy-soft cotton flannel. Snug knit ski-cufs. I i I I I S.-. k b/A1LLC CIAxZ Y ' Ep y ( 6#94 ko~ .. s,/ya+M f . -0i ' S...y.:-:s" S:*Y .,. U / tnr aJt r. .ยข. 4"vu _ . +a+:i. X i vtl" ^tiU 1 ' 1 !.. ^, ; ":ti;:iY. t.: ..y?:.yv:n vy,:i'<.:^ i'> ir :}. .: "rl. ;;}. ., wr.: t:: i'i:: k: +i:i$::+ i:.:t%' 71. ! s , .:k't W::,::: '"S Yii ": '+s. ::: tfi ;.:..:,,.". " s ;,N. .kf . a,.: > ; :>> ::C:,., i{"" t ._ R S' ::5r: ;r: '> x.a .;+ ;.:." +rz .f" ":r:, '"'"aTM : .t x,. .:;.