WHERE IS SCIENCE nGOING? See Editorial Page G- Sientr ujau Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom &1113J WARMING UP High-75 Low--38 Fair and warmer through tomorrow VOL. LXXIV, No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PI TAX HEARINGS: Bursley Sees Fiscal Reform *1 By STEVEN HALLER One outcome of the public tax hearings being held throughout the state is that legislators are find- ing "general acceptance of the concept of fiscal reform," Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), a member of the House Taxation Committee, said yesterday. Bursley noted that there had been little argument on such mat- ters as Gov. George Romney's pro- posed state income tax package, whereas there had been a great deal of comment from such groups as breweries, school superintend- ents and senior citizens where spe- cific points of the' fiscal program were concerned. Bursley explained that members of both the House Taxation Com- mittee, headed by Rep. James N. ,Folks (R-Horton) and the Senate Taxation Committee, led by Sen. 4 Clyde, H. Geerlings (R-Holland), have been "zig-zagging back and forth across the state to provide the most efficient coverage" of what Geerlings has called "the temper of the people" in the area of fiscal reform. Ceiling's the Limit Such "expressions of attitudes" as Geerlings has called for have thus far been greatly in favor of Romney's recent suggestion to add a constitutionally set ceiling on the income tax rate. This would allow the Legislature to raise the tax, if need be, only as high as the limit. The public would then be able to vote on any further tax increase. Romney has made it clear that such a referendum would not be allowed on the initial income tax proposal, but only on increases beyond the specified limit, which, DEL TA COLLEGE: Students Protest To O'Neil For Vote Against College By MARGE WITECKI Students of Delta College Thursday made a 125-mile motorcade trip to the home of State Board of Education member James O'Neil in Livonia to protest his vote against establishing a privately chartered senior college in the thumb area. O'Neil explained his stand on' needed additions to higher educa- tion in Midland, Saginaw and the Bay City area and announced that he is meeting Tuesday night in Bay City with members of the community to present his views. "There is a real need for both a four would probably be set at abou four-f ive per cent. Such an amend. ment to the governor's plan woul allow for future growth in th state, Bursley said. He added that coupled to succ ceiling would probably be a stipu lation that the corporation income tax wouldnever be more than on and one-half the personal tax rate Non Sequitor However, Bursley pointed ou that raising the tax ceiling doe not necessarily mean raising the tax itself. In effect, it gives the legislators a set of boundarie within which to work, he explain- ed. Much of the tax controversy in the Wayne County area has cen- tered around Romney's proposal te split Detroit's income tax between that city and the surrounding sub- urbs, thus costing Detroit $11-13 million. Bursley noted that there have been numerous suggestions aimed toward improving this sit- uation without going against the tax split. He explained that Detroit would be able to make up the deficit without a great deal of trouble if some new source of revenue could be found for Wayne County, so that county could pay off the $11- 12 million they now owe Detroit. Third Option Needed "Romney's auto registration fee wouldn't help the county much in this respect, as it will go into the highway fund and won't release any funds for the general govern- ment. Besides this levy and the real estate transfer tax, we must find a third option. "Personally, I recommend that the counties be granted the option to reinstate a small portion of the sales tax that Romney's proposal removes from groceries. If Wayne County reinstates one per cent of the tax, this will bring in about $8 million, which, coupled with the other two county revenue sources, will enable Wayne County to pay off its debt to Detroit." Although Geerlings has pro- posed that there be an optional one per cent county income tax instead of a statewide tax, Bursley noted that there has not been a great deal of support for that idea thus far and "I don't think there will be much support for it in the Legislature, either." Good Idea Bursley praised the governor's plan to exempt persons over 65 from the property tax, with the bill being paid to the state from the estate following the senior 'citi- zen's death. Although many elder- ly people have come out against the idea of passing the tax debt on to their children, Bursley term- ed this statement a "red herring." He noted that most of the per- sons who spoke out against the plan at the committee hearings were "members of the United Auto Workers or some union of retired employes" "The heirs would not be treated any differently under the gover- nor's proposal than they are now. The state's tax claim would not hold against the general estate, but only against the property. Fur- thermore, certain provisions could be worked out to handle widows and hardship cases," he pointed )ut. Cites Loan Rise1 By JEAN TENANDER The number of National Defense Education Act loans ap- plied for at the University has increased markedly since the tui- tion hike two years ago. Walter B. Rea, assistant to the vice-president for student affairs and director of financial aids, said that although in part the increase in loan applications was a result of the tuition raise, the general rise in the cost of living and the price of education has also played a significant role in the loan increase. The number of scholarships in the individual schools and colleges have also been added to in an effort to compensate for the increase in tuition, Rea said. Combination According to Rea, a trend toward more emphasis on "combi- nation scholarships" has developed in recent years as a result of the benefits made available by the NDEA loans. Most of the NDEA loans are awarded to freshmen. Along with the loan goes the promise of a job in the students area of concentration. After their freshman year the students carrying t an NDEA loan can apply to their individual schools for scholar- ships. This does not prevent them from seeking a further NDEA loan if necessary.1 Rea pointed out that giving the NDEA loans primarily to freshmen rather than to upper classmen was an attempt to give' students a chance to enter college and the opportunity to estab- lish themselves in a position where they may be able to receive t scholarships later on in their academic life.> Not Long Term Because the University does not have money to tie up in long term loans, it has to rely on short term loans and grants, r Rea noted. Many of the loans the University can offer are re- stricted to certain fields of study. In some cases the restriction on the money is so stringent that even if there is no student who fills the loan's qualifications the money cannot be transferred to another student. ARAB LANDS A igers Revolt Spreads By The Associated Press1 ALGIERS-A revolt by Berbers of the Kabylie mountains against. President Ahmed Ben Bella's government appeared to be spread-V ing yesterday across predominantly Arab territory.t Antigovernment guerrilla units were reported forming south and southwest of Algiers, threatening security of the highways. Army sources and -European travelers said guerrillas have setC up road controls near Cherchell, 50 miles southwest of Algiers. Theyb told of growing unrest in thet . DETROIT I NAACP Pickets Bank By The Associated Press More than a dozen Negroes participating in a sit-in at a down- town Detroit bank yesterday were carried out of the building on stretchers when they ignored police orders to leave. More than 30 pickets marched in front of the main office of First Federal Savings of Detroit but were not bothered by police. The Detroit branch of the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People called the demonstration to enforce its de- mand that "First Federal discontinue its racial discriminatory prac- tices against Negroes in employment and the negotiation of home loans." Meanwhile, police carried limp sit-in demonstrators from the Jefferson Bank and Trust Co. of St. Louis, Mo., yesterday while' members of the Congress off Chicago School Hea( Resigns Post in Protes Against Integrationist PROF. LEONARD ZAMISKA ... discusses church art Oleneki Cites }Church Art "Things that could be used for the greater glory of God cannot be used in this way because they have been commercialized, 'Prof. Edward V. Olencki of the archi- tecture college said last night in a fireside chat at the Newman Club. Art should "inspire the wor- shiper to identify and. use the imagery as an intermediary to God," Prof. Leonard W. Zamiska, also of the architecture college, noted. Both professors were panelists in a discussion entitled, "Church Art-Good or Bad-Does ;t Mat- ter?" Not Reflect Spirit The reason why many Catholic churches in America fail to re- flect the spirit of the times is be- cause people do not want them to reflect that spirit. . Prof. Olencki said that people's tastes have not been developed and so "dime store art goes by the name of religious art." Church building in Europe, es- pecially in Germany, has devel- oped more along liturgical lines because Europe is more progres- sive, he commented. Medieval Prof. Zamiska contrasted the medieval attitude toward archi- tecture and art as a means of ed- ucation with a more modern view. "Church art is all too preoc- cupied with visual aids," he coi- mented. "It needs a lot of exam- ining. What is it all for?" Protestant View Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Brad- ley, Newman Club chaplain, call- ed the chapel a "very good ex- ample of Protestant view of the Catholic relationship with the Mother of God." Msgr. Bradleys said the chapel was designed by- Protestant architects from the1 School of Architecture t<. - aars,,1 - tra sh a Kyear institution plus a two-year community college in the Tri- County area, O'Neil said yesterday. Two Goals A community college fulfills two objectives; according to O'Neil. It must both provide academic pro- grams beyond the high school lev- el and technical-terminal appren- tice training. "A two-year senior college at Delta will not provide technical- vocational programs, one of the greatest needs in our state educa- tional system," O'Neil told the stu- dents. The plan he will present to school officials, civic leaders and Delta's president and board chair- man Tuesday night asks for a com- mittee to take positive action which would establish a four-year college within two or three years in addition to the existing Delta Community College, Clarifies Position President of the Delta student council, George De Witt, stated after the visit that "although Mr. O'Neil hasn't changed his original position, it has been greatly clari- fied." When asked if he would change his vote in the event that the state attorney general's office es- tablishes the legality of the pri- vate charter plan, O'Neil replied to the students that he would be obligated to do so. However, if it is decided that the, Board can consider implications of the plan on the entire college sys- tem, O'Neil will again vote no to the private charter plan. Supporters Raise Funds Supporters of the private senior college have raised $250,000, have pledges for another $250,000 O'Neil also expressed concern to the students that as of yet they do not have even an accredited junior college in the Thumb area. When Delta opened its doors and Bay City Junior College closed in 1961, accreditation by the North Central Association was not trans- ferred. New School Oscar Anderson, chairman of Delta's Board of Trustees, said yesterday that the NCA consid- ered Delta a new institution which caused a two year waiting period although much of Bay City's fac- ulty and administration became part of the new school. Now that the two years are over, Anderson said that an investigat- ing team can be requested to visit the campus. Anderson also commented that a successful "co-op" program in the vocational fields is operating at Delta right now. CIA. Recalls Riclhardsoni WASHINGTON (A) - John H. Richardson, chief of the CIA oper- ation in South Viet Nam, is being recalled to Washington, it was re- ported last night. The stated purpose of bringing tha C~rn,- Tntalliapna Ac - r mountain areas near Medea, Te- niet-El-Haad and Orleansville. According to some reports, 2000 armed guerrillas have assembled near Teniet-El-Haad, about 150 miles southwest of the capital. Antigovernment sentiments have been evident before in the area. The Berber dissidence in the Kabylie mountains, east of Al- giers, evidently helped to spark unrest there. The nerve center of the grow- ing antigovernment a c t i v i t y southwest of the capital was re- ported near Duperre and Tizi- Franco, south of the Cherchell mountains. Duperre is 62 miles from Algiers. The antigovernment front of socialist forces has threatened to spread the Berber revolt to all of Algeria. The command of the dis- sident forces set up in the Kaby- lie mountain town of Michelet has established contact with opposi- tion emissaries from other parts of the nation. Meanwhile, reports from Kaby- lie spoke ofcno progress in Ben Bella's peace overtures to the. rebels. Rebel Military Leader Col. Mo- hand Ou El Hadj, told newsmen that "our stand is unchanged- Ben Bella must beoverthrown." Racial Equality marched outside. They were protesting alleged job discrimination. At Americus, Ga., a Superior Court judge yesterday denied a defense attorney's motion for re- lease of three 'Student Non-Vio- lent Coordinating C o m m i t t e e workers facing charges which carry the death penalty. Judge T. 0. Marshall turned down a writ of habeus corpus filed by Albany attorney C. B. King on behalf of SNCC field workers Don Harris, Ralph Allen and John Perdew. They are held without bond on state charges of 'attempting to incite insurrec- tion," a capital offense which car- ries a possible death penalty. In other action the Mormon Church, which teaches t h a t Negroes are cursed by God, was threatened yesterday w i t h a peaceful Negro demonstration at its historic headquarters in Salt Lake City. Negro leaders told officials of the Church of Jesus' Christ of Latter-Day Saints la"st night the picketing was likely unless they meet certain demands. They asked the church. to sup- port President John F. Kennedy's civil rights program, support civil rights legislation in Utah and en- dorse "the principle of equality of opportunity for all Americans." Jackie Robinson; the Negro who broke the color barrier in major league baseball, agreed in New York City yesterday to s ek more white employes for the lunch counter chain whose personnel he directs. I I I I C C AHMED BEN BELLA ... facing revolt FROM BLUES TO DIXIE: Hirt.'s Sweet Sextet S Official of Ford Foundation Ch arges Professors 'Lazy. A top Ford Foundation official has charged that professors are hostile to changes in education, particularly those which diminish their role, the Detroit News reported yesterday. Alvin C. Eurich, vice-president for the Fund for the Advancement of Education, supported by the Ford Foundation, termed the college professor "hidebound, lazy, inefficient, egocentric and dedicated to his " own comfort" in a speech before the American Council of Educa- tion.. Eurich noted that the Ford O ff Foundation has spent over $60 o und s million on improvements in edu- cation, but that even successful experimental programs are often abandoned once the Ford money runs out. No Support Citing television teaching as an example, Eurich complained that the very-successful "Continental Classroom"-a nationwide televi- sion teaching experiment-was al- lowed "to wither and die when foundation support was removed." Calling on professors "to cast :- aside traditional notions of teach- ing that are unsupported by fact,". Eurich urged that teachers aban- don their hostile feelings toward change and work toward the im-1 provement of new , educational techniques.a Eurich interpreted the resistance to change as an outgrowth of "the notoriously conservative traditions of the academic world and the comfort of following the same old ineffective teaching methods." j Value Research More By using old methods, the pro- fessor saves himself time for re-1 search and writing "which are val- ued more highly in promotions and salary." In addition, Eurich noted that1 nce to two bubbling hours last faculties are not interested in be-1 ing more efficient. "They have tet rangd1 thronvh his nnn-- .4.,-.4 View Opinion About Rights By RAYMOND HOLTON Pros and cons were voiced yes- terday by state legislators and a University professor on the pro- posed Civil Rights Commission in light of State Attorney General Frank J. Kelley's ruling Thursday vesting all enforcing power of civil rights with the state. Prof. William J. Pierce of the Law School explained that the commission, as proposed under the new constitution, "has the power to investigate alleged discrimina- tion in areas of civil rights pro- hibited by law or the constitution. "A question remains about which areas are under the juris- diction of the commission," Prof. Pierce said. Ruling Area He was referring to Kelley's previous ruling . which claimed that the commission had power to rule over such cisvil rights areas as employment, housing and edu- cation. Doubt has been expressed by certain state leaders as to the accuracy of Kelley's decision. However, Rep. Lloyd Gibbs (R- Portland) complained that the "whole matter of civil rights has been taken completely out of the Legislature's hands and placed in a body which serves the gover- nor's pleasure." The eight-man bipartisan com- mission has already been appoint- ed by Gov. George Romney. Authority "The commission," he charged, "can tell Michigan citizens what to do with 'there property. The only way wecan make decisions on civil rights more effective is to make it subject to the will of the people and amend the- pro- posal which created the powers of the commission." Both Gibbs and Prof. Pierce agreed that the Legislature does have power of the purse over the commission. "The Legislature ap- propriates operating funds to the; commission and, therefore has, signficant power ,over the com- mission's effectiveness." He compared the .commission1 to a police department because both need enough personnel, which costs money, to carry out their enforcement policy.f Effective Way Meanwhile, Sen. Garry E. Brown (R-Schoolcraft) said the commis- sion as drawn up in the consti- tution has capacity to handle civil rights problems effectively. "The benefit of the civil rights commission is not in its ability to handle the club of enforcement,r but rather in its conciliatory ca-< pacity. Staebler Says M~ay Seek Post'x By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Congressman- at-Large Neil Staebler (D-Ann Arbor) has given indication that he may run for governor next year, Staebler said that he will enterc the race if former Gov. John B.a Swainson does not declare him-a self a candidate by Jan. 1.P Swainson noted last week thatt he would have announced his in- tentions by that date.1 Staebler explained that "if a0 After Notice From Court Refuses To Carry Out School Transfer Plan To End Discrimination By The Associated Press CHICAGO - Benjamin C. wu- lis resigned yesterday his post as superintendent of Chicago's schood system under pressure brought by demands of racial integrationists. The big, gray-haired administra- tor said a court decision ordering him to implement a "discrimina- tory and preferential" program of school transfers left him only two other alternatives. "I would, were I to continue, be either in contempt of court each day I refused to comply with the order or I would sacrifice the in- tegrity of the office of superin- tendent of schools," he said. Highest Paid Willis, probably the highest paid school administrator in the Unit- ed States, disclosed that his let- ter of resignation, asking to be relieved of duties by Dec. 31, pref- erably by Oct. 31, was written to Clair M. Roddewig, school board president, a week ago. The letter protested against add- ing two overcrowded high schools -South Shore and Hyde Park-to a list of nine .which Willis' staff had designated as open to receive gifted students asking transfers from other high schools. Willis said he agreed the follow- ig day to withhold his resignation pending reconsideration of the' list by the regular board session Oct.9. Back Superintendent The letter cited a conclusion of an administration study made 30 years ago that the school board should not attempt execution of policies, but back the superintend- ent as the board's chief executive officer in carrying them out. Willis has been the target of racial integrationists who have de- manded his removal in demonstra- tions this summer. 'Home Notes Less T ension WASHINGTON (P) - Britain's foreign secretary, Lord Home, said after a meeting with President John F. Kennedy yesterday that the, atmosphere in East-West ne- gotiations is better now than at any time in the past three or four years. Home said one would "be opti- mistic to say we are on the verge of a detente" with the Soviets, if that is defined as a settlement of all outstanding issues. But he told newsmen "we have begun on that process" and anoth- er East-West agreement-to bar nuclear weapons in space-should be "worked out quite quickly." Agree in Principle Agreement in principle on such a ban was announce'd Thursday in New York. It may seem modest in scope, Home said, but it does represent "a tendency in the right direction." Home, who spent more than an hour with Kennedy, said "the Rus- sians want agreement," at least in some areas. Kennedy received from Home a report of the British official's "im- pressions of what has gone on in New York" in three-way talks in- volving Home, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Discuss Home, in response to questions, said Britain will begin to join in' discussions about the possible cre- ation of a multi-nation, nuclear- armed missile force within the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion. He said it is too early to say how such a force might emerge, or whether Britain would partici- 1 TRIUMPHANT TRUMPETER-Al Hirt treated his Hill Aud. audien night of music from modern dixie to classic blues. He and his sex I.