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October 17, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-17

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U.S. Tightens Up
Relations Policy
:in Latin Ami-erica
WASHINGTON (MP)-The United States is enforcing a new and
tougher policy against Latin American regimes which seize power by
unconstitutional means.
Shocked at the overthrow of elected governments in the Domini-
can Republic and Honduras recently, officials said yesterday it has
become necessary to tighten the rules on resumption of diplomatic
relations or financial assistance in such cases.
A new requirement has been added to conditions for recognition:
The illegal regime must show positive signs it is clearing the way
for prompt and full return of representative government. There is no
practical way the details of such conditions can be, spelled out, one
official said, "but anyone can tell
whether a regime is planning early
A T ipv C h t 9,p elections and embracing constitu-

Ben Bella Disbands Assembly

Just Received-
IMiriam Makeba's Latest LP Record

...,slim margin


Cut to Two
LONDON tom)-The grim struggle
for control of Britain's Conserva-
tive government narrowed last
night into a race between two
commoners-Deputy Prime Min-
ister Richard Austein Butler and
Chancellor of the Exchequer Regi-
nald Maudling.
Butler is regarded as middleroad'
and Maudling more to the liberal
The prolonged drama over who
will succeed the stricken Harold,
Macmillan as prime minister near-
ed its climax with a firm decision
authoritatively forecast for tomor-
U row.
Secret consultations a m o n g
members of the ruling Tory party,
according to a high cabinet source,
appear to have eliminated both
Science Minister Lord Hailsham,
and Foreign Secretary Lord Home
as serious candidates.
Britain May Cut
Indonesian Ties
f LONDON ()-Britain last night
was reported deciding whether to
break diplomatic relations with In-
donesia, where its embassy was
burned four weeks ago and where
valuable British assets have been
seized. Sources said a decision is
expected next week.
* Earlier yesterday the foreign of-
fice announced Ambassador An-
drew Gilchrist has been summon-
ed from Jakarta to take part in
the discussions on British-Indo-
nesian relations.

tional procedures."
No Recognition
First indications the new policy
is in effect came when a United
States diplomat in the Dominican
Republic told the military-backed
de facto government there it was
not doing enough to permit the
United States to resume diplomatic
relations and economic aid.
No hemisphere government has
recognized Dominica's new civil-
ian triumvirate which took over
Sept. 25 after the military ousted
Juan Bosch, first elected president
in more than 30 years.
Military leaders are running the
government in Honduras after
overthrowing elected President
Ramon Villeda Morales and block-
ing an Oct. 13 election to choose
his successor.
U.S. Interference?
The new United States policy
emerged during debate over Do-
minican charges that Washington
was guilty of "unprecedented" in-
terference in Dominica's internal
A United States diplomat, the
Dominican regime claimed, had
suggested the civilian triumvirate
step down and turn over the gov-
ernment to the president of the
Dominican Senate.
The accusation was denied here.
Ward P. Allen, acting head of
the American delegation to the Or-
ganization of American States,
said the diplomat merely reported
that. Washington has received -a
request from Senate President
Juan Casanovas Garrido that he
be recognized as provisional presi-
United States officials say that
to obtain recognition and United
States financial aid the Domini-
can regime must do better than
promise elections

Park Leads
Korea Vote
SEOUL (R)-Strongman Chung
Hee Park emerged victorious yes-
terday in the presidential election
on the basis of unofficial returns.
But he failed to win the big ma-
jority he had demanded to con-
tinue his firm rule in South Ko-
Apparently beaten by a thin
margin, his chief opponent fled
into hiding in fear of reprisals
from Park's military-political ma-
chine. The challenger, ex-President
Yun Po-Sun, had called theelec-
tion the last chance for democra-
cy in South Korea for years to
Government radio broadcasts
said nearly complete returns gave
Park 4.6 million votes, Yun 4.5
million and three minor anti-gov-
ernment candidates 700,000.
In slipping from sight, Yun ob-
viously feared the wrath of Park's
political machine. Yun had accus-
ed Park in campaign speeches of
once being a Communist.
Park denied this and warned
before 'the election that stern
measures would be taken against
politicians who had accused him
Peace Corps Cuts
Request for Funds
Corps has cut its budget request
by $6 million to $102 million, the
New York Times reported yester-
day. The Corps said that although
applications from potential corps-
men have tripled, its higher stand-
ards have meant fewer acceptances
and thus lower expenditures.
of being a Communist.

ALGIERS ()-President Ahmed
Ben Bella suspended the Algerian
National Assembly last night and
called on every deputy to join the
army and fight "imperialist ag-1
gression" from Morocco.
Ben Bella took the action amid
reports of new. clashes in a frn-
tier region about 900 miles south-
west of Algiers. Algerian war vet-,
erans flocked to military duty by
the thousands as an Algerian peace
mission failed to arrange a cease-
fire in its first day of talks in
Marrakech, Morocco.
Royal Moroccan headquarters at
Marrakech said fighting was
spreading across the Sahara and
that Algerian cannon and aircraft
pounded Moroccan positions.
In New York, informed sources
said United Nations Secretary-
General U Thant has told United
Nations representatives of Algeria;
and Morocco that he is available
to do anything they might ask to
help end the conflict.
The negotiators sent by Ben Bel-
la to Marrakech emerged tense,
and silent from a meeting with
their Moroccan counterparts. They
said the talks would continue to-
day. -
The Algerian chief of state Tues-
Senate Backs
Building Funds
WASHINGTON - Beating back
two amendments to the contrary,
the Senate last night agreed with
the House tnat federal aid for col-
lege classroom construction should
also be extended to church-af-
filiated institutions.
The two amendments to the
$350-million-a-year bill were of-
fered by Sei. Sam J. Ervin (D-
The first would have specifical-
ly barred churchschools from re-
ceiging any grants or loans from
the federal government. The sec-
ond would have left the question
up to federal courts.
However, the Senate has follow-
ed the House's lead in stipulating
that aid to religious colleges may
be used only for building libraries
and classrooms for engineering and
science instruction.
Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt),
seeking to strike this restriction,
claimed it would "downgrade the
arts." But Sen. Wayne Morse (D-
Ore) asserted that it was neces-
sary to avoid a full-scale battle
over church-state issues Morse,
in fact, asserted that the bill.in-
cluding aid to religious schools is
Morse, who led the successful
fight against Prouty's motion,
countered that its adoption would
kill any chance for college aid this
The House bill would provide
general grants that could be used
for any kind of undergraduate
courses except those used for reli-
gious instruction or worship or
programs of a divinity school.
South University Avenue
1 :30-5:30 P.M.

day night decreed mobilization of
all able-bodied former resistance
fighters of the long war for inde-
pendence from France, estimated
to total 30,000.
Two of Algeria's six Soviet-made
MIG-17 jet fighters were known to
have arrived in Colomb Bechar,
the main Algerian supply base.
That base is 40 miles east of the
Moroccan frontier and 250 miles
northeast of the fighting zone.

Reds Halt Second Convoy
In 'Serious' Berlin Incident
BERLIN (P)-Soviet troops held up a British convoy on the Auto-
bahn for nine hours yesterday in a renewal of pressure on the Western
allies' lifeline at the edge of Berlin.
The incident was viewed as serious here and in Washington.
Informed sources said British authorities here were convinced that
the Soviet action, second such incident since Saturday, was deliberate.
It appeared to some officers that the Russians were trying to probe
Western reactions should they"
clamp a stranglehold on the land
link between Berlin and West Ger- n 1/rn.1 w I

Powerful Algerian reinforce-
ments were reported en route to
Colomb Bechar.
Military authorities barred for-
eign newsmen there from moving
closer to the fighting zone.
The action started Monday
around the desert outposts of Has-
sibeida and Tinjoub. There were
no official reports concerning cas-
ualties. The Algerians claimed the
two outposts are in their hands.

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The Soviets kept the barrier
down because the British com-
mander refused to order his troops
to dismount to be counted. The
convoy eventually continued its
journey without the British bow-
ing to the Soviet demand.
A British spokesman noted thatf
the same Soviet officer delayed
the British convoy yesterday andj
the American convoy last week.
The officer, Col. Sergin, has long
experience on Autobahn control.
Western allied circles viewed the
fact of Sergin's presence on both
occasions as undermining the
theory originally put forward in+
Washington and London that the1
trouble arose from misunderstand-
ings at the local level and was not
provoked on orders from Moscow.
Raps Kennedy
For 'Sellout'
spokesman for the National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People charged the Ken-
nedy administration yesterday
with a "sellout" on civil rights.
The charge by Clarence Mitch-
ell, NAACP Washington represen-
tative, came after Rep. Emanuel
Celler (D-NY), chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee, gave
full support to administration ef-
forts to trim the sweeping civil-
rights bill.
Celler told his committee he
would do all in his power to get
bipartisan support for the milder
proposal recommended by the ad-
ministration in June, despite his
personal preference for the strong-
er measure.
A judiciary subcommittee added
several highly controversial pro-
visions to the administration pro-
gram to produce the bill now be-
fore the committee.
Mitchell told newsmen that 214
members of the House were com-
mitted to vote for the subcommit-
tee version of the bill, with 117
more votes possible-far more than
enough to pass the bill.
"There is no reason for this
See NEGRO, Page 5


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A ban on Unit-
ed States foreign aid to nations
which permit their ships and
planes to carry military or stra-
tegic goods to Cuba was voted
yesterday by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
WARSAW-The Polish govern-
ment has asked two of the Ameri-
can Embassy's four military at-
taches in Poland to leave the
country, informed sources said last
night. It was the first affecting
United States personnel here that
anyone could recall.
armed forces yesterday launched
a roundup of pro-Castro extrem-
ists to block what authorities call-
ed a planned wave of terrorism in
the Dominican Republic.
* * *
keeping operations in the Congo
and the Middle East and the fail-
ure of member nations to pay
their bills has the United Nations
in serious financial trouble, Sec-
retary-General U Thant said yes-
* * *
NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange rallied yesterday
for its biggest advance in three
weeks. Trading expanded to the
heaviest in the same period. The
Dow-Jones industrial average es-
tablished a new high of 748.45, up

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