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October 08, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-08

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Partly cloudy
and cooler

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Hatcher Emphasizes
Strong Budget Appeal
President Notes Reasons Why 'U'
Needs More Funds for Operation
The University budget appeal to the Legislature this year will
have to be strong for three reasons, University President Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday.
The return of more already admitted students to the University
than expected; the rapid rise of young faculty to positions where
they deserve promotion and an increase in salary, and the state of
the national economy made it imperative that the University's appeal
for funds be strongly worded, he said.
The budget will be sent to the state controllers office in Lans-
ing some time this week.
President Hatcher said that one of the most important facts to
impress upon the Legislature is that the University is still struggling
<>to "catch up" on its responsibili-
ties to those students who are al-
ready at the University. He stress-
ed that the University must first
meet the needs of these students
before itucan hope to proceed to
n. x.i s . other issues.
The situation will be particular-
ly urgent next year because the
University expects a marked in-
y ..crease in its in-state enrollment.
Ihis expected increase hascom-
. pelled the University to, plan on
maintaining the same number of
out-of-state students as admitted
this year, thus reducing the ratio
of out-of-state to in-state stu-






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Report State Appropriations in Decline

Contributing Editor
The level of the financial support given to higher education
by Michigan has "deteriorated markedly" in comparison with
the level of financial support in other states.
A report recently issued by the office of the Vice-President
for Academic Affairs covers appropriations to higher education
in fifty states for the years 1956-57, 1961-62 and 1962-63.
The report concerns itself entirely with Michigan's compara-
tive situation since 1956-57, when it was one of the country's
leaders in financial aid. But "this deterioration would be even
more appalling if we were able to compare today's situation
with the relative position of the state and particularly the Uni-
versity in 1929, 1939 and even so recently as 1949," the report
Break with Past
From 1929 to 1956 the state was always one of the leaders
among those states polled, thus what has happened since 1956
"is, distinctly a break with the past."
Taking the percentage increase in all total operating ap-
propriations in all 50 states from 1956-57 to 1962-63, the state
ranks 45th..
In total appropriations the state ranks very high. The av.erage
appropriation in the 49 states (excluding Michigan) for 1962-63
for higher education was $36,571,440. Michigan in 1962-63 spent
total for higher education $112,263,670.
High, But Not Enough
"In 1956-57, state-supported higher education in Michigan
was receiving appropriations which, although not sufficient to
provide for needed expansion and for impending growth in en-
rollment, nevertheless made it possible for the state to rest in a
fairly high position among its peers in this respect," the report
points out.
"On the average, however, the other states have been in-
creasing their financial support to a far greater extent than
has Michigan, and it now seems quite possible that in time this
will reduce both the actual and comparable excellence of the
state's prograim in higher education."

The report used three methods to determine the growth of
state financial support for institutions of higher learning: total
state appropriations, enrollments in state institutions and state
appropriations per capita or per student.
Loss of Leadership
Consideration of any of these three measures "plainly shows
abandonment of Michigan's previous leadership."
"The rate of increase which Michigan has been able to
maintain during the period from 1956-57 to 1962-63 hardly befits
the image of a great and constantly developing state ..."
By each of the measures Michigan places close to the lowest
among the 50 states, and near the bottom when considering
only the Big Ten states.
Another Decline
In the field of state appropriations only Michigan's position
among the other states has declined even in the one year period
from 1961-62 to 1962-63.
Related to inadequate appropriations is a forced general
curtailment of enrollment growth. The state rates 42nd in the
percentage of increase- of enrollment at all state-supported, four-
year degree granting institutions of higher learning.
This is particularly striking when population growth within
the state is also considered. Over the long-term period (1956-57
to 1962-63) the increase in enrollment at state-supported four
year institutions in Michigan is only two-thirds as great as the
49 state average and only one-third as great as that of the
leading states.
Worse at 'U'
At the University the situation is even worse than in the
state as a whole. As enrollment growth since 1956-57 is only
"one-half as great" as the 47 states average and one-quarter that
of the leading state universities in enrollment increase.
Even considering that the growth of enrollment is slower
than in other states, appropriations per student are down. "The
state's rate of increase in appropriations per student has been
one of the slowest, both for the total state and for the state
university," the report continues.
The amount appropriated per student to the University in
1962-63 was actually lower than the appropriation for 1956-57.

Referral Group
To Avise Lewi"
To Delay Membership Motion Effe
For Further Review of Documen
The advisory Committee on Referral yesterday decla
a "stay" on the Student Government Council motion "Me
bership Selection in Student Organizations" passed 1
The stay, issued so that the committee can furt
examine the motion, delays final approval or veto of
motion until after the referral committee meets Oct. 16 w
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
He is the only person vested the authority by the Rege
to approve or veto an SGC motion. The referral commit
consisting of faculty, OSA, ad-?"

... strong requirements
C andidat es
Speak Out
At Forum
Several hun lred students gath-
ered in Michigan Union Ballroom
Sunday night to hear 11 of the
12 Student Government Council
candidates "speak out" in an all--
campus forum concerning the
basic problems in student, faculty
and administrative relationships
within the University community.
Participating in the forum were
Douglas Baird, '66, Douglas Brook,
'65, Scott Crooks, '65, Gary Cun-
ningham, '66, Jeffrey Davis, '65,
Russell Epker, '64BAd, Barry
Kramer, '65E, Elaine Resmex '64,
Howard Schecter, '66, Robert
Shenkin, '65BAd, and incumbent
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Thomas Smithson, '65.
Not present was incumbent SGC
treasurer Fred Rhines, '64.
Time Division
Each candidate devoted half his
alloted time to commenting on the
basic problems of student-admin-
istrative relationships in refer-
ence to the Office of Student Af-
fairs. A question and answer per-
iod followed.
Addressing himself to that topic,
Crooks viewed Council as a'
"means of dynamic change on
campus" but noted that Council
could not effect such changeI
"Only the two organizationsl
(SGC and the OSA) working to-j
gether can present a solution to
student problems," he said.
Davis, who observed a "conflictI
of opinion between the OSA andt
SGC," expressed the view that an-
effective student-faculty govern-G
ment would be a "vital link be-
tween the administration and
Epker saw certain "limitations
in leaving thecsole power for stu-
dent affairs to a transitory body"
like SGC. He preferred that stu-
dents have "influence, not author-
ity" and commented that "stu-
dents can. obtain nearly anything
they want on this campus if they
work for it."
Kramer reiterated his view that
the basic problem of student-ad-
ministration relationships is a
"sparring attitude" shared by SGC
and the OSA. He favored a dico-
tomy of authority wherein the
OSA would handle all adminis-
trative affairs and SGC would ad-
dress itself solely to student con-
Lobbyist Group
Opposing the view that the
nroner role of SGC is one of a

"A recognition of the need to
add the final unit of the third
term will also be stressed in the
University's appeal to Lansing,"
President Hatcher said.
Money for Salaries
The President pointed out that
during the past few years the
University has spent its money al-
most exclusively on maintaining
the salaries of its faculty and on
teaching activities. Very little has
been spent on the physical plant
of the University. He said thisj
situation had to be rectified since
many University buildings need
attention and several new build-
ings will be ready for use in the
near future.
He explained that the budget
request is "an attempt to make
clear to the governor and to the
Legislature the level on which the
University should do the work for
which it 'has the responsibility."
No Effort to Compile
Turning to a discussion of the
projected enrollment figures, Pres-
ident }Hatcher said no effort has
been made; on the part of the
University to compile the figures
from the separate schools into one
report since each individual pro-
jection is arrived at at a different
If Gov. George Romney's Cit-
izen's Committee on Iigher Edu-
cation should ask for the figures,
President - Hatcher said the Uni-
versity would collect them into
a report for the committee's use.
Otherwise they will remain un-
assimilated since no particular ad-
vantage is served by setting a
deadline date and asking that the
schools adhere to a schedule of
Romney Club
To Hold Dinner
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-The George Rom-
ney for President clubs will hold
their first meeting Nov. 1, Henry
Nephew, chairman of the Michi-
gan club, announced Monday.
A strategy session and $6 a
plate dinner designed to publicize
the growth of the draft-Romney
movement will be held in the De-
troit area.

Mayors Conference To Study Tax Plan

Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil O. Creal
yesterday explained t h a t the
Michigan Conference of Mayors
referred to committee a resolution
L SA Vie ws
New College
At its October meeting yester-
day the literary college faculty
devoted all its time to a discussion
of the proposed residential col-
lege, Dean William Haber of the
literary collegesaid last night.
It will continue the discussion
at its November meeting.
Faculty members raised ques-
tions as to whether the residen-
tial college was the best or the
only way for the University to
grow. The faculty also raised
questions concerning details of
the proposed college's administra-
tion, curriculum and relation to
the literary college.
According to the proposal -
prepared by a faculty committee-
the residential college plan is in-
tended as a possible solution to
the problems of increased liberal
arts enrollment. The proposed
cpllege would be associated with,
but separate from the literary col-

backing Gov. George Romney's tax
program because "we wanted to
make sure it was a worthwhile
Creal noted that Ann Arbor ob-
tains about $12 per capita, or 20-
25 per cent of its budget, from
state-collected taxes, with other
cities in a similar position.
"We want to be sure that we
will have protection regarding our
current revenue f r o m these
sources. I understand that the
Legislature will try to pass a mo-
tion guaranteeing to cities the
same amount that they will 1ose,
but we have no assurance that
such a bill will be passed," Creal
Reallocate Revenues
Creal was referring to the
twelfth specific piece of legisla-
tion in Romney's plan, which
would "reallocate from new rev-
enues the dollar amounts now
earmarked for schools and local
government which would be re-
placed by repealing or reducing
existing taxes."
Creal added that the four-man
committee to whom the resolution
was referred will report to the
other mayors in four weeks. The
committee, headed by Ypsilanti
Mayor John Calder, will study the
impact the governor's fiscal re-
form program will have on cities'

Calder explained that the com-
mittee would not be holding pub-
lic hearings on the resolution in
their respective cities. He noted
that advisory committees in the
cities have already done work
along this line, so that the pur-
pose of the committee will be to
correlate the various ideas that
the members have to offer.
Not Expert
"We are not experts in the area
of taxes; we can only point out
those things we are concerned
with in the governor's program,
and the main thing we are con-
cerned with is how the tax re-
visions will affect our cities. We
want to make sure they will still
get the same amount.",
Meanwhile in Lansing, Richard
C. Van Dusen, Romney's legal ad-

viser, announced that Romney in-
tends to revise his proposal for a
5.5 per cent income tax on banks
by raising it to 6 per cent.
Van Dusen added that the
change would plug a loophole that
would have given banks and
other financial institutions ap-
proximately $2.8 million of unin-
tended tax relief through exemp-
tions for United States securities
and bonds.
Under such circumstances, 5.5
per cent would not be enough to
raise an estimated $9 million from
the banks, the amount they now
pay altogether by means of the
intangibles tax. Romney wants
this tax repealed as part of his
"There's no tax relief intended
for banks. They don't need them,"
Van Dusen added.

ministration, alumni and stu-
dent representatives, serves solely
in an advisory capacity.
No Comment
Lewis said he would not com-
ment on the motion until after he
has discussed it on Oct. 16.
He is not expected to veto, ac-
cording to SGC President Thomas
Brown, '66L.
The stay procedure outlined in
the Council constitution- the
Council Plan-gives the referral
committee a period covering three
official SGC meetings to report
to Lewis. He will then have one
week to make a final decision pro-
vided that SGC reaffirms the
Matter of Time
In explaining the issuance of
the "stay," referralcommittee
chairman Prof. Joseph Kallenbach
of the political science department
noted that "the action was taken
in light of the fact that we had
not had enough time to make a
study of the document by today."
He was referring to the SGC
constitutional rule that allows the
vice-president for student affairs
96 hours to veto or provides the
referral committee 96 hours to
issue the stay on any adopted
The 96 hours, counted from the
announcement of the motion's
adoption placed in The Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin, would have expired
Too Short
Kallenbach said that the 96
hour deadline had been too short
since "we saw an incomplete an-
nouncement of the motion's pass-
age in the Daily Official Bulletin
but didn't get the final draft until
He indicated further that a re-
quest for the stay had been sent
by Lawrence Smith, attorney for
11 campus sororities contesting
Council's authority to watchdog
membership selection.
Smith requested in a letter to
Lewis, Kallenbach and Brown that
Lewis veto the motion and that
the referral committee issue the
stay. According to Prof. Kallen-
bach, the 96 hour deadline had
also not permitted Smith time to
examine the final membership
The stay was issued specifically
under the referral committee's au-
thority to meet with Lewis when
it feared Jurisdictional questions
or procedural irregularities might
be involved in a motion by SGC.
The question of specific irregu-
larities in this motion concerns the
tribunal, Prof. Kallenbach said.
This tribunal is empowered to try
alleged discrimination cases and'
affix penalties where necessary.
Prof. Kallenbach cited the pos-
sible objection to its composition'
which could turn out to include a
faculty member chosen by the stu-
No Restriction
Under the motion's clauses, two'
of the three members of the tri-
bunal are "selected from among1
the student body." The third mem-
ber is to be chosen by the two stu-
dent members without restriction.
Members of the faculty and Lew-
is have been opposed to the ap-
pointment of a faculty person who
would represent the faculty by the
students. This opposition has been
fostered by the faculty fear that
its member would be outvoted andl
vet still have his name attached to

..new constitution

Hines Emphasizes Value of E

To Discuss HRC Expansion
At Next Countil Meeting
The Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission will meet with
the city council on Thursday night to discuss whether or not the
commission should be expanded. from ten to twelve members.
Preceding this meeting, the HRC will meet with the council's
fair housing committee to discuss the fair housing bill and the
expansion of the HRC. In action last night, the city council accepted
I the resignation of former HRC
chairman Rev. Henry Lewis, and
Mayor Cecil O. Creal recommend-
ed the appointment of Thomas
s n eBletcher, a University Medical
re te ceSchool employe, to fill the -vacany.
The city council also refused a
D MERCER request by the Direct Action Com-
motion completely one must have mittee that they close the streets
ng that the artist is trying to set around Beakes and Fourth for
DAC's proposed street rally. In
to an ideal performance, Jerome denying DAC's request, Cif -,Ad-
ministrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr.
an Opera, noted yesterday, said that "Fourth is a very busy
t, however, by emphasizing the street, especially on a football
conditioning that must precede Saturday, and Eeakes is a state
aes pointed out that he has stud- trunk-line-the city might not.
intend to stop. have the authority for closing it
Study I recommend not closing the
asso noted, an intensive study of streets."
ary. The score gives an insight A DAC spokesman said in reply
at while an intimate acquaintance to the council's action that "Mr.
cter to be played aids greatly in Larcom's request is a transparent
ruse to prevent DAC from havin
a street rally. The volume of traf-

New. Tasks
To be voted on next week, the
Assembly House Council constitu-
tion presented at yesterday's AHC
meeting would mandate AHC "to
serve as the official representative
for all women in the University
residence halls and consult with
the University administration in
planning, building . . . or con-
templating any change in.. ..Uni-
versity housing for women."
If passed at next week's meet-
ing, the document must be ap-
proved by Student Government
Council and is then subject to
veto within two weeks by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Three major changes in the new
constitution entail conversion of
the body into a presidents' coun-
cil, the relationship of the revised
AHC to houses and the specifying
of powers which previously have
been delegated to Assembly but
never formally granted to them.
Approved Previously
The move to make AHC a presi-
dents' council was approved at
last week's meeting. The two latter
changes were dilineated in the
Definition of Authority, passed by
the body last May. A committee
headed by Assembly Vice-Presi-
dent Maxine Loomis, '64N, has in-
corporated the Definition of Au-
thority into the new constitution.
Specifically, five powers are
delegated to houses by Assembly,
and "all powers not delegated .. .
to the houses are reserved to As-
sembly Association," the constitu-
tion states. The five areas of final
authority are: (1) house govern-
ment, (2) activities sponsored by
the house, (3) judicial structure
(4) mediation of disputes between
house members, and (5) dress
regulations policy, subject to th'e
approval of AHC.
Retained by Assembly is the
authority "to express the opinion
of the women in the residence
halls on any issue." However,
"when such an opinion is of a
political nature and/or upon a
majority vote of the Council to

Before one may express an er
experienced in some way the feelin
before his audience.
A realization of this is central
Hines, star basso of the Metropolit
Hines qualified this statemen
importance of the arduous vocal
any thoughts of interpretation. Hin
ied voice for 25 years and does not
In preparing for a role, the b
the character and score is necess
into what the composer is gettinga
with the personality of the charac
the interpretation.
v;. -4,' . 1- : .F.. -

r: .«

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