AND APPROPRIATIONS Lw C43U11a Il3aliji SUNN High-84 Low--55 Continued warm becoming fair and mild See Editorial I'age Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 45, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAI f R TALKS AT UNION: Muslim Demands Separation By THOMAS COPI "The only permanent solution to the Negro problem is the Negroes' complete separation from the whites so that they can live alone among their own people in peace," Malcolm X, minister for Muslim Mosque No. 7 of New York City, said last night at the Union.l' "How can America atone for her crimes against the Negroes?" he asked. A desegregated movie house or restaurant isn't the answer, and equal employment opportunity is only a temporary solution. Coin- plete separation is the only true answer, Malcolm X said. He added 1. . that the United States should provide transportation for the Negroes. Malcolm X O lines Goal "We are not Black Muslims, we are Muslims. "Islam is a religion of brother- hood in which color is not rec- ognized," Malcolm X said at a discussion session at the Guild House yesterday following his talk at the Michigan Union. "Elijah Muhammad is hoping to establish a religious nation under Islam," he said. "I must emphasize that we don't want a separate place for this nation in the United States-we want to go back home." "We are most optimistic on achieving Elijah Muhammad's aims, whereas we think that the Negro civil rights groups will never succeed, because they are satis- fied with tokenism," he said. The Muslim program is in three parts: "wake-up, clean up, and stand up," he continued. The black people must be educated to the fact that complete integration is wishful thinking. He must then clean up his way of living, giving up the drinking, crime and dope addiction which are destroying the moral fibre of the Negro commu- nity, Malcolm X asserted. Finally, he must restore his identification with the Negro peo- ple, and restore his racial pride, he added. "The Negro who has been ex- posed to Elijah Muhammad thinks of himself as a Negro-never as an American," he said. "He real- izes that the price of his inde- pendence is the willingness to give life-and "to take life." Malcolm X said the worst crime that the American slave traders and the American people com- mitted against the Negroes was the dehumanizing of the Negro people. ~.............:""; m{* PROF. HENRY L. BRETTON ... African values change Bretton Notes sfe yr 'Power Drive Within Africa By ROBERT JOHNSTON "A drive for prestige, power an d material wealth is a massive cor- roding agent in the importan rica t Pro. enry Bretton of the political science department asserted yesterday.iv Citing this change i values, Prof. Bretton explained that an individual's claim on a share of the tribal wealth has always had a steady base, rooted in his ac- quaintance with his neighbors and their mutual agreement on the bouns ofi rihande wrng.lus Bu in st Afia's 'u ban areas today, the individual has no such ties. Cut adrift, with no restraints on his value judgments, he often tends to work to enrich himself at the expense of others, Prof. Bret- ton said. Speaking at an informal lecture- discussion sponsored by the Inter- national Students' Association, Prof. Bretton pointed out that the African experience today is unique to their nation, and everything they need to get started. "This is justice,"he commented. He also said that they don't want desert land, but fertile pro- ductive land on which they can produce. "The United States should give us everything we need for 20-25 years until we can pro- duce for ourselves," he continued. "This is just repayment for 400 years of slavery." "The American Negroes are getting angrier and more explo- sive every day," he said. There are two revolts going on in the coun- try today-the. Negro revolt and the Black revolt. The Negro revolt is made up of those Negroes who follow the civil rights leaders, asking for equality. The Black revolt is made up of the followers of Elijah Muham- med, leader of the Muslims in America, who want separation, he continued. He was very critical of the so- called "Negro revolt," saying, "who ever heard of a 'friendly' or a 'non-violent' or a 'peaceful' revo- lution2" as the Negro revolt is often called. Eye Studies Ont Religion On the recommendation of the Board of Governors for Religious Affairs, Vice-President for Aca- demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns has appointed a commission to study and make recommendations on studies in religion in the Uni- versity, curriculum. Prof. William J. Schlatter of the business administration school will chair the commission. In a letter to the members chosen for the commission, Heyns outlined the tasks of the commission as: 'U' Responsibility 1) To consider the responsibility of the University for offering courses depicting the history, art and philosophy of religious move- ment; for courses portraying con- temporary religious thought and theology, and for courses consider- ing the interaction of religious values with current developments in the areas of social, biological and physical sciences; and for courses including a treatment of ethics in vocational practice; 2) To review the present cur- ricular offerings in these areas; 3) To consider procedures by which needed courses may be sponsored and supported, particu- larly when they may not fall within the established programs and budgets of the appropriate departments; 4) To investigate non-University sources of support for experimen- tal programs; Relation to Center 5) To consider the relation to the University of the proposed Center for Theological Studies in Southeastern Michigan to be spon- sored by the Greater Detroit Study Commission on Theological Edu- cation; and 6) To make recommendations on these matters for action by the University administration and staff. Heyns expressed a desire to see the commission finish its work by May, 1964. Working with Prof. Schlatter on the commission will be DeWitt C. Baldwin, coordinator of religious affairs, Kevin Beattie, Grad, the Reverend John F. Bradley, Harvey Braunstein, '65, the Reverend J. Edgar Edwards, Herman Jacobs of the Board of Religious Counselors, Prof. William W. Jellema of the education school, Prof. George E. Mendenhall of the Near East stu- dies department, David W. K. Sumner, Grad, and Prof. Frederick MALCOLM X .. separate Negro state Meredith Asks Rights By JOHN WEILER Special To The Daily DEARBORN - "I attended the University of Mississippi not for the sake of integration, but be- cause I wanted to assert my rights as a citizen," James Mere- dith said last night at the Dear- born Campus. Meredith said he has no fight or struggle with anyone if he can be a full citizen. He emphasized the fact that citizenship is not contingent on race, religion, or education in any way. Meredith noted that he would not be forced into any kind of in- tegration activity by any group and that he attended the Uni- versity of Mississippi on his own accord. Must Face It He said that the Americans must face up to the racial prob- lem and realize that Governors Ross Barnett and George Wallace are "real people-not crazy peo- ple." They are intelligent but they grew up under white supremacy, he added. Meredith commented that the root of the racial problem is this white supremacy which has been prevalent for many years. The condition where one man was superior to another is evident to- day as it was when the civil war was fought, Meredith added. He said that the government has a duty to the people to inte- grate the schools, but "there has never been a significant civil rights bill passed in the United States history." Negro Opportunity Meredith said that the Negro must be given an opportunity to advance himself, because even if companies do have openings they can not give them to Negroes who are not qualified. "If Negroes are not able to prepare they can not make a decent living." He cited as one of the greatest advances in the racial problem the integration of the armed forces in the 1950's. Shotguns Leave Meredith said that the day he left the University of Mississippi the 10-15 shotguns guarding him were withdrawn leaving Cleve Mc- Dowell unprotected. "We failed McDowell," Meredith said. Meredith noted that he spoke with Elijah Muhammed, leader of the Black Muslims, a few weeks ago and found him "to be a Negro and not much else." Meredith said he does not feel these "racial groups" will have much control on the mainstream of the country. "There is no one way to solve the racial issues," Meredith said, "but I think the whole situation is simple and people making it complicated is the major prob- lem." T o Debate Referral Findings Couneil Prepares To View Motion By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The Committee on Referral to- day will submit its final recom- mendations on the Student Gov- ernment Council membership mo- tion to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. SGC will then take up the rec- ommendations at its meeting to- night in order either to reaffirm or alter its motion. After this "re- affirmation" or "qualification" has been made, Lewis will have one week to pass or veto the motion. The Committee on Referral yes- terday completed its findings and prepared to send them officially to Lewis this morning. Wouldn't Say Referral Committee Chairman Prof. Joseph Kallenbach of the political science department would not reveal what the exact findings on the "Membership Selection in Student Organizations" motion are. He did, however, note that the findings and recommendations are "rather lengthy" and that "defi- nite changes have been proposed." Council is not expected to swal- low the recommendations without a bitter gulp-it at all. According to SGC President Russell Epker, '64BAd. "as of right now, I don't anticipate any change in the tri- bunal structure set up in the mo- tion." Criticized This structure, one of the past most frequently criticized parts of the motion by the Referral Com- mittee, establishes a three man judging tribunal to hear cases and affix penalties where necessary. The controversial part is its composition whereby the third member of the tribunal is not re- stricted to being of student status. Referral committee members have argued in the past-and are expected to argue in their recom- mendations to Lewis-that this third member could be a faculty member constitutionally permitted by this motion to be appointed to a student committee. Violation This appointment, they have charged, would be in strict viola- tion to the Council plan - the Council's constitution-which only gives SGC the right to appoint members to student committees. Council will discuss the recom- mendations and decide whether it wants to change the motion. He explained that any changes would be "up to the discretion of Council." He indicated that pri- vate talks he and other Council members will be holding with Lew- is today may prove crucial in the Council decision as to whether to change any of the motion's pass- ages. City Council Enlarges HRC The Ann Arbor City Council Monday night increased the size of the Human Relations Commis- sion from 10 to 12 members despite an hour-long protest by the Ann Arborbranch of the National As- sociation for the Advancement of Colored People. About 35 persons participated in the circular march to picket the entrance of City Hall before the meeting to express dissatisfaction with the Commission and the terms of the proposed increase. Negro leaders had been calling for an increase in the Commission' to 15 with at least seven of the members to be Negroes. Appropriation Key If I Students Join Faculty. Units Committee By LOUISE LIND Four subcommittees of the University Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- fairs (SACUA) have announced their intent to allow student members to participate without vote in their meetings. These four subcommittees- Bylaws, Student Relations, Re- search Policy and Profession- alism in Intercollegiate Ath- letics-responded to a request made last year by Student Gov- ernment Council that SACUA admit student members to ses- sions of nine of its subcom- mittees. Council at that time had created a parallel nine-subcom- mittee structure with SACUA to facilitate the eventual seat- ing of students if granted SAC- UA permission. One of Four Of the four granting permis- sion thus far, one subcommit- tee-on Bylaws-was not orig- inally petitioned by Council. However, Council officers have decided to adopt a flexible pro- cedure in case other requested subcommittees refuse to allow the seating of students. The remaining six SACUA subcommittees on which stu- dents requested to sit without vote - Educational Policies, Campus Planning and Develop- ment, Public Relations, Univer- sity Freedom and Responsibil- ity, Year-Round Operations- Improvement of Instruction- have not met and thus have not decided whether they will per- mit the student representatives. Romney 7' The idea of seating students on faculty subcommittees was first conceived last spring when SGC was considering the possi- bility of initiating student-fac- ulty government on this cam- pus. Provides Contact At that time, it was decided that the seating of students on faculty subcommittees, although not an actual step toward stu- dent-faculty government, would provide contact between the student and faculty bodies which formerly had been miss- ing in University government. The Daily contacted chair- men of some of the six unde- clared SACUA subcommittees to determine whether they will seat student representatives. Chairman of the Public Re- lations subcommittee Prof. Howard Peckham of the history department said, "I can con- ceive of a case where the sub- committee may not want to seat students, since the committee does not operate in the sense of a public-relations bureau for the entire University. Rather, it deals with spurring our own faculty into projects to improve the image of the University in the state, not with what stu- dents can or should do in pub- lic relations. No Request Yet The Campus Planning and Development subcommittee has not yet received a request for admission from the students, subcommittee chairman Prof. Merwin Waterman of the busi- ness administration school said. "They have given us no idea of their objectives and exactly what they want. Until they have made up their minds, I don't see much point in seat- ing them," he said. In addition to the nine re- quested subcommittees and the Bylaws subcommittee previous- ly mentioned, SACUA has six other subcommittees. Two of these are the subcom- mittee on Economic Status of the Faculty and the subcom- mittee on Tenure. The chair- men of these subcommittees yesterday explained their ra- tionale behind the exclusion of students on these bodies - al- though Council never requested to be seated on them. No Students Prof. Harvey Brazer of the economics department a n d chairman of the subcommittee on Economic Status of the Fac- ulty said, "The decision that has been taken by SACUA, so far as I am aware, is that stu- dents will not participate on this committee. "My feeling is that this is not a subcommittee for which it would be appropriate to have student participation; I don't see what useful purpose would be served," he said. Prof. William Pierce of the Law School and chairman of the subcommittee on Tenure said that since this subcommit- tee is an appellate board for discharged faculty members and enjoys Regental standing, students would not be admitted at its meetings. "The committee has not met at all and hopefully will never have to do so," he said. EDUCATION FOR NEGROES: Universities Open New Opportunities Un rax t Get By MICHAEL SATTINGER Most Midwestern universities have programs in operation to solve problems of extending edu- cation opportunities to Negroes, Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns said yester- day. In the last week he has at- tended two conferences on these problems, one in Washington sponsored by the American Coun- cil for Education (ACE), and the other in Ann Arbor held at the invitation of the University. The ACE conference was at- tended by representatives from Northern universities, about 15 Negro colleges, educational foun- dations and the federal govern- ment. Twofold Purpose The purpose of this conference was first to identify the problems in extending educational oppor- tunities to Negroes and then to define the role of ACE in finding solutions to these problems. The conference decided that the pri- mary function of ACE was to call together conferences and to act as a clearing house. The conference held here Mon- day included representatives from the Big Ten universities, the Uni- versity of Chicago, Wayne State University and the Tuskegee In- stitute. It was called at the sug- gestion of Hobart Taylor, execu- tive vice-chairman of President John F. Kennedy's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. Taylor also attended the confer- ence. "Both 'conferences identified many of the same problems," Heyns said. Dropouts The most basic problem is that of dropouts-preventing the loss of students who drop out of school and who never go on to college, graduate or professional schools. "This problem involves working with high school teachers, coun- selors, principals, parents, em- ployers and indeed the whole so- ciety," Heyns said. If these students are to go on to get more education, then the, problem arises of providing the financial support they will need. Another problem facing institu- tions is providing the remedial education they need at both the high school and college levels. Respected Positions Finally, job opportunities in positions of honor and respect must be provided -now so that Negro youth will see the possibili- ties that exist. "One of the real troubles is that Negro youth has serious doubts that there is any real advantage in getting a college education," Heyns said. May Block, Reform Bill But Majority Leader Sees Little Chance Of Bottleneck There By STEVEN HALLER Key income, sales, intangible and property tax proposals in Gov. George Romney's fiscal reform program were sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee yester- day where they face an uncertain fate. The move, forced by opponents of: Romney's program, gives the appropriations committee t h e chance to rewrite the major ele- ments of Romney's tax program or kill them altogether. The measures were part of 61 bills sent back to the Senate floor Thursday after the Senate taxa- tion committee discharged all tax bills without comment. Although the committee con- tains Senate Majority leader Stan- ley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), Romney's most influential Senate supporter, it also contains four conservative GOP senators who have not committed themselves on the program and two Democrats vocally opposed to Romney's in- come proposals. Two Other Moderates The 10-member committee also contains two other GOP moderates who can be counted as supporting Romney's program and one un- committed Democrat. Six votes are needed to move any measure to the floor. The personal - corporate - finan- cial institution income tax pack- age, the repeal of the intangi- bles tax and the sales tax on food and prescription drugs and the 20 per cent rebate on local school taxes are among the measures. They were sent to the appro- priations committee when Sena- tors Philip A. Rahoi (R-Iron Mountain) and Stanley F. Rozy- cki (D-Detroit) pointed out Mon- day that these measures include redistribution of general fund rev- enues which under normal Senate rules must be approved by the appropriations committee. This move came when Romney's program as part of 61 bills were on the calendar for "general orders" consideration. Thayer Agreed After a Senate GOP caucus yes- terday, Thayer agreed to the move and to send the rest of the bills- especially those dealing with prop- erty assessment-back to the taxa- tion committee. He had held up action when it was originally sprung upon the Senate Monday night. Thayer predicted that there will be little chance that the bills will be blocked in committee. "There are still problems, to be sure, but they are problems which will occur on the Senate floor," he noted. He said that this arrangement will allow both the taxation and appropriations committee to con- sider possible amendments thor- oughly. In the House, Rep. Arthur Cart- wright (D-Detroit) temporarily shelved a move to force all tax bills out of the House Taxation Committee, as fellow Democrat Sen. Charles Blondy (D-Detroit) did last Tr day in heS nat. No War Cartwright explained that Sen- ate maneuvering had caused him to change his mind. "We don't want to have a war on both sides of the Legislature," he explained. He said he will wait as long as tax legislation moves smoothly. Meanwhile, Romney's program gained important but limited sup- port from the Chrysler Corp. and the state Chamber of Commerce. Chrysler was the first of the three major auto companies to abandon a neutral position. Auto company lobbyists have been blamed for the defeat of for- mer Gov. John B. Swainson's fiscal reform efforts. Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley blasted Ford and Chrysler. lobbyists in a report last Septem- ber as major causes of Swainson's legislative demise. Heyns Tells Exchange Plans For U', Tuskegee Faculty "We hope to start an exchange of faculty with the Tuskegee Institute by next fall," Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said yesterday. This program will begin with an analysis by both institutions of areas in which visiting faculty members would be most beneficial. Plans for student exchange have not gone as far as those for faculty exchange, he said. "Both the University and Tuskegee are interested in student exchange where it will help not only students but the educational program of the two institutions. " We are convinced that the pri- mary value of student exchange is fines Dekes educational and not social or po- litical," Heynssaid. .F r V nl n . o .10 srngunFror L ho LIEn TOURING COMPANIES: PTP To Feature Four Plays Wyatt of the ment. psychology depart-I NASA Reviews Space Center By The Associated Press By JOHN BRYANT The Professional Theatre Program will present a "Play of the Month" series, featuring touring theatrical companies performing for one night in Hill Aud. This year's series will feature four plays: "Brecht on Brecht," "The Hollow Crown, A Royal Entertainment," "A Man for All Seasons" and "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." "We are trying to complement the productions by the Association of Producing Artists with the Play of the Month series. The APA is leaning more to classical dramas this year; hence the Play of the Month productions are more contemporary." "Brecht on Brecht." appearing Nov. 25, will feature Lotte Lenya, To Bring Choir The two institutions will try to bring the Tuskegee choir up to this campus, perhaps sometime in March. The University and Tuskegee have already begun work on other areas of their joint cooperative effort. Tuskegee faculty members were on campus Monday to estab- lish contacts with University fac- ulty to discuss research programs and staff needs. Joint Research Both institutions are exploring the possibility of a program of re- search on race relations rather than outlining specific projects at this time. Heyns said. 'U, Regulations, Interfraternity Council last night found Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity guilty of violating Uni- versity regulations which prohibit the presence of alcoholic beverages in a house and the presence of women in non-communal areas. The violations took place at a registered party Oct. 12.' IFC fined the chapter $300 and placed it on social probation until the end of the semester. The so- cial probation and $150 of the fine were suspended pending no further violations. -