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October 08, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-08

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.. .



of SGC

lembership Selection


(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is
the text of Student Government
" Council's regulations on member-
shipt an student organizations,-
' adopted at its meeting last Wednes-
Whereas it is the policy of the
University of Michigan that, sub-
Ject to the veto of the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, Student
Government Council shall have
the authority to establish rules
and procedures to implement Re-
gents Bylaw 2.14 (Regents Pro-
ceedings, 1954-57, p. 861, and Nov.
20, 1959, p. 1099) as it relates to
recognized student organizations
(Regental Resolution of May 17,
1963), be it resolved:
SGC Rule Making
1).Subject to the veto of the
vice-president for. "student affairs
SGC shall have the authority (a)
to establish substantive rules to
implement Bylaw 2.14 as it relates
to student organizations, includ-
ing rules assuring the student
members freedom to pursue any
non - discriminatory policy of
membership selection, (b) to es-
tablish information rules prescrib-
ing the duty of student organiza-
tions t furnish to the Membership
Committee information (whether
confidential or not) which might
be relevant in deciding whether
or not there has ben a violation
of substantive rules and, what
should be done about it, and (c)
to establish procedure rules gov-
erning implementation of the
membership and information rules.
2) In adopting these rules SGC
shall be guided by these policies:
a) Regents Bylaw 2.14 is to be
implemented with all deliberate
speed and consistent with fair no-
tice and hearing for recognized
student organizations;
b) to the extent reasonably com-
patible with the above mentioned
notion, freedom ofassociation shall
be preserved;
c) to the extent reasonably com-
patible with the above notions,
confidentiality of the secrets of
recognized student organizations
shall be preserved.
3) "Discriminatory" means "se-
lecting with regard to race, color,
religion, creed, national origin, or
ancestry." (Regents Bylaw 214)
4) "Organization" means "recog-
nized student organizations not
exempted from this resolution.
Recognized student organizations
shall include any group enjoying
the benefits offrecognition by SGC.,
As applied to fraternities and sor-
orities it means the student or-
ganization as distinguished from
the off-campus organization with"
which the student organization is
5) "Policy" means "a standard
recognized by the organization as
authoritative for the organization,
whether the standard is tacit or
expressed, adopted formally or in-
Prohibited Conduct
6) No group shall adopt, main-
tain or apply a discriminatory
a membership policy or accept as
valid a veto from alumni or ac-
tive members that is based on race,
color, religion, creed, national ori-
gin or ancestry.
7) It shall be presumed that an
organization presently maintains a
discriminatory membership policy
if a reference to such appears in
any of the following kinds of writ-
a) The constitution, bylaws, and
resolutions of the organization as
b) The constitution, bylaws and
resolutions of any off-campus or-
ganization with which the organi-
zation is affiliated, as amended;
c) The organization's current
manual for conducting the ritual;
for. pledge or active initiationj
membership forms used by pledges,
rushees or persons recommending
them; description of the oath to
be taken by pledges or rushees;
d) Any statement of official pol-
icies in writing by official organi-
zations or the off-campus organi-

zation with which the organization
is affiliated, provided:
1) A copy of the statement was
received by the organization and
2) The statement has not been
shown to have been retracted by
an organization or officer of com-
parable or higher rank.
Membership committee
8) SGC hereby creates a Mem-
bership Committee which may re-
ceive complaints, collect and pro-
cess relevant information, investi.
gate suspected violations, attempt
conciliation, initiate and prosecute
proceedings before the appropri-
ate campus tribunals, recommend
and develop programs of educa-
tion, adopt procedural rules con-

sistent with and engage personnel
including counsel.
In the event that Interfraternity
Council establishes a committee
dealing with discrimination in its
respective organizations the SGC
Committee on Membership shall
work in conjunction with, but
shall not be restricted by, said
committee in carrying out its du-
ties. Nothing in this resolution is
to be read as limiting the power of
the Membership Committee to ini-
tiate proceedings in the absence
of any complaint from a person
outside the committee.
9) The Membership Committee
shall consist of five student mem-
bers, a faculty advisor, an admin-
istrative advisor, and a secretary.
10) Each student member other
than original members shall serve
a one year term. Three student
members shall be designated as
haying terms that expire at the
end of the spring semester; two
student members shall be desig-
nated as having terms that expire
at the end of the fall semester; the
terms of the original members may
be shorter than one year. An ap-
pointee who is named prior to the
time when his appointment is ef-
fective may serve ex-officio on the
committee no longer than five
,months prior to the effective date
of his appointment.
11) The -faculty and administra-
tive advisor shall each serve a one
year term, the faculty advisor's
term to expire at the end of the
spring semester and the adminis-
trative advisor's to expire at the
end of the fall semester; arrange-
ments for the initial appointment
term and ex-officio service by ad-
visors-to-be shall follow the rules
prescribed above for student mem-
bers. Neither advisor shall have a
12) All student members shall
be selected by the Executive Com-
mittee, one ex-officio, and one
elected member of SGC and ap-
proved by SGC. The faculty ad-
visor shall be selected by SGC
from a panel of four nominees
submitted by the Senate Subcom-
mittee on Student Relations.
13) The secretary and adminis-
trative advisor shall be appointed
by the vice-president for student
affairs with the approval of SGC
and will have no vote.
14) All members of the IFC
Membership Committee shall be
appointed by the IFC subject to
approval by SOC.
15) The committee shall adopt
rules of procedure consistent with
this resolution and the Regental
Resolution (May 17, 1963) men-
tioned previously, such rules shall
become effective without further
SGC approval.
16) The committee may engage
counsel. The committee shall in-
form SGC in writing of the names1
of person(s) selected as counsel;
and such nomination(s) shall be
deemed approved if SGC fails to
reject the nomination(s) within,
two weeks after receiving such,
17) No matter may be brought
before the Membership Tribunal
unless three voting members of
the committee have approved such
actipn in a vote properly called on
that question.
18) All information and docu
ments received by the committeei
shall be deemed confidential. Only
the vice-president for student af-
fairs, members of the committee,r
the advisors, the secretary, and the1
counsel of the committee shall
have access to documents and in-A
formation furnished to the com-
mittee. The members of the IFC
Membership Committee shall have
access to documents and informa-
tion concerning fraternities. The
obligation to maintain secrecy is

mandatory upon all the foremen-
tioned individuals.
Upon presentation of a matter
to the Membership Tribunal the
committee shall announce publicly
the name of the organization or
organizations involved, the action
sought and nothing else. The or-
ganization shall have access to all
evidence admitted. The committee
shall not comment on a pending
proceeding before the Membership
Tribunal until its conclusion.
Then the committee shall not
reveal confidential matter in its
commentary. The committee shall
continue to treat matter as confi-
dential even though it appears in
the transcript of testimony before
the Membership Tribunal unless
(1) the testimony was given at a
public hearing or (2) the matter
appeared in the Membership Tri-
bunal's findings, conclusion, or
judgment or (3) the group affect-
ed has waived confidentiality.
19) In the event any member or
advisor of the committee becomes
unavailable to serve, a successor
to serve the balance of his term
shall be selected as he was.
Penalties for Releasing
Confidential Information
20) Any present or past voting
member of the Membership Com-
mittee, or advisor, secretary, or
general counsel of the committee
or member of the tribunal may be
removed for releasing any infor-
mation to the public, not in ac-
cordance with the preceding regu-
lations (Section 18, 1-3). Charges
for such a violation may be brought
to SGC by any member of the
Council or any member of the, or-
ganization involved. A majority
vote of the Council shall constitute
impeachment, and the case shall
be tried by the Joint Judiciary
Council. Any verdict of guilty shall
result in automatic removal from
the committee and Joint Judiciary
Council may also impose any pen-
alty up to and including suspen-
sion from the University for one
21) Any past or present member
of the IFC Membership Commit-
tee who releases information not
in accordance with the preceding
regulations (Section,18, 1-3) may
be impeached by SOC. Chargesfor
such a violation may be brought
to Council by any member of
Council or the group involved. A
majority vote of the Council shall
constitute impeachment, and the
case shall be tried by the Joint
JudiciaryCouncil. Any verdict of
guilty shall result in automatic re-
moval from the committee by the
IFC and Joint Judiciary Council
may also impose any penalty up
to and including suspension from
the University for one semester.
Membership Tribunal
22) There shall be a Membership
Tribunal composed of three mem-
bers of the University selected by
SGC. At least two of the members
shall be selected from the student
body. The tribunal shall choose a
chairman. All members shall have
one year termsand those terms
shall begin at the start of each fall
semester. Any motion properly be-
fore the tribunal shall be decided
by the concurring votes of two of
the members.
23) If a vacancy occurs or if a
judge disqualifies himself from a
case, an interim judge may be des-
ignated in similar fashion.
24) The Membership Tribunal
shall hear all proceedings initiat-
ed by the Membership Commit-
tee, ascertain facts, and shall have
the power to impose on behalf of
SGC appropriate sanctions upon
student organizations found in vio-
lation of rules promulgated by
SGC. No sanction shall be impos-
ed except after fair notice and
hearing. The possible sanctions in-
clude, but are not limited to, the

withdrawal of recognition of the
group. All sanctions must be im-
mediately imposed by SOC and
cannot be altered by the Council.
25) Any party to proceedings be-
fore the Membership Tribunal may
appeal from that final decision to
the vice-president for student af-
fairs. The vice-president for stu-
dent affairs shall review the deci-
sion of the Membership Tribunal
to determine (a) whether all cru-
cial and challenged findings of
fact are supported by substantial
evidences in the record below; (b)
whether there was any prejudicial
error committed by the Member-
ship Tribunal in interpretation or
application of rules pursuant to
this resolution and (c) whether
the length of time rushing priv-
ileges are suspended, under 36 (c)
is too severe. In the event the vice-
president for student affairs re-
verses the Membership Tribunal,
the vice-president for student af-
fairs shall accompany his order
with a published opinion.
26) Any appeal to the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs must be
filed with Him within seven work-
ing days, while SGC is in session,
from the date the appealing party
is notified of the decision of the'
Membership Tribunal. The appeal
filed must state the grounds upon
which the appeal is based (25 a-c)
and what actions of the tribunal
are to be reviewed. The vice-presi-
dent must announce his decision
within thirty calendar days, while
SGC is in session from the date
of the filing of the appeal.
Information Rules
Routine Filing of Statements
27) Every recognized student or-
ganization not exempted from this
resolution shall file with the vice-
president for student affairs, for
use of the Membership Committee,
within sixty days after the effec-
tive date of this resolution a writ-
ten statement containing the fol-
a) A complete and literal quota-
Ir -- -- -*=-=i

tion of all passages in the docu-
ments listed in section 7 of this
resolution which bear upon the or-
ganization's membership selection
policies and procedures.
b) The content of all currently
operative agreements, whether oral
or written, concerning the group's
membership selection policies and
procedures if the agreement is: (1)
among members of the organiza-
tion and (2) between the organi-
zation and any off-campus orga-
nization with which it is affiliated.
c) Each recognized student or-
ganization shall respond specif-
ically concerning each of the doc-
uments listed in section 7 stating,
where appropriate, that nothing in
a particular document bears upon
the organization's membership pol-
icies or procedures.
28) Written notice of the effec-
tive date of this resolution shall
be mailed to all currently register-
ed student organizations. If no ob-
jection is received from those so
notified by the president of SGC
in fourteen days after receipt of
such notice the organization's
membership statement filed with
the vice-president for student af-
fairs and deemed adequate as of
the effective date of this resolu-
tion under previous regulations
(University Regulations, Minutes
Vol. 6, p.p. 44-45 and p.p. 49-50
and Vol. 7, p.p. 134-5) shall be
available to the Membership Com-
mittee. This section shall be in-
cluded in full in the above men-
tioned notification sent to all reg-
istered student organizations.
29) By the end of October of
each even numbered year each
organization shall file a supple-
mental statement, making its last
statement current, in writing, as of

Oct. 1 of that year. In the event
the last hstatement requires no
change, this will be indicated.
30) If any organization fails or
refuses to file in accordance with
this resolution the Membership
Committee may, upon reasonable
notice to the group, apply to the
Membership Tribunal for an or-
der compelling proper filing.
Membership Committee
31) Prior to initiating and prose-
cuting proceedings before the
Membership Tribunal, the Mem-
bership Committee may investigate
suspected violations through in-
formal hearings if all parties agree
or by requiring any organization
to be examined regarding pro-

hibited conduct and the details of
such conduct in any or all of the
following ways in accordance with
the following procedures and regu-
a) Oral Examination:
1) At least fourteen days prior,
to examination, the organization
to be examined shall be given
written notice of the date, loca-
tion and time of the examination.
The examination shall take place
on the University of Michigan1
campus unless the organization!
being examined stipulates in writ-
ing to the contrary. Such notice
may be given by ordinary mail.
2) The organization to be ex-
amined shall designate one of its
student officers to appear in per-

student officers to appear in per-



Come as
gou arel

son for the purpose of giving t
timony for the organization.
3) All examinations shall be r
corded electronically, rather tl
stenographically, unless the org
nization being examined obta
permission from the Membersh
4) If the Membership Conmi
tee transcribes the examination
free copy shall be furnished to I
5) All examinations shall
closed to the press and public, a
transcripts or the examinati
See TEXT, Page 8
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This high-resolution M6ssbauer
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ena, is one of many research tools
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The functions of the spectrometer
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Magnetic hyperfine splitting of the Fen"14-keV
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-1 VELOCITY (mm/see)
-8 -7«6 .5 -4 -3-2 -40'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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