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October 17, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-17

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Attention Focuses on Olympic Site Discussion
Michigan Stadium May Host Canham Sees Race Problem
Olympics If Detroit Gets Bid As Deterrent in Getin ( im
p .1 s. De-terrent - to et i wng a me .r.. n ,t'



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By the time Michigan and Pur-
due are through with each other
Saturday, a decision will have been
made on the other side of the
world as to whether international
athletic competition will come to
this area in the form of the 1968
Olympic Games.
Detroit is making a bid at the
meeting of the International
Olympic Committee at Baden-
Baden, and if the Motor City does
get the nod over Lyon, France;.
Buenos Aires and Mexico City, a
possibility exists that some part
4 of the games will be held in the
Michigan Stadium.
'No Objections'
"If we are approached. I'm sure
the board (in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics) will have no
Pole Vaulter
z SEATTLE (M - Pole vaulter
Brian Sternberg, paralyzed in a
trampoline accident July 2, now
can. move his arms and sit up for
brief periods in a wheel chair.
Doctors, however, still are re-
luctant to forecast complete re-
covery or to estimate how far
Sternberg may be able to progress
toward complete use of his body.
According to the doctors, Stern-
berg insists re will come back-all
the way to the form that made
him a world record-holder in the
pole vault with a 16 foot, 8 inch
leap. The mark has since been
As he continued to battle to re-
gain his coordination, the Univer-
sity of Washington sophomore
learned Wednesday that his fellow
'students and the Seattle Times
had established a Brian Sternberg
Trophy,. to be awarded annually
to :the university's outstanding
Rick Smidt, president of the
Associated Men Students of the
university, said:
"Our fervent hope , is that, one
0 day, we may present Brian his own

objections to having any portion of
the games in the stadium," Ath-
letic Director H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler
commented on the possibility of
the games being held here.
The city of Detroit has already
pledged itself to building a huge
100,000-seat olympic-type stadium
where most of the events would be
held. The only events which could
possibly be held in the Michigan
Stadium are soccer, fieldhockey
and the pentathalon, as it is im-
possible to put on track and field
The stadium has had very sparce .
use since it was built in 1927. The
only events which regularly take
place there are the six or seven
football games each fall and grad-
uation in the spring.
Refused Lions
Two years ago the Detroit Lions
submitted a proposal to the Board,
in Control for use of the 101,001
stadium for their games. "We had1
to refuse them because of the Big
Ten rule," Crisler explained.'
The rule to which he referred1
was from section three of the rules
governing the Big Ten schools
which states that athletic facili-
ties "are to be used only for edu-
cational purposes, activities spon-
sored by the University, and for
the promotion of amateur ath-
So, there the stadium sits. Al-
most 12 million people have pour-
ed through the gates tossee Mich-
igan games since it was built for
almost a million dollars 26 years
ago. Yet it is only used six or
'seven times each year.
Largest College Stadium
Three additions to the stadium
have been made over the years.
When it was bilt the capacity
was only 79,000, but additions of
8,000, 10,000 and 3,762 have been
made. It now stands as the largest
college-owned stadium in the
country, with only Los Angeles'.
Coliseum and Soldier's Field in
Chicago surpassing it in seating
Carr Quits Grid
At Arizona State
TEMPLE, Ariz. W) -- Henry
Carr, one of the world's great
sprinters, accepted a medical
verdict Wednesday and quit
Arizona State University's foot-
ball team.
The speedy Detroit, Mich., half-
back, who has a :20.3 second
blocking in the 220-yard dash
pending as a world record; was
ruled out of football because of a
thigh injury.

"When that bomb went off in
that church in Birmingham, that
hurt a lot."
That's the sobering conclusion
of Dan Canham, Michigan's var-
sity track coach,, on Detroit's
hopes for getting the Olympics
in 1968. The bombing he refers
to is the Sept. 27 dynamite blast-
ing o fa Baptist Church in Bir-
mingham, Ala., which killed four
young Negro girls.
"Up until then Detroit had a
pretty good chance," says the man"
who helped engineer Detroit's suc-
cessful bid to, the United States
Olympic Committee in New York,
"but that bombing lost the Asian
and African bloc. They feel very
keenly about the racial question."
Europe Solid
The reason Canham feels the
loss of the Asian-African bloc will
kill Detroit's chances is based on
the solidarity of the European
vote for Lyon, France. "Detroit
can probably count on the South
American and Pacific bloc, but the
Asian-African bloc will swing it,"
he says adding, "but the voting
will still be close."

... stadium available
The largest crowd to ever over-
fill the stadium was four years
ago when the Spartans from Mich-
igan State attracted 103,234. Last
Saturday's 101,450 was the third
biggest draw ever.
In the three games played so
far this year, 213,966 have entered
the stadium with another quarter
of a million hopefully to come in
the four Big Ten games which re-
main on the schedule.

Are you becoming fed up with the dreary routine of daily life?
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1. Purdue at Michigan (Score) 11. Air Force at Maryland
2. Indiana at Michigan State 12. Clemson at Duke
3. Minnesota at Illinois 13. Georgia at Miami (Fla.)
4. Ohio State at Southern Cal 14, Georgia Tech at Auburn
5. Wisconsin at Iowa 15. Housten-t Mississippi State
6. Penn at Brown 16. UCLA at Notre Dame
7. Yale at Cornell 17. Texas at Arkansas
8. Penn State at Syracuse 18. Southern Methodist at Rice
9. South Carolina at Virginia 19. Tex. A&M at Tex, Christian
10. No. Caro. State at N. Caro. 20. Stanford at Washington

Detroit is also hurt by the
American citizens who have votes
at the Olympic Convention ac-
cording to Canham. John .Gar-
land is almost sure to vote against
Detroit to keep up his pet project
of getting the Olympics in Los
Angeles, and Avery Brundage and
Bert Ruby, the other two voting
delegates, are motivated more by
the idealism of Baron Pierre De
Coubertin (originator of the mod-
ern day Olympic Games) than by
any patriotic claim of Detroit to
their vote, might vote either way.
Sad Part
"In the past conventions vot-
ing delegates have campaigned for
their country," Canham says cit-
ing Finland and Australia as ex-
amples, "the sad part of it is
that are guys won't."
Lyon has to be the favorite,
according to Canham. "The Euro-
peans just don't want to travel
this far,'' he says.
The whole Lyon campaign is
based on their geographical loca-
tion. The technical director of
Lyon's presentation, Tony, Ber-
trand, has even gone so far as to
revive the old Greek concept of
the universe, only this time it's
Lyon in the center.
"We think Lyon is in a perfect
geographical' situation for the
whole world, it's halfway between
Japan and Latin America and
from the longitudinal view it's
halfway between Finland and
Africa," he says.
Affects 'M'
If the Detroit delegation does
pull the games out of the fire for
Detroit Canham envisions great
use of Michigan's facilities. "They
can use our language department,
statistical department and coach-
ing staffs," he says. "Fritz Crisler
(Michigan's athletic director) will
probably help out in administra-
"Teams will come to train here
in advance of the games. We could
have any team we want, even the
USSR. I've already talked to the
national coaches of both Finland
and Sweden about coming," he
The presentations are not until
Friday, but meanwhile a lot of be-
hind the scene politicing is go-
ing on. Yesterday the Lyon group
plied the delegates with cham-
pagne, bergundy a n d h o r s
Earlier, Brundage, president of

... chances slim
the IOC, opened the convention
with an appeal that politicians
keep their fingers off amateur
Stays Free
"The Olympic movement is pow-
erful and important only because
it is based on high ideals," the
Chicago hotel owner said. "It Is
one of the few enterprises in the
world that keeps itself free from
political racial or religious dis-
The IOC president added:
"The world may have changed,
but basic values have not. White
is still white, black is black, hon-
esty is still honesty and an ama-
teur is still one who participates
for the love of it.
"Let us not forget that the
Olympic Games are and always
must be confined to amateurs."
Brain In jury
Kills Fighter
BALTIMORE (R)-Ernie Knox,
26 - year - old heavyweight once
named Ring Magazine's "Promis-
ing, Fighter of the Month," died
ealy yesterday of a brain injury
received in his Monday night bout
with Wayne Bethea.
South University Avenue
I :30-5:30 P.M.





New York 3, Detroit 0
Chicago 5, Boston 2
Toronto 4, Montreal 2
Cincinnati 112, St. Louis 93
Boston 109, Baltimore 95
Philadelphia 117, Detroit 115



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