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October 19, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-19

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. HI A"1CUI(flA~i'U AfW'


ernette Appraises
lole of Businessman

"The American businessman
serves as the catalyst of progress;
he is the force behind the tre-
mendous rise in the American liv-
ing stardard throughout our his-
tory," Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of
the business school asserted re-
Disturbed by the reputation
which business and businessmen
have had in this country, Wernette
said, "the businessman unfortun-
ately has not fared well either in
history books or in fiction." He is
often portrayed as a scrooge or a
dolt. In history books he receives
less attention than do third-rate
generals and politicians."
He pointed out that goods and
services in the future will increase
enormously, and the average fam-
ily will be able to buy more goods
with the same income.
Also there will be "new products
that will surpass the imagination."
"The new products that come
along will cut two ways. On the
one hand they will provide an
opportunity for the alert and care-
ful who introduce and test them,
with skill. On the other hand they
may threaten existing products."
ame Hatcher
Unit President
President Harlan Hatcher will;
assume the presidency of the3
Association of American Univer-
sities at the group's annual meet-
ing Tuesday and Wednesday.-
President Hatcher has served as'
secretary-treasurer and vice-pres-i
ident of the organization.1

Regents Ac
The Regents accepted gifts,
grants and bequests totalling
$227,000 at their meeting Friday.
The largest gift was $20,000 from
the esetate of Charles Howell for'
the Charles Howell Memorial
From the Alfred P. Sloan Foun-
dation came $17,300 for two proj-
ects; $9,800 for the Sloan Founda-
tion Graduate Engineering Fellow-
ships and $7,500 for the Alfred P.
Sloan National Scholarships.
Establish Fund
The Gertrude R. Cond onEstate
provided $17,000 for the Emma
and George S. Roper Memorial
Another $17,000 came from the
General Motors Corporation for
four projects; $14,800 for the Gen-
eral Motors Corporation College
Scholarships, $1,500 to establish
the Flint College General Motors
Scholarship, $500 for the Me-
chanical Engineering Special
Fund, and $200 for the General
Motors Corporation National
From the National Engineering
Company of Chicago came another
$17,000 to establish the National
Engineering Company-Great Lakes
Research Division of the Institute
of Science and Technology-High-
land Lassie II Fund to convert the
Architect Display
To Begin Today
A panel exhibition of photo-
graphs, plans and perspectives
which illustrate designs of well-
known American architects will be
on display from today until Nov.l
10 at the UGLI. Photographs and
texts will show seven categories of
this type of architecture.

boat, which the University receiv-
er as a gift last month, into a
research vessel.
Cancer Research
A total of $16,000 came from
the American Cancer Society,
Michigan division, for the Uni-
versity Cancer Research Institute.
Educational Services, Inc. pro-
vided $15,471 for the Educational
Services, Inc., Agency for Inter-
national Development India Fund.
From the estate of Prof. Emeri-
tus Herbert J. Goulding of the
engineering college came $10,000
to establish the Herbert J. Gould-
ing Memorial Loan Fund.
Set Fellowship.
Another $10,000 came from the
Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, for
the Upjohn Company Fellowship
in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
An anonymous donor provided
$7,500 for the Special Law School
Aid Fund.
Parke, Davis & Co. gave $6,000
for the Parke, Davis & Co. Sur-
gical Research Fund.
From the Lockheed Leadership
Fund, Burbank, Cal., came $5,790
for two projects; $4,290 for the
Lockheed Leadership Scholarship
and $1,500 for the Lockheed Sup-
plementary Scholarship.
Chinese Study
The Social Science Research
Council, Inc., gave $5,300 for the
Chinese Economic Studies Fund.
The McGregor Fund, Detroit,
provided $5,000 for the purchase
of a photomicroscope for use by
Dr. William H. Beierwaltes.
The Lederle Laboratories, Pearl
River, N.Y., gave $3,600 to estab-
lish the Lederle Fellowship in
Engineering Stipend
Sities Service Research and De-
velopment Company, Inc., gave

$3,500 for the Cities Service Fel-
lowship in chemical engineering.
From the Jersey Production Re-
search Company came $3,500 for
the Jersey Production Research
Company Fellowship.
Chas. Pfizer & Company, Inc.,
provided $3,500 for the Circulation
Research Fund.
Pharmacy Sponsorship
The American Foundation for
Pharmaceutical Education, Wash-
ington, D.C., gave $3,400 for the
American Foundation for Pharma-
ceutical Education Fund.
The Houdaille Foundation, Inc.,
Buffalo, gave $3,000 for the Dear-
born Campus Fair Lane Rehabili-
tation Fund..
Another $3,000 came from W. E.
Zimmie, Inc., Cleveland, for the
W. E. Zimmie Scholarship.
Establish Fund
The estate of Earl, H. Henkel,'
Mansfield, O., provided $2,700 to
establish the Carl H. Henkel Fund.

ccept Donations, Grants

.. .businessmen

The American
Inc., gave $2,500
American Gas

Gas Association,
to establish the

Regents Bar
In U' Center
(Continued from Page 1)
facilities in the Union and League
buildings only "so long as such
spaces continue to be effectively
Commenting on the policy state-
ment, Union President Raymond
Rusnak, '64, said that "it seems
that the Regents have not ac-
cepted any of the philosophy of
the Robertson Report."
Although he "hasn't had time to
study the Regents' statement care-
fully," Rusnak noted that the stu-
dent activities section was "only
an isolated part of the overall con-
Union Executive Vice-President
Robert McKenzie, '64, added his
"extreme disappointment in. view
of the past successful record stu-
dents have exhibited in the opera-
tions of the Union."
The Robertson Report, he said,
pointed toward the idea of student
participation in the University
Center as a meaningful addition to
students' education. "But the Re-
gents have not given consideration
to this fact."
League President G r e t c h e n
Groth, '64, noted several crucial
points which were "unclear" in
the regental statement:
-Just how will the Regents
keep activity funds "on the same
level" as they are now? Under the
plan outlined in their statement,
the Regents would allocate a lump
sum. But this would involve an
overhaul of present financing
methods used in both organiza-
-What does "effective use"
mean as a condition for use of
facilities in the Union and League
-How would the new activities
set-up relate to the Union and
League boards, if the boards still
would exist?
Regental and administrative
feeling seems to be that these
questions should be settled by the
implementation committee. But
Miss Groth wondered whether the
various parties involved would be
able to work out answers which
would be in line with the Robert-
son Report philosophy.

- Wanda Hale, Oaiy Nsw
"The Haunting"

-Bose.y Crowthr,
New York Times



Order Your Subscription Today-
Phone NO 2-3241

DIAL 2-6264
Ait I II uti I(r1 :00-2:45-4:50
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DUCE MAXIMUM SHOCK!" -Frank Quinn, Doily Mirror



"The successful firm and man-
ager," Wernette predicts; "will be
those who, faced with increased
competition from new products,
succeed both in adapting products
and business activities to the out-
side forces over which they have
no control.
"Also, he must be able to gen-
erate innovations/within the firm
and improve its products, the the
area over which business manage-
ment has direct control.
"Thus the much-maligned
American businessman will be one
of the major forces behind our
continued rise in prosperity. His
resourcefulness will serve to make
technology move forward."

Text of Regents' Reaction to Merger

(Continued from Page 1)

sential recommendations" as fol-
1) That the need for a real
University Center be recognized
and that as the basis for a future
University Center, a single gov-
erning board be established to re-
place the present Michigan Union
and the Michigan League govern-
* ing boards.
- 2), That a single coeducational
student activities organization be
established within the University
Center and be responsible to the
3) That an implementation
committee be appointed immedi-
ately as the first step in accom-
plishing the above two goals.
These recommendations will be
discussed in the order in which
they were reported in. the study
committee report.
U' Center . .
The definition of a real Uni-
versity Center is not set forth in
detail in the study committee re-
port but on page 5 the following
sentence occurs: "It cannot be
disputed that there is a need for
a real University Center, a co-
educational organization serving
the needs of all segments of the
University community: students,
faculty, alumni, administration
and their guests alike."
As a result of the discussions
wh ichthe administrative officers
have had with the Union-League
Study Committee and the League
Board and Union Board, it is our
understanding that the concept
of a University Center implicit in
the report includes facilities in
one or more buildings which would
be used by students for student
The faculty for a faculty club+
providing dining service, beverageI
service, rooms and other services
of a faculty center;
A conference center for housing,+
dining and meeting rooms neces-
sary for adult education programs
on the campus;

And the various dining, housing,
meeting room services which are
in constant use by students, fac-
ulty, alumni and guests through-
out the year.
Single Board 'Ineffective'
After considering in detail these
varied functions and the opera-
tions which would be necessary for
the successful carrying out of these
functions, it is our opinion that

... merger


DIAL 8-6416

an attempt to consolidate and
bring together these functions un-
der a single governing board is
inappropriate and would be in-
effective in carrying out these
We do not believe it desirable for
students to be involved in the
management and operation of a
faculty center and of a conference
center; furthermore, it is ques-
tionable if those who are involved
in the effective management of
faculty and conference centers
ought to be involved in the neces-
sary attention which must be
given to student activities.
In our opinion, these various
functions will be successfully car-
ried out if they have separate and
specific operating units with at-
tention and effort directed to
their particular objectives rather
than being organized under a
single governing board.
It is desirable therefore to main-
tain the separation of functions
and to provide specific and ap-/
propriate leadership for each par-
ticular function with no consolida-
tion of various functions which
have different objectives.
Activities Unit . .
The .recommendation .that . a
single coeducational student ac-
tivities organization be established
to consolidate the Union , and
League student programs meets
with the wholehearted approval
of the Regents.
This Union-League student ac-I

tivities organization can be es-
tablished without regard to the
first recommendation and should
be responsible for its activities.
In this way the Union-League
student activities now being con-
ducted by the Michigan League
and the Michigan Union and other
student activities which may be
undertaken by this particular stu-
dent organization.
The Regents believe that such a
student activities organization set
up on a coeducational basis would
be very effective and would be
responsive to the desires of the
men and women students on the
campus who work together in this
area of activity.
To give this Union-League stu-
dent activities organization the
opportunity to devote its entire
attention to student activities, it
should be established as a separate
entity apart from the League and
Union organizations.
The Regents are prepared to
continue tonprovide funds for
these student activities on the
same level as they are now pro-
vided and such a student activi-
ties organization would have the
same opportunity as any other
part of the University to repre-
sent needs for additional financial
support in the future.
The Regents are also prepared
to recognize the space needs for
the recommended studentactivi-
ties organization and to continue
to provide the space now being
used in the Michigan Union and
the Michigan League buildings
and other University buildings for
these activities so long as such
spaces continue to be effectively
Additional space requests of this
student activities organization
would be given the same careful
consideration as additional space
requests of any other University
Implementation ..,
The Regents believe that the
implementation committee which
is mentioned in the third "essen-
tial recommendation" should be
set up immediately to establish a
joint student activities organiza-
tion and to define the area of
responsibility which would be un-
dertaken by this coeducational
student activities organization.
The Regents urge the Board of
Directors of the Michigan Union
and the Board of Governors of the
Michigan League to establish this
implementation committee as soon
as possible in order that the joint
student activities organization; can
be made effective during the pres-
ent academic year.
Summary . ..
In summary, then, the Regents
are pleased to accept and endorse
the recommendation of the Union-
League Study Committee for the

now being carried out separately
by the Michigan Union and the
Michigan League.
Furthermore, the Regents en-
dorse wholeheartedly the concept
of an implementation committee
being appointed immediately to
set forth the organization of this
student activities function, its
financial and space needs, and its
relationship to other student ac-
tivities on the campus.
The Regents believe that it
would be unwise at this time to
establish the concept of a Univer-
sity Center and that it will be
more effective to maintain a
separateness of function and re-
sponsibility between student ac-
tivities, faculty center, conference
center and other related functions.
The Regents recognize the issues
which were under consideration by
the Union-League Study, Commit-
tee are involved and complex. The
Regents therefore recommend that
further actions be undertaken
with the understanding that the
Regents are willing and ready at
all times to continue the discus-
sions which have been so fruitful
to date.

establishment of a "single
educational student activities
ganization" for the student
tivities responsibilities which


St. Regis Paper Company, gave
$2,000 for the natural resources
school special fund.
Cites Value
Of Advocacy
The field of advocacy, or trial
law, is still an important one,
even though it is no longer the
prime field in the eyes of many,
Detroit Police Commissioner Geo-
rge Edwards said yesterday.
Speaking at a luncheon con-
cluding a two-day conference for
pre-law advisors, Edwards noted
that advocacy is increasingly over-
looked by -pre-law and law stu-
Yet, the legal profession has al-
ways played an important role in
our country because there were
people who were trained in ad-
vocacy and could speak out on
important issues, Edwards com-
"A great tradition of the bar
will be filled by lawyer, who have
a very real acquaintance with the
wealth of knowledge of the his-
tory of ouracivilization and can
draw on it as trial lawyers.
"The courts of our country
should not be ignored by the law
schools, lawyers or the bar. The
trial lawyer is the guardian of our
individual rights."
Edwards asserted that a lawyer
should be prepared to go into
court and defend his client if
prior negotiations break down.
"The court is the surest test of
truth. The truth will more surely
come out from a witness faced by
his accuser in court and subject
to cross-examination than a lie
detector test."
Advocacy preserves the health
of our society because the trial
lawyer seeks to determine more
than the issue of guilt or inno-
cence in the courtroom, Edwards
said. "Rather, he tries to point out
what should be done with the
morally-ill in our society."

.. . .

DIAL 5-6290
eyse As .1! .e .
ft. bteasWd y BNVSTA OistriutmCs.ItiQWa~tM5s,sProjetiM


TheMiC higan Daily
An Expression of Modern Life
By Miriam Levin
Predictions, 1964
By Robert Selwa
By Richard Centing
The Story of Mount Rushmore
By Michael Harrah
and the

Coming Sunday,


Oct. 20..

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
written in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
U-M Medical Center Alumni Confer-
ence-Med. Science Bldg.
Department of Speech-High School
Debating: Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:45
Football-U-M vs. Purdue: Mich. Sta-
dium, 1:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Truffaut's "Shoot the
Piano Player"; W. C. Fields in "The
Pharmacist": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9
Dept. of Speech Univ. Players Produc-
tion-"The Miser" by Moliere: Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
U-M Professional Theatre Program-
APA Broadway Theatre Company in
"Much Ado About Nothing": Trueblood
Theatre, 8:30p.m.

! Doctoral Examination for Barry Ben-
nett Miller, Geology; thesis: "Five Illi-
nois Molluscan Faunas from the South-
ern Great Plains," today, 2045 Natural
Science Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, C.
W. Hibbard.
General Notices
Alumnae Club Scholarships:
The Lucile B. Conger and The Mar-
garet Waterman Scholarship are offer-
ed to undergrad women on the basis
of academic performance, contribution
to Univ. life and financial need. The
stipends are variable.
Application blanks for these scholar-
ships are available at the Alumnae
Council Office, Alumni Memorial Hall,
and should be filed by Dec. 2, 1963.
Awards will be granted for use during
the second semester, 1963-64 and will be
announced Dec. 9, 1963.
Final Payment of Fall Semester Fees
is due and payable on or before Oct.
31, 1963.
If fees are not paid by this date:
1) A $10.00 delinquent penalty will be
2) A "Hold Credit" will be placed
against you. This means that until pay-
ment is received and "Hold Credit" is
cancelled :
(1) Grades will not be mailed.
(2) Transcripts will not be furnished.
(3) You may not register for future
(Continued on Page 5)

Eves. & Sun. $1.00
Matinees 75c


'- F





ZXbe *etfrAit 4freere ss
~Much A do' Succeeds at U-M
B KEN BARNARD stage business to point up the the scene in w
B character relationships and e- bachelor decide
Free Press Staff Writer tract something close to the ut- after a11, becom
A fetching and accomplished most of comic possibilities. Clayton Corz
A $ecigadacmlse submits a ;preci

which the sworn
es that he will,
ae a suitor.
atte, as Claudio,
ise performance
rich experience
nd radiates
wtness as his be-'


-itf A.
ye ri


Circle in the Square of New York

£iysej £'aviant!
(Be in the Know!)
Call 662-8871

production of Shakespeare's
"Much Ado About Nothing"
opened the Fall Festival of the
University of Michigan's Asso-
ciation of Producing Artists
Thursday in Trueblood Auditor-
ium, Ann Arbor.
A striking Spanish courtyard
set with clean lines provided a
flexible area for working out
the twin romances of Beatrice
with Benedick and Hero with

Beatrice the
haterwas I
well rememb(
tion of top fe
iaia +la

leading role of that is born of
e beautiful man- in classical ass
Nancy Marchand, Jan Farrarai
ered for her crea- charm and swee
eminine role in the loved Hero.

SAT. "6 Characters in Search of an
0CT. Author"-Pirandello-3:00 P.M.

oriina teevision presentation
of "Marty. "
She made of Beatrice a
woman of crisp wit and arch
manner, avoiding the coy over-
-playing which has frequently
marred the rendition of this

AS DON JOHN, who schemes
to poison their romance, Paul
Sparer is an excellent heavy,
exuding malevolence with little
more explanation than "I can-
not hide what I am."

a 4







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