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October 05, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-05

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U.S. Severs Help,
Breaks Relations
With Hondurans
By The Associated Press
0 TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras-The State Department announced
that diplomatic relations with Honduras and United States aid to that
country have been suspended, as Col. Osvaldo Lopez Arellano tools
over one-man rule after toppling President Ramon Villeda Morales ir
a bloody revolt yesterday..
An army communique under Arellano's signature asserted that the,
civil guard, a 2500-man force created by Villeda Morales, had downed
arms everywhere in the country.
The commander of the armed forces announced in a proclamation
that his army took over to end Communist infiltration, administrative
- - ?disorganization and political un-'


Experts Doubt '65 Victory
By The Associated Press

... asks reforms

,: ' ~s
.u J .

... nuclear pledge

Outer Space
Ban Awaited
By The Associated Press,
ed States, British and Soviet for-
eign ministers reached into outer
space Thursday night for an
"agreement" that could be an-
nounced in concluding their week
of talks here on what disarma-
ment steps might follow the limit-
ed nuclear test ban treaty.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
said Thursday the announced
r agreement in principle-to bar or-
biting of atomic-armed satellites
-will probably be translated into
a United States-Soviet pledge'late
next week, perhaps when Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko sees President John F. Ken-
nedy Thursday.
Gromyko said in a separate in-
terview that he will be ready to
make the pledge for Russia when
he goes to the White House. "I
cannot speak for the American
side, but I am ready to formalize
it at any time," he said.
United States sources revealed
that the present idea is to have
the United States and the Soviet
Union, the two powers now able
to whirl objects in orbit around
$ the earth, issue separate but par-
allel statements declaring their
policy against arming satellites
with nuclear warheads.
Other nations could make sim-
ilar pledges when they reach the
development state in outer space
that the two major powers have,
, these sources said.

rest. He will act as provisiona:
president without the junta that
usually goes along with Latin
American military coups.
Soldiers Guard Buildings
The proclamation declared the
nation was calm. Stores reopened,
but soldiers still guarded govern-
ment buildings.
Meanwhile, United States Press
Officer Robert McCloskey said sus-
pension of diplomatic relations
with Honduras was almost auto-
matic because the government that
the United States had recognized
"ceased to exist."
The State Department describ-
ed the seizure of power Thursday
as an "unfortunate turn of events.
A spokesman from the department
said that the United States be-
lieves the military take-over weak-
ens stability in the Caribbean area,
and hurts the interests of the
United States and other Western
Hemisphere nations and the aims
of the Alliance for Progress.
The aid programs involved are
relatively small. Since the begin-
ning of July 1961 the United States
has promised aid to Honduras to-
taling $18 million and of that
amount $11 million has been de-
livered, making the suspension ef-
fective over $7 million worth.
Aid Over 12 Years
Officials said the military as-
sistance program for the little
country has totaled approximately
$4.5 million over the past 12 years
of which $3.5 million has been de-
"livered leaving approximately $1
million now suspended.
Announcement of the revolt's
success was a disappointing epi-
logue to frantic behind-the-scenes
American efforts to head off the
coup, which came only eight days
after a strikingly similar military
upheaval in the Dominican Repub-
It was confirmed that Maj. Gen.
Theodore Bogart- commander of
United States forces in the South
Atlantic, was rushed to Tegucigal-
pa Oct. 1 in a futile effort to per-
suade Lopez from carrying out the
seizure of power. Bogart, however;
was unable to influence Arellano.
Take Time
McCloskey made clear in the
statement that the United States
intends to take its time in deciding
what to do about rule by Arellano.
McCloskey also indicated that
the Kennedy administration is be-
ginning to look with increasing
favpr on proposals from other
Western Hemisphere countries for
a foreign minister's conference to
consider measures to discourage
military coups.
"I think we would be inclined
to be in favor of it," he told a news


Po peTopic
For Council
By The Associated Press
Ecumenical Council yesterday too
Tup a matter left hanging since th
last great Roman Catholic Coun
cil 93 years ago-papal authorit
and the power of bishops.
The 2300 prelates meeting in S
Peter's Basilica rounded out th
first week of the resumed counci
session by going to work on ques
tions that ultimately could decen
tralize Vatican power and mak
the Papal Curia an instrument o
all the bishops.
The views and writings of count
less bishops plue Pope Paul's ow
words two weeks ago about com
ing Curia reforms show a wide de
termination to bring about suc]
Stress Papacy
The 1870 Ecumenical Counci
defined that a Pope is infallibl
in solemn decrees affecting fait
and morals. It also stressed th
primacy or first-place position o
the Pope. Political events in Ital
brought that council to an abrup
halt before it could take up a cor
ollary thesis on how bishops asa
body share in papal authority.
The heart of the schema "D
Ecclesia" (concerning the church)
deals with this matter-what ie
called the collegiality (collectiv
authority) of Catholicism's bish
Theologians here explained tha
the schema does not take anythin
away from the Pope's own author.
ity, nor does it add something new
to the bishops' authority. "It i
not so much conferral of new
powers on the bishops as the ex-
tension of powers they already
have but do not exercise," said
one theologian.
But this is where the battle is
expected to be drawn between two
schools of thought-is the theo-
logical question of whether Christ
intended power to be invested in
St. Peter alone, when Christ
founded-His Church, or whether
He intended ecclesiastical power to
be shared by all 12 apostles.
"What the council is now under-
taking is an attempt to reestablish
a proper balance between the two
stresses, which can be described
as two manifestations of a single
power," Rev. John Long, a New
York Jesuit, commented.
Father Long said that even
among the orthodox there exists a
feeling that orthodoxy has stress-
ed the power of the local bishop
too much, thus preventing the or-
thodox from influencing the world
as they might.
"Maybe this council can present
to the orthodox not merely a
clarification of our own (Roman
Catholic) viewpoint but addition-
ally at least one way to solve the
problem the orthodox themselves
are posing," he added.
Red. Countries
Ask Wheat Sale
WASHINGTON (1')-The State
Department said yesterday there
have been approaches from the
governments of Communist Czech-
oslovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria
for the purchase of American

SAIGON, Viet Nam-Presider
John F. Kennedy's administrati
appears to have taken a calculate
risk in forecasting the major pa
of the United States military tas
in South Viet Nam can be cor
pleted by the end of 1965.
A high American military sour
said yesterday that the general]
optimistic report given to Kenned
by Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara and Gen. Maxwell I
Taylor, chairman of the Join
Chiefs of Staff, "took in a lot o:
These relate particularly to th
ability of Vietnamese troops t
c hold guerrilla territory* for whih
they now are fighting and to pro
fessional standards of the Vietna
mese army.
War Grinds On
There is also a belief here thai
while Kennedy may see fit t
withdraw most American militar
personnel by the end of 1965, th
war will grind on indefinitely.
"Definition of victory in Vie
Nam is hard to establish," on
k American official said. "Thes
"k Communist guerrillas have bee
e out there fighting either Frenc
- or (President) Ngo Dinh Die
y for nearly 20 years. We may thin]
we've broken their back and fin
t. they'll come right back again, a
e they did in 1961."
i1 United States military chieftain
- also appear to have a differen
- definition of victory . than Vie
e Nam's acting military commander
f Gen. Tran Van Don. He predicte
Monday that victory will bi
achieved next year.
n Completed Task Defined
- The Kennedy administration'
- interpretation of a completed tas
h here, according to a highly plac
ed United States officer, is "wha
it takes to reduce the insurgency
i1 to proportions which can be han.
e dled by the Vietnamese army'
h without outside help.
e That would mean a crippled Rec
f movement, without the power t
y organize the kind of mass attacks
t that the guerrillas have stage
- this year. Any significant Red mil.
a itary infiltration from abroa
might prevent or delay such a de-
velopment. The American impres.
sion is that Viet Nam has the cap.
s r
ee Murville
To Clear Up
V French AiM
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville arrives here tonight
and Kennedy administration of-
ficals expect he will clarify some
of the mysteries of de Gaulle's
foreign policy. They have a list
of questions ready.
Some officials hinted that Pres-
ident Kennedy and his aides may
also sound out Couve de Murville
on the chances of persuading
France to return to the Geneva
Disarmament Conference.
Dozens of foreign ministers
come to Washington every autumn
from the fall session of the UN
General Assembly in New York.
But Couve de Murville is the only
one to come directly from his
capital, and he will return to Paris
"without even turning his head"
toward the United Nations head-
quarters, as one diplomat put it.
Though a French delegation is
attending the UN sessions, and
France remains a permanent
'member of the security council,
President Charles de Gaulle is
openly, snubbing what he recently
cailed the "so-called United Na-
Couve de Murville, officials said,
informed Washington last August
that he would visit here early in
October. He has no appointments
on Sunday, but will meet with

Kennedy and Secretary of State
Dean Rusk on Monday and Tues-
day. He is scheduled to fly back
to Paris Wednesday.
Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen,
the United States envoy to Paris,
will be sitting in on the con-
The talks are to be informal,
without an agenda, and officials
said there has been no indication
what issues Couve de Murville may
I ing up.
There is, on the other hand, a
sheet prepared at the State De-
partment with a number of ques-
tionmarks. Kennedy and Rusk
want to know, informants said,
what de Gaulle had in mind in
his various speeches recently when
he touched on international prob-
Approve Plans
Of 1965 Meeting
NEW YORK WP)-Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev's sug-
gestion that the head of state of all
111 UN members attend the 20th
session of the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly in 1965 has been
tentatively approved by the com-
mittee prepring plans for interna-

ability of blocking a major move-
ment of Red recruits across its
"We have no illusions about
capability of the Vietnamese ar-
my," said one officer who sup-
ports the theory that the United
States can move out in two years.
"They would lose if we pulled out
now. Our helicopters and fighter-
bomber pilots will have to help
them break the Viet Cong and we
will leave them to clean up the re-
Seek Improvements
The Kennedy administration's
policy statement said "improve-
ments (in the military program
here) are being energetically
This means "a totality of effort
to improve professionalism of this
very young nation and its armed
forces," the American officer said.
Military men here want a de-
crease in the number of static
defense positions, particularly in
the Mekong Delta, where outposts
are scattered in isolated areas
highly vulnerable to guerrilla at-
Small Unit Actions
They want an increase in force
mobility which would have the
Vietnamese army patrolling more
and conducting more small unit
actions. Improvement also is need-'
ed in the army's training. Vietna-
mese staff performance still is not
fully effective in United States
The American military spokes-
man said that a week prior to Mc-,

CALCULATED RISK--A United States military advisor keeps
lookout during the rescue of a grounded plane in the Viet Cong
territory northwest of Saigon. President John F. Kennedy appears
to be taking an equally calculated risk in his predictioi that all
guerrilla warfare in Viet Nam will have ceased by 1965, a top mili-
tary source noted yesterday.

Namara's visit the government
suffered more than 800 casualties
-highest in any week since the
war started. Weapons losses still
are favoring the guerrillas by a
considerable degree.
Guerrilla hard core strength
still is running at around 25,000.
The American high command here
says, however, it assumes territor-
ial units from which replacements
are drawn are losing strength.
"McNamara wanted to know if
we could win, if we could win with
Diem, and if we could pull out,"
said a senior officer who talked
with the secretary. "This new. poli-
cy statement sort of takes all three
of those factors into mind."
Send Report'
To Celebrezze
WASHINGTON (P)-A report by
the National Institute of Health
proposing increased government
support of research on birth con-
trol and population growth will
be presented to Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare
Anthony J. Celebrezze, a. Public
Health Service spokesman said
The spokesman said the report
will be sent to Celebrezze because
it contains information which
might be used in comment on a
pending Senate resolution.
He said he could not comment
on the content of the report at
this time.

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World News Roundu
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The White House announced yesterday that
President John F. Kennedy will sign the limited nuclear test ban treaty
next Monday. The President's signature will constitute this country's
formal ratification of the document banning all but underground nu-
clear test explosions.
* 4. * *
BRASILIA-President Joao Goulart asked Congress yesterday to
place Brazil under a state of siege for 30 days in-an effort to cope with
the country's burgeoning economic and political troubles. r
4. 4 * 4.
WASHINGTON-The Weather Bureau dropped its plans yester-
day for a Nimbus type of advanced meteorological satellite. However,
they will continue a cooperatlive
program with NASA for develop-
ment of an operational satellite
with a long working life. The bu-
reau claims this project will meet
the coordinated national needs for
a meteorological satellite "ulti-
mately at a considerable annual
MOSCOW-Algeria and the So-
viet Union signed an agreement
on econpmnic and technical coop
eration yesterday. The Soviet Un-
ion recently pledged a $111 million
loan to Algeria and it was believed
Col. Houari Boumedienne, vice,
president and defense minister of
Algeria, was drawing on this cred-
*. * *
MIAMI, Fla.-Hurricane Flora
left a devastated Haiti in her
wake yesterday, thrashed into the
windward passage and began bat-
tering the eastern tip of Cuba's
Oriente Province,. For nine hours
Thursday night and yesterday,
Flora pounded Haiti with 140-
mile-an-hour fury. The Negro na-
tion was left isolated from the
world with all communications
NEW YORK-In the heaviest
session of the week, the stock
market climbed to new highs early
yesterday but finished with mod-
erate trading and slightly lower.
The Dow-Jones averages showed
30 industrials up .81, 20 railroads
down .32, 15 utilities down .19 and
65 stocks down .01.
I '

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Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
Oct. 2, '1963-The American
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mer jobs in Europe. Openings
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ing, factory work, shipboard
work,child care work, resort
and sales work. Wages range
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ASIS also announced that re-
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4000 applicants travel grants
of $165 each. Interested stu-
dents should write to Dept. 0,
ACTC 77 A< , ,


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