Compromise Civil Rights Bill
Fails To Gain Majority Support
ditch effort by President John F.
Kennedy's administration to line
up a majority of the House Judi-
ciary Committee behind a compro-
mise civil rights bill apparently
failed yesterday.
Kennedy conferred last night
4 with key House leaders of both
parties in a personal effort to sal-
vage a civil rights bill in the House.
One possible result, sources said,
is likely to be a second postpone-,
ment- of a showdown vote in the
judiciary committee.
Supporters of a more sweeping
bill said they have solid assurances
they have enough votes to send
Prison Opened
To Discourage
Race Agitators
BURAS, La. (P) - Leander H.
Perez, political boss of Plaquemin-
es Parish (county), has renovated
an old 18th century fortress to be
t used exclusively for racial demon-
The prison is nestled in the
snake and mosquito-infested tidal
swamps deep in South Louisiana.
The parish leased the site for
five years.
Actually, there have not been
any demonstrators in Plaquemines
Parish yet.
Perez considers his prison a
form of insurance against demon-
strators in the parish, which has 'a
population of '24,000, with 6300 of
them Negroes.
their version to the House floor
today despite administration ob-
jections that it has no chance of
But if the committee doesn't
meet, the bill can't be voted on.
The vote was originally schedul-
ed for yesterday morning but
Chairman Emanuel Celler (D-NY)
ordered a 24-hour postponement to
see if support could be rallied for
the compromise bill backed by the
However, one of the leaders of
the compromise move is known to
have told committee colleagues
this effort fell short of its goal.
The administration is expected
to persist in efforts to narrow the
bill down. The probable strategy
will be to work out a milder ver-
sion and have it presented either
as a substitute package, or in the
form of amendments, once the bill
reaches the floor.
Celler, although he originally
helped draft the 10-part bill being
pushed by a coalition of Republi-
cans and liberal Democrats, sought
to help the administration achieve
a compromise. He said two advo-
cates of the stronger bill did not
appreciate the strength of the pro-
posals recommended by the ad-
There were indications, how-
ever, that even Celler would now
go along with the majority and
vote to send the subcommittee bill
to the House floor.
It was Rep. Arch A. Moore, Jr..
(R-W. Va) who moved to vote on
the subcommittee bill, and he said
11 of the 14 Republicans on the
committee would vote for it.
Meanwhile, in Clarksdale and
Indianola, Miss., several students
-including one from Michigan
State University and three from
Yale, Sudent Non-Violent Co-
ordinating Committee workers and
Allard Lowenstein, 1950-51 presi-
dent of the United States National
Student Association-were arrest-
ed on traffic and other charges
while distributing campaign litera-
ture for a Negro write-in candi-
date running for governor.
The arrested, all released on
bail, are part of a campaign task'
force running Mississippi NAACP
president Aaron Henry for gov-
ernor and Dean of Students Rev.'
Edward King of Tugaloo Christian
College for lieutenant governor.
UNVisit Saigont'
SAIGON (1-A United Nations
mission arrived yesterday to look
into the conflict between Bud-
dhists and the government.
In Washington, the State De-
partment announced that United
States Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge, assigned here in the midst
of the crisis in August, was being
called home for consultations withI
President John F. Kennedy. A.
spokesman said Lodge would go to
Washington late this month or
early in November.
The chairman of the seven-man
UN group, Abdul Rahman Pazh-
wak of Afghanistan, said the com-
mittee came to "obtain the facts
of the situation as regards the al-
leged violation of human rights by
the government of South Viet
Nam." He said the group would
receive petitions from all organi-
zations wishing to present them.
Claim Discrimination
The Buddhist opposition claims
the Diem government, whose lead-
ers are Roman Catholics, discrim-
inated against Buddhists.
President Ngo Dinh Diem's re-
gime invited the UN mission here,
but has announced no plans for
its members to talk with leading
Buddhist; opponents. Most Bud-
dhist leaders who have openly op-
posed Diem are in jail.
Besides Afghanistan, countries
represented on the UN team are
Brazil, Ceylon, Costa Rica, Daho-
mey, Morocco and Nepal.
Disapprove of Talks
The regime has made it plain
it would disapprove of any talks
between the UN mission and the
top Buddhist leader, Thich Tri
Quang, now in asylum in the Unit-
ed States embassy.
Despite government denials, ru-
mors continued to circulate that
government agents are planning
violent raids against the United
States embassy or its missions.
U.S. Announces Policy
On New Experiments
President John F. Kennedy announced Tuesday that the United
States will be committed "to make every effort" to publish the reasons
for large scale scientific experiments before they are authorized.
The purpose of this "open examination" would be to allow the
world community an opportunity to view proposed experiments that
might adversely affect man's environment. Kennedy did say that
there will be exceptions when this
policy will have to be violated such
as a matter of national security. Pate Asks
For example, the United States
government followed this proced-
ure a year ago before it launched
millions of copper wires into orbit r
and found that the experiment
could have interfered with obser-
vations of the universe. VATICAN CITY (I')-An Ameri-
innsoe ofn"ormal: ro-can prelate told the Vatican Ecu-
Kennedy spoke of "formal pro- menical Council yesterday it must
cedures to assure expert review be-mnconilaye as passive
fore potentially risky experiments sheep" existing only to pray, obey
are undertaken."c dandBp.
Hwen calledfrm coopderati sbe- cBsoperNestH. aPe nim eo
to guard against "the possibility of 2200 council fathers to revise a
adverse and destruction effects" document on the laity now before
of the tests. the Roman Catholic assembly.
The government must weigh the Council press spokesmen para-
importance of the tests while sci- phrased the prelae as saying that
entists must help elected officials laymen, in theirawn fields, have
reach a rational judgment .and in- more competence than the church
terpret the issues to the public. hierarchy.
Bishop Primau asked the coun-
Federal Funds cil to clarify "the concepts of
liberty and authority" for the
Ce Ade laity to keep laymen from leaving
British Archbishop Thomas D.
Some of America's largest pri- Roberts also announced that he
vate. foundations are limiting their has asked the council in writing
contributions to medical research for reforms of ecclesiastical court
because of increasing government procedures affecting marriage.
grants. Roberts explained that local au-
The Rockefeller, Ford and Mar- thorit ies, to whom those with mar-
kle Foundations and the Common- ital difficulties first apply, are not
wealth Fund were cited by Basil capable of handling the problems
O'Connor, president of the Nation- competently. He said that he is
al Foundation, as having discon- confident that the fathers will find
tinued or sharply cut their sup- a way for these problems to be
port of medical research. settled without bringing them be-
O'Connor pointed out that fed- fore the Vatican.
eral grants, only one-third of the
total a few years ago, now consti-
tute almost two-thirds.
This leads to a lack of money
"unencumbered by the baggage of
politics," he complained.
Shapes your hair to
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By The Associated Press
LONDON-Britain's Prime Min-
ister-the former Lord Home-be-
came a member of the House of
Commons yesterday by renouncing
his noble heritage.
guese Foreign Minister Alberto
Franco Nogueira said yesterday
Portugal would quit the United
Nations unless more respect is
given to what he called inter-
national morality.
Nogueira, guest of the UN Cor-
respondents Association, added
that Portugal would not care if it
is the first country to quit.
S* s
Handelsblatt, a leading financial
newspaper, said yesterday the So-
viet Union has ordered a complete
stop to all industrial imports.
formally asked yesterday for an
urgent meeting of 32 African for-
eign ministers in an effort to
settle its border conflict with Mo-
Friday, Oct. 25th
10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Manufacturers' representatives for the world's
leading photo lines will be on hand to discuss
any problems you may be having.
JAKARTA - Indonesian army
commandos have parachuted into
dense Borneo jungles bordering
the Malaysian states of Sarawak
and Sahbah (North Borneo), the
official Indonesian news agency
reported yester~day.
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FRANKFURT-Fog raised prob.
lems last night in completing the
vast movement of 15,000 United
States soldiers from Texas 'to Ger-
many in Exercise Big Lift.
NEW YORK-Stocks returned
to active trading yesterday after
a previous session of wild selling.
The Dow-Jones Averages showed
30 industrials down .73, 20 rail-
roads down .22, 15 utilities down
.09 and 65 stocks down .29.
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