Students To Vote in SGC Election, Referendu < v Elections . By LOUISE LIND A campus-wide election today will select eight students to sit as members of Student Govern- ment Council and will refer to the electorate a new method for se- lecting the SGC president and' vice-president. Voters will go to the polls at any of 14 campus locations and will be allowed to cast ballots be- tween 7:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Polls will be located at the South, East and West quads; Mary Markley Hall; Business Adminis- tration Bldg.; Law Quad; Engi- neering Arch; Undergraduate Li- brary Terrace; Diag; Fishbowl; Michigan Union stairs; Frieze Bldg.; Women's Athletic Bldg.; and East Medical Bldg. Present Cards To participate in the elections, students must present their stu- dent identification cards to be punched by poll workers. Elections will be determined by the Hare System of voting. Voters must preference, by number, eight of the 12 candidates seeking elec- tion. Of the eight who are elected to Council seats, the first six elected will be given full term. positions; the remaining two, half- term seats. Seeking election are Douglas Baird, '66, Douglas Brook, '65, Scott Crooks, '65, Gary Cunning- ham, '66, Jeffrey Davis, '65, in- cumbent Russell Epker, '64BAd, Barry Kramer, '65E, Elaine Res- mer, '64, incumbent SGC Treas- urer Fred Rhines, '64, Howard Schecter, '66, Robert Shenkin, '65BAd, and incumbent SGC Administrative Vice - President Thomas Smithson, '65. Write-Ins Rhines and Miss Resmer are running as write-in candidates. Also presented to the voters will be a referendum to approve or reject a new method for selecting the Council's executive officers. These officers, the president and executive vice-president, are cur- rently elected by the Council it- self. The referendum will ask that voters approve a change in the Council constitution so that these officers may be elected on a campus-wide basis. The referendum will be valid only if 3000 voters, or 75 per cent of those voting in the election, whichever is greater, participate in it. A two-thirds majority decides the referendum. Should the referendum pass, it would be binding on Council and would take effect in the spring. Several campus student groups have announced their endorse- ments of certain candidates seek- ings seats on Council. Voice Po- litical Party has endorsed Smith- son and Schecter. Interfraternity Council announced its stpport for Brook, Crooks, Epker and Smith- son. Young Republicans The Young Republicans under- scored the candidacy of Brook, Epker, Crooks, Cunningham and Baird. The Young Democrats fav- ored Smithson and Schecter. In addition, Smithson, Brook and Epker were endorsed by the In- terQuadrangle Council. Candidates elected to Council will officially take their seats at a special meeting at 4 p.m. Friday in Council chambers SGC President Thomas Brown, '66L, noted that recent action by the SGC committee on referral to "stay" SGC's motion "Mem- bership Selection in Student Or- ganizations" would have no effect on the regular seating of newly- elected Council members. Some Effect However, he did specify that the committee's action would have some effect on the presiding offi- cers at the Council table. Presiding off'icers are regularly elected and take office at the first regularly scheduled Council meet- ing. Platformis 0 0 0 By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM In an issueless campaign, the 10 declared candidates and two write- ins mainly devoted their speeches and platform statements to de- fining Council's authority within the University structure. Inherent in these definitions was each candidate's view of how SGC relates to the faculty, ad- ministration and Office of Stu- dent Affairs. How these relation- ships could best be used to deter- mine Council's goals is a prime consideration. The following are brief summa- tions of the candidates' views: Douglas Baird, '66, defines Council as a "very powerful and effective legislative organization" which ought to work for modified change within existing student or- ganizations. Student-f a c u 1 t y government should be viewed as "in its in- fancy," with the rise to maturity to be made through the responsi- ble selection of student represen-, tatives, he notes. Douglas Brook, '65, feels that Council "as a representative body, must concern itself with issues and programs that are genuinely in the student interest." Council should try to strike a balance where the laws of Michi- gan and the rules of this Univer- sity are respected, while at the same time respect for the import- ance of student activities is main- tained, he says. Scott Crooks, '65, makes a clear delineation between what belongs in Council's hands and those ar "which rightly belong in otl hands for action." Areas which he feels belong Council's hands include closing gap between faculty, administ tion and students and eliminat discrimination on the campus. Gary Cunningham, '66, obje to factional bickering in Cour which he calls "the perennial of war." He wants Council to "quit bi ering and begin acting" in si projects as student-faculty g ernment. By prodding the S subcommittee members meet with the faculty, he hopes tl Council can aid in the betterm of faculty-student ties. Jeffrey Davis, '65, finds gr fault with the "creation of a t See CANDIDATES, Page 2 k - LEWIS EMPLOYS DELAY TACTIC See Editorial Page L S ir g~ ~~IAi&l FAIR AND WARMER Hligh--75 Low--45 Sunny and warm today with a cooling trend this evening Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PE I IFC Rules On Zeta Psi, Acquits ATO By H. NEIL BERKSON Interfraternity Council's execu- tive committee used its newly ac- quired judicial power for the first time last night, to deal with two alleged fraternity group violations of University conduct regulations. Verdicts: one conviction, one acquittal. Zeta Psi was found guilty of having alcoholic beverages on its premises. The complaint was made by Harold Swoverland, investigator for the Office of Student Affairs. Zeta Psi President Frank Strother, 64 admitted the charges. Fined The house was fined $150. $75 of the fine was suspended. One semester ofdsocial probation was also suspended. However, a suspended $65 fine which was levied by Joint Judi- ciary Council against Zeta Psi last spring was automatically in- voked. Thus the fine will cost the house a total of $140. The spring fine was for an unregistered party with alcoholic beverages. Alpha Tau Omega was found innocent of having an unregister- ed party in its house. This com- plaint was also. brought by Swo- verland. House President Eugene Hanlon, '64, said that there were only two couples in the house, both of whom were studying. So Social Function "We could not call thisva social function," IFC Executive Vice- President Richard Mandel, '64, chairman of the judicial body, said. IFC received authority to )ry complaints of fraternity conduct violations from JJC three weeks ago. JJC had formerly tried the cases itself. The IFC executive committee- composed of the five IFC senior officers, one house president rep- resenting each of the five frater- nity .districts, three alumni and a representative of the OSA-serves as the judicial body. Swoverland is responsible for investigating and making com- plaints to the OSA. . :C .. . . -. :... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,t, .........:"......:":::::... . 11 Predict Consumer Demand By MARY LOU BUTCHER Consumer demand will con- tinue to show strength for at least the next half year, accord- ing to the Survey Research Center's latest quarterly re- port on consumer attitudes and inclinations to buy. Consumer's sentiment was "cautiously optimistic" in Aug- ust, but still below the peak level in November 1962 follow- ing the settlement of the Cuban crisis, the SRC economists re- ported. The report is based on a sur- vey of a nationwide cross- section of 1,350 adults and is the latest in a series conducted regularly since 1951. Designed to measure consumer attitudes, motivations and behavior, they are directed by Professors George Katona and Eva L. Mueller of the SRC Economic Behavior Program. Change for Better A pronounced change for the better since May has occurred in people's attitudes toward business conditions. The im- provement in busines expecta- tions is due in part to the re- laxation of international ten- sions, in part to the absence of unfavorable news, the , report states. Agreement on the test ban treaty apparently signified to many people the easing of world tensions. "If people are not tense they will spend more," was found to be a common consumer attitude. The growth in optimism about business conditions be- tween May and August, 1963, was also a result of "a decline in the proportion of people who had heard unfavorable econom- ic news." Good Time Now The judgement that it is "a good time to buy" with refer- ence to cars, houses and house- hold goods, the economists note. "For cars a major improve- ment occurred already in early 1962, for houses a sharp up- turn in favorable evaluations of market conditions was regis- tered in early 1963, while for household goods the upturn oc- curred recently-between May and August." This trend represents "a growing feeling that prices are low or reasonable and that good buys are available." Attitudes toward personal fi- nances reflect "a high- degree of satisfaction and confidence," the report states. The survey found that about two-thirds of the American people believe, as they did in 1962 and earlier in 1963, that the proposed taxcut is "a good idea." There has been some decline in the past 12 months in the judgement that the pro- posal is "bad." "In particular, concern that a tax cut would lead to a cur- tailment of defense spending and other vital government programs seems to have di- minished." When questioned about what they woud do with their tax savings, three out of four people said "they would spend the money," the report notes. This bears out the fact that increas- ed spending by consumers is strongly associated in people's minds with improved economic conditions. Pessimistic The survey found that "only slightly over one-fourth of re- spondents said they expected that Congress will pass the tax cut. The remaining people be- lieved that the bill will not be enacted or they were unfamiliar with the President's tax pro- gram and its progress in Con- gress." The effect of a tax cut, if enacted, would be to strengthen confidence, the report notes. "In 1962 and in 1963 the con- sumer sector played a leading role in bringing about the up- surge in business activity. Now, more vigorous aid from the business and government sec- tors seems to be needed to sus- tain a high rate of economic expansion," the economists con- cluded. r i " f f i i i Z;: ;:'x: ,t ?: : :v : i r ii i Ahmned Sees NewRevolt In A lgeria By THOMAS BRIEN Akli Ahmed, 18-year-old Alger- ian student, confesses he doesn't know what his fate will be now that his father is in open rebel- lion against the government. His father, Col. Mohand ou el Hadj, joined Berber leader Hocine Ait-Ahmed in opposing Algerian President Ben Bella and took the whole-7th division of the National Army with him. Col. Mohand is not against the. idea of one party rule, Akli Ahmed points out, for he helped negotiate the compromise that established one party rule. Limits Democracy His complaint is that Ben Bella has limited democratic forms in the party, and has squeezed out many Berbers who contributed to the war of liberation.j Akli Ahmed arrived in Ann Ar- bor in July and will spend a iemester in the English Language institute. He plans to transfer to North Carolina and study education. HeI hopes to teach English when he returns to Algeria. Complicated The Algerian situation is more complicated than the press is making it, Akli Ahmed complain- ed, and it is not dividing along racial lines even though the in- surgents are mostly Berber. Americans may be settling for a racial explanation because they find it easier to understand, he said. Nevertheless, Col. Mohand is ex- pressing a long, frustrating Ber- ber desire to share the job of gov- erning their own country. Much Invasion During the 3000 years of Berber history, no less than ten foreign' peoples have invaded, conquered an dsettled North Africa: Phoene- cians, Greeks, Jews, Romans, Van- dals, Byantines, Arabs, Spaniards, Turks and the French. In each of these invasions, the Berberscmade common cause with the invaders, then bitterly fought the regimes they set up. In the past few weeks, Berbers in the Kabylia mountains just southeast of Algiers, have brought their country to the edge of civil war to protest Ben Bella's year- old regime. Claim Kennedy Read To Sell Excess Whe'a 0- 2'> PHARMACY: Rowe Views Loss OfNew Students By NEAL FRIEDMAN Despite the increased number of students enrolled at the Uni- versity this year the pharmacy college has suffered a 20 per cent drop in the number of its students. This decrease, which reduced the number of students enrolled from 144 last year to 177 this year, is due to the college's changeover to a five year undergraduate program, according to Dean Thomas D. Rowe of the college of phar- macy.F The five year program is man- datory for all students who wish- to obtain a pharmacist's license. Many other universities who have a similar program also have suf- fered a decrease in the number of students enrolled. To meet this problem, the phar- macy college has inaugurated a program to interest more quali- fied students in the study of phar- macy, Dean Rowe said. Talks will be held during the year with high school science teachers and coun- selors, so that they can give their students a clearer idea of the pharmacy profession.- Meetings also will be held at: residence halls to interest literary college students in transferring into the pharmacy college. DEAN THOMAS D. ROWE The undergraduate program was ... enrollment drop increased by an additional year to lighten the yearly class load on pharmacy students, who had to HouseUnit Cuts take 17-18 credit hours of work per semester in the past. Sinc Education Bill this work usually included two lab j courses, the typical pharmacy stu- dent was spending up to 30 hours For Science per week in classes, Dean Rowe said. The extra year also allows the WASHINGTON -An adminis- students to take more non-science tration attempt to provide federal electives and to take prerequisite aid to scientific education receiv- courses in their proper order. ed a heavy setback yesterday from' See Russia Interested' . -...... . A.~ DEMOCRATS' REQUIREMENTS: Vinall Outlines Income Tax Demands / 11. By STEVEN HALLER There are two prerequisites for Democratic acceptance of a state- wide income tax: acceptance of certain sales tax exemptions, and an official ruling on the consti- tutionality of the tax plan, James Vinall, public relations director of the state Democratic Party, said yesterday. Vinall explained that the Demo- crats would consider voting for EMU, MSU: Staff Sells Garg, Exports Publication Gov. George Romney's income tax proposal only if it were coupled with legislative acceptance of the part of the governor's plan call- ing for exempting groceries and prescription drugs from the four per cent sales tax. Vina l also noted the claim by Rev. Joseph Gillis (D-Detroit) that the governor's income tax proposal was unconstitutional. Gillis said that if the bill were passed as it now stands, it would be subject to future changes at the whim of Congress. Calls for Ruling Calling for a ruling on the issue from Attorney General Frank Kelley, Gillis said that the prob- lem concerns the fact that Rom- ney's proposal makes references to the federal income tax for the purpose of setting allowable ex- emptions. Gillis commented that the idea violated the 1908 state constitu- tion, under which Michigan will be functioning until next year, because that document prohibits one tax law referring to another. Romney's plan calls for a tax of 2 per cent on individuals, 3.5 per cent on corporations, and 5.5 per cent on banks, with all levies based on formulas and exemptions provided for in the federal income tax. Gillis decried the governor's references to the federal tax as "that statute which will exist on the last day of the taxpayer's year." This would mean in effect that any change Congress made in the federal tax would auto- matically apply to the state tax as well, Gillis claimed. "That takes it right out of the Legislature's hands. This is an- other example of the sloppy draftmanship in Romney's pro- He added that changing the bill to establish all references to the federal tax as it exists on a cer- tain date, instead of its current wording, would correct the situa- tion. Vinall noted that even if such a change is made, many Demo- crats will still object to the bill, saying that many people who do not pay a federal income tax will pay a tax to the state. He explained that in addition to exemptions, the federal tax allows the taxpayer to choose between a flat ten per cent deduction or an itemized list of allowable deduc- tions. In Purchase Mansfield Suggests Administration Awaits Committees' Initiative By The Associated Press WASHINGTON--High adminis- tration sources said yesterday thbe United States is on the verge of selling more than $300 million worth of wheat to Russia and East European Communist countries. President John F. Kennedy is expected to announce a grain sale arrangement shortly, perhaps at his news conference today, the sources said. The Soviets were reported to have shown interest in buying some $250 million worth of the grain, with Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia and Bulgaria bidding for another $60 million. No Firm Offer However Senate Majoritly Lead- er Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) said "to the best of my knowledge, no firm offer" has been made by any of the Communist countries to purchase United States wheat or other grains. He suggested to newsmen that Kennedy would likesome "initia- tive" from appropriate congres- sional committees and farm or- ganizations before making up his mind. The Kennedy administration is reported to have been taking do- mestic political soundings on whether public sentiment would favor sales to the Iron Curtain countries. Variety of Views Charles B. Schuman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said his organization had not been approached by the administration on the question but believes it is up to Congress to decide. "The Congress is in the best position to reflect the view of the American people," Schuman said. Herschel D. Newsom, master of the National Grange, said his or- ganization has in the past opposed subsidized sale of products to Communists. However, he said, "I have told the administration that it is my feeling that the Grange would not necessarily oppose sub- sidized sale of wheat to the So- viets at this time." Diag Action The diag today will be the scene of a protest demonstra- tion, an art exhibit and an election. The 4:00 p.m. demonstration, sponsored by Voice Political Party, will be in protest over American policy in South Viet 'REPRESSED REGIONS': Wyatt Explains Kafka Appeal By CARL COHEN Gargoyle is back again. The new issue of what is laugh- ingly called the campus humor magazine goes on sale today here, and on the campuses of Michigan State Universitl and Eastern Mich- igan University. Editor John Dobbertin, '64, an- nounced that 8000 Gargoyles were printed, which makes it the larg- est campus-published non-sub- scription humor magazine in the country. Foreign Aid Heartened by the sales of the last two 'er issues-the last one sold completely out in 7 hours- Dobbertin announced that he ex- pects to sell 3500 copies at MSU and another 1000 at EMU. Dobbertin claims that this issue is "more subtle" than the last one. By JEFFREY GOODMAN "Kafka has become the suf- fering saint of our generation be- cause he cleaves to the long re- pressed regions of our minds that speak of us so often," Prof. Fred- erick Wyatt of the psycholog? de- partment said last night. Prof. Wyatt spoke in the fourth of the SGC Reading-Discussion Seminars on the works of Franz Kafka. Trying to establish a basis for Kafka's great attractiveness to readers and critics, Prof. Wyatt turned to a Freudian interpreta- tion of the uncanny and the om- inous in Kafka's works. The author's fame, he said, derives from his immersion in the 'pri- meval roots of the human condi- tion." uniform, says that the uniform stands for the "Fatherland, But connected with this author- ity is a pervading logic in Kafka's writing, a logic charged with an almost polemical sarcasm and irony, and with remarkable in- ternal coherence. The assumptions from which Kafka's stories proceed, Prof. Wyatt noted, may be fantastic ones, and the story may be em- bellished with dreamlike events and moods, but beneath these ap- paritions it moves nonchalantly, ominously, consistently. Thus, against the backdrop of a pervading authority, no matter how causeless its accusations are, Kafka's protagonists find them- selves wholly submitting to their torturers. They accept their guilt; it is finally so overpowering that being punished by the authority is equivalent to being wrong, and the victim feels the punishment "in his whole body." But having reached this state, the victim has totally destroyed himself, just as Winston Smith was no longer a human being once he had learned to love Big the House Appropriations Commit- tee, the New York Times reported. In passing the National Science Foundation's appropriation, the committee completely removed a $114 million program which would have : 1) Tried to induce more stu- dents to take up graduate work in engineering, mathematics and the physical sciences; Better Scientists 2) Aided universities in attract- ing better scientists and engi- neers; 3) Started improved study pro- grams to bring better students to universities. In addition the committee cut $151 million in requests for in- creases in present programs from the NSF budget. The only increase approval was for increase in sal- aries for foundation personnel. Senate More Generous The appropriation approved by the committee totals $323 million. The Times predicted that the House would agree to this total, but that the Senate would be GARGOYLE ... again punches are pulled as the clear- thinking analysts agree that neith-