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Form Committee
To Set Tax Plan
Romney Asks for Few Alterations
To Assure Program's Acceptance
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A special committee composed of House and Senate
leaders began yesterday to work with Gov. George Romney to forge
a compromise tax reform program that could win majority support
in the Legislature.
Romney told a press conference that the committee would sound
out Republicans on "minimum modifications that may be necessary
Views on
.. special committee
Asks Vote.
TOKYO M - Prime Minister
Hayato Ikeda dissolved parlia-
ment's lower house yesterday and
called for a national vote of con-
fidence on his conservative, pro-
American policies.
It was a cooly calculated politi-
cal move to increase his hold on
parliament at a time when the
government is relatively free from
serious attack by leftist opposi-
tion parties.
The opposition, in fact, was
caught flatfooted without any ma-
jor campaign issue even though it
has known for weeks that disso-
lution was coming.
Expect Increase
In the election, scheduled for
Nov. 21, Ikeda's Liberal-Democrat-
ic Party is expected to increase its
marginin the 467-seat lower
House. It now holds 286 seats,
compared with the 137 held by the
primary opposition, the Socialist
The party is expected to cam-
paign on the argument that in the
past three years Ikeda's policies
have brought Japan previously un-
known prosperity, world recogni-
tion as an economic power and in-
creasing stature as a diplomatic
Ikeda likely will argue that his
policy of maintaining friendly ties
with the United States and other
Western powers, while approach-
ing Communist China only infor-
mally, is the only feasible course
for Japan.
Old Arguments
The Socialists are expected to
stick with their old arguments that
Ikeda's policies are inflationary
and that he is dragging Japan
into d a n g e r o u s inflationary
Ikeda's approval of visits by
United States nuclear-powered
submarines is sure to come under
attack in the campaign. But the
prime minister, probably with tacit
United States approval, has stop-
A ped talking about the subs in re-
cent months and much of the
steam has gone out of the Socialist
Compromise Choice
Ikeda was a compromise choice
when elected prime minister in
1960. His predecessor, the Liberal-
Democratic Party's Nogusuke Ki-
shi, had pushed the United States-
Japan security treaty through par-
liament and the leftists were up
in arms.
Under Japanese law, Ikeda did
no have to state a reason for dis-
solution and he didn't. The house
speaker merely interrupted de-
bate to announce that Ikeda aft-
ertinforming Emperor Hirohito,
was sending the lower house home.
India Charges
Troop Buildup
to secure the majority in both
He said, however, that the "ba-
sic elements" 'of his tax plan-
including personal and corporate
income taxes-would have to be
left intact. "But by 'minimum
modifications' I do not mean only
minor ones," he added.
Romney said Democrats would
not be consulted "at this time."
The governor noted, however,
that if the $306 million program
is to be enacted, "maximum bi-
partisan support" will be needed.
"Surely there will be a con-
sultation with Democrats," he
Members of the special commit-
tee include Senators Stanley G.
Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), majority
leader, William G. Milliken (R-
Traverse City), floor leader, John
P. Smeekens (R-Coldwater), presi-
dent pro-tempore, Frank D. Beadle
(R-St. Clair), chairman of the
- appropriations committee, and
Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland),
taxation committee chairman.
House members are Represen-
tatives Allison Green (R-King-
ston), speaker of the House, Wil-
fred G. Bassett (R-Jackson),
speaker pro-tempore, Robert Wal-
dron (R-Grosse Pointe), floor
leader, and James N. Folks (R-
Horton), chairman of the taxa-
tion committee.
Enemies of a state income tax
succeeded Tuesday in chopping
Romney's program into three
Thayer, who is in charge 'of
guiding the program through the
Senate, admitted he could not find
enough votes to stop a Democratic
move which sent five Romney bills
to the appropriations committee.
Meanwhile, former Democratic
Gov. John Swainson said that he
answered a Republican plea for
help on tax reform, but refused
to say from whom the appeal came
or exactly what role he played as
a result.
Swainson said a "highly placed
Republican who is close to Rom-
ney asked me to help and I did."
It was reported later that Thay-
er had appealed to the ex-governor
for help in a "secret" meeting at
Swainson's home recently.
Thayer said he talked with
Swainson on a private legal mat-
ter, as a fellow attorney, but never
made any appeal to Swainson for
assistance of any kind.
Federal Jury
Begins Probe
Of Steel Sales
JEW YORK (A') - A federal
grand jury launched yesterday an
anti-trust investigation of the na-
tion's steel industry, with empha-
sis on pricing practices.
Executives in, many fields eyed
the probe, hopeful that it would
turn out to be routine and not of
a nature that might prove haras-
sing to business in general. The
subpoenaing of 10 big steel pro-
ducers apparently took the indus-
try by surprise.
On Wall Street, steels appeared
to have weathered the scare sell-
ing when the news of the grand
jury inquiry sent stock prices tum-
bling in heavy selling. Industry
stocks rebounded unanimously
yesterday, although some gains
later were trimmed.
Urge U.S.
To Alter
Foreign Relations Committee re-
cently advised President John F.
Kennedy's administration to over-
haul its foreign aid program next
year or face the possibility of
Congress doing it.
The committee-the program's
best friend on Capitol Hill-
turned out tobe one of its severest
critics in a report recommending
passage of a $4.2 billion foreign
aid authorization bill. The Senate
starts debate on the bill Monday.
The report revealed that the
committee seriously considered-
but rejected-an amendment that
would have terminated the aid
program June 30, 1965, to force
sweeping changes in its operations.
Refrain from Adoption
"The committee refrained from
adopting this amendment in the
expectation, which it hopes will
"not prove unjustified, that the
administration will submit a fiscal
year 1965 program to Congress
which has been revamped in major
For the fiscal year starting next
July 1 the committee specifically
recommended the Agency for In-
ternational Development curtail
its program to eliminate aid from
"countries which can take care of
themselves." It said "even more
selectivity among countries should
be introduced."
The report called for prompt
and serious consideration to "a
greatly increased utilization of
mutilateral agencies," such as the
World Bank and subsidiaries like
the International Development
Not Impressed
The committee said it was not
impressed with the administra-
tion's case for maintaining aid
programs, even on a small scale,
"in virtually every underdeveloped
country in the free world and in a
few developed or relatively de-
veloped countries.
The report aimed sharp barbs
'at the South Viet Nam government
aind Latin American governments
seized by the military.
It said the adoption of an
amendment supporting any deci-
sion Kennedy may take in his
discretion to cut off aid to South
Viet Nam reflected committee feel-
ing that "stabilization of the poli-
tical situation" there is of utmost
importance in winning the guer-
rilla war against the Communists.
Adopt Amendment.
The committee adopted an
amendment that would deny Al-
liance for Progress funds to mili-
tary regimes like those in the
Dominican Republic and Honduras
which overthrew elected govern-
ments unless the President finds
withholding aid contrary to the
national interest.
In adopting the amendment, the
committee said, it recognized that
the United States is helping Latin
American countries defend them-
selves against Communist subver-
sion, butadded that it is equally
important that these countries be
protected from forces of "the
ultra-conservative traditional oli-
-Associated Press
WHEAT PURCHASE-United States and Soviet officials met in Washington yesterday to discuss.
merits and details of the proposed Russian purchase of American wheat. Present, from left, were
Undersecretary of State George W. Ball, Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, Sergei A. Borisov,
first Soviet deputy minister of foreign trade, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman and Secre-
tary of Commerce Luther Hodges.
Authorize- Wheat Consignment
Council did, however, approve
minor deletions in parts of the
motion which the referral com-
mittee had questioned. These es-
tablished an appeal procedure to
the vice-president for student af-
fairs which was different from the
procedure outlined in the Council
Employed in Appeals
By the deletion made last night,
the Council Plan procedure will
be employed in all appeals.
Council's action adopting the
original version of the regulations
at its Oct. 2 meeting, was stayed.
several weeks ago by the SGC
Comnittee on Referral to investi-
gate questions about the motion as
then completed.
Final Report'
In the referral committee's fin-
al report and recommendations
submitted to Lewis yesterday and
taken up by Council last night, it
stated that the terminology of the
Lewis To Get Motion
Must Decide in Weel
Council Approves Minor Deletion
Prevents Different Appeal Metho
Student Government Council last night refused to chan
its membership motion to remove the major criticism ma
yesterday by the Committee on Referral.
The motion now goes to Vice-President for Student A
fairs James A. Lewis for his approval or veto within one wee
The rejected committee's criticism had pertained to t
composition of the membership tribunal, which could inch
a non-student member. The committee argued that Cour
did not have a, right to appoint non-student members
student committees under the >
provisions of the Council plan. ]IZT 1- T
Of Structur
WASHINGTON' ()-The first
trickle of what United States of-
ficials hope will be a stream of
American grain shipments to Iron
Curtain countries was authorized
It was announced as United
States and Soviet trade officials
opened a series of high level talks
in what was described by Secre-
tary of Agriculture Orville L. Free-
man as a "let's launch the ship"
The opening deal is for $1.9
million shipment of corn for Hun-
Approve Shipment
The commerce department ap-
proved the shipment by issuing a
license for the export of the 1.2
million bushels involved.
This figures out to 30,000 long
tons, which is about one-third of
EMU Requests'
$2.29 Million
Rise in Bido-ret
President Eugene B. Elliot of
Eastern Michigan University an-
nounced yesterday that EMU
hopes for a gross operating budget
of $7.35 million for the 1963-64
school year.
The budget is based on an ex-
pected enrollment of 8200. It is
$2.29 million more than last year's
The state will supply $5.95 mil-
lion. Student fees and other
sources will supply $1.39 million of
the proposed budget.
A capital outlay of $4.94 million
was asked with $1.29 million going
toward a fine and industrial arts
building and $1 million for the fin-
al planning of the new library.
Elliot' noted that the requests
are in line with the post-war
"baby boom" as many of these
children are now of college age.
the corn the Communists are ex-
pected to buy and only a fraction
of the $250 million worth of wheat
this country hopes to sell them.
The commerce department with-
held the name of the successful
applicant for the initial license,
granted under President John F.
Kennedy's order of two weeks ago
approving the sale of subsidized
farm products to Soviet bloc
In American Ships
One problem in the way of a
massive wheat deal which not only
would help solve this country's
surplus but also would alleviate
Soviet shortages is a requirement
laid down by Kennedy that the
grain must be carried in American
ships, when ,available.
Russian officials are balking
at the higher rates charged by
American shippers, but United
States officials said they expect
this difficulty will be resolved as
successive applications -for export
licenses are granted.
"It is possible," one official said,
"that the whole shipping rate
problem " may go away. Rates
charged by foreign ships are rising
and may in time come up to the
level of the American rate."
Higher Rates
Right now the American rate is
about 20-30 cents a bushel higher
than foreign rates.
This does affect export sales of
corn, however, since the commerce
department last Friday exempted
grains other than wheat from the
ship-American requirement. .
Taking part in yesterday's open-
ing conference with United States
cabinet and subcabinet officials
was a four-man Soviet grain pur-
chasing mission headed by Sergei
A. Borisov, first deputy minister
of foreign trade.
Borisov told newsmen after a
21/%-hour luncheon conference with
United States officials hat "we will
come to an agreement" if things
proceed "as they have been pro-
ceeding this afternoon."
Freeman said the situation
"looks very promising." He said
yesterday's meeting was devoted to
a broad review of various aspects
of a wheat deal and "more pene-
trating and detailed discussions"
will be held later.
Secretary of Commerce Luther
Hodges, who participated in the
conference, said only that the issue
"is large and complicated" and
that the actual wheat deal will be
made through private channels.
Host at the luncheon was Un-
dersecretary of State George W.
Freeman said the main purpose
was "to entertain this high level
delegation and to discuss how we
do business."
"This is a different way of do-
ing business for them - through
private enterprise, not through
state trading," he said.
Geographical, Basis Urged
For Distribution of Grants
WASHINGTON-The American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science proposed that part of the money allocated by the
federal government for research be given to groups or institutions
on a geographic rather than a merit basis, the New York Times re-
ported yesterday.
According to Paul M. Gross, president of the association, the
"government's total objective in supporting science would be better
'served" if lesser-quality institu-
tions in states other than those
with top quality institutions should
receive some of the grants.
... committee reply
regulations which deals with the
appointment of members to the'
Membership Tribunal. is not in ac-
cord with "the terms of the Stu-
dent Government Council Plan
adopted by the Board of Regents
on Nov. 20, 1959."
The referral committee based its
objections on the SGC Plan con-
tained in the University Regula-
tions Concerning Student Organi-
zations which describes the au-
thority of Council as follows: "To
serve as an appointing body for
the selection of student commit-
tees and student representatives to
University committees."
The membership regulations au-
thorize "a Membership Tribunal
composed of three members of the
University selected by Student
See excerpts from referral
committee statement, Page 2
Government Council." While the
regulations specify that "at least
two of the members shall be se-
lected from the student body." it is
thought that the third member
would be a member of the faculty.
Limits SGC
The referral committee noted
that it "is of the opinion that the
provisions of the SGC Plan quot-
ed above limits the SGC to select-
ing 'students' as members of stu-
dent committees."
Outgoing President Thomas
Brown, '66L, noted that "student
Student Government Council
last night studied a motion by
Tom Smithson concerning stu-
dent parking facilities and voted
to commit itself to "lease" the
top floor of the Thompson Street
Parking Structure.
Council also made available
parking facilities in this structure
for students with "E" and "S"
These parking spaces will be
alloted on a first-come-first-
served basis at a fee of $10.
In addition, SGC authorized its
executive committee to direct that
$100,000 of its parking fund be
invested in the University Invest-
ment Pool and that interest from
this investment be added to the
invested principle.
Passed Motion
In further action, SGC passed
a motion by Daily Editor Ronald
Wilton mandating the Committee
on Student Activities to work with
the Special Projects Committee of
the Michigan Union in putting out
a course description booklet for
next semester's literary college
Wilton explained' that "for the
student to best achieve his edu-
cational goals, a maximum amount
of information on course content
is essential. Furthermore, courses
must be constantly reviewed and
re-evaluated to determine if they
are adequate for the student's
Hopefully, the booklets would
contain the course outlines dis-
tributed at the beginning of each
semester, textbook information
and brief comments by the profes-
sor as to which parts of the course
he emphasizes and how he con-
ducts the class.
Defeats Proposal
SGC defeated a motion by E.-
win Sasaki, Grad, to place the
Conference on the University
Steering Committee under the
supervision and control of SOC's
Committee on University Affairs.
Sasaki argued that making the
Committee on University Affairs
a continuing committee for the
conference would place it in the
hands of those who were interested
in University problems.
In arguing against the Sasaki
proposal, Richard Keller Simon,
'66, noted that the original intent
of the founders of the Conference
on the University, Thomas Hay-
den, former Daily editor, and
Philip Powers, former SGC mem-
ber, said they did not intend to put
the conference in SGC's hands.
More Bureaucracy
Simon observed that Sasaki's
motion, rather than cutting down
on bureaucracy in the organiza-
tion, would only compound it. He
also noted that if SGC took over,
it would be required to pay $1200,
half the budget of the Council.
In a motion introduced by Rus-
sell Epker, SOC officially express-
ed its disappointment in the post-
ponement of the Conference on
the University and reaffirmed its
support of the philosophy of the
Karp Lectures on Meaning of Pop Art'
"Everything about pop art is
wrong!" Ivan C. Karp of New
York's Castelli Art Gallery said.
This is the common reaction to
"popular image art," as he pre-l
fers to call it.I
, Making it clear that he would
not attempt to persuade his aud-
ience that "pop art" is art, Karp
said, "I cannot instruct you as to
tasy of vision" in which the artist
portrays exactly what he sees.
"Pop art results from this attitude
and is a reaction against the in-
wardness of abstract expression-
ism," Karp said.
He explained that the pop art
artist attempts to reveal the
poetic character of certain every-
day symbols in commercial and
cartoon life.
Lacks Commentary
play the somehow happened," he
"Pop art finds its subjects in
the landscape and aspects of
everyday life as digested by ad-
vertising and cartoonists," Karp
Karp concluded by warning hat
an appreciation of pop art in-
volves a recognition of the things1
we are used to, are distasteful,
Turned Down
Similar proposals were turned
down by congress when the Na-
tional Science Foundation was
founded more than a decade ago.
It had then been suggested that
25 per cent of the foundation's
grants be apportioned among the
states, while the rest would have
been allotted on the basis of merit
"This proposal was killed." Gross
asserted, "because the pork-barrel
label got attached to it, but the-
objective is still desirable."
According to present practice,