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October 15, 1963 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-15

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C _l.

Big Ten QB's Take to Air

CHEMISTS- B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.
IF you are dedicated to research, come to an expanding organization
where basic research provides a solid foundation for the program; where recognition
for accomplishments brings opportunities for new projects and programs to chal-
lenge the future; and where you have the opportunity to pursue fundamental
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IF you desire to be associated with a research center internationally
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and at the same time part of a larger organization offering many benefits, such
as diverse research projects appealing to particular interests, freedom to exchange
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IF your objective is one or all of these:
To specialize in a chosen field and to build scientific status for yourself
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To advance vertically in the same line of work as fast and as far as your
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To present papers before national and international scientific meetings
To enjoy the advantages of freedom to publish
IF these are your goals, then join us and advance your career in
challenging basic and applied research on the derivaties, reactions, structure, and
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Sign up for interview with our representative on
October 23, 1963
At your Placement Office
Or write to
1815 North University Street
Peoria, Illinois 61604



This year has been called
year of the quarterbacks, and
Ten signal-callers are filling



Western Conference teams are
putting the emphasis on the aerial
attack this fall-and with results.
Take, for instance, Fred Riddle,
Iowa's junior quarterback who has
led the Hawkeyes to two victories
and a tie with his passing and
running. Riddle, who played very
little last year, has accounted for
all nine touchdowns scored by
Iowa in its first three games, He
has passed for seven tallies and
run for two more.
In last Saturday's game :against,
winless Indiana, Riddle set a Big
Ten record by completing five
touchdown bombs.


-Daily-Jim Lines
SOCCER ACTION-Michigan Soccer Club left halfback Ted Cohn
battles an unidentified Greek player (white shirt) as another
Greek comes in to cover on the play. The Americans won 1-0 in a
game featuring close defensive action.

M' Soccer Club Opens Schedule

One week ago last Sunday the
Michigan Soccer Club kicked off
its fall intramural schedule with a
1-0 victory over, the Greek Stu-
dents Association.
The lone tally came in the sec-
ond half on a pass from left half-
back Ted Cohn to wing Warren
Shear who got the break on the
defense and sent his shot high into
the left corner of the goal. The
game was characterized by tight
defensive work by both teams with
neither squad having many shots.
Three more games remain on the
club's regular league schedule. In
addition, there may be two games
with an informal foreign club at
Eastern Michigan University.
Three Years Old
The Michigan Soccer Club was
formed three yearsrago, mostly by
the efforts of freshmen Dick
Scheer and Robert Ying, to play
as an international team in the
International Center's intramural
league. The members present at

Iowa's 37-26 romp over the
Hoosiers was highlighted by Rid-
dle's passing and running and the
running of teammate Paul Krause.
The most spectacular play of the
game was a 76-yard pass play
from Riddle to Krause for a
Indiana was hampered through-
out the game by fumbles and in-
terceptions and by the first quar-
ter injury of star halfback Mary
Woodson, who will probably be out
for the rest of the season.
Wildcat Pilot
Northwestern's Tom Myers, who
was picked to the All-American
team last year as a sophomore,
was a preseason pick to star again
this year and lead Northwestern
to a Big Ten championship.
Although he passed for 815
yards in the Wildcats' first four
games and is one of the nation's
leaders in passing yardage, North-
western has had a rough road
compiling a 3-1 record this fall.
Myers has thrown five scoring
passes in four games and has a
.516 completion percentage. He
has had nine of his passes inter-
In last Saturday's game against
Minnesota, Myers could not get
an effective attack started against
a tough Gopher defense until the
fourth quarter. In the closing
minutes, though, Myers displayed
the passing skill and coolness un-
der pressure for which he was
lauded last year.
He threw a 54-yard scoring pass
to halfback Mike Buckner to put
the Wildcats ahead 7-0. Then, af-
ter Minnesota scored, Myers threw
a 25-yard pass for another count-
er to put Northwestern in front
for good, 15-8.
Badger Replacements
Last year, Wisconsin came up
with a replacement for graduated
Ron Miller in star quarterback
Ron VanderKelen, who led the
team to the Big Ten champion-
ship. This year, with Vandy gone
via diploma, the Badger coaching
staff was forced to find someone
to fill the quarterback spot. They

came up with Harold Brandt, a
junior who played only 552 min-
utes last year. Brandt has im-
proved steadily this year and has
led Wisconsin to three victories
in as many starts.
In last Saturday's 38-20 rout of
Purdue, Brandt ran for one touch-
down and passed for 225 yards,
completing 15 of 25 passes. In
previous games t h i s season,
Brandt looked good both passing
and running. In the first two
games he threw two lobs for scores
and ran for two more.
Illini, Too
Illinois' starting quarterback
Mike Taliaferro was unimpressive
in the Illini'S first two victories,
completing only four of 11 passes
but led a hard-fighting Illinois
team to a 20-20 tie with favored
Ohio State Saturday. In the game
with the Buckeyes, Taliaferro
passed for one marker and set up
two more. He passed for 150 yards
in this game which was almost
twice his passing yardage in the
first two games.
The Illini's other star was
sophomore halfback Sam Price
who ground out most of Illinois'
yardage on the ground and scored
a six-pointer. Price led the Illini
in both scoring and yardage
The star for Ohio State was
Dick VanRaaphorst who tied the
game and broke a Big Ten record
with his 49-yard field goal with
less than two minutes left in the
Big Ten
W L T PF PA Pet.
Wisconsin 1 "0 0 38 20 1.000
Iowa 1 0 0 37 26 1.000
Ohio State 1 0 1 41 20 .750
Illinois 1 0 1 30 29 .750
Northwestern 2 1 0 58 39 .667
MICHIGAN 0 0 1 7 7 .500
Michigan State 0 0 1 7 7 .500
Minnesota 0 1 0 8 15 .00&
Purdue 0 1 0 20 38 .000
Indiana 0 3 0 47 92 .000
(Ties count 3/ game won, %_ game

the first meeting soon split into a
Latin American team and a North
American team.
The club has since expanded and
taken on a drive to have soccer
adopted as a varsity sport at the
University. Last year the club or-
ganized and presented to the
Board in Control of Intercollegi-
ate Athletics a petition requesting
consideration of the creation of a
varsity soccer team for the school.
Failing in this, the club asked
last June that it be given recogni-
tion as a varsity club so that it
would be able to arrange contests
with other schools. The petition
still awaits action by the Board.
Try Again
An effort will again be made this
year to promote soccer at Michi-
gan. With its increased member-
ship of experienced soccer players,
the club feels that-it has the po-
tential to make a good showing in
intercollegiate competition.
The club has taken the initia-
tive this fall in scheduling a few
informal contests with other var-
sity teams for the fall of 1964.
Denison University stands out
among the prospects, as the Deni-
son kickers achieved a 9-2 record
and the Midwest Regional Cham-
pionship last fall.
Other letters have gone out to 12
other members of the 15-team
Ohio Collegiate Soccer Association.
Last year three schools were con-
tacted: Michigan State, Ohio State
and University of Chicago, but
none could play the Michigan club
because it does not have varsity
MSU High Nationally
Michigan State, Michigan's tra-
ditional rivals to the north, has
one of the best collegiate teams
in the country. The Spartans, per-
ennially between third and fifth
in the NCAA University standings,
won the Midwestern Collegiate
Soccer Conference crown last fall,

J the Daily business staff

N. Universityi
invites you

; '

f 1965 n
>arber) ;
/ou to
: rbers
ear Kresge's
to try the

but were defeated in tournament
play 2-0 by national champion St.
Louis. Two of the Spartan booters
were placed on the collegiate All-
America squad.
The Michigan club pointed out
to the Board in its petition the
great spread and increasing pop-
ularity of soccer in the United
States. The present stronghold of
soccer is in the Northeastern Unit-
ed States, where many of the
smaller schools support soccer in-
stead of football because of the
much lower budget involved.
In addition, over 200 colleges and
universities support varsity soc-
cer, including all four service
academies, with new teams being
formed each year. In the Big Ten,
Michigan State, Indiana, Illinois,
Purdue, and Ohio State have in-
tercollegiate soccer.
Pro League Formed
Two years ago, an international
professional playoff tournament
was held in New York, featuring
the play of some of the finest
teams in the world. The interest
stirred up by this competition has
led to discussion of a 12-member
North and Central American Fed-
eration for competition among na-
tional winners.
Olympic soccer competition has
always been fierce, as soccer is
the national team sport of prac-
tically every nation in the world
except the United States. Soccer
players are among the highest paid
athletes in the world, many of the
best players receiving about $150,-
000 each year in salaries.
This foreign interest in soccer is
represented presently by the Inter-
national Center's competition.
Eight intramural squads usually
play each year, but the schedule
has been hampered somewhat by
tht advent of the trimester sys-
tem. The games are played at
Wine's field 1:30 p.m. on Sundlay.
This past Sunday the Greek stu-
dents, victims of the Americans
the week before, romped over their
Chinese counterparts, 4-0.
Ellsworth Named
Comeback Player
NEW YORK (TP)-Dick Ellsworth
of the Chicago Cubs, a 20-game
loser in 1962 and a 22-point win-
ner the past season, was named
the National League's comeback
player-of-the-year yesterday in
the annual Associated Press poll.

With their tongues in their collective cheek, a down-trodden
group of Daily sports writers salute Michigan Union President Ray
Rusnak for his unbelievable-if not totally impossible-feat of lead-
ing the entire Michigan campus by picking 13 winners in last week's
Grid Selections. Under previous agreement, this means that Rusnak
is now, officially acknowledged as the Head Picker for The Daily.
This also means that he does not owe anyone a free frosty shake.
Unfortunately, because of his role as guest selector, Rusnak can-
not be the recipient of the tickets to the Michigan Theatre, now
showing "The V.I.P.s." This honor goes to Bill Simmonds, 920 Bald-
win Ave., who may pick up his tickets at The Daily. Bill matched
Rusnak's pace-setting record, 13-7.
Undaunted by last week's disgrace, The Daily's prognosticators
once again challenge anyone, anywhere, to out-guess them in this
week's action. All you have to do is to walk to 420 Maynard, pick
up an entry blank, circle the alleged winners, and turn in your
entry (one per person) by 9 p.m. on Friday.


opposite Ja


1. Purdue at Michigan (Score)
2. Indiana at Michigan State
3. Minnesota at Illinois
4. Ohio State at Southern Cal
5. Wisconsin at Iowa
6. Penn at Brown
7. Yale at Cornell
8. PennaStateratSyracuse
9. South Carolina at Virginia
10. No. Caro. State at N. Caro.

11. Air Force at Maryland
12. Clemson at Duke
13. Georgia at Miami (Fla.)
14. Georgia Tech at Auburn
15. Houston at Mississippi State
16. UCLA at Notre Dame
17. Texas at Arkansas
18. Southern Methodist at Rice
19. Tex. A&M at Tex. Christian
20. Stanford at Washington







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NOTE: All entries must be postmarked on or
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