Seventy-Tbird Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD RN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions AeFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY. OCTOBER 22.1963 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rabb Views Role of APA in the U' Conference Committee Should;Report to SGC STUDENT GOVERNMENT C O U N C I L should ask the chairman of the Con- ference on the University Steering Com- mittee to make weekly progress reports. Tight SGC controls would undoubtedly limit the potential of such a conference; however, Council should take steps to make sure the wheels are turning. The second Conference on the Univer- sity was postponed last week because hazy lines of authority in' the steering committee made it difficult to cope with an almost incredible series of misfortunes and a wall of active administrative disin- terest which the Conference encountered. THE "FATE" FACTOR entered at the be- ginning of the semester, when every- thing was running smoothly except for the procurement' of the keynote speaker. Efforts on the part of Prof. Otto Graf, director of the Honors Council, to invite Paul Goodman during the summer had been unsuccessful. Two letters written in care of Goodman's publisher had not been answered. Committee member Richard Simon then called the publishing house, whose spokesman denied any knowledge of the. letters. The committee then decided to gamble and invite Goodman again. In two weeks his refusal was received. By then it was too late for letters, say Simon phoned Prof. Richard Hofstadter of the Columbia University history depart- ment who indicated that he was interest- ed in speaking, but who requested a let- ter of confirmation. His name soon leaked to the press. Two days later, Hofstadter wrote the steering committee he had changed his mind. RED-FACED, and in a tight spot, the committee decided to invite what it considered a good speaker, rather than trying to attract a well-known one. It asked Carey McWilliams, Jr. and he ac- cepted. Perhaps weekly reports would have forced clear thinking earlier, so these frantic last-minute heroics could have been avoided. The loosely structured committee fail- ed the chairman on more than one occa- sion. A FULL WEEK was lost when the person delegated to interview students for the discussion groups simply did nothing. After the interviewing was over, the per- son in charge of notifying the 104 students finally selected to participate in the dis- cussion did not fulfill his responsibility, and no letters were sent. Many faculty members were not notified of the Con- ference, although in the middle of Sep- tember, each committee member had agreed to speak to three or four people. THE TIGHTER CHECKS enforced by progress reports would have meant ear- lier discovery of these blunders. SGC Executive Vice-President Edwin Sasaki appointed Diane Lebedeff chair- man of the steering committee, and then bowed out of the picture, leaving her to dig up a competent committee. This would have been fine had there been, an ocean of eager, willing workers floating around the campus who had not already commit- ted their time elsewhere. All but three, or four members of the steering committee were sent there or referred from organi- zations, which deemed the project wor- thy. THE ADMINISTRATION was unforgiv- ably apathetic toward the conference. President Hatcher was invited last May, and at that time, agreed to attend the conference, and to introduce the keynote speaker. However, last week his secretary noti- fied Miss Lebedeff that he would be en- gaged in some official function or other in Texas next weekend. No chairman, and no committee can do anything about that kind of treatment. ASSUMING that that does not happen again, the Conference on the Universi- ty has tremendous potential. Its purpose of better communication is an essential one in a university of some 27,000 stu- dents. An imaginative steering committee can present a program which has lasting effects, if it is not shackled with tight con- trols. However, a floating'ad hoc committee is always in danger of losing its direction. A simple weekly report would eliminate this deadly danger. -CARL J. COHEN To the Editor: UNACCUSTOMED as I am to public writing, as artistic di- rector of the Association of Pro- ducing Artists I feel tempted to indulge in that unforgivable sin: a reply to the "press,"-a sin be- cause the work itself is the only honest and final definition. But The Michigan Daily is "edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan" and thus I feel we owe to APA's sponsor some particiipation in the "Making Much Ado about 'Much Ado'." It is, of course, wonderfully exciting that one of our produc- tions could stimulate such interest and concern as to warrant such impassioned letters as Mr. Fried- man's and such a headline in your paper. But there is one great danger in the content of Mr. Friedman's published reaction. It implies the need for artistic cen- sorship of what the student and community audiences are to see. It also implies an imposed "suc- cess formula." I am speaking of what I under- stand to be Mr. Friedman's atti- tude, not his right to like or dis- like, agree or disagree with what he sees. In Mr. Friedman's letter he seems to say that the APA had no "right" to produce a production of "Much Ado about Nothing" that varied from the accepted concept of the play. If functioning artists are to play a part -in the life of this campus and this community, they must be expected to disrupt as well -as confirm. That is the nature of art. That is its function. And we will-we must-fail as well as succeed to do so. I AM CONFIDENT that the ad- ministation of the University does not expect of APA the "easy suc- cess" nor the "predigested hit" nor the "conventional interpreta- tion." Nor do I think the com- munity or students expect this of us. If the University and the Ann FABLES:- Right As Rene IF ONCE you don't succeed, try try again. "Three Fables of Love," now showing at the Cam- pus Theatre, is the latest in the new foreign film rage: episode mo- vies. It proves conclusively that too many cooks spoil the mirth. The early bird catches the worm and thus the first of the three fa- bles. Titled "The Tortoise and the Hare," it proves that what's here today will be gone tomorrow. The story deals with a clever wife who surprises her husband and his mis- tress by accommodating them in every way. Rossani Brazzi is the duped husband but don't be too harsh, you can't tell a man by his farce. The second of the three, "The Fox and the Crow," demon- strates conclusively that you should let sleeping dogs lie for their bark is decidedly worse than their bite. HOWEVER, a stitch in time is aptly applied by the master him- self, Rene Clair. In the third and final segment, "The Two Pigeons," Leslie (Gigi, L-shaped Room) Car- on and Charles (Shoot the Piano Player) Aznavour prove that two heads are better than fun, and steal the show. The situation is simple enough, two strangers become locked in an apartment for a weekend and act on the hope that love conquers all obstacles. The magnificent switching of viewpoints as directed by Clair are as effective as they are hilarious. The care and talent prove conclusively that as ye sow so shall ye reap. However, whereby Caron and Aznavour are jolly company, "Three Fables" is a crowd. As in all the episode films, the bigger they are the harder they fail. And sadly but surely, the first two fables fail. However, if you're will- ing to spend the time needed to separate the single grain from the chaff, it's as Clair as the morning star. -Hugh Holland Arbor community expect to have a truly active, productive and re- alistic professional theatre in their midst, they must demand only the highest standards of accomplish- ment, but they must also face the fact that' such standards cannot be met constantly nor consistently. If they could, they would not be standards of any breadth nor height. While the APA does provide the audience here with experience ("School for Scandal," "The Tav- ern," "Ghosts," "Midsummer Night's Dream"), it is also our job, our obligation, our respon- sibility, our privilege and pleasure to initiate certain productions into our growing repertoire while in residence here. Naturally those productions will not be as "ful- filled" as the others. The Univer- sity and its audience would cer- tainly feel cheated if we gave them only the previously tried and prov- en true. WHEN WE OPENED "School for Scandal" nearly three years ago, for the first time, it ran three hours, contained two inter- missions, certain jokes of an ar- chaic, undigestable anti-semitic nature, etc. Since then the pro- duction has undergone change and growth. It was a considerable hit in New York before it played here. I venture to say that "Much Ado" will undergo something of a sim- ilar growth and some time from now Ann Arbor audiences and the University willaproudly claim that the production was initiated in the repertoire while we were in residence here. This is, of course, no reason for the current audience to accept im perfections, inadequacies in the production in its current state. I dare say we can, ourselves, find far more wrong with every pro- duction we do than hias ever been found wrong by our audience or critics. But if we tried to please all the people all the time, we wouldn't be worth the time, energy and money you all spend to have us here. We certainly must have the "right" to experiment and grow if you are to benefit from an active program of theatre. WE HAVE BEEN extremely pleased and rewarded by our re- sponse here in Ann Arbor in terms of box-office and critical recep- tion. We will endeavor to live up to it and better our record. This season in Ann Arbor the APA will perform two productions that have been previously "tried out" suc- cessfully in the repertoire and two that have not-and Ann Arbor may dislike or like what has work- ed before. That is the nature of audiences. That is the nature of creative work. That is all part of the adventure. But please no outrage if a pro- duction does not conform to the content of next week's lecture. No. I take it back. Outrage canthelp. It can help the audience. It can help the theatre. It can help the teacher. It can help the student. The nature of the theatre is to set up an "argument." We speak of the "argument" of the play. We now speak of the argument of the production. We admit there is virtue in argument by going to the theatre. That is perhaps why a professional theatre company is a healthy addition to the academic world. I AM TOUCHED by Mr. Fried- man's reaction of praise (by con- trast) to my own production of "Midsummer Night's Dream," for what he liked some others have condemned. While he liked what might be called the simplicity and directness of approach (my in- tention), others have been out- raged that I don't utilize all the opportunity for "spectacle" (so traditional with that play), the fact that I cut all the other fairies including the famous Mustardseed, Moth and Cobweb, and that I don't employ that wonderful mid- 19th century romantic score by Mendelssohn which some (not I) find so fitting. As for Mr. Baldridge's produc- tion of "Merchant of Venice" last season-it attracted more healthy controversy locally and nationally than any other production we have "Hey, Guess What- People From China Have Been Escaping To MY Country " done here. I have personally been in "Merchant" twice and seen it three times-read it often. Mr. Baldridge's production was arevel- ation to me. Miss Eva Le Gallienne, certainly one of the few authorities in this country on the theatre of tradi- tion, found that production truly exciting. We, Miss Le Gallienne and I, regard it as a success. But we are old traditionalists and like our theatre disconcerting. * * * IN THE SHORT TIME that "Much Ado" has been playing, it student must act in his role as a student in the total community. Only by recognizing that the Uni- versity as an institution in many ways reflects society at large and cannot be an isolated island of academia, can he engage in meaningful activity that will pre- pare him to become later an ef- fecitve and democratic partici- pant in his community. We regret that Mr. Sutin did not consider this vital ingredient of Voice philosophy in his an- alysis of Voice concern with the University. The Voice Retreat in t ,, . ,"', s n, r : , yt ,TS ,. ; . ! ' ...---' nr ti,. r, ; . '' ly,'lR .. , ._..: ..: t, y _° 0 ' x;y t l C*rj* IWAS11NHirQ4 FWs tions of the platform all deal in part with University problems. In the section on civil liberties, the platform explicitly states objec- tions to any law limiting freedom of speech, which would include the speaker restrictions and loyal- ty oaths which Mr. Sutin men- tions. It might be necessary to add here that such a statement im- plies willingness and a commit- ment to act whenever we find that these rights, such as free speech, are being violated. This section also includes Voice's posi- tion in relation to the Office of Student Affairs. The purpose of the platform was not to present a historical account of the OSA and the brevity of this section was in keeping with the spirit of the rest of the document. IN THE area of ,civil rights Voice members are studying dis- crimination in employment in Ann Arbor and on the University cam- pus. This is a very important as- pect of student welfare and of great concern to every student here. We are also working on housing both in the city and on the campus, and are planning to work in the area of admissions to find out why there are relatively so few Negro students in the Uni- versity. Mr. Sutin's remarks on the sec- tion dealing with student-faculty government are unclear, but he seems to have misunderstood our statements. The platform did not intend totsuggest that this group is now in a position to govern. It did assert that our vision of stu- dent-faculty government is one in which there would be joint governing of University affairs that directly and indirectly con- cern students and faculty. * s s WE ALSO urge Mr. Sutin to read carefully our statement on the recent Student Government Council election as evidence that we have by no means "given up" on SGC. We believe that the elec- tion of Tom Smithson and Howard Schecter-the two candidates en- dorsed by Voice-on the first bal- lot, reflects that at least part of campus opinion supported Voice's position on the elections. We con- gratulate Smithson and Schecter on their election and fully intend to cooperate with them and others in trying to strengthen SGC. It is our hope that the coming speaker programs and action pro- jects will prove that Voice has not deserted the campus and will continue to provide the dialogue and debate so important to stu- dents. This dialogue is important as a means of educating and in- forming students about the issues that concern them-the Issues of the world of which they, as stu- dents, are a part. -Voice Executive Committee -Nanci Hollander, Chrm., '65 -Barbara Steinberg, '65 -Stan Nadel, '66 Robert M. Martin, Grad -Barry Bluestone, 16 -Carol McEldowney, '64 -Dick Shortt, '66. Dem Bums... To the Editor: IT SEEMS that 20,000 of us heathens from Brooklyn made. a hell of a lot more noise during the old Dodger games at Ebbets field than 100,000 Michigan-ers during "the most exciting game of the year." When we figured "dem umps waz blind," it meant war between the fans and them. This may seem rather barbaric, but somehow,' I think it helped "Dem Bums." -David B. Cohen, Grad Obsessed I HAVE warned and will continue to warn that nuclear weapons are not the cause of tension in this world, that if all were to dis- appear magically overnight, the tension would remain so long as world Communism remains dedi- cated to aggression and obsessed by its irrational vision of man as mere cog in the machine of history. -Barry Goldwater yf f I I THE LIAISON: Union Troubles Gloria Bowles, Magazine Editor has grown, changed and become enriched. It is unfortunate that the local critics come to the "pre- view" or the "opening night" of a new production, as they do not see the show that the majority of the audience will see. But ,that is the nature of reporting. As an actor in the "Much Ado" production I have found it highly exciting to be in and grow with. With every performance'I find audiences accepting the point of view. And let me say that even in instances when I as artistic director of the company have dis- agreed with the interpretation of one of our directors, I would fight. to the death to ensure that each of these artists has the right to express his concepts and see' them ultimately fulfilled in performance. As a theatre person, I finally ask only one thing of an audience: "Are they bored?" Like it or not, Mr. Friedman, they don't seem bored from night to night. So I suppose you will have some stim- ulating questions to answer in your classes in the days to come. Enjoy. Question. Hate. But above all: question. As'long as there is question there is argument. As long as there is argument there is a need for theatre. -Ellis Rabb Artistic Director, Association of Producing Artists Voie . .. To the Editor: WE HAVE read Philip Sutin's editorial analyzing the Voice platform with interest, and al- though Mr. Sutin made several ac- curate observations, we feel that several points need clarification. Voice has in no way renounced University concerns nor do we intend to reduce our role as a campus political organization. However, we have tried to relate the University to the society at large and make students mpare of the integral relationship /be- tween-them. Voice is firmly com- mitted to the philosophy that the September was an attempt to de- velop an awareness of the rela- tionships that exist between the University and the "real world," and provide a basis for a campus program which would concern University students. * * * THE PLATFORM is an attempt to clarify our philosophy rather than state specific programs. This. is due partially tothe limitations of space. But, more significantly, we believe the Voice platform should be a statement of prin- ciples and visions, a general guidepost around which specific programs can be constructed to meet the specific demands and needs of the time. In other words, a successful and meaningful program must be flexible to allowrfor adjustments to changes in priorities; and for this reason, a rigid platform vis- a-vis programs is stultifying rather than progressive.'However, this might be the proper place to explain some our programs for this year. Beginning Oct. 24 and lasting for eight consecutive Thursdays, Voice will sponsor a Documentary Film Festival in the Multi-pur- pose Room of t1e UGLI. The films will concern labor unions, freedom, rides, migrant workers and peace. We are also planning a series of speakers and seminars on University reform and a sim- ilar series on Negro history. WE APOLOGIZE for the unin- tentional omission of the student "Blue-ribbon" Committee from our platform. It should be known, however, that Barry Bluestone, a member of the Voice Executive Committee, was the person who originally suggested this commit- tee to Gov. Romney and is now working very actively to make it an' effective and purposeful group. More Voice members plan to ex- press themselves on this commit- tee which we recognize as one of the most important developments in current University reform. In addition to a section on University reform, the other sec- t tl j, THE TRADE UNION movement in this country, it is generally agreed, is in trouble. The number of union members in the total work force is down. The majority of those workers who do hold union cards do not remember the union and company "goon" squads which faced each other less than 25 years ago. The worker takes his union membership for granted; a back- ground of labor peace, with no major contract strike for several years, has made him complacent. The worker has little knowledge of la- bor history, although he now benefits from the advances made in the last 20 years. In addition,. the corporation is vol- untarily doing for the employe what the union used to force the company to do. In fact, the wise corporation executive gives many hours of thought to those re- forms and benefits which will make his work force happy, and he hires personnel and industrial relations experts for that purpose. The progress made by the cor- poration and the advances which can be traced to the union are becoming indis- tinguishable in the worker's mind. Members of union and management have founded closer working relationships on the basis of a new mutual respect. This closer relationship between local manage- ment and local union leaders is often de- fensive: each feels alienated from the large corporation or the offices of the international union. IN ADDITION, a large body of plant com- mon law and the arbiter or the umpire' has replaced the local in settling griev- ances, and one of the more important bonds between local union leader and un- ion member has been weakened. More importantly, groups such as the Industrial Union Department of the AFL- on new areas of activity. Those areas are, primarily, labor education, and the devel- opment of programs which will help solve the problems of the unemployed and of automation. IHE;UNITED AUTO WORKERS' is an out- standing example of a union which is attempting to combat3what is described by Clark Kerr, president of the University of California, as "the phenomenon of a great social institution remaining virtual- ly unmoving on a plateau while sciety all around it keeps growing and changing." The UAW is moving. It may, for example, use the 1964 contracts to wage an attack on unemployment. Instead of working for more benefits for the worker who already has a job, the UAW may push for places for the over four million out of work. This is one area in which unions can re- capture a lost interest, and increase mem- bership. An all-out attempt to organize the un- organized need not end with the unem- ployed; but the progress made in securing equal job opportunities for Southern Ne- groes should lead to increased Negro membership. THE UAW and other unions recognize the importance of public relations, and the very active Community Relations Depart- ment of the UAW is a product of this con- cern. So are the UAW distributed movies be- ing brought to the campus in a seven- week film series sponsored by Voice poli- tical party. The UAW films deal with so- cial issues, and a number of films are di- rectly related to the labor movement. The UAW also has an internship program which gives scholarships and jobs to stu- dents interested in working in the labor field and the union has established a new FEIFFER T VAv5 COMPLMEP Moi~ FACT FIMJi106 MIsstop To'1'O T U.S. AMP 'rH ARE M41 COWJ CW$SIOMJ$. F i / ..r ' I- V5 .S. AVMIMISATMOM~ Is TA~iM r>AMA M IJCA'5- TOLOAR17TH 6r COMMUN)MST COWM6I AN~ AND MAq4 NAVE 'TO 6 COOTMtNOCV5 TO 8W %MIL4 MtSMJRMRNO ON) ASM JAFFAIRS. IT MPtA1/ VE T JM[-PF S. OQuGERVUOV AMPL TIME AAtl1%)6 PREATE O J I1XJft AFFAfiR5 AND MI~A& trK Y OPINI 0 TAT T (6 WlL-L. 60 A 'LOW) WAq TO !MPRO(NG -fl A .", NJA6S IN) F RE~t J M RIM~S FOR VPMSIV ETI*ZAL fVPOS5. I1eq MAq HAVE to L(W )ARE~ ALLUOM)P 11 t4ooe'. F.f. IHAVE MAWJ HEALTfi1{ ATTITU)DES THIR LCAE9SWP N~A5 _co O . IdgwIlk. M'A I ARQ i