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August 27, 1963 - Image 33

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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e a lot of graduate students
search, it becomes increas-
difficult to give library serv-
o undergraduates.
Simplified Organization
he library is organized for
needs-everything is simpli-
she admitted.
here is also a very strong ref-
e service and libraries are
-s on duty, to show the use
e library. That's what we
this to be-more than just a
y. We want it to be able to
ict undergraduates in library
o that they'll be able to go,
lay, into a large world of Il-
s and use them all well,"
Keniston said.
ides. its volumes and instruc-
I librarians, the UGLI offers
undergraduate students and
[Jniversity community as a
features not 'found in any
building on campus.
MVulti-Purpose Room
arge hall-the Multi-Purpose
L, may be used by any group
mpus which can show that
shes to use the room for an
,itonal or intellectual pur-
so long as the event it spon-
s open to undergraduate stu-



Varied Needs


Often student activities, ' like
Challenge (a program which of-
fers seminars and lectures on top-
ics of current interest) or Voice
Political Party, hold meetings "or
discussions there. In 1961, "Opera-
tion Abolition" wasp shown in the,
Multi-Purpose Roomn, which has.
film facilities.
Another feature of the library
is the .Audio. Room,. in <which stu-
dents may .listen to, music... or
spoken-word recordings.
Audio-Room Available
The Audio-Room has 72 turn-
tables, each of which accommo-
dates two listeners, and a total of
144 students can use its facilities
at a time. Moreover, the library
owns 3,400 records which, while
they may not be taken from the
Audio Room, .provide many stu-
dents with many enjoyable hours.
There are a, number of courses
which require Audio Room attend-
pnce. Among these are English
350 (a course dealing with the
plays of Shakespeare), various of
the foreign language departments'
intermediate and advanced cours-
es, and of course, music literature.
The UGLI also uses the "re-
serve" book plan-under this, a
professor sends the library a list
of titles which are required read-
ing for his course, and these books
are put "on reserve."
Use Time.Limits
This means that no one can
take them out of the library be-'
fore 9 p.m. and that they must be'
returned by the following morn-
ing. Very high fines ($.50 peyr
hour) are charged for unreturned
reserve books.
The Tndergrad also has a num-
ber of' small reading rooms, and
among these there are non-smok-
ing rooms, "quiet" rooms, and an
Honors Lounge.
The Michigan Historical Collec-
tiohs is a very small and revered.
Modest Beginnings
The Collection began very
modestly in 1934, when an assist-
ant professor of American history
at the University applied for a
grant from the graduate school's
faculty research funds. The pur-
pose was a new one for a Rackham
fund grant, the locating and col-
lecting of manuscript and printed
sources relating to Michigan his-

UJGLI-The Undergraduate Library is the undergraduate's chief.
library. Here are found most of the books needed for his courses,
the record listening room and multipurpose meeting room.

tory, a booklet describing the
Collection states.
Prof. Lewis Vander Velde even-
tually became chairman of the his-
tory department, and his 1934
project eventually grew into a li-
brary containing millions of man-
uscripts and records, occupying
six rooms in the Rackham Bldg.
The first of these rooms is a
general storehouse, in w h i c h
bound and unbound newspapers,
some inactive University records,
duplicate copies of books, large
collections of papers of individ-.
uals, and miscellaneous books and
papers not frequently called for
are kept.
Primary Sources
Four of the other rooms house
personnel, books and manuscripts
for old historical records such as
the collections specialize in, sel-
dom came in book-form, and the
collections prefer primary source
However, the sixth room, Room
160 Rackham, ''is ,the "library"
which most people wso use collec-
tions' material get to know. 1
The room has four exhibit cases
in which manuscripts or other
printed materials are displayed.
There are also many locked cases
containing diaries, church records,
and the early stories of Michigan
schools, colleges and other organi-
The work of the collectionsjis
principally of three kinds.
Gathering Manuscripts
The first includes gathering
manuscripts and printed materials
relating to the State of Michigan
and is carried on by correspon-
dence and by personal contacts.
The second activity of the Col-
lections consists,{of making manu-
scripts and printed materials

available for use-often books or
letters or diaries must be cleaned
before they can be used by gradu-
ate students or other researchers.
And after this, it is necessary to
catalogue and re-bind the books
or letters.
The third function consists of
disseminating information about
Available to All
The resources of the Michigan
Historical Collections may be used
by anyone seeking information
about the state.
While the collections deal only
with Michigan history, and fol-
low the history through to fairly
modern times (the collections
maintain articles and letters on
movements as recent as the es-
tablishment of the Michigan
League). The Clements Library
deals with American history only
through the early nineteenth cen-
The Clements Library, one of
the most austere and beautiful
buildings on campus, houses one
of special libraries at the Univer-
sity-special inasmuch as it re-
ceives its own budget and own
funds, separate from the control
of the General Library.
Alumnus' Gift
The Clements Library was a
gift from George Clements, a Uni-
versity alumnus and regent from
Bay City.
In 1922 Clements donated his
books-almost all were source
materials-and built the marble
Fearful that it would appead
like any other library he also fin-
ished it with rugged early-Ameri-
can furniture, most of which is
still in the library.
The scope of the library ranges

from Columbus' discovery to
about 1835.
The library contains - about
36,000 books, 200,000 manuscripts,
and some 25,000 maps.
"The material in the Clements
Library is used by textbook writ-
ers and biographers, and histor-
ians in general who produce the
secondary source books," Howard
Peckham, director of the Clements
Library explained.
'Author Wasn't There'
"We don't buy books about the
American Revolution-for the
author wasn't there,. What we're
after is source material.
"There source materials come
in various forms: printed books,
colonial newspapers, early maps,
atlasses, and to some extent ac-
counts of geographic knowledge
of the time," Peckham said.
About 40 per cent of the libra-
ries users Come from off-Campus
-they ire usually authors or pro-
Valuable Materials
It would be difficult to appraise
the value of the volumes which
belong to the Clements Library,
because often the source material
has never been priced-and be-
cause opinions about the worth of
a particular letter or series of
letters is bound to vary. However,
Peckham said that a rough esti-
mation-and one he feels is some-
what conservative, is' between
three and five million dollars.
The library is open to under-
graduates "if they can show they
have a serious puf pose, Peck-
ham said, but even if they are not
serious, they're welcome to visit
the library.
Next door to the Clements Li-
brary is the President's home, and
across the street from that is the
Law Quadrangle. The Legal Re-
search Building, one of the major
structures in the law quad, houses
faculty offices and a good many
law records. It also houses the Law
Law Library
The Law Library contains well
over 300,000 volumes. It is, like
the Clements Library, indepen-
dent of the Graduate Library and
is one of the largest libraries of
its kind in the world.
It maintains itself as a closed
stack library because it is "used
primarily for research, and a
closed-stack arrangement is best
for this," Fred Smith, one of the
librarians, said.
Smith added that the library is
open to anyone in need of legal
information and materials al-
though it is "not a general study
?Often, he said, attorneys from
Detroit or Ann Arbor or from cit
ies as far away as Canberra will
use the library's facilities.
"We - carry books which tell
about the cases, which have the
cases in them, which have statu-
tes about the cases and cases
about the statutes. We have other
books about similar cases in India,
and England. It's fascinating read-
ing!" he said.
There are also divisional libra-
ries, run by various departments
and schools in conjunction with
the. General Library. Most of
these are located in the same
building which houses the school,
such as the Natural Science Li-
brary or the library located in the
Frieze Bldg. for the use of social
work students.

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