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August 27, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom




uv, so. 1








uit Initial Budget Request







Jniyprsity has submitted toj
te 'gomptroller's office its
req est"' for funds to con-
resei t services at 'the same
ring,) the next fiscal year-
Unversity has' sent in a
fo" $41 million based oh
ec d additional income of
li n from student fees and
1 million from other
he $41 million figure in-
n estim~ated price increase
asent services and slight
increases, Executive Vice-'
nt Marvin Niehuss said.

Like other state agencies which
were asked to submit an "initial
request," the University has been
asked to send another budget
showing the cost of increased ser-
vices by Sept. 20.
Reluctant Request
Niehuss stressed that 'the Uni-
versity is not asking for the "ini-
tial request." That figure is the
bare minimum needed by the
University to carry on its present
program. The comptroller's office
is trying to obtain "the bedrock
cost of carrying the state forward
ith no increase of services," he

audent Congress CoUsiders
eformls in NSA Structure
Editorial Director
Special To The Daily
BLOOMINGTON-The National Student Congress of the United
tes National Student Association will consider major reforms in
association as the second week of its annual sessions begins at
iana University,
The association's National Executive Committee has suggested
amping USNSA's basic structure, eliminating its 22 regions and
limiting the power of the NEC.
The NEC wishes to consolidate
the 22 regions into five, each with
a program vice-president. The
scrapping of the regional struc-
ture is designed to carry out more
effectively national programs and
to eliminate non-functioning parts
of the association.
Active Regions"
Several of the more active ~e-
gions-particularly Michigan and
New England--have jbjected to.
their demise, claiming that the
proposal would break up some of
the most effective organization
A second proposal calls for cut-
ting the NEC's legislative power.
In the past, NSC committees
could submit an unlimited number
of items to the plenary session.
The plenary would consider as
many as it could, and the NEC
would act on the remainder.
To meet criticism that the NEC
PROF. £AMES T. WILSON had too much legislative power
... Hawaii project and the plenary could not prop-
erly act on all the legislation be-
fore it, the number of items to be
O perate considered at this year's congress
was limited to 51. --
Cut Number
observator The NEC proposal would cut
bsery this number to 31, limiting each
committee to four items each. The
'e Institute of Science and NEC would no longer have the
rnology was awarded in Jule power to enact legislation after
.early $5 million contract to the congress.
d and operate an infrared "ob- Tho NSC will consider several
aatory on Mt. Haleakala in Ha- knotty international problems in-
cluding a resolution on Cuba and
i y"USNSA policy toward the troubled
in the International Student Conference.
iethe world to make exten- In other action, the congress
uise of infrared sensing, meas- I last Friday voiced its support for
g and recording. devices to tomorrow's"Jobs. and Freedom"
k midcourse missiles and satel- civil rights march on Washing-
It will also be the first astro- ton.

The $41 million does not in-
clude the cost of year round
operation that the University is
now trying to' institute, for in-
In the budget submitted last
year to the Legislature, the Uni-
versity asked for $44.2 million
which included the cost of in-
creased services. It received $38.2
Romney's First .Plan
Under Gov. George Romney's
original 196465 estimate of $610
million foe the general fund
budget, an increase of $10 million
was allotted for higher education.
This budget was $60 million above
the operating budget for the cur-
rent year. Revised estimates by
the governor cut this figure in
half and added an additional $17
million for "funding" required by
the new state constitution.
Consequently, the $10 million
increase will most likely be cut
along with other added expendi-
Additional funds are needed by
the University dtoswitch to year
round operation. A cutback in the
Free Issue
Today's Daily is free. The
next issue, coming out Friday
morning, also will be free.
Regular publication will then
begin, on Wednesday, Sept. 5.
budget would seriously jeoparcze
this action. In fact, Regent Eu-
gene B. Power of Ann Arbor said
"without an increase in the Uni-
versity's budget we can't operate
year round."
Five Austere Years
Citing Romney's attempts to
make state agencies run more ef-
ficiently, Power noted that the
University "has been through five
years of austerity. I am certain
that the University has introduced
all possible economies."
Plans Cited
Declaring that the University
will grow "in all its functions,£
parts and areas," Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont reviewed plans for $17
million in Central Campus build-
ings within the next three to four
The largest is a $10 million den-1
tal school building, to be located
adjacently north and west of the
current facility. It will house ex-
panded teaching, research and of-
fice facilities of the school.
An 800-car parking structure
will be built near the new dental
school building, Pierpont added.
The $1.2 million structure will
serve dental school faculty, pa-I
tients and students as well as thoset
of other nearby buildings.
A $3.3 million library annex will
be built on the site of the West
Physics Bldg. connecting the Gen-t
eral and Undergraduate Libraries,
Pierpont announced. Preliminary1
planning for this library annex is
already underway, he added.
The fourth new Central Campus
building is the Institute for Social
Research Bldg. to be located on
Thompson St. Preliminary plans
are complete for the $2.5 millionI
structure and bids will be soughtc
next spring.c




Haber Warns
Of Growing
Cll eoe Load'
Taking office July 1, Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
sees the maintainance of educa-
tional quality against increasing
enrollment pressures as the main
challenge the college faces in the
next few years.
"This is not an easy task in a
world whichis increasingly re-
quired to deal with ever larger
numbers of people, machines and
ideas," he notes.
Dean, Haber explains that the
college, like the rest of American
higher education, is under pres-
sure from three sources-the in-
creasing number of high school
graduates, the relatively greater
capacity of American families to
finance the education of their
children and the growing demand
of employers for college graduates.
Growth Problem
He sees the proposed small resi-
dential colleges within the literary
college as a means of dealing "with
the problem of growth and would
make it possible for a larger num-
ber of students to take advantage
of high quality education without
engulfing the present structure of
the college."
The small residential college
will combine classroom and living
arrangements to give an inte-
grated curricular, extra-curricular
life. Classrooms will be located
within the residential units and
younger faculty members are ex-
pected to reside within the college.
Dean Haber stresses the neces-
sity of maintaining the human
side of the liberal arts. "Educauon1
must be preserved and strengthen-
ed. More attention should be focus-.
ed on training good and creative
teachers, who inspire the student
to explore the mysteries of both
our society and human relations,"
he declares.
"In a. time unequaled in the
history of the world for its chang-
ing patterns in all fields from
political science to economics,
only the broadly educated person
is in a position to adjust himself
to these changes."
Technological Revolution
He points to the technological
revolution and the current civil
rights on the domestic scene and
the rise of the underdeveloped na-
tions on the international scene
as examples of such change.
Dean Haber was selected last
May to fill the nearly year and a
half-vacant post. He had previous-
ly served as chairman of the
economics department.
An expert on labor economics,
Dean Haber has participated in
studies of Michigan's economy and
on national welfare studies.
Dean Haber replaces Roger W.
Heyns who moved to the newly-
created post of vice-president for
academic affairs in February, 1962. I

Oxford Rd. Housing To Open

-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
NEW RESIDENCE HALLS-Four hundred women students will be housed in new co-operatives,
suites and apartments located on Oxfqrd Rd. The co-op units will be named after the former Adelia
Cheever and Geddes League Houses, Pamela Noble and Julia Esther Emanuel, two women who
served University students. The suite buildings will honor Mary Allice and Lilliam Emma Roswarne
Goddard and the late Sen. and Mrs. Arthur Vandenburg. The apartment units will be named Lurel
Harper Seeley Hall formerly in Mary Markley Hall.
Two Groups SuyClee


Plan Backed
By Regents
Walkways, Complex
Designed To Beauti
Central Campus Are
National Concerns Editor
A green Central Campus, hig
lighted by building complexes a
lc:.a walkways, is envisioned inI
long-range Central Campus p0
approved by the Regents in It
The report, drawn up by a 16
architectural firm after cons
tation with University admin
trators, professors and students
designed as a general guide it
main campus expansion and be
Some ot the plan's main effe
upon students in the distant f
ture include the proposed bannj
of automobile traffic on stre
surrounding the main camp
limiting bicycles to the perimet
and functional arranging of hoi
ing and academic buildings alo
three major walkways.
Vice-President for Business a
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
vealed the campus plan to 10
civic leaders on July 29 after I
Regents' meeting on the 26
Public exhibits of drawings a
charts of the future Cent
Campus were held for three da
and may be repeated this fall
there is sufficient demand.
In his speech, Pierpont 91
lined five purposes of the repo
1) To analyze the physical chi
acteristics of Central Campus a
its potential for growth;
2) To provide for an prde
processes of growth, retaining I
pleasing characteristics of Ce
tral Campus and enhancing the
3) To minimize conflicts w:
the city that result from Unive
sity growth;
4) To set forth alternative pc
sibilities for growth; and
5) To serve as a framework
guideline for Central Cam
"Hopefully, the 'plan concel
offered in this report will provi
a lasting resource of stimulat.
and direction ?n the effective a
justment of campus plan~, a
educational goals," the plan sa
Walkways and integrated bul
ing complexesnare the main f
tures of the plan. "If exploit
a walkway with such proper dq
tination points along the way i
become a major stroke of ord
identity and vitality to an a
demic environment," the p
"These natural movements
students and faculty could be
more dominant force in the cc
cept of architecture, function a
physical order of the Cent:
The plan notes that the Cent
Campus is divided into a pent:
"quad" area and five sub-cam:
zones-entertainment, around 11
Aud. and the League; acadenr
around the Dental School Bld
North Hall and the Computi
Center; academic, aroundt
Physics-Astronomy and ast BK
gmneering Buildings; acadeni
around the Law Quadrangle; a
See CAMPUS, Page 7

Two high-level studies of Mich-
igan higher education will be
completed tnis fall.
A 13-man committee of Gov.
George Romney's "blue ribbon"
Citizen's Committee on Higher Ed-
ucation will submit in October an
interim report of its survey of the
state's colleges and universities to
Romney and the Legislature for
use in preparing next year's
Also, the Michigan Council of
State College Presidents and the
Michigan Co-ordinating Council
for Higher Education will release
its study of enrollment, faculty
and capital outlay needs for the
next five years in September.
'Crucial Years'
This study, begun in June will
center around "the crucial years"

of 1964-65, executive director of
both organizations Ira Polley ex-
The results may be used in pub-
lic presentations to inform the
state's citizenry of the needs of
higher education, Polley says.
Although the two co-ordinating
groups fully endorsed the work ot
the "blue ribbon" committee,
"they did not believe that pubic
policy decisions could be delayed
for the great period of time that
the committee would need to
handle the problem," Polley ex-
No Blunting
Polley denies that this study is
designed to head off or blunt the
work of the "blue ribbon" group.
The "blue ribbon" committee's

1fy f

nical observat~ory t~o concluct
-scale astrophysical and geo-
sical studies in the infrared
tion of the electromagnetic
:trum," IST acting-director
'. James T. Wilson of the geol-
department explained.
. Others Helpful
he Observatory will be operat-,
in co-operation with the Uni-
ities of Arizona and Hawaii.
stronomers at those two uni-
sities have made preliminary
lies for the Hawaii site and
luse the facilities once built.
he Defense. Department's Ad-
ed Research Projects Agency
give IST $4.35 million over
next three years for the proj-
ARPA will also spend more
n $500,000 for construction of
dings, dome foundations and
,rument pedestals.
he agency will spend $2.2 mil-
in the first year for building
developing the laboratory,
ect director Robert L. Boggess
.ST's infrared laboratory said.
opefully, construction will be
pleted within a year and the
rvatory be fully staffed with-
year and a half, he added.
he observatory will contain
60-inch reflector telescope and
48-inch ones. It will also house
ared sensing equipment and
Unified Look
he equipment wi, be designed
>rovide comprehensive, on-the-
Sinformation about missiles
satellites as they are being
,ked, Prof. Wilson said. It will
igged so that all equipment-
scopes, infrared detectors and
anted high-resolution cameras
,n focus in unison on a missile

Support Effort
By a vote of 347-61 with 20 ab-
stentions, the delegates approved
a resolution indicating t h a t
"USNSA strongly supports this
effort to center public attention
on the related problems of dis-
crimination and economic depri-
Passage came after a two-hour
floor battle in which all proposed
amendments met defeat. Most of
the defeated amendments were
designed to make the resolution
take a more militant stand in
See NSC, Page 2

Haun To Run 'U' Residences
As New Director of Housing
Eugene Haun, formerly associate dean of students at Cornell
University, was appointed director of University residences in late
Filling a year-long vacancy in the revised Office of Student
Affairs structure, Haun will direct the operations of the men's and
women's residence halls starting Aug. 1. He may also teach English
<aftr the firt trn~ if his nqA

interim study will be headed byI
Alvin Bentley, a former Owosso'
Congressman and chairman of the
constitutional convention's educa-
tion committee. He will be assisted
by 12 other members of the "blue
ribbon" group.
This task force will give the gov-
ernor and Legislature a report in
October and the full "blue ribbon"
committee another report next
Legislators are looking toward'
the "blue-ribbon" committee re-
port as a "master-plan" to guide
future higher education appro-
priations. With such a scheme,
they assert they can better bud-
get state education spending.
Final Report
The "blue ribbon" committee
time-table calls for its final report
on the needs, problems and co-
ordination of Michigan higher ed-
ucation to give to Romney in
September, 1964.
The 61-member committee has
only met four times since its for-
mation last April and has been
hamstrung by a lack of funds. In
late July, the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation granted the group
$50,000 to pay its expenses. While
a state-supported group, the com-
mittee has received no money
from the Legislature.
Full-Time Aide
"Blue ribbon" committee chair-
man Dan Karn says that the
money will be used to pay a full-
time staff director and enlist con-
sultant help.
ThP state's colleges and univer-
sities have pledged full co-opera-
tion with the "blue ribbon" group
and have promised staff and study

Help Insult Ann Arbor Garbage Cans

As a campus institution for 73 years now, The Michigan Daily
has woven its way into nearly every Ann Arbor heart.
Last spring, for example, the editors received (but blushingly did
not print) this missive which typifies the love and adoration held
for The Daily:
I consider this without a doubt the worst waste of eight dollars
I have ever committed.
I assure you I will never again make such a stupid blunder.
Thank you so much for the left-wing editoials and Herblock
'cartoons'--your prejudice (not bias) is very difficult to ascertain.
If fairness is ever instituted as a policy at your little propa-
ganda office, I will be most happy to subscribe once more.
Until then, I will not allow my garbage to be insulted.
Thank you,
G. Carpenter."
Naturally, we were overwhelmed by Mr. Carpenter's compli-
ments, and in his honor have posted the letter on the Editor's bulletin
board as a daily reminder.
However, since most of us graduate there is a 25 per cent yearly
turnover in personnel here at the propaganda office, and new blood
is needed to continue insulting the local trash receptacles.

ater Tie irs& year i ns v.
duties permit.
Mark G. Noffsinger, formerly
,o-ordinator of counseling was
appointed Haun's assistant.
Hale Resigns
John Hale, currently assistant
to the director of housing, re-
signed to become director of
housing at . the University of
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis told the Re-
gents that he had been searching
for more than a year "for the
right man to head the residence
halls. He has the balance between
a scholarly attitude and exper-
ience in personnel work."
Haun is a lecturer in English,
specializing in Restoration drama.
.Haun will deal only with resi-
dence halls, although the original
OSA organization scheme called
for one official to supervise all
No Preconceptions
"I am coming to this job with
no preconceived goals," Haun said.
"I want to make a study of the
residential situation at the Uni-
versity-this will take about a
year-and then think ahout goals."

President's Welcome

I extend a cordial welcome to
the students who are beginning
new programs of study at the
University of Michigan.
May I remind our freshmen
that since they are spending
four or more years at the Uni-
versity they proceed immediate-
ly to lay their academic foun-
dation soundly; that they ex-
plore all aspects of the Univer-
sity, curricular and extracur-
ricular; and that they take the
long look at what they expect
from life before deciding how
the University can best help
them reach their goals.
Best wishes for success and


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