T THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDO AYOCTOBER Text of SGC Statement CIVIL RIGHTS: _ _ - - - -- ; 2I1 Committee To Discuss Bill IIII i I (Continued from Page 7) shall be kept confidential unless he organization stipulates in writ- ing to the contrary. 01) The transcript of examina- bon may be used for any purpose it any proceeding before the Mem- bership Tribunal. 7) If an organization fails or re- 'uses to answer any question of he Membership Committee, the examination may be completed on >ther matters or adjourned as the committee may prefer. Thereafter, >n reasonable notice to the orga rlzation, the committee may apply bo the Membership Tribunal for an order compelling an answer. 8) If an organization fails or re- fuses to appear after receiving the notice set forth in 1 above, the Membership Committee may pro- ceed as in 7 above for an order. 9) It shall be appropriate for the Membership Committee and an organization to be represented by counsel or other representative during the examination. b) Written Examination: Writ- en questions may be submitted to any organization by the Member- ship Committee. The organization will answer all questions in writ- ing and return them to the com- mittee within the prescribed time. 1$6 questions and answers will be treated as in 31 (a)n5 and 6. If an organization fails or refuses to return answers to the questions, or fails to refuses to answer any of the questions, the committee may proceed as in 31 (a) 7and 31 (a) 8 for an order. C) Answers to Examinations: Any organization examined may, in ad- dition to its answers to questions asked, make a full statement of its position which shall be included in the transcript of the examina- tion. 32) Productioni of Documents and Things: A written request may be made to any organization to produce and permit the inspection and copying and photographing by Ihe'Membership Committee of any reasonably designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible things not privileged which are in the possession, custody, or control of the organization. Such informa- tion twill be treated as in 31 (a) 5 and 6. If any organization fails or refuses to comply with this re- quest, or any part of it, the com- mittee may proceed as in 31 (a) 7 and 31 (a) 8 for an order. 33) Any recognized student or- ganization which has been charg- ed by the Membership Committee to produce and permit the inspec- tion and copying and photograph- ig by the organization of all doc- uments, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible things not privileged which (a) bear upon the organi- zation and (b) are in the posses- sion, custody of control of the Membership Committee may re- quest access to such things. If the Membership Committee fails or re- fuses to comply with this request or any part of it, the organization mxayproceed as in 31 (a) 7 to ob- tan any of the remedies provided in 33 (f) 2. 34) The following procedural rules shall be applicable for all matters brought before the Mem- bership Tribunal: a) Informational Matters: Prior to issuing an order on any infor- mational matter brought before the Membership Tribunal by the Membership Committee, the tribunal, after reasonable notice, shall permit the organization against whom the order may be directed the opportunity to be heard. On all such matters the organization may be represented by counsel or other representative. b) Formal Hearing by the Mem- bership Tribunal: The formal hearing of an orga- nization charged with prohibited conduct shall be commenced as follows: 1) Notice: The Membership Committee shall give written no- tice to the organization of its in- tention to initiate a formal hear- ing before the Membership Tri- bunal. The notice shall set forth the nature of the allegation in sufficient detail so that the orga- nization can prepare a defense. The notice may be given by ordi- nary mail. A copy of the notice will also be sent to each member of the tribunal. 2) Answer: An organization served with a notice of intention that a formal hearing shall be held shall file a written answer to the allegation with the Member- ship Tribunal (3 copies) within fourteen days of receipt of the no- tice. Any allegation that is not denied specifically, or on the grounds of inadequate information shall be deemed-to be admitted. 3) Hearing Notice: Upon receipt of the notice and answer, the Mem- bership Tribunal shall fix the time and place for the hearing. All hearings shall be on the Univer- sity of Michigan campus. Reason- able notice of the hearing shall be1 given to the organization and thei Membership Committee. 4) P r e-h e a r i n g Conference: Upon the fixing of a formal hear-; ing date, the Membership Tri- bunal may order an informal pre- hearing conference to consider means of expediting the hearing by, for example, reducing the issue or issues to writing, stipulating facts and authenticating proposed exhibits. The formal hearing shall be sub- ject to the following rules: 1) The rules of evidence prevail- ing in judicial proceedings shall not be binding. Any oral or docu- mentary evidence and other things deemed relevant by the tribunal may be received in evidence. 2) Any party may be represent- ed by counsel or other representa- tive. 3) If more than one organization is being prosecuted, hearings may be consolidated if the organiza- tions agree. 4) All proceedings before the tribunal shall be closed to the press and public unless all orga- nizations which are parties to the proceedings stipulate in writing to the contrary. 5) All the proceedings before the Membership Tribunal shall be re- corded electronically and tran- scribed at the expense of the Of- fice of Student Affairs and made available to the parties. 6) The transcript, documentary evidence, the electronic recording and their contents shall be treated confidentially. 7) The tribunal shall give the parties a reasonable opportunity to file briefs. 8) In the event one of the three judges who participates in a hear- ing is unable to participate in the final determination of the issues heard, and the other two judges agree upon a final determination, that final determination shall be the decision of the tribunal; but if the other two judges disagree upon the final determination or if either of them refuses to proceed further with only two judges, a new hear- ing shall be commenced before the full tribunal, augmented by the successor judge. c) Decision: The decision shall be in writing and made public. It shall be signed by the majority and shall include the findings of fact and the conclusions reached by the tribunal. d) Interpretation and Applica- tion of Rules: The tribunal shall interpret and apply these rules. When a difference arises among them, it shall be decided by two concurring votes. The tribunal shall have the authority and pow- er to adopt any rules it deems necessary which are not incon- sistent with these rules. e) Appeals: In the event of an appeal, all original papers in the record and the transcript(s) shall be furnished in confidence to the vice-president for student affairs. Exempt Student Organizations 35) As used in this resolution "exempt student organization" in- cludes any group which has in fact been recognized in the past or which at present enjoys the benefits of recognition, provided the group has been exempted from this resolution by SGC. 36) The Membership Tribunal may in its discretion impoge any one or more of the following penal- ties for prohibited conduct: a) Immediate withdrawal of rec- ognition; b) Withdrawal of recognition, to become effective at a time fix- ed by the Membership Tribunal (which time can in no event be later than two years after the pen- alty is announced), if prior to that time the group fails to prove the prohibited conduct has ended and there is no substantial likelihoods of its repetition; c) Immediate suspension of rushing ibrivileges for a period of time fixed by the Membership Tribunal, but in no event longer1 than two years from the time when the penalty is announced. 37) For failure to comply with the information rules or an order on any informational matter the1 following penalties may be impos- ed by the membership tribunal: a) Immediate withdrawal of rec- ognition; b) Withdrawal of recognition ef- fective at a designated future time not later than thirty days from the date the penalty is an- nounced; in the event the con- tempt has not been purged by then; c) Immediate suspension of rushing privileges until such time as the contempt has been purged;- d) Immediate social suspension of intramural activities involving other recognized student groups until such time as the contempt1 has been purged, this penalty to be construed to prevent the group in question from participation in Michigras intramural athletic events, etc. until the contempt is purged. 38) Should any party violate any of the procedural rules, or refuse to obey an order of the tribunal (other than an informational rule order), the tribunal may impose one or more of the following pen- alties, but not others: a) Any penalty designated for violation of an informational rule order. 1) An order that the designated facts, including contents of a doc- ument or other thing, shall be deemed established in accordance with the claim of the party obtain- ing the order. 2) An order refusing to allow the disobedient party to support or oppose designated claims or de- fenses, or prohibiting him from in- troducing in evidence designated documents or things or items of testimony. 3) An order staying further pro- ceedings until the order is obeyed, or dismissing the action or pro- ceedings or any part thereof, or rendering a decision by default against the disobedient party. 39) The Office of Student Af- fairs in conjunction with SGC will maintain a roster of all stu- dent organizations. This roster will be available at all times to the Membership Committee, the Mem- bership Tribunal, and the vice- president for student affairs. The roster will, for the purposes of interpreting Regents Bylaw 2.14, be presented to the Membership Committee of whatever subdivi- sions or categories are deemed nec- essary. The determination of whether a group is within an ex- empt category remains with SGC. 40) Any organization which, prior or subsequent to the effec- tive date of this resolution, has been designated a "nationality group" by the International Cen- ter or a "religious group" by the Office of Religious Affairs is en- titled to the status of "exempt" student organization upon request to SGC for such status. 41) This resolution is effective at once. (Continued from Page 3) The subcommittee bill, like the administration's, calls on judges to set voting cases for hearing "at the earliest practicable date." PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS The subcommittee has discarded' a long set of findings attached to the Justice Department draft of the public accommodations section as a preamble. The idea was to spell out the constitutional basis. The subcommittee lets the opera- tive parts of the title speak for themselves. The bill, like the administra- tion's, prohibits racial or religious discrimination in the following places of public accommodation; involved in interstate commerce: -Hotels or motels serving inter- state travelers. -Theaters, arenas and other amusement places presenting' sources of entertainment that move in commerce.' -Any retail stores providing goods or services "to a substantial degree" to interstate travelers, or using goods that in "substantial portion" have moved across state lines, or engaging in activities that "substantially affect" inter- state commerce. In addition, the subcommittee has written in a new section evi- dently based on the 14th Amend- ment's prohibition of racial dis- crimination by any state or its officials. It attempts to stretch the constitutional reach to pri- vately owned facilities. This section bars discrimination by any business that "operates under state or local authorization, permission or license," and any discrimination "compelled, en- couraged or sanctioned by the state, directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever." The apparent result would be to cover just about every commercial establishment, if the courts hold thatbthe 14th Amendment can reach that far. Bona fide private clubs are ex- empted. So are owner-occupied private homes with no more than five rooms for rent, a provision that was not in the administra- tion draft. Following the administration, the subcommittee has provided no criminal enforcement of the pub- lic accommodations' sections. In- stead the attorney general would be authorized to bring civil suits if mediation efforts failed. TITLE III The Civil Rights Act of 1957, as passed by the House, included a Title III allowing the Justice De- partment to sue on behalf of in- dividuals denied their civil rights by conspiracies of two or more persons. The Senate struck that provi- sion, limiting Justice Department suits to voting cases. Ever since, Title III has been a major battle cry for civil rights groups. The House subcommittee, writ- ing an entirely new part into the administration draft, proposes an even broader version of the old Title III. It would let the Justice Department sue to stop depriva- tion of anyone's constitutional rights by a person acting under color of any statute, custom or usage. SCHOOLS The administration draft called for federal assistance to school districts undertaking desegrega- tion. Included were technical aid, training institutes and grants for special teachers and training. The House bill contains these provi- sions. In addition, in its only bow to the Title III approach, the ad- ministration bill allowed the Jus- tice Department to bring school desegregation suits whenever pri- vate persons were unable to do so because of poverty or fear. The subcommittee expanded this section to cover not oily schools but all other facilities publicly "operated, managed, controlled or supported"-parks, for example. FEDERAL PROGRAMS The aim of this section is to stop the use of federal aid funds for state and local activities in which there is racial or religious discrimination. With the concur- rence of the Justice Department, which had second thoughts, its original draft was entirely re- written. Thefirst draft said simply that no evisting law should be con- strued to require continued pay- ment of federal grants to dis- criminatory programs. The effect was to leave it up to the President whether to continue any such grants. The subcommittee's language starts by repealing any provisions of federal law calling for grants to segregated institutions. One such statute is the Hill-Burton Act providing aid for hospital con- struction. The bill says that no persons shall be subjected to racial dis- crimination in any activity re- ceiving federal aid. It directs each federal agency giving aid to adopt rules carrying out the policy of nondiscrimination. To enforce the policy the bill allows the government to sue in the federal courts or, alternatively, to cut off the specific aid item in question. The recipient of the aid may go to court for review of any such cutoff.' EMPLOYMENT The administration proposed to give statutory authority to the Presidential commission now deal- ing with job discrimination in the government itself and on the part of government contractors. In its most far-reaching move the subcommittee substituted aj complete fair employment prac- tices measure, covering most busi- nesses and most labor unions in the country. As its text the subcommittee used a bill approved last July 22 by the House Education and La- bor Committee. It would set up an Equal Employment Opportun- ity Commission for enforcement. Labor unions would be forbid- den to exclude or expel any per- son from membership on grounds of race or religion. Any business "affecting commerce" and having 25 employes or more would be forbidden to discriminate in hir- ing or firing. The entire title would become effective a year after enactment. COURT PROCEDURE Another new section seeks to strengthen the provision of law allowing persons whose civil rights may be endangered in state-court trials to remove their cases to federal courts. This removal process has been attempted recently in such in- stances as the mass prosecutions of Negro demonstrators in Dan- ville, Va. But some federal judges have simply remanded the cases to state courts, and under existing law such remands are not ap- pealable. The subcommittee would allow the higher federal courts to review any order remanding to the state courts a case in which removal had been sought on civil rights grounds. keep trim ARCADE BARBERS § NICELSARCADE CHET LA MORE Sculpture and Drawings 11 1111 III Zjori4vd4Ie atrj 201 Nickels Arcade Weekdays 10 a.rm.-A p.m. Saturdays 10 0.m.-1 p.m. Ill Delicious Hamburgers 15c Hot Tasty French Fries 12c Triple Thick Shakes.. 20c 1 2000 W. Stadium Blvd. i, l r~ i Ir© t c Read and Use Daily Classified Ads .f WE USE RADIOS to bring you, the Students of the University, the kind of entertainment you want at the times you like to hear it. We have Rock and Roll, Jazz, Folk, and Classical music. We have news, sports and weather. We keep you up to date on Campus events. But, why say more? Listen . . we I We don't Sell Them, We Use Them ! think you'll like it. 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