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October 05, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-05

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Volverines Looking for Upset

Victory over Middies


ashevski To Lead'M'Bid;

Laubach Sets
Sports Editor
ach Bump Elliott must be a
sore right about this time
is Wolverines head into to-
football game with sixth-
ed Navy at 1:30 p.m. in Mich-
liott, you see, has been kept
y busy all week picking out
barbs directed his way about
iigan's pass defense.
actically the only source of
ort Elliotthas is the news out
nnapolis that Wayne Hardin,
's head coach, has been hav-
exactly the same problems.

ell LE
h LG
an RT
rud RE
ch QB
ly FB


Aerial Attack
starting lineup has been to move
junior Dick Rindfuss ahead of
sophomores Dick Wells and Bob
Quist at right halfback.
Rowser Defends
Rowser goes in on defense for
Frosty Evashevski, who will be
starting at offensive quarterback
again this week over ailing Bob
Timberlake and Bob Chandler.
"I have confidence in our pass
defense," Elliott told a Detroit
newsman earlier in the week. "I
feel it'll eventually be a good one.
I thing our players learned a lot
last week. They still may mnake
some mistakes, but not as many."
Hardin is likewise optimistic.
"I'm not concerned," he said.
"At least seven of the completions
have been for less than five yards
and five or six others were against
our reserves.
"On many of the others we've
been in position and just missed
by a hair of getting to the ball.
Nobody's got the home run against
us yet."
Raps Kicks
Hardin does concede that the
Middies' kicking-off leaves some-
thing to be desired, however. His
strategy is to have Navy kick a
bouncing ball, since the team does
not have a long kicker. Timberlake
does the place-kicking and kick-
offs for Michigan.
Besides Timberlake, whose bruis-
ed riglft shoulder will keep him
from seeing full action, Michigan
also has doubtfuls in reserve
tackles John Yanz and Don Blan-
chard and guard Dave Kurtz.
Yanz and Blanchard have leg in-
juries and Kurtz an infected knee.
Navy will be missing second-
team left guard Daye Gillespie,
who has a dislocated elbow.

... romping halfback . ..top fullback
State/ Scares, USC
liut Drops Decision


Recalls Past
Navy Games
When Michigan meets Navy's
football team here today, the game
will bring back lots of memories
for Bennie Oosterbaan, a man who
toolk an active part in- six of the
seven previous games of the se-
ries. This time Oosterbaan will be
in the picture once more-as a
radio color commentator in the
Wolverine pressbox.
As Michigan's only three-time
All-American, Oosterbaan played
in the first three games, served as
assistant varsity coach in another
and as head man in two more.
He recalls the first game in 1925
as a sophomore on what Fielding
H. Yost often called his greatest
team, a stunning 54-0 rout that
startled the college football world.
Everything Right
"Everything broke right for us
that day," Oosterbaan recalled.
"Yost had built us up to a fight-
ing pitch emotionally. He empha-
sized that we carried not only
our own hopes but the honor of
Big Ten football into the game.
Flops Flora (now Dr. William R.
Flora of Detroit) broke through so
fast he took the ball off the punt-
er's foot to score one touchdown.
Benny Friedman was at his best
throwing passes and he hit me
with several for a couple of touch-
When Oosterbaan mentioned
the 1926 game, however, he smiled
and shook his head.
"We were really fattened for the
kill that time," he said. "We went
down to Washington and had our
picture taken with President Cool-
idge in front of the White House.
We stayed at Annapolis and were
treated with the greatest defer-
ence. We walked miles around
Washington and Annapolis, visit-
ing historic spots. The Baltimore
papers referred to us as great
champions-we even believed it
' WGets Dumped
"Then Navy dumped us, 10-0,
on Saturday. Tom Hamilton, who'd
taken part in the 1925 game, was
superb that day. He kept the
Midshipmen to a fighting pitch by
his great play."
Then Oosterbaan led the 1927
team to a 27-12 win. He was fresh-
man coach in 1928 as the two
teams tied, 6-6, in 1928.
As assistant coach in 1945, he
watched a Navy wartime team
down the Wolverines, 33-7.






At his weekly conference this
Wednesday, Hardin wasrbombard-
ed with questions about the pass
defense of his own team, which
has had even less luck in plugging
up the airways than Michigan has.
Better than Half
The statistics for the two teams
are as follows:
In one game (a 27-16 win over
Southern Methodist), Michigan
has allowed a 55 per cent pass
completion record against it, as
Danny Thomas and his cohorts
completed 15, of 27 attempts for
253 yards in last Saturday's
season-opener in Ann Arbor.
Navy, meanwhile, has allowed
only one touchdown in lopsided
wins over West Virginia (51-7)
and William. and Mary (28-0).,
However, the two losers riddled the
Middles' secondary awith 29 com-
pletions in 46 attempts-a com-
pletion average of 63 per cent.
What these figures mean for
today's game needs a little inter-
preting, though. Navy has been
installed as the favorite by six to
eight points, despite the fact that
most of the 53,000 fans on hand
will be against them.
'First, Michigan's secondary will
have to contend today with Roger
Staubach, Navy's 6'2", 193-pound'
All-America candidate who is lead-
ing the nation in total offense
(482 yards) and is second in pass-
ing percentage (.744).
Only Short Ones
Second, as Michigan end coach
Jomko Nelson points out, Navy's
statistics may be a little mislead-
ing. Nelson scouted Navy's gamy
last Saturday and says that most
of the passes thrown against the
Middies have been short ones-
four or five yards.
"You can do a lot of interesting
things with figures," Nelson says.
"It's not fair just to look at the
record alone. Navy's defense
against long passes hasn't really
been tested yet."j
Neither Elliott nor Hardin has
shown much anxiety so far about
their defensive secondaries. El-
liott's lone change over last week's

LOS ANGELES (') - Stunned
by a 38-yard field goal and an
88-yard scoring pass play by half-
back Sherman Lewis, Southern
California came from behind with
a spectacular counter attack of
its own for two touchdowns and a
13-10 football victory over Michi-
gan State Friday night.
Sophomore halfback Mike Gar-
rett on the first play of the fourth
quarter, ripped through the mid-
dle of the Spartan line for 52
yards and within six more min-
utes, quarterback Pete Beathard
connected with a 16-yard touch-
down pass in the 'end zone to tow-
ering end Hal Bedsole.
Big Ten
Play, Opens
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Five tough outside
jousts will test Big Ten football
prowess this weekend, but con-
ference attention will focus on two
league scraps-Northwestern at
Illinois and Ohio State at In-
In 10 games thus far played
against outside rivals, Big Ten
teams have a 7-2-1 record, but
this could be deflated consider-
ably today.
Peggedyshort-enders in today's
competition are Iowa vs. Wash-
ington at Seattle, and Michigan
and Purdue, as hosts to Navy and
Notre Dame, respectively.
Only Minesota, desipte a 14-7
defeat by Nebraska, has the fa-
vorite's role in the five non-con-
ference encounters, against Army.
Fast-starting Northwestern, No.
5 nationally, may be grabbing a
buzzsaw at Illinois, where the Il-
lini open Big Ten play after
dumping California 10-0.
Defending champion Wisconsin,
which has beaten Western Mich-
igan and Notre Dame, is idle.

A crowd of 59,137 in Memorial
Coliseum, whichf had just about
given up any hope of a Trojan
victory, was electrified by the
abrupt turn of events.
Garrett's spectacular run on a
quick opener obviously fired up
the Trojans. When Willie Brown
returned a punt by the Spartans,
the Trojans struck again.
Beathard flipped a short pass
to Brown, who raced 51 yards to
'the MSU 18. Garret gained two,
but the Spartans held.
With fourth down and eight to
go, the Spartans put a big rush
on Beathard and chased him to-
ward the sideline. A noted scrap-
per, Beathard finally located his
6-foot-5 receiver in the corner of
the end zone and Bedsole made
a jumping catch-his first after
dropping several previous throws.
Michigan State completely dom-
inated the fiist half but scored
only a field goal from 38 yards
by Bobich.
The Trojans never were able to
penetrate beyond the Spartans'
43-yard mark and only twice did
the cross midfield.
Lewis' sensational 88-yard run
on a screen pass from sophomore
quarterback Steve Juday length-
ened the margin.

-Daily-Jim Lines
DEFENSIVE RUSH-Junior tackle Gerald Mader is shown moving in on SMU quarterback Danny
Thomas in last week's contest. The Blue line will have to do better today against Navy's highly-
touted Roger Staubach, as they only reached Thomas on two occasions to throw him for losses. The
Middies are favored to take their third straight victory, while the Wolverines will hope to gain an
upset and their second win of the season.


gnerat ion



... tough tackler

Grid Highlights for M-MSU
Battle Pre-recorded for TV,


"Michigan is bigger, stronger
and faster than anything we've
met," Hardin said earlier this
week, shaking all the way down
Va his boots.
"Michigan has its best team in
seven years," he added, ignoring
Elliott's 6-3 team of two years'
ago. "They have depth and bal-
ance. If they can run with the ball
they'll ram it down your throat.
If not, they'll throw.
"We'll have to play at our best
to beat them," he added.
Elliott, needless to say, feels the
same way about Navy-in spades:


Yanks Hoj
By The Associated Press

pe for Wmin on Coast

LOS ANGELES-Roger Maris is
not expected to be in the lineup
today when the hard-bent New
York Yankees engage the Los
Angeles Dodgers in the third game
of the World Series, still seeking
their first victory.
Maris, who bruised his upper
left arm when he crashed into the
right field barrier at Yankee Sta-
dium Thursday while chasing
Tommy Davis' triple, was not in
uniform during a two-hour Yan-
kee practice session at Dodger
Stadium yesterday.
Manager Ralph Houk refused to
commit himself on whether Maris
would play, but he left little doubt
he would be surprised if the slug-
ging right fielder were available.
Not Over Yet
The Los Angeles Dodgers could
not be in a better position going
into the third game of the World
Series, but Manager Walter Al-
ston said yesterday that "this
thing is by no means over yet."
"It's a nice feeling to win the
first two games," Alston said, "but
this Yankee club can't be trusted."
The Series would be over if the
Dodgers win the third game today
and the fourth tomorrow, but Al-
ston was not assuming a sweep.
He said he'll start right-hander
Don Drysdale today and south-
paw Sandy Koufax tomorrow.
Alston said he expects to leave

Skowron in the line-up although
the Dodgers will be facing a right-
handed pitcher in the third game.
The Dodger manager said Dick
Tracewski would remain on sec-
ond base. The only change would
be Ron Fairly in right field in
place of Frank Howard.
"Moose always has been a
streak hitter," said Alston. "I'd
hate to take him out. I like to stay
with a hot man. I have been satis-
fied with the way Tracewski has
been playing although Ken Mc-
Mullen probably will be able to
play if we need him."
Yanks Hopeful
As for the Yankees' desperate
situation, Houk did not attempt
to minimize it, but still talked
bravely of winning.
"We've come from behind be-
fore and I'm sure we'll do it
again," he said. "Al we need are
some runs. That's been our main
trouble up to now.
"I know we are much better
than we have shown. Their pitch-
ing has been excellent but we've
faced pitching that was just as
good all year and we didn't do
too badly.
"We haven't had a chance to
play our game because we've fal-
len behind so quickly. We just had
to take whatever we could get.
When you're trailing by three or
four runs early you can't play hit

and run, you can't gamble. All
you can do is hope for the big
Not Surprised
Asked whether he was surprised
at the Dodgers' robust hitting in
the first two games, Houk said,
"No. The Dodgers looked like we
figured they would look. They're
a good club. The only thing that
has surprised me so far is our
hitting, or lack of it. This club
can score runs and I'm sure it will
before this is over."
Houk said Whitey Ford, losing
pitcher in the opener, probably
would pitch the fourth game to-
He made no mention of a fifth
game pitcher. There will be no
need if the Dodgers win today
and tomorrow.

Television cameras dotted the
scenery before, during and after
the Wolverines win over Southern
Methodist last Saturday, but not
because the game was on the air.
Rather it was a little ground-
work, laid by WJRT-TV in Flint,
in preparation for its special cov-
erage of the upcoming Michigan-
Michigan State game.
WJRT, Sports Director Dick
Bing, with the supervision of Spe-
cial Projects Director Owen Lee,
is piecing together another in a
series of WJRT specials about
Michigan. (The station has won
national acclaim for these specials
in the past.)
To be aired the night before the
MSU contest here next week, the
show will follow the chronolog-
ical build-up to the game, both
in Ann Arbor and East Lansing.
Already taped are sequences with
the football equipment men at
both schools and both teams in
practice and scrmmages.
The show will also give atten-
tion to the pre-game activities of
the Michigan Marching Band and
its director, Prof. William T. Re-
velli of the music school, as well
as the MSU band. Sequences were
taped last week showing the bands
both in formation rehearsal and
then again in action.
Bing reports that advance re-
ception of the special has been
good, and that a sponsor has al-
ready bought the show, sight un-
seen. The station hopes to air it
outside of Flint also, but plans

are set to show the half-hour pro-
gram on Oct. 11, both in Flint and
Grand Rapids.
He said that the show will not
only include pre-game prepara-
tons, but also footage of past
games with both teams.
Ex-'M' Battery
In Winter Loop
Major league baseball's Winter
Instructional League opens its
season next week, and Michigan
fans will note some familiar faces
in the group the Detroit Tigers are.
Two of Michigan's recent greats,
Bill Freehan and Fritz Fisher, will
team with four of their former
college opponents to represent the
Freehan, catching for Michigan
in 1961, led the Big Ten in hitting
and Fisher posted a 9-1 record as
Michigan's top pitcher last spring.
Pitchers Bill Faul, Pete Craig,
Tom Fletcher and Joe Sparma, all
past Michigan opponents, were
also chosen by the Tigers.
Faul, Cincinnati star in 1961,
and Craig, Detroit, '63, are both
NCAA Tourney opponents. Fletch-
er, Illinois, '62, and Sparma, Ohio
State, '63, had faced the Wol-
verines in Big Ten play.
October 8 is set for the Winter
League opener in a season that
includes 56 games and features
teams from 10 major league clubs.





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