Sevwnly-Third Year ErrED, AND MANAGED BT STUDENTS OF THE UNTWEKSRIY OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITr OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATION! ere Opinions Are Ft" STUDENT PUsLIcATIONS BLDG., ANN AuiBoK., MIcH., PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Wiln Prevail" itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Social Regulations and Civil Rights It, OCTOBER 8, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN Structure Dooms Council To Inherent Failure RCH SEMESTER, Student Government ouncil announces that it has a certain Giber of unoccupied seats, and, invar- ly, after a prescribed amount of an- ig, politiking, mudslinging and ballot ffing, these seats are filled. Vhat goes on between elections, is less ar cut. The average student, if he takes time to follow the machinations of dent government, comes to the con- sion that it is weak, ineffective and her absurd. He is for the most part, UDENT Government Council was never designed to be an effective >ice of the students." It was the "pres- 'e group" character of the Student gislature, which SGC was specifically igned to eliminate. 'he SL was composed of persons elected m among the members of the various WOols. It was loud, diverse and militant. the case which necessitated President tcher's veto regarding a date it set elimination of all fraternity and sor- 'y bias clauses, it demonstrated that Militant student voice could prove em- rassing to the administration. c'hose involved in framing the new SGC n saw the "pressure group" attitude of as detrimental to an effective student rernment. It was thought that a small rent, hardworking group could get more :omplished. [IS PROPOSAL, however, ignored the basic fact that the primary function a "voice of student opinion" must, cessarily be to rabble-rouse. The ad- nistration, in general, is rather frugal its allocation of power to students. iling to receive any substantial amount this power, the only legitimate role in .ich a student government can operate hat of a lobbyist. go, structurally, the new Council began something of a disadvantage. Further ovisions on the new plan, however, in- 'ed its inaction. O THE SL, the reorganization plan added a group called the Committee on ident Affairs. What this action accom- shed, was not so much a fusion of the o groups as a rectification; faculty nmbers were excluded from SGC and ident ex-officios were included. Phis "compromise," whereby the stu- at members of the CSA were given ex- :icio seats with vote on the new body, s perhaps the most damaging develop- ;kit in SGC's history. [t is unclear precisely why the "ex- icios" were added to the body. Some ople argue that it was a move designed gain regential approval for the new in. The official position was that the -officios would add prestige and ex- rtise to the new group. Further, the new Council seemed to be e toy of fate in that the' only area in ;ich it had legal 'authority and a spe- led task-fraternity-sorority bias-was e area in which it could least be effec- re. The bias issue was complex and visive. It would be an area in which the idents, no matter what their points of reement, could not cooperate. 'HE EFFECT of all this was to create a body without power and impelled by organization to be ineffective. It is asonable to assume, that by virtue of the fact that they represent small, clan- ish groups within the student body, that fraternities would control "traditional" institutions like the Union. Since the question of fraternity bias was to be the major area of concern for SGC, the in- clusion' of these people on SGC was de- structive of this end. Although "liberals" have from time to time controlled a ma- jority of the ex-officio seats, a combina- tion of conservative ex-offices and elect- ed members has always kept SGC from dealing definitively with the fraternity problem. Student activists, or at least those that have existed on the campus during the last several years, have long decried the amount of "student apathy" regarding SGC. If student government only had some support, they say, it could remake its image, liberate the students, and be- come the envy of all. This is shibboleth. Student Government Council is pres- ently designed, such that no matter what "areas of authority" it manages to secure for itself, it will be ineffectual, schis- matized, and without import. PRECISELY HOW powerless the new body was, was amply demonstrated by what was known as the "Sigma Kappa Decision" in which a "liberal" Council sought to implement its policies regard- ing Sigma Kappa sorority. The Board in Review, one of the mechanisms set up to oversee the operation of the new body, reversed SGC's decision. /During the elec- tion which immediately followed the Sigma Kappa decision, the students cast the fewest number of ballots in recent years. Lack of interest clearly poses important problems for student government; how- ever, it is not the most fruitful approach to an analysis of Council. IT IS NOW 1963. SGC is currently with the same aspect of the same problem that it faced at its beginning: i.e. the elimination of written discrimination in living units. Student government has not dealt with these problems, because it was impelled by its design to avoid them. The presence of a "voice of student opinion" which does not speak, is valu- able only to members of the Administra- tion; in the sense that the present set-up allows the OSA to let inherent conflicts in SGC accomplish its ends. This lack of a meaningful framework relegates SGC to the position of a student bureaucracy. Theapresent members of Council and the =present slate of candidates, both amply demonstrate this status. No elect- ed member of student government oper- ates from a real ideological base. The liberals, perhaps realizing the futility of it all, are not running candidates. THE CAMPUS electorate is now faced with the worst slate of candidates in the last four years. Student government has, during the last week or so, busied it- self in parcelling out some of the small amount of power it was delegated ten years ago. The organization which was designed to deal with Anti-Semitic bias, is now dealing with a later social pheno- mena and being equally ineffective. I urge that student give expression to their frustration by casting blank ballots in tomorrow's elections. -STEPHEN BERKOWITZ To the Editor: , IN READING the editorial and front page spread on the Direct' Action Committee, I began to wonder again whether the Negro really wants to be a first class citizen or not. Certainly, the Rightsj of Citizenship as expressed in the Bill of Rights of the American Constitution are undeniable. How- ever, there is a point which is much too often missed in discuss- ing civil liberties and rights. As in all societies, whether right or wrong, there are customs, mores1 and standards of conducts estab- Ilished by the society for its bene- fit as a whole. Many will want to quarrel with certain of these "reg- ulations." This is only right. Yet, such "regulations" play an impor- tant role in whether a person is to be socially accepted or not, in- dependent of his race, color, reli- gion, creed, nationality or ances- try. The problem is to separate social "regulations" from civil li- berties and rights. This is not al- ways easy to do. DISCRIMINATION is definitely a problem. However, let me point out emphatically that the Negro is not the only minority which is discriminated against in this coun- try. Yet, one does not hear as much about other minorities as about the Negro. Why? The an- swer is in the way the discrimin- ated minority acts toward the dis- criminators. Other minorities as a group have shown to the Ameican society that they are better Americans and better citizens. The Negro as a group has not actively worked to prove that it is better Americans and citizens. The fact that there are individual Negroes who have proven themselves is sufficient evidence that it is not impossible. It is true that the South is an ex- ception, and is a very dire prob- lem. Yet, I feel that Negroes have not acted with any greater mor- ality or ethics than have those who openly discriminate against them. Gandhi gained Indian independ- ence without violence. The Japa- nese-Americans were thrown out of their homes and placed in con- centration camps called reloca- tion centers. We had a choice: we could have rioted, picketed, become a militant rabble. Instead, we chose to prove that we were bet- ter Americans and more loyal to the principles of democracy than most. Even though in many areas of this country we as well as many other minorities, are still discrim- inated against, gairking social ac- ceptance is not achieved by mili- tant means. I would not picket and throw stones at a group of people who would not accept me because I am Japanese. Nor would I become militant against a group of girls who would not date me because I was of a certain race. Such a measure would be as ridic- ulous as those proposed by DAC. To me, those who discriminate are anti-American; the miiltant are no better. I AM OPPOSED to the less than moral tactics of the NAACP and other organizations when they send a Negro family of a low in- come bracket into a high income neighborhood to buy a house which they could never afford, merely to set up a fake discrimination case. It is less than moral to demand that Negroes be given a job for the ,sake of having Negroes in numbers in a business or office, regardless of their ability to do the job better than someone else. IT IS MY HOPE that the Negro as a group will rise up against the rabble who are destroying the good name of the Negro, as estab- lished by many fine men and women of their race. It is my hope that Negroes as a group will be better Americans and truer ones than those who are their enemies. Hopefully, the problems of our society will be solved by human beings, rather than by a group of animals who throw stones and cry war. The Christian religion, which all Americans are supposed to sup- port, stands on the ideal of lov- ing your enemy as you would love your friend, and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. -Edwin F. Sasaki, Grad Lepofsky . . . To the Editor: WHILE JUDY LEPOFSKY, in her editorial of Oct. 2, pro- perly deplores student apathy, she does not come to grips with the basic cause. While the leaders of the older traditional student or- ganizations are guilty of "main- taining themselves as a ruling clique," their guilt is greater for not raising-and perhaps even suppressing-the issues which are and should be the legitimate con- cerns of University students. Contrary to the implicit as- sumptions behind most of the speeches of the present Student Government Council candidates, the majority of students on this campus do not' appear to be suf- ficiently concerned with women's hours or parking regulations to become eager participants in cam- pus politics. Aside from the ques- tion of student involvement in campus vs. off-campus activities, initially the candidates have not, for the most part, even dealt with issues that should be of vital concern to every student on this campus: the United States Na- tional Student Association Co-op Bookstore; the entire area of uni- versity reform, ranging from cur- ricula to student wages and stu- dent housing; and the fair-hous- ing controversy presently occur- ring in Ann Arbor, which affects many University students. Only a vigorous debate, initiated by SGC candidates, present Council mem- bers and other leaders can dissi- pate student apathy. *'* * ..THE ORGANIZATIONS to which Miss Lepofsky is addressing herself-The Daily, Interfraternity Council, Inter-Quadrangle Coun- cil, Panhellenic Association, etc., in general those that hold ex- officio seats on SGC-and the SGC members themselves, are those who form the "ruling clique" on campus. However, on another level of activity which remains very ambiguous, she discusses VOICE and reaches the unfounded conclusion that VOICE has failed to train future leaders. VOICE membership this semes- ter exceeds that of any past se- mester; many of the new mem- bers are new on campus, ranging from freshmen to graduate stu- dents. The present leadership (chairman and executive commit- tee) is similarly composed both of old and new students: several of these people are new leaders on campus, several have come "through the ranks" and emerged as leaders. While Miss Lepofsky blames the individual leaders of major stu- dent organizations' for being sec- retive elitists, she simultaneously berates VOICE for not having pro- duced one clearly visible leader; she apparently does not appreciate the fact that VOICE leadership is being perpetuated precisely be- cause it is vested in a group of individuals who are at different stages in their political and lead- Replies. WITH THIS ISSUE, The Daily inaugurates a new policy of answering letters from our readers in editor's notes follow- ing the letter. Not all letters will be answered. Staff writers-identified by their initials below their reply- will respond to letters in which the correspondent has made a factual error, asks a question or if a letter in the judgement of themsenior editors in some way demands an answer. ership ability development. (Nor does she seem to realize that VOICE's "strong, capable leader" of last year chose to resign for the explicit purpose of encourag- ing new leaders to develop and emerge.) Members of VOICE -Nancy Hollander, '65 -Nanci Hollander, '65 -Carol McEldowney, '64 -Bob Martin, Grad -Barbara Steinberg, '66 -Barry Bleustone, '66 -Dick Short, '66 -Stan Nadel, '66 Soc... To the Editor: SPEAKING AS A FRESHMAN, I wouldlike to second Judith Lepofsky's editorial "Clique of Campus Leaders Cause Student Apathy." The truth of the editor- ial becomes especially evident now around election time when we do hear something about the SGC (and I presume that the SGC is the biggest thing around here). Before this time the only thing we ever heard of SGC was its telling the ,"frats" who they could and who they could not pledge. It seems that SGC is interested in only one thing-the admission policies of the "frats" and in- terested at only one time-election time. I as a simple freshman would like to ask on behalf of a majority of University students: Exactly what is SGC? What pow- ers does it have? What powers does it not have? How does it affect the student body,: if it af- fects us at all? Maybe The Daily could answer these in some article. -Lee E. Hornberger, Jr., '67 r- (EDITOR'S NOTE: In the fresh- man edition of The Daily which was mailed out in the summer to all incoming freshmen, an ex- planatory article on SGC appeared which would answerGMr. Horn- berger's questions. However, to recapitulate: SGC s'an 18-member body com- posed of 11 elected members and the highest student officers of the Michigan Union, Michigan League, Inter-Quadrangle Council, Assembly Association, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association and The Daily. Its powers are to recognize or withdraw recognition from student; organizations, calendar student- sponsored activities on the campus, represent University student opin- ion to other agencies in the Univer- sity and outside community and serve as liaison with University policy-making authorities. However, the vice-president for student affairs may veto any action taken by SGC. SGC can be said to affect the student body directly in determin- ing when and where their events will take place. in addition, it is currently mov- ing towards having a great effect on fraternities and sororities by ironing out procedures to deter- mine whether some of these groups violate University regulations on non-discrimination in membership selection. Another area in which SGC has a high potential effect on students is in its placement of student repre- sentatives on faculty committees which consider academic policies. Some of SGC's other servicesare an exam file in the UGLI, the Stu- dent Book Exchange, the reading and discussion seminars, and the Human Relations Board, which works to eliminate discrimination in private housing in Ann Arbor. SGC also oversees the Wolverine Club and Cinema; Guild. --G.S.) t "Don't Think I Stand Idly By --I Keep Asking Them Not To Do This" y a ' y STATE Tawdry Caretakers' JEROME HINES: A Moving Gudonov BREATHING DIFFICULTIES and pitch problems hindered the first half of Jerome Hines' concert last evening in Hill Aud. The im- balance between the voice and piano, which was slowly corrected as the program progressed, contributed to the ineffectiveness of the first selections. The program gained impetus, however, with the Bee- thoven numbers "In questa tomba oscura" and "Der Floh" (The Flea), the pattern of which offered comic relief and gained for him the warmth of his audience. "I due tarli," an aria by Richardo Zandonai displayed excellent control of his head voice. The lack of this ability is a common short-. coming of many fine singers. "Son 1o spirito" from "Mephistophele" by Boito gave him a vehicle with which to display his disciplined control of dramatic projections of the music. HINES SANG his own setting of the "Twenty-third Psalm" which proved to be hyper-emotional melodramatic, ineffectual use of this text, The highlight of the evening was the dramatic presentation, with costume and makeup, of arias from Mozart's "Don Giovani" and Moussorgsky's "Boris Godounov," the latter of which was sung in Russian. His effective costume and makeup change on stage proved to be an interesting, unusual experience for the audience. His clever manipulation of a few stage props to achieve the desired mood was highly effective. The climax of the program was his world-reknowned interpreta- tion of Boris in "Boris Godounov." Hines is the first American artist to portray this role. He recently performed it with great acclaim in Russia. The costumes were elegant and contributed greatly in setting the mood. Hines so thoroughly empathized with the role of Boris, that he could effect an highly convincing interpretation of the character. Due to his great understanding of the score, his musicality was of the highest degree. * * *~ A WELCOME addition to Hines' presentations was two piano selections by Emil Dannenberg, Hines' accompanist. In =the Fantasia in C major by Haydn, he had excellent control of dynamic subtleties and displayed virtuostic piano technique in an unostentatious manner. He conveyed the humor which is so characteristic of the Haydn style. -Steven M. Jones DON'T MISS the newsreel at the State Theater this week. What with Saigon elections, the Vatican Council and the Southern Cal- Oklahoma game, it's hard to beat. Following this great opening, the program slides quietly dlown- hill. Even with Sophia Loren the previews are rather dull. The short, another plug for physical fitness, is even duller, and the cartoon could give Nytol a run for its money. And then there's the main feature. * * * MIX EQUAL PARTS of David' and Lisa-style, soap opera and Ben Casey melodrama; add a dash of public service "information"; spice with some bizarre mental derangements; mix well and serve up the cheapest, tawdriest movie of the year: "The Caretakers." This movie, another in a long line of "psychological" films (Psycho, David & Lisa, Freud, Days of Wine and Roses), is com- pounded of four basic ingredients. Consider them in order of their appearance. First there is that old soap opera theme (so well disguised as "art" 'in David & Lisa) that love con- quers all. Forget all that com7. plicated psychological jibberish, the answers are really very simple. In David & Lisa the heroes joined hands; in "The Caretakers" Edna Speaks! And the Klennex sales boom. SECOND, there is the melodra- matic sub-plot straight from Ben Casey. Robert Stack, enlightened, idealistic and fearless pitted againstithe forcesa'of ignorance, reaction and inhumanity, all mar- velously embodied in that old witch. Joan Crawford. Third, "The Caretakers" does its part to enlightenrthe commun- ity to the truth about mental illness. Stack: 'mental illness af- flicts one person in ten"; "those are human beings out there"; "80 per cent of the patients here can be cured"; and' so on. These facts are certainly true, but they don't make for good cinema. Finally, for the sake of the box office, plenty of bizarre behavior has been thrown in. SEE Lorna go berserk in a theater! SEE Lorna attack her husband! SEE Lorna attack the nurse with a knife! SEEthem all: the schizos, the 'psychos, the violent, the with- drawn; they're all there! Let us hope that the cycle of psychological films is complete, through, finished. -Sam Walker t THE LIAISON: A New Greo David Marcus, Editorial T IS USELESS to debate whether or not the University should grow. The Uni- ersity does have a public responsibility hat cannot be avoided. The real ques- ions are how it should grow and what an be done to alleviate the worst as- ects of growth. This is the challenge of kmerican higher education and particu- arly the challenge of the University. As the University grows it must evolve , new view of itself. If we are fond of oomparing ourselves to Harvard and Tale, we must, at the same time, recog- lize that we cannot follow their lead by lot expanding greatly. The so-called baby boom" places a responsibility quarely on the University and other pub- ic institutions. The University must take he lead by creating a great University in the largest scale ever. PARTIALLY; THIS has been the objec- tive of some of the planning cur- ently underway. The residential college, or example, provides one alternative to literary college of 15,000. rtness Director s F jai# I simply regurgitating what a lecturer tells them. ANOTHER AREA where the University must take a good hard look is paper work. If the University takes a careful evaluation of what it really needs to know, Tmuch of student and faculty paper work could be eliminated. Similarly, the IBM machines seem to have caused as much confusion as they have cured. The less dependence on the impersonal machines, the better off the University will be. IN FACT, THE success of the super-uni- versity depends on the factor of how people feel. The crucial decision is not the decision to expand or reorganize; it is whether the University ultimately chooses to orient itself around human and educational values or whether it be- comes more and more of an institution in the worst sense of the word. The results so far have not been very optimistic: The University is buckling , .. d FEIFFER t} N/,I mor w -WT IC A OF A 9UOILI6W.- 5LFE i ' QAS B #L4 //got f d2N M, cou BEWM QO~, TWV~t Idlqf q 0150 556? aJTQ AL SON tq t~Jp MW OIS-%STAEL PJ WE~ VOT t~AL 6 TOY~) 110 Tw H 6 IGNOF Evz A KATUR&R 5 A Ac, 05 0O. AK)1U1019AT gCiARP AM I A6R651f 06CAtc IM ANY 006 O..' AM I AMMXVVWVS FEAR THAITI' A+6i5svt I4ATt wto D 10!I DO IT S A05S6 lL)P MXl0ORoD IP 10TfV CAS L I as m-6659SVE 0V11Qg6 i r M CL ~1HAF0 r O% AW~ CO, Atk1GF 006, I