Sev nty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS bere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al, reprints. 3SDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER Crisis Gives Students 'Blue Ribbon' Opportunity "What A Dirty Trick, Sneaking Up On Us From Behind Like That." -.-C - i -; mw qI -Volk S INDIA Government Most Cope with Details I A TIME when Regents, administra- tors and faculty seem bent upon keep- students deftly contained within nar- v academic and activity spheres, the ue /ribbon" Citizens Committee on ;her Education has offered a remark- e opportunity for students of this state express their wishes and needs directly the policy makers.f Phis opportunity is vested in a "student ticipation project" which will organize tudent committee to prepare a formal ort on Michigan's higher education., ds. The purpose of the report-and' s is the crucial point-will be to make ormal written and oral presentation ore Romney's Citizens' Committee on ;her Education, a group charged by the 'ernor to prepare a set of concrete ns for the .development of Michigan's per educational' system in the next ade. HAT UNDERLINES the importance of the student participation project is willingness of the "blue ribbon" com- tee to Jsten. As the prospectus notes, e opportunity has presented itself for higan students to participate in the g-range planning that will shape the cational policies of the state for years ome." 'here only remains the issue of whether students in public higher education oughout this state can work together a meaningful consensus-and do it hin the year that the Romney commit- will be working. .s an expediter and unifier, the United tes National Student Association is do- the original organizing although the ject is to include representatives from institutions-including those who are affiliated with USNSA. Representatives appointed by the vari- ous student councils specifically for the project will meet at the University late in November. They will then elect the guts of their.project-a 5-7 man steering com- mittee which will work on a continuing basis for roughly one year to prepare the report under the general supervision of the plenary group. The completed report should be ready by late next year only a short time before the blue ribbon committee send its own report to Romney. BUT TIME, although a catalyst to dis- aster, will not be the project's ulti- mate downfall-if one there be. What endangers the project is what en- dangers any student step into unexplored territory--the problem that having been delegated to trivia throughout their ac- tivity histories, how do students suddenly adopt to a really worthwhile and poten- tially power-lending situation? "The point is," the prospectus states, "that the Citizens Committee is willing to take the student report seriously." This is one instance where student insights and viewpoints-unbiased by personal finan- cial concerns that would beset adminis- trators and faculty members-can have a very valid reception. But the responsibility to make the in- sights valid is as enormous as it will be difficult to achieve. Michigan students, unsophisticated by nature and untested by administrative design,.must rise to the test. Students must show the Regents, the administrators and the faculty that it will be citizens and students-not educators- who resolve the crisis in Michigan higher education. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM A By WILLIAM CUMMINGS SURENARA DEY'S RECENT visit focuses our eyes on the central problem in India's devel- opment: the myth surrounding Prime Minister Jawaharlal Neh- ru's Plan. The broad principles of Nehru's Plan have been limiting the action of India's leadership for the past 13 years, and the re- sulting inflexibility may yet cause that nation's death. The reason behind this is that action does not naturally follow upon such a plan. Any social sys- tem poses stubborn opposition which only the most imaginative administrative technique can con- quer. DEY IS only a minor figure in Indian politics though as head of the community development program, he has one of the most demanding leadership positions. His task has been to create on the village level of India a complete network of political and social institutions that will meet with the acceptance of the peasants and raise their productivity. His sparse record of achieve- ment is cause for concern. For example, surely more significant initial leaps could have been achieved in agriculture. India's average yield per acre in her crops varied from one-sixth to one-tenth of that in the United States in 1951. Though he has been leading the community de- velopment program for 13 years, this comparative statistic remains the same. The respectable 2.5 per cent economic growth rate that Dey quoted is accounted for in the industrial sector of 'India's economy. IN OUR COUNTRY a leader is judged on his performance. It is stale to say that India's bureau- cracy is at fault. A bureaucracy is a tool which a dynamic leader can energize to achieve his goals. The lack of imaginative leadership of Dey and some of his cohorts is the source of India's poor per- formance. Ultimately the blame rests on the shoulders of India's Prime Minister Nehru. He is the man who has both created the Plan' and been dictating the course of action. His position of omnipo- tence in Indian politics was es- tablished with the death of the two other principle revolutionary leaders, Pandit Pant and Mahatma Ghandhi. Upon their death, he was able to introduce his first Five Year Plan, a very modern assimilation of Marxism and de- mocracy. * * * NEHRU'S MINISTERS found it, dangerous to do more than follow the guidelines. He was a man who ignored criticism from his foes, and exchanged criticism with his friends-for their dismissal. A domineering head in a democ- racy isa contradiction. Three years ago, Indian politicians awakened to their nation's stag- nation under his leadership and challenged his Plan. Nehru re- luctantly decided to respond to the growing opposition. His first concession was in "defense" ma- neuvers to appease critics of his China policy; thus the excursion into Portuguese Goa and a widely approved conquest. The act was fatal. Towering Nehru's feet got the mud of popu- lar trivia on them. And he has been wallowing in the mud ever since. Two events of the recent past are remembered by the American public. EARLIER THIS YEAR Nehru apparently had satisfied himself that there would be no serious objections among his countrymen if India allowed the Voice of America to build a giant generator on her soil. India would receive the use of this generator for all but four hours each day, which were reserved for American pur- poses, and thus could reach a much broader audience than with the existing All-India Radio fa- cilities. The announcement of the nego- tiated contract in India raised im- mediate protests, and Nehru broke the contract. Surely, he could have sounded out 'the, opposition be- fore applying the ink on the con- tract. A second case of equivocation, this time caused by American popular pressure, was on the Bo- karo steel project. After repeat- edly emphasizing the dire need for a new steel mill at Bokaro, and gaining the consensus of In- dian business leaders that the mill would be financed only through capital loaned from the United States government, Nehru dropped his request for aid. His consideration of President John F. Kennedy's foreign aid difficulties in this act would have, been well received if his steel minister didn't add as a postscript India's intent to raise capital else- where and continue the project. The statement made Nehru appear indecisive and cause one to wonder if he did not seek foreign aid un- der false pretences. THIS RUMBLING is even more apparent within India. Nehru's recent attempt to closet himself within a cabinet that speaks only his political language indicates his It is one thing to tell a country where it should go and another to lead a critical political system in that direction. THEY SAY it is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. Nehru is a tired 74 and looking increasingly feeble in his attempts to learn the game of active poli- tics. One doubts that his faithful clique of "yes-men" are any more receptive to creative ways of run- ning the political system if Dey is a fair sample. Are there any youth in India who can learn in their stead? 4 JUST IN SCHOOLS?. E The. Fraternity Image; T THE PAST, the fraternity system has been generally characterized by what ght be called "perpetual Peter Pan- n": the desire on the part of its mem- s to avoid social and personal respon- ility and to live life in a virtually un- ferentiated haze of beer, vandalism d sorority girls. Fortunately for the fra- nity system, the present crop of fra- nity leaders is concerned with chang- some aspects of this fraternity "tra- Ion." the Babbitt-like outlook of the frater- y system-which was more character- [s of it in the past then it is today- s produced an image of the "fraternity y" that is hard to live down. the passing.,of the "myth" out of ,the pular imagination is hampered by the t that the classical prejudices regard- the system are reinforced by vocal norities that tend to shape the atti- les of the fraternities. Thus the "fra- nity boy" presents the image of being re conservative and middle class in his itical- views, lacking in social commit- nt, and anti-intellectual in his educa- nal outlook, than his non-affiliate interpart. HESE GENERALIZATIONS are not as true as they were 50 years ago, but they vain nonetheless. For instance, when npus politicians talk of a "fraternity e," they are describing a real entity. Len they speak of a "fraternity party" y are referring to a very specific sort social function. When a member of one ternity says that the members of some ises are "animals," he is referring to lations in a spectrum of values that, ietheless, has strong common ele- nts. 'wo years ago, "Gargoyle," the campus nor magazine, was reorganized after a se in publication. The "humor" con- j £j'I Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON, Editor AVID MARCUS GERALD STOROH Mtortal Director City Editor MARA LAZARUS ......Personnel Director LaIP SUTIN..............National Concerns Editor L EVANS................Associate City Editor tJORIE BRAHMS ......Associate Editorial Director )RIA BOWLES................ Magazine Editor JNDA BERRY..............Contributing Editor E GOOD ...........................Sports Editor E BLOCK ..............Associate Sports Editor BERGER ................. Associate Sports Editor ZWINCK. .......Contributing Sports Editor tained in the magazine was specifically directed toward the "fraternity" audi- ence, and in it we see something of a rep- resentation-perhaps an imperfect one- of some of the common values of that group. The dominant themes remain; po- litical and social conservatism, immatur- ity, and anti-intellectualism. THE FRATERNITY SYSTEM has under- gone changes in its economic and reli- gious base. Notably, the Jewish fraterni- ties have been, more or less, accepted in- to the system. This change, however, has not involved a widening of viewpoint be- cause the integration of these groups into the system has been conditional upon the acceptance of the group ethic. Thecom- position of the system has shifted, but the values have remained the same. The fraternity leaders at least have been concerned with aspects of this "im- age." The new rush booklet "Fraternities at Michigan" represents a conscious ef- fort on the part of its editors to develop an emphasis if not on the intellectual at least on the "academic" aspects of the University. They have perhaps been a little overzealous in creating the "new look." Witness IFC President Clifford Taylor's statement in "Fraternities at Michigan" that the "complete abolition of all written discriminatory clauses by the houses on this campus and the complete abolition of all forms of physical mis- treatment in pledging" has been effected. But responsible leaders of the fraterni- ties on this campus are beginning to realize that the bigotry, prankishness and the tortuous moral hedonism that is part and parcel of the fraternity psychology will not survive the social forces now be- ing unleashed in American society. BUT MORE THAN resolution is neces- sary to bring change in the "System." The littering of the Michigan State Uni- versity campus by some members of one fraternity, reportedly with the tacit ap- proval of most of the other members of the house, indicates that fraternity hooliganism is not dead. The fact that three of the budding young artists of the building set apprehended by MSU police were members of another fraternity which has been engaged in deliberately remaking its image demonstrates that more than a facelifting is necessary. This is not to say that all fraternityj members fit the stereotype; indeed, many do not. It is true. however, that much of Socie ty's (EDITOR'SNOTE: The following article is a reprint from the Oct. 5, 1963 "New Republic.") By PAUL GOODMAN IN 1900, 6.4 per cent of American 17 year Olds graduated from high school, and perhaps another 10 or 15 per cent would have graduated if they could have af- forded it. This was not prestige schooling, for only one in 400 went on to college. Now who, in 1900, were the other 93.6 per cent? They were not called dropouts; they went on to every career, from shopkeeper, mechanic and farmer to big entrepreneur, author, poli- tician and including engineer, ar- chitect and even lawyer. My guess is that those who stayed in school, or would have stayed, were ap- proximately Dr. Conant's 15 per cent of the "academically talent- ed." Obviously with such students there would be no problem of blackboard jungles. The curricu- lum that they were taughtwas conservative but it could experi- mentally evolve; it was culturally valuable in itself and also tended toward college entrance, hope- fully for more and more students, as society could progressively af- ford it. In 1960, however, 60 per cent of American youngsters were grad- uating from high school; and the others were now "dropouts." What occurred during this expansion? We merely, as usual, took an existing framework and aggran- dized, standardized and bureau- cratized it. BY AND LARGE, until, say, 1945, the expansion was fairly harmless. The underlying motives were noble, benevolent, or at worst foolish: a democratic ideal, the need to occupy the young in- creasingly excluded from'the labor market, the quest for prestige. Certainly the affluent society could afford keeping the kids in school. The academic types were probably not much hurt-smart kids can adjust to anything, ex- cept being debauched by base rewards. And so long as the at- titude was easy going, the others did not suffer more than bore- dom. Unfortunately, however, there came to be established the misconception that being in school was the only appropriate way of being educated. Academic talent, the ability to profit by going to school, is a special disposition, neither better nor worse than any other. It does require good intelligence; yet high intelligence, grace and inventive- ness need not be academic at all. A school is fundamentally a box with seats facing front. (Visiting the schools as a member of a local board in New York, I found that the desks were no longer bolted to the floor, but they were still nicely lined up as of yore.) School implies studying and a long at- tention span, and it demands a verbal and book-loving disposition. "Curriculum" is, in principle, a set of abstractions from actual industries, arts, profession and civic activities, and these abstrac- finv nr . - ii. t F i _ n an 1*8 SUDDENLY in the past decade, however, there has begun a f an- tastic overestimation and bribery of the scholarly disposition, which has snowballed since Sputnik. It is a, moral, emotional and intel- lectual disaster. Instead of the previous easy-going pace-with "enrichment"-that was generally tolerable though rather stupid, there is strict grading, unscholarly speed up, fierce competitiveness. The majority are entirely sacri- ficed for '"education"; all must go to school-or drop out of the economy. The damage is universal. Intel- ligent youngsters, whether book- ish or non-bookish, can of course perform, but for the non-bookish the performance is a second-best activity and the achievement is fraudulent. The slower are tor- mented and humiliated. But in my opinion, the authentically scholarly are even more injured; the competition, the speed up and the rewards create false values and destroy the meaning of their gifts. The studies are no longer presented as though they were intrinsically valuable. Bright youngsters "do" Bronx Science in order to "make" Harvard. In fact, the motivation of society is narrow and anti-intellectual; it is to give, at public expense and eventually at the parent's expense, apprentice training for the corporations and the armed forces. President Ken- nedy, in his 1963 message -on edu- cation, explained to us the moti- vation to explore the unknown: it is "for economic, military, medical and other reasons!" (A professor at Yale complained to me that, though his students included many excellent mathematicians who had "mastered" the subject, not one of them would be a good astrono- mer. How was that? "They don't love the stars," he said.) EVEN IF the speed up, etc., were the social need, it is un- necessary. Given a decent atmos- phere, the academically disposed will perform anyway, without the grading and competition. The creative, whether in the arts, sciences or professions, do not especially thrive by formal school- ing; for some it is useful, for some it is hurtful. Hopefully, an in- creasingly automated industry will require fewer, not more, second- rate-academic clerical and tech- nical performers. The majority are being cruelly miseducated and hoaxed; they will not get jobs relevant to what they have been put through. Dropouts are cajoled by the promise of future rewards; but what if these amount, finally, to an increment of $5 a week- is it worth the torture?hWould a kid not be wiser to choose the streets, if only they would stop making him feel worthless? As things are set up, of course, there is no alternative, there is no future for those without the school diploma. The urban poor must fi ,cl -n H oso . <. hi- -1 -on tle part of the highly in- telligent-by "underachievement," for they do not want to "achieve" in this way. educational Hoax * * educators ought to be to explore and invent other ways of educat- ing than these schools, to suit the varieties of talent and to meet the needs of a peaceful future society where there will be emphasis on public goods rather than private gadgets, where there will be in- creasingly more employment in human services rather than mass production, a community-centered leisure, an authentic rather than a mass culture and a citizenry with initiative rather, than one increasingly bureaucratized and brainwashed. * * * THE MOST PLAUSIBLE ex- pedient for expanding education is toecreate enterprises that ful- fill social necessities and can also be educational opportunities for youngsters. These would provide alternative choices instead of fur- ther schooling; and we could spend on them some of the money, now misused for schools. (It costs $750 a year to keep a youngster in a New York high school.) There are plenty of educative opportunities: improving 50,000 ugly small towns; youth work camps in conservation and urban renewal; countervail- ing mass communications with hundreds of little theaters, little radio, local paper; technical ap- prenticeships within the industries, paid by public and corporation, with the aim of making workmen who understand what they are doing and can be inventive; sub- sidizing small farms, to make them economically feasible and reverse the rural ratio to some- thing nearer 30 per cent, instead of the present absurd eight per cent; community service like Friends Service and Peace Corps. In such concrete activities, di- rectly useful in society, millions of youth could find educational opportunity more tailored to their needs. Are they less cultural than the average classroom for the non- bookish kid? Probably even more important educationally, adolescents could then try out, instead of being stuck on the present inexorable 12-16-year ladder of lessons and recitation (really a fantastic situ- ation). Many "late - bloomers" might then choose to return to more formal academic study, their spirits not having been perma- nently blighted by schooling that was inappropriate to them and that they went through unwilling- ly. (The advantage of this was evident among many on the GI- bill between 1945 and 1950.) For many others, who have chosen work camps, farms or paid ap- prenticeships, but who then want a more liberal experience, we could copy the Danish Folk Schools de- signed for ages 18-25. * ,, * TO SUM UP: all should be edu- cated and at the public expense, but the idea that most should be educated in something like schools is a delusion and often a cruel hoax. Our present way is wasteful of wealth and human resources and destructive of young spirit. The better way is to expand social needs that are also opportunities ,- n-tntin s .r-nn.a nfnA if LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Nobody Has To Take It' To the Editor: AM WRITING as the bearer of a host of epithets thrust at me in extremely insulting fashion from the mouth of a disarmingly grinning envoy of the reincarna- tion of David, Noah, and others in corrupt modern America. I am not, however, insulted at being called a thin-skinned, white liberal Jew. Nor am I writing to object to the appearance of Mr. X (that is his last name, I presume?). Every revolution (and there is a social re volution going on today in this c untry) produces its extremist' splinter groups. There are always some people who are dissatisfied with the pace, the method, the leaders, the means or the end. These groups split off from the main stream to go their own way, proceeding from valid premises and just grievances but twisting (or merely changing) the conclusions or the basic aims of the revolution. Please permit these broad and somewhat hasty gen- eralizations. * , * I WA$ PLEASED with the chance to see such a movement's chief representative. I wasuap- palled at his program because I have a completely different con- ception about the nature of man, about the nature of therrevolt (Negro or black, whichever you will), and about the possibilities for reconciliation. I did not at- tempt to argue with Mr. X because I don't think that two people can approach a problem without some agreement as to fundamental def- initions: Mr. X's are based on a rather unique interpretation of the Bible and a deep-rooted bit- terness; mine are based on a conglomeration of Judeo-Christian assumptions including such un- acceptable precepts as equality and love. the roar of approval which greet- ed each of Mr. X's snotty remarks about the Jews in America, I am apparently wrong. Foremost in the hearty shouts of hilarity (the audience made more noise laugh- ing at the anti-Semitic jokes than at any other pronouncement of the evening) were a number of, Jewish students. What's wrong, children? Are you, too, anti-Semites? Or were you simply shocked at your first exposure to overt anti-Semitism? Well, I was shocked at your re- action-and at the general au- dience reaction. We all turned out to hear the race bigot and it turn- ed out that we were bigots too. * * * AS MR. X SAID, the Irish can take it, the Polish can take it, even the Italians can take It, but the Jews are thin skinned; they can't take it. Dammit, Mr. X, why does anyone have to "take it" in America? The answer is that no- body does; and when it's dished out, one has to fight it-yes, fight even the Kennedy administration with its dragging feet-but do fight. Don't run off to that fertile bit of Zion. --Peter Eisinger, '64 1 f 'Fink' "_PINK" and the double pejorative "rat fink" are the latest words to be pulled from anonymity or specialized jargon into common usage.U nited States teen-agers sprinkle their name-calling with the term, unware of its bitter origins. According to the lexicographer Bergen Evans of Northwestern University, "fink" probably was first used during the bloody