Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSrr OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD I CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONw "Where Opinions Are Fro STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.,ANARBORMicH. PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"E UGA.o LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Making Much Ado About 'Much Ado I Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: LOUISE LIND The Committee on Referral And SGC's Action [HE COMMITTEE ON REFERRAL will meet today to consider Student Gov- rnment Council's motion on membership election procedures. The meeting-call- 1 at the request of five of the commit- ee's members-will consider the jurisdic- .onal and procedural problems involved : the motion. Ironically, the committee iay wind up recommending that students ave more power than students them- elves have asked. But before discussing the issue involv- 1, it is necessary to take a look at the recise function of the Committee on ,eferral. It is an advisory group only. The nal decision on whether an SGC motion iould be vetoed clearly rests with Vice- resident for Student Affairs James A. ewis. The committee only acts as an in- ependent appellate body for the com- Lunity. Thus the committee only concerns it- elf with completed SGC actions. Its iembers cannot act to call the committee ito session until Council actions have een passed and published in The Daily fficial Bulletin. Lewis, according to the ouncil Plan, is obliged to call the com- Littee into session if he "contemplates eto of a Student Government Council ction." Any request from Lewis must be with reasons stated." The committee calls itself into action hen "In the opiinon of four or more embers there is reasonable belief that n action taken by Council might involve: ) jurisdictional questions; b) procedural 'regularities; c) unreasonable action." 'HE COMMITTEE, composed of faculty, students and administrators, will be eeting today to consider jurisdictional nd procedural matters. Its main concerns ill most likely be the composition of the ibunal Council has set up to judge mem- ership cases and giving the sororities nd their representative an opportunity ) be heard. In the case of the membership tribunal, here are two issues at. stake. First, some Lculty members feel that it is improper >r Student Government Council to ap- Aint a faculty member by itself. See- ond, some members of the community feel that the whole responsibility for the mem- bership selection problem has clearly been given to students and students ought to handle it themselves. These two problems are clearly related to one another. The Student Relations Committee has for some time now refused to appoint a faculty member to the Com- mittee on Membership in Student Organi- zations. If SGC were to ask the SRC to appoint a faculty member to the tribunal, on precedent Council would be met with a firm "no." And the reason the SRC has refused to appoint faculty members is be- cause members of the SRC feel that the bias problem ought to be settled by stu- dents with only advisory help. IT IS. OF COURSE, unfortunate that groups outside SGC have more faith in the ability of students to handle their own problems than SGC. But Council, acting cautiously, decided that a non-student "member of the University" ought to be on the tribunal. At the same time, in order to get around the problem of the SRC's refusal to appoint faculty members, Coun- cil decided to appoint the third "member of the University" itself. After formal notice of SGC's action was published, five members of the Com- mittee on Referral decided that the com- mittee should meet to discuss the matter. This acts as an automatic stay on SGC's action. Also, the lawyer for several sorori- ties sent a formal notice to Lewis asking him to veto the motion and requesting a meeting of the committee. This after- noon's public hearing will give him an op- portunity to express his views. WHETHER OR NOT the function of the Committee on Referral and Lewis' veto is legitimate is an entirely separate ques- tion. But certainly, if students propose to appoint faculty, to the tribunal, the facul- ty should have something to say about it. It is also an irony that the Committee on Referral may recommend that students be granted greater responsibility than students themselves have asked. -DAVID MARCUS Editorial Director To the Editor: IT IS COMMON custom for theatrical producers to quote their critics out of context in ad- vertising, and I have no quarrel with this often humorous practice. I feel, however, that the Pro- fessional Theatre Program ad in Tuesday's Daily misrepresents my views on "Much Ado About Noth- ing" somewhat more drastically than is customary. Before readers of The Michigan Daily accept the advertisement at its face value, I respectfully sug- gest that they consult the original source (Ann Arbor News, Oct. 11, Page Three, "Bard Baldridge Dazzle, But_"). -Ted Rancont, Jr. Ann Arbor News Drama Critic Reply ... To the Editor: E REGRET that Ted Rancont objects to the use of quotes from his review of "Much Ado About Nothing." As he himself points out, this is customary; nor do we feel we exceeded the custom in view of the following quota- tions from his critique: "The University's first Profes- sional Theatre Production of the season dazzled and dazzled us with real and figurative fireworks." ". could sink your teeth in some of the glitter." "The stage consistently flashed back into brilliance." "APA artistic director Ellis Rabb was the funniest man in the world as Benedick." "A fine comedienne . . . Nancy Marchand radiated w a r m t h through the ice crystal exterior of Beatrice." * * * .."THE REST of the large com- pany . . . peopled the stage ad- mirably, every character well de- fined and every movement polish- ed." 'An impressive display of sheer creative energy ... "Not that the APA company to be superb, nor that the color and excitement failed to astonish and excite, nor that the lively inven- tion failed to fascinate." "The costumes were elegant fun as was Baldridge's and his cast's endless technical ornamentation." "The indolent, sensuous atmos- phere so flawlessly created by the whole rococo production had a tastable reality." The context cited above seems to us to justify the selected quotes. -Robert C. Schnitzer Executive Director Professional Theatre Program Response . To the Editor: PROF. FELHEIM'S critical 're- view of "Much Ado About No- thing" represents the only possible response for an intelligent and in- formed Shakespearian, amateur or professional. Mr. Baldridge's second varia- tion based on a theme by Shake- speare (last season had "The Mer- chant of Venice") reveals a basic contempt for the Shakespearian audience. His principle of direc- tion is absolute self-indulgence; the tediously predictable formulae of interpretation are ludicirous. The pace is broken for patent gimmicks that masquerade as pro- fundities; an utterly academic anti-academic response to the text produces the mechanical opposite of Shakespeare's clarities. THE SEEMINGLY DARING in- ventions of the Baldridge inter- pretation are distinctly second- hand cliches lifted from the movies: a Hollywood elaboration of local color; or a 'new wave' version making comic characters sad and vice versa. Principles exist: e.g., multiply old stage directions by ten so that "three or four with tapers" at Hero's monument can become 30 or 40 and a Requiem for the dead (Miserere nobis!). The earlier marriage was a spectacle, done in Spanish so that if the com- prehension of a modern audience was clouded by odd obscurities in Shakespearian English, it could now be prevented by the total ob- scurity of another language. A stage direction for a dance is fatal; a corps de ballet will appear (even without a stage direction). Music or an air? Continuous Fla- menco muzak! Don't let the audience go home just because the play is over; in- vent an ending to replace the old one which stupidly ends with the major plot instead of the minor; make an Elizabethan dumb show, especially for the 400th anniver- sary. A prince always carries a black cloth in case any bastard brothers should be apprehended and need sentencing to death just when the dialog has run out. Since executions jar comic reso- utions (marriage, harmony), there must be more Baldspeare to undo the created confusion and reveal that a bribe frees the villain to ride again until the next episode of the works of Baldridge based on Shakespeare ("Macbeth" in. 'drag'?). These operatic distor- tions are reminiscent of the 18th century: "King Lear" with a Rabb's direction of "A Midsum- mer-Night's Dream." He made the poetry of the play dramatic and the drama poetic. Encore! But "good frend for Jesus' sake for- beare ..." -A. E. Friedmann Department of English Pilfering To the Editor: BOTH THE Undergraduate and General Libraries attempt to stop pilfering of books by their patrons. Granted, the people at the check out desks do turn up an occasional book which has not been checked out, and their searchings of brief cases and large handbags probably discourage some would-be thieves. Neverthe- less, many volumes are lost, stray- ed, or stolen from the General Library each year. How? A very interesting clue to this could be found if turnstiles were installed at the check-out desks at the General Library, as well as at the entrances. A ~omparison of their totals would perplex naive library personnel, because output would not equal input. The ma- chines would indicate that more people enter the library than leave it. As any freshman engineer knows, when output does not equal input, a loss from the system is involved. If, like Michigan Sta- dium, we were to enclose the sys- tem (General Library) by a high fence with barbed wire at the top, loss to the system, in people and books, could be recovered at check- out points. From an aesthetic standpoint, as well as an economic one, it might be better to reduce this loss just by installing screens on the windows in the southern part of the stacks. -Brian Briggs, '63 Something Amiss .. . To the Editor: TAM NEW to this school but I don't think the following obser- vation is inaccurate: there is something wrong with the educa- tional set-up here which is due more to the quantity of the stu- dents than to the quality of stu- dents or teachers. And what's very strange is the small mention or discussion of this problem by students and faculty and the al- most total absence of a >public impetus t o w a r d improvement. (There is one exception which I am aware of-the proposed ressi- dential college.) What's wrong, of course, is the large lectures and classes which form the majority of the curricu- lum for just about everybody from freshmen to grad students. A large dose of this fare just kills the educational experience. I do not wish to deny that there are many people for whom the fas- cination of the subject matter will overcome all attempts to dull their sensibilities. But this is not the case with the large majority of students, especially the mass of entering freshmen for whom the first year will spell gargantuan disillusionment. A UNIVERSITY education, I think, has several purposes. On the highest plane it should intro- duce people to and give them an appreciation for the achievements of intellect; it should even entice them to carry on the process. But on a more down-to-earth level it should try to make the four years enjoyable and exciting. The en- joyment of the education, one might argue, may be only a by- product of the process (though I doubt it), but nevertheless it seems an important criterion for the success of the process. To all those people who see their col- lege experience as a grueling drag for credits, grades and the ful- fillment of distribution require- ments, the university is a failure. To stop and prevent the "drag" people must be caught by the ex- citement of the experience as soon as possible. And for most people this means small classes, seminars and tutorials-a close contact with teachers and an environment of students who are anxious tb. talk about the subject-matter, i.e. for whom studies are a part of life, not an external grind. It is a fact of human psychology, whether we like it or not, that people must be stimulated by incentives out- side the subject-matter itself. And once these people are caught, they've got it made. I DON'T THINK this school is providing the stimulation. Most people seem to be aware of this but few say anything about it. The student government is notably silent; but what in the world is student government for if not to help improve the educational op- portunities here? The residential college is a good step but doesn't seem to have engaged enough at-' tention. Much more can probably be fit into the framework of this university with a little imagina- tion. And one way to start the imagination working is by vigor- ous student protest and carefully formulated student proposals. -Bruce Landesman, Grad Civil Rights ,. groups by own perceived "achieve- ment." It is largely their own fault, we can all too easily con- clude, when group members do not measure up to our desired standards. However, without in any way associating myself with a defense of the Direct Action Committee or their announced tactics, I wish to note some reasons why I take strong -exception to Mr. Sasaki's ill-considered assertions. * * * INDEED, I hold perhaps as anyone that, while Negro-interest units, Negro slaves were in no way similarly encouraged, as they were bought and sold from each other on the market; nor were they help to exemplify moral behavior, as they were, like prized cattle, bred for various commercial ad- vantages. Additionally, Japanese-Ameri- cans, descendants of a distinct, rather homogeneous culture and arrivals in the United States as free men only two generations ago, have always been able to iden- tify and maintain close ties with their homeland, as well as to de- "It's Peacemongering And Creeping Private Enterprise, That's What It Is!" .2*1 ---1 ~ w. door-opener to equal citizenship opportunities. Witness, for exam- ple, the problem being encountered by some highly educated Negroes in merely acquiring the basic right to vote in many Southern areas. Certainly, the faculty of Tuskegee Institute and the medically-trained personnel at the VA Hospital in that Alabama city worked hard and achieved professional status; yet when they eventually succeed- ed in receiving voting rights, the state legislature, contrary to Mr. Sasaki's formula, showed them how far it would go to accept their 9 SI I p V *I '. 'i * It .. _ ...y y <' : z. Al =X. 0 4 9 $ -E: , 3-p=# UNDERSCORE: The World Disorganizes THE WORLD is headed into a stage of disorganization and confusion among its leading components, which will prob- ably last at least a decade. Within both the Communist Bloc and the non-Com- munist nations there exist dangerous splits of interest and ideology. The Soviet Union and Communist China, although still associated on the basis of their mutual security agreement, have come apart upon basic issues which had previously cemented their relation- ship.r The foundation of their conflict, on first consideration, appears ideological. Statements from Peking blast the Soviet brand of non-aggressive Communism, and assail Khrushchev for his attempts to co- exist peacefully with the West. Further- more, the Chinese claim that their policy of spreading active revolution to Commu- nist target areas is the only true- method of perpetuating the doctrines of Lenin. The Soviets reply to these criticisms with equally bitter denunciations of Chi- nese militancy in Southeast Asia. Moscow insists that a world dominated by Com- munism cannot be realized until today's Communist powers have gained a level of industrial maturity on a par with the West's. IF THE RESPECTIVE ' Communistic -methods of the Soviet Union and China were completely ideological, then it is con- ceivable that they could be reconciled in the near future. However, the two doc- trines are primarily expressions of the nationalistic interests of the two coun- tries. The Chinese are hopelessly underdevel- oped at home and it is highly improbable that they will become economically stable in the next few years. It is for this reason Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON, Editor DAVID MARCUS GERALD STORCH Editorial Director city Editor BARBARA LAZARUS .............. Personnel Director PHILIP SUTIN............ National Concerns Editor GAIL EVANS................Associate City Editor MARJORIE BRAHMS ..... Associate Editorial Director GLORIA BOWLES ................. Magazine Editor MALINDA BERRY............... Contributing Editor DAVE GOODK.......................Sports Editor MIKE BLOCK............... Associate Sports Editor that they are forced to war upon their weaker neighbors in order to obtain the power and respect they so earnestly de- sire. Meanwhile, the Soviets are rapidly de- veloping industrially and feel that they may soon reach the standard of living and level of economic prosperity that exists in the West. It is logical that they should want to sublimate tempirarily their im- perialistic intentions in order to achieve the more immediate goal of domestic de- velopment. Therefore, it is inconceivable that the Soviets and the Chinese will come to agreement in the next few years. T HE NON-COMMUNIST world faces an equally turbulent, although less publi- cized, period of disunity. The United States is encountering widespread and varied opposition to its policies for com- batting the spread of Communism. The neutralist powers, although desir- ous of and expecting American economic aid, do not want to form any diplomatic ties with us toward the achievement of our common goal, the stopping of Com- munist expansion. These neutrals are easy targets for Communist infiltration, and only when they are on the verge of com- plete takeover do they plead for miiltary assistance from the United States. This unorganized anti-Communist policy in re- gard to the neutral nations can be blamed for the series of crises in Southeast Asia. The uncooperative attitude of the neu- trals can be attributed to nationalistic designs. These countries want to estab- lish their sovereignty and believe that any alliances with the powerful Western na- tions will not only all but eliminate their maneuverability ifi foreign relations, but will curtail their domestic independence. In addition, they think that the West will come to their rescue if they are bothered by Communism despite the fact that they are not formally allied. FURTHERMORE, the United States is facing problems with our supposed al- lies in Western Europe. Whereas Great Britain would favor a more pacifist course of action in world relations. France is inclined toward furthering the arms race as indicated by its rejection of the test ban treaty. Here the French philosophy is clearly one of national self-interest as they feel groups are fighting for equal rights and opportunities, they can and must simultaneously seek some group advancement through self-help programs. Some of these, of course, are already being exe- cuted; others, with considerably more impact, are being planned. But self-help projects and the intensified battle against Jim Crow laws and practices must necessarily complement each other, as neither can be the other's sub- stitute if the Negro's long struggle to break out of the shackles of his subjection is to be won reason- ably soon. On the other hand, if self-initia- tive programs are to be effective on a large scale, expanded op- portunity for potential achieve- ment must be real, guaranteed, and perceived. Such opportunities as a basis for reinforcing self-help measures have been sorely missing in the past. In my own experience, for example, my education through the eighth grade in five-month per year .school terms in a one- room, one-teacher, overcrowded Arkansas school was hardly in- tended to help me help myself or others-certainly.not to encourage me to become the "better Ameri- can," which Mr. Sasaki prescribes as a prerequisite to seeking equal citizenship rights. In fact, this separate and unequal treatment was intended to have quite the contrary effect. In comparing Negroes with other American minorities, Mr. Sasaki seems unaware of the fact that no other group has been forced to endure the conditions of the Ne- gro's historical experience. To be sure, the noted sociologist Bernard Barber, in his scholarly study of American social stratification, ob- serves that Negroes of all Ameri- can groups "have suffered the most from prejudice and discrima- ination." Moreover, Mr. Sasaki seems uninformed of the social detriments to being Negro in America as high visibility, an an- cestry of slaves, membership in exceedingly large minority, and the occupation of society's lowest ranks. All these and other factors combine to differentiate the Ne- gro from other minorities. * * * THIS IS all the more reason why it is absurd for our graduate student commentator to compare on an equal basis and in expec- tation of similar effects the un- velop considerable social cohesion here in a proud, self-help relation-' ship. Small in numbers and largely settled in several states' until the war, our citizens of Japanese back- ground were also able to become consciously socialized in the Amer- ican system; and their brief cap- tivity was not sufficient to break this social continuity. Negroes, on the other hand, originating from various, areas of the existing black world and at vastly different times during slav- ery, arrived here without common cultural experiences; and their only common social feature down through the ages has been their pigmented skin and their similar struggle in America. UNDERSTANDABLY, the con- dition of slavery and its aftermath effectively prevented, in various ways, the development of Negro cohesion, their exercise of initia- tive, or their perception of self- worth. Some of these manifesta- tions, unfortunately, are still evi- dent. Kyle Haselden, editor of "The Christian Century" and au- thor of "Racial Problems in Chris- tian Perspective," makes the point thus: "During their long pilgrim- age through slavery and semi- slavery, most Negroes did not have an incentive for the kind of active self-compensation by which other minorities have climbed out of humiliating servitude into respect- ed equality. Slavery and peonage do not generally encourage am- bition." To the last statement, he may well have added self-reliance. Also, to be noted is the contrast in attitude which gov'ernmental units expressed toward the two groups as they were emerging fromsconfinement. Numerous of our Oriental , neighbors (citizen and noncitizen alike), benefitting from the more highly developed national morality of mid-Twen- tieth Century, received some measure of governmental compen- sation for both their losses and their inconvenience, a gesture never extended to Negroes, who endured much longer suffering. Yet, despite their comparatively brief and more humane inter- ment, some Japanese did, never- theless, suffer immensely from that experience. Through my Nisei roommate in Seattle during 1957- 58, I met a few older Japanese who became so dispirited and dis- illusioned from this captive period participation even on this "non- social" level when it gerrymander- ed them out of the city. (See the U.S. Supreme Court case of "Go- million vs. Lightfoot," 1960). His assertions raise so many questions that space does not per- mit a full reply except with a series of questions directed to Mr. Sasaki: Has not Gandhi's tech- nique been the rather exceptional model employed by nations and groups in over-powering their enemies? Would this technique have been realistically recom- mended to, or even used by, our American Revolutionists of 1776 Did not the interned Japanese "choose" not to become a "mili- tant rabble" because they felt this method would, for various reasons, hinder rather than help their situation? Indeed, do not groups, however they rationalize their choices, employ a particular means because they perceive it to accomplish some desired results? Various demonstrations, we must admit, have helped speed change in our system, whether for the suffragettes, labor unions, or Ne- groes. Why do you require that one be "better" to gain his Constitu- tional rights than those already enjoying them? Are you not con- fusing the picture by claiming "social acceptance" with its nu- merous emotion-laden implications rather than equality of access and opportunity as the goals of the Negro movement? What informed examples do you have that the NAACP and other similar groups are sponsoring "low-income Ne- gro families" in the purchase of homes in "a high-income neigh- borhood which they could never afford . . . ?" Where in America is there a widespread notion that the Negro has such a "good name" that you must help protect it from being destroyed by the "rabble?" (To Southern segrega- tionists, the "good Negro" is the ignorant, subservient one). In constantly referring to Negroes in a group context, are you not for- getting that members of this race, too, are individuals? * * 4 CLEARLY, Mr. Sasaki's letter is an illustration that latent feelings are often exposed by various pres- sures. Moreover, it indicates that in his effort to "out American" his fellow citizens, he has not, unfortunately, become an adequate 4 A1 I i t 3 11r 4 p I