THE MICHIGAN DAII_ LAUDS DEMONSTRATION AIM: NSC Supports Washington March Joint Judiciary Underg Maijor ConstitutioniCh (Continued from Page 1) favor of the goals of the demon- stration as well as the demonstra- tion itself. The Michigan region supported the measure by a vote of 19-4 with one abstention. Varied Seminars The first days of the congress, which began Aug. 14, were occu- pied with seminars on topics rang- ing from civil rights and freedom of expression to discussions-of in- ternational issues. Thursday, the delegates began meeting in committees to write legislation which will be consid- ered by the congress as a whole this week. The final portion of the congress, beginning Saturday, con- sists of these plenary sessions. There were only two short plen- ary sessions prior to Saturday, one concerning congress rules and one dealing with the march on Wash- ington. The congress ends Thurs- day with election of officers. Meredith Address The congress also heard last Tuesday an address by James A. Meredith, first Negro to enter the University of Mississippi. Mere- CORRECTION ! In STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE ad appearing on Page ,1 of the activities section. The ad should read- STUDENT, HEALTH INSURANCE 12 MONTHS for 22 dith discussed his experiences in Mississippi and an educational fund which he is setting up to aid underprivileged students. Praising the work of USNSA, he pointed out that "no one segment of society has the sole responsi- bility of making sure society is what it should be. Yet, students in colleges and universities have a major responsibility to discover the ills of their society." Meredith's fund will be aimed at aiding the underprivileged with scholarships, loans and counsel- ling. However, it will carry the specific limitation that it cannot be used to support litigation of any sort. Help Underprivileged The fund will specifically try to help those "who are so underprivi- leged they cannot compete in the society." Meredith noted that many Negroes who have entered former- ly white colleges in the South have been so poor that they had "to pass the hat" every time a tuition payment was due. Discussing his year at Mississip- pi, Meredith observed that many white segregationists would not even recognze his existence as a human being. He received few unfavorable or threatening letters from segrega- tionists "because any Southerner literate. enough to write a letter would not acknowledge my exist- ence by doing so." Those students who were friend- ly and courteous to him were "only doing what I would expect of de- cent human beings" and as such did not deserve any special praise. Addressing a visiting group of African students earlier in the day, he had termed the racial situation in Mississippi "perhaps as bad as South Africa, maybe worse." Thomas Hoadley, Monroe Coun- ty prosecutor who had brought charges against three Indiana Uni- versity Young Socialist Alliance members several months ago, told, a seminar last Tuesday that his objective was to have the YSA's recognition withdrawn at Indiana. Law Violation Hoadley brought charges against the students under a 1951 Indiana anti-Communist law because he thought recognizing the group was a violation of Indiana University against giving official status to "any totalitarian, fascist, commu- nistic or subversive organization." Indiana University had refused to take action against the group because it was not on the attorney general's list of subversive organi- zations. However, Hoadley termed the list "defunct" since it has not been. revised isnce 1957. Although Hoadley said he did not know whether the organization presented a clear threat to the government o f Indiana, t h' group's avowed purpose was to spread "revolutionary s o c i a 1 i s t ideas on campus." By JEAN TENANDER Joint Judiciary Council's con- stitution underwent several changes last year. A study made by council mem- bers called for several revisions on the old constitution designed to make the judicial process more heedful of due process laws and to clarify the procedure by which cases are referred to the proper University agencies. Substantive Changew Several substantive changes oc- curred in procedure: 1) All information given to council for consideration must now be given with a bona fide signa- ture; To, Examine BirthCotl Joseph Suhnen, who has de-j veloped .mass birth control pro-j grams for the United States, Puer- to Rico and 30 other countries,, will discuss "Birth Control: Per- sonal Matter or Government Re- sponsibility" at 10 a.m. today at the Offices of Planned Parent- hood, 122 E. Liberty St. Sunnen, a St. Louis philanthro- pist, also has pioneered a non- prescription aerosol foam contra- ceptive and distributes hundreds of thousands of free units a year to indigent families. 2) Any studet brought i the council Mus be inform the composition kid authori the council and .he channe appeal open to hi :; 3) Coupcil must provide tli cused with a wrtten summa of information which the co has received from the Offi Student Affairs. Referral roup A referral committee to a a screening body jfor all which come up before the co has been estaolished. ATl case pass through this conimitte fore they are sent on to co mental hygiene deportmen other counselling agencies. Previously, there hid bee informal system for dkcidin disposition of cases. Tle dir for student activities a dor izations had met with he n bers of council and discu sed case individually in orde t cide where it should be re err The committee is comp s the chairman of the co student member of the Uni Committee on Standards and duct, and the referring offii the OSA. ,. .. gy r it Interestin..Pleasant...and Convenient to shop in South University Avenue The Campus Village Shopping Center. TWIST TONIGH with MAXItMILL1 IAN Tuesay, August 27th 710 P.M. Free of Charge,~a: Sponsored By South University Business Men Refreshments by Pepsi Cola Location of Dance-S University Street-Between Church & Forest " A Bank and Post Office e A Large Hallmark Greeting Card Shop " 5 Men's Barber Shops 9 3 Top Men's Wear Shops 3 Drug Stores * A Shoe Store S1 Shoe Repair Shdop * A 100% Photo Store-one of the most complete in the state S2 Large Bookstores 2 Television and Repair Service 9 An Excellent Cash i Carry Grocery - 9 2 Discount Record Shops e 7 Eating Places a A Complete Travel Agency-giving * Ann Arbor's Only Pipe & Tobacco Shop intelligent service * 4 Gas Stations o Tailor Shops * Several Very Excellent Ladies' Hairdressers * Jewelry Store * Campus Theatre 9 2 Music & Stereo Centers " A Famous Gift Shop-Best in Michigan * 2 Pizza Parlors * Laundromat * 3 Women's Ready to Wear Shops Appeal Channel Other changes dealt with the channels of appeal open to \the student dissatisfied with the co n- cil's ruling. The University Committee ;on Standards and Conduct was ce4tt- ed to serve as a final appea board for all penalties invoked Eby judicial bodies within its ju s- diction. It will also adjudicale violations which are waived tofit by the council. This committee supercedes th~e old Committee on Student Condik't whose function was never clearly delineated and consequently it acted in many cases where no appeal had been made to it and where it had no specific authority. Regents Creatk Meteorology Department The Regents recently approved a request for the establishmentof; the new engineering department of meteorology and oceanography. Appointment of Aksel C. Wiip- Nielsen as professor and chairman of the new department was also approved. Receiving his masters degree from the University of Copen- hagen and his doctorate from the University of Stockholm, Prof. Wiin-Nielsen has been serving as assistant director of the National Center of Atmospheric Research since 1961. The study area which now com- pris s the department of meteorol- og and oceanography has for some time been shifted around to various departments of the college of engineering. Now, a separate de- partment, it will be ab' 3 to func- tion as a distinct unit of the college. Executive Vice-President Mar- vin Niehuss said that the areas of meteorology and oceanography are closely linked because they both deal with "fluids on the earth's surface and in its atmosphere." There is a very close inter-action between the two, he added. I I PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES A ... 9: 0 n. CIA a fIf '