THE MICHIGAN DAILY TREATMENT: SGC Picks )A Passes Irradiation Bill Committee College Roundup MICHIGI IMAS COPTI m of California at Los Angeles re- the onstruction and endowment Cn r lC Gamma rays from a cobalt60.ngforthe lsouceo ANGELES-The University Pen sylvania State University for So th r- souc terilze all he h find of a medical school, hospital and eat for insect con-b k t r d i h qualified Negro students to enroll research center. proved by the Food The wanthe rn be packed into By LOUISE LIND in graduate and professional mistration. schools. PALO ALTO-More than $90 PET ITIO1N d save lives and gaisct proo bas p r o t e c t i n In actions Wednesday night, At the start, the drive will con- million has been raised toward the whlatd s ivepted kaase t er insatny the n- Student Government Council ap- centrateon UCLA undergraduates, $100 million goal of Stanford Uni- hest .os infected. khaprabeeto pointed two student members to moving then to students in other versity's Plan of Action for a ;hea isipre.scs India alone, where No radioactivity remains in the its referral committee and ap- area schools and ultimately to Challenging Era program. united States wheathr-r d m n m n ghigh schools, junior colleges and Launched as a three-year drive wheat after a cobalt 60 treat- proved a otion recommending California state colleges, in April, 1961, the PACE program the wheatis ruin extensive experiment that the o niversiy President Harlan "For a variety of reasons, there received its incentive in a grant L A T Hatcher a method of selection of are disporportionately few Negroes of $25 million ,from the Ford LA STU 30 million tons of wards. the student member of the sesqui- in graduate study in the United Foundation. 30is llion on of 4 wardsn.States," Chancellor Franklin D. The program's funds will be is used anyway byW centennial committee. Murphy said in announcing the used to strengthen and expand 3d humans in In- By the FDA's order, wheat stores~ SGC President Thomas Brown drive. undergraduate and graduate edu- in the United States can also be also reported that letters recoin- di.cation and to provide needed Petitions available at stu tion Needs, irradiated. In the past, grain ele- mending six students qualified to PALO ALTO-Stanford Univer- buildings an dfacalities irradiation stems vators in the Southwest had been sit on the public discussion com- sity trustees recently reaffirmed MICHIGAN T at although chem- fumigated as often as three times mittee had been sent to Vice- the right of voluntary student H trols are usually a year at a cost of $50,000 per President for Academic Affairs tge rishtovolunr thar deontaMICHIGAN L he United States, treatment, in a'futile effort to Roger W. Heyns. public issues. countries such as " keep insects under control. This committee is charged with "Then pire t lere is a lack of PROF LLOYD E BROWNELL Prof. Brownell's plan for irra- studying the speaker program at maorestep olic'd inrepekinntsthea tate Views ds. PROF', LLOYD Ea aNE diation includes using three old the University and checking that majolities Aoydeaardrkaingbte [ndians don't want wh' lnWorld War II "liberty ships" as the program is a well-balanced voluntary student organizations AtiHydetP ark ,t until this same mobile irradiation plants. He says one, giving accurate and equal which are concerned with political DIAL 8-6416 t is approved for from the Millers' National Federa- that this number will be sufficient representation to speakers from and social action and with sec- (continued f the United States. tio nto Prof. Brownell requested to handle all wheat imported into all factions of public opinion. an and religousaffair, Dn Page to the FDA was further time for study of the pe- India. Each of these ships could Students Included of Students H. Donald Winbigler em by Prof. Lloyd tition. process up to 200 tons of wheat per It consists of. faculty and ad- said. Brook expressed concern with e engineering col- The MNF said that they had hour. the internal organization of SGC. REMARKABLY renone a former questions relating to "the effects Started Work ministration members. The stu Tallhe regulati cslscation e "The committees and related Brownell'sand of long-range storage of irradiat- Prof. Brownell started work on dent members are appointed by ds ns boards have not done the job they ITAL.. wetadteefcsoiraeditorial positions on public is- ogtt, esi."hsCucl.M a British nuclear ed wheat and the effects of irra- his idea of irradiation of wheat the administration from six SGC sues if the statements clearly do ought to," he said. "Thus Councl diation on nutritional value. more than 12 years ago. Over the nominees, not represent Stanford. hasbeen able to act on only one St Delay Produce Flour span of time between then and Council also moved to appoint * * issue at a time petition was sub- The latter also informed Prof. now, he has been sponsored by the two student members to the refer- RUTHERFORD - An award When asked what he thought ember, 1962. Al- Brownell that the members of the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Proj- ral committee for a one-year winning essay criticizing Fairleigh his role as an elected Council A was forced by MNF produce more than 90 per ect, which is a University effort term. Apointed were Kenneth Mc- Dickinson University and its stu- member would be in regard to the n on the bill with- cent of the United States flour to find peaceful uses for atomic Eldowney, Grad, and John Trost, dents, "Something Is Wrong," was recently-passed Ann Arbor fair requested an add- supply, seenergy, the Atomic Energy Com- Grad. taken out of 250-300 copies of the housing ordinance, Brook indicat- " for further ac- After exchanging several letters, mission, the Army, the Surgeon The referral committee, as set uiversity's 1963 yearbook by or-t had Prof. Brownell acquiesced to their General's Office and General up by the SGC Plan, is limited to .der of Dean of Admissions Sylvia give consideration to the docu- this year, a letter request, and consideration of the Foods Company, an advisory capacity. It consists Sammartine, according to the ment. " 120-page petition was put off by of members from the study, fac- director of the university's book- "Why not?" the constituent ask- HIlARIOUS the FDA until August of this year. c . *e ulty, almuni and administration stores. ed.ife The insect responsible for most ociety i icks bodies. "The omission of the article ap- "Because I've been busy run- fl j~lfl wheat destruction is the khapra , .1 Conditions To Convene , plied only to a small number of ning for SGC," Brook replied. beetle, which is, ironically, andige- iv [ uQe The committee convenes when- books bought specifically for high Smithson, who said he was "a ba SMASHER;- I ogora no " t Inia. thUkara' eever the vice-president for stu- school distribution, and could have little disillusioned" about Council, brilat almost In past yeas, the khapra beetle.adstre pitroforarsedhmlfotetw i- beyond praise has infested wheat fields in the The Gilbert and Sullivan So- dent affairs contemplates a veto given New Yorker k Woodruff. and Southwest United States. The Ag- ciety has announced a cast of 55 of ap SGC action r whenever institution.hThrough som nmixup, sueshe regards as pin one nn Alley of the riculture Department has spent for its production of "The Mika- four( or more members of the some of these books were dis- in the upcoming electionastudent ision Center will more than $6 million in unsdccess- do," to be presented Nov. 20-23 at committee believe that Council ac- tributed to students," Mrs. Sam- conduct and student-faculty gov- he Ny Oper fully trying to get rid'of the pest. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. tion would involve jurisdictional Mnartine, wife of University Presi- e indent.n d Therdealinmsuden-faclty Opera____n__ful__y__trying____t_ ezePrgra i Ston DoesHeain th cst il beFrd uesonbroeda iregularities dent Peter Sammarine, said. The__e__________instudent__faculty Fred or u* * * government is not immediately - Mature insects can be killed Rico in the role of the Mikado and UNIVERSITY PARK, Penn.-A attainable-and perhaps will not Shows at . gather still and with strong doses of insecticide, Henry Naasko,.'648M, and Robert It must meet once a semester. fund of $50 million from charit- be for some time," he said. 1:00-4:30 for a television but the effs remain in the wheat. Lew, Grad, alternating in the role Council's motion on the sesqui- able trusts has been allocated to Kramer added to his earlier re- pnd 8:00 Antarctica to be These eggs lie dormant in ship- of his son. centennial committee, the group marks by calling upon SC toD peration with the ment. But in India's sub-tropical The cast includes 52 others: established to observe the celebra- draw up a bill of rights for stu- DIAL 2-6264 ent. heat, they hatch quickly. John Allen, Grad James Wesley tion of the University's 150 an- Dom Lea es dents. When asked what should be HELLArtD VER Brown, Grad; rank Spotts, 65; on niversity, recommends that the "'icueinshabllorgt, POPULAR DEMAND Nelson, Dolores Noeske, '65SM; Sue C president serve as a studentl of rights, Morris, Grad SM; Kathy Kimmel, Grad the said that he "frankly" did notH Prices-This Attraction Only SM; Diane Magaw, '65SM; Lois Alt, member until spring, 1965P ese n as know, but would be willing to SATURDAY Matinees-$1.00 Grad SM; Judy Riecker, Grad SM; Appoint Student work with a committee appointed Eves.-&.Sun.-$1.25 Morningstar, Grad; Bob Allerton, Grad; At that time, the motion states Elizabeth Doman, assistant to to write such a document. L5-6290Paul Anderson, '64; Diane Beauchamp, that Council shall appoint a per- the director of student activities SGC elections, to be held next M-G-M PRESENTS Robert BeauchamprJudy Becker,'67; manent student member to the and organizations, yesterday an- Wednesday, will select eight can- - Stephen Blanding, Grad BAd; Bethi committee from the 1964-65 fresh nounced that she has resigned didates to fill the six full and rehmer, '65A&D; Lorenzo Camacho, man class and that this appoint- her post in the Office of Student two half-term seats on Council. ELIZABETH1 ;I[HA r66;B. Vicki Franks, '67; James Gal- ment shall continue for the dura- Affairs because of illness._S__ __ __! A braith, ' tion of the committee's existence. Her duties have been redistrib- e- Daniel Gicken, '67; 'Clara Good- The student member of the uted among Panhellenic Associa- nri eGrnrc'5haraa ilad6RG /ZTO rich, ami Halaby, '64P; Sara Hall, 1964-65 freshman class appointed tion Adviser Janet Miller, Michi-ONI TION U JOUROAN-ELSA MARTINELLI '65N; EdwardHaroutunian, '65; Jack to the committee would be charg- gan League Adviser Mrs. Robert iARe'I RUTHERFORD MA OIE SMITH auppla,"'6sM; Claudia Kesler, 67SM; ed with reporting to the SGC Clark and Mrs. Elizabeth Daven- NO I L. Richard LeSuur, '67M; Paula Levy, president at least once each semes- port, associate director of student M0 TAYLOR AND ORSON WELLEs Thomas McCarty, Grad; Robert Miller, ter. activities and organizations.TH DAOf 67NR; Ann Niitme, '66SM; Laurel Otte, Baha'i Student Group, Topic: "Proph-.WNNER , Marian Rosenfeld, '64; Barbara Ruben- ets," Oct. 4, 8 p.m., 500 E. William, Apt.CRd Th sdali, 67; MarJorie Schuman, '65; Kash- I3. 5 " ..A OER 10E TOy ima Shlgeo, Lisa Synder, '675M; Janet.***AARS -6--;-Jnet-----XStagner, Becky Staton, '64; Charles Congr. Disc. E & R Student Guild, PANAVISION' and MEROCOpR -Sutherland, '67; Gretchen VandenBout, ..t1IIIJam usDiscussion: "The Fair Housing Myth in how P at AV-0, 3:0 dE7OCA.M65SM Fred Webb, Grad; Joan Wester- Ann Arbor," Bereton Bissel, Oct. 4, 12 ows at 1:00, 3:00, 5i(O 7:00 9:10 P.M man, '64,; yMary Vereen, '67M, and Noon, 803 Monroe. __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ -_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mayno W iiliams, '66N.* * * Mayno_____________'66N________ Trumpeter Al Hirt and his sex- in Angell Hall will be open follow- Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Oct. 6, 2SARTING SUNDK tet will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. ing the lecture for telescopic ob- prme ackham Bldg., Huron St. En- EW CER ISEY M IN SLRE L Stoday in Hill Aud as this year's servations of Jupitor and Saturn.1 .7E TUE SCRE N TAKES A SNQC Varsity Night benefit, for the I Mich. Christian Fellowship, Oct. 4, 7:30 Marching Band. Sins 0f Models . . '. p.m., Union. Speaker: Rev. A. L. Hoks- ' IPWSWY JOAN bergen, "what Is Man?" SACK IBEER INRA R ,! ~~Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the * * *ma Arabic Literature * * * philosophy department will dis- Muslim Students Assoc., Election of THlE * CARET1 Haliim Baraket, Lebanese novel- cuss "Shortcomings of Sins of pem.,eutiv Committee, Oct. , 7:3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ist, will speak on "Trends in Mod- Models" in a psychology collo- ern Arabic Literature" at 8 p.m. quium at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud today in the East Conference Rm. B. of the Rackham Bldg.Highlights Birth Control ig.ts .LAT.EE. Birth Control Prof. Fred T. Haddock of the Mrs. Jane Browne, executive di- astronomy department will de- rector of the Chicago Planned scribe highlights of the recent for Season Subscto Parenthood League, will discuss URSI meeting in Toyko at an as- n the Illinois controversyover pub- tronomy colloquium at 4 p.m. to- || W yx < , licly-supported birth control pro- day in Rm. 807, Physics-Astron- grams at 8 p.m. today at the oiny Bldg. SATURDAY, OCT. 12 AT 8:30 P.M. en veCity Club, 130 War Exhibit . . HILL AUDITORIUM . The General Library is currently Flares, Tails, Lights . . exhibiting books on fortification TICKETS. $3.00-$2.25-$1.50s Prof. Donat G. Wentzel of the and siege warfare, chiefly from Ses Commence: Block-Mon, Oct. 7, 9-12 M. and 1-5 P.M. astronomy department will dis- the 16thand 17th centuries. The cuss' "Solar Flares, Comet Tails works are on display in the main General-Tues.-Sat., Oct. 812, 9-12 M. and 1-5 P.M. and Northern Lights" as the as- corridor. at Hill Auditorium Ticket Booth tronomy department holds a visit- The books are selected largely PONSORED Y NATIONAL HONORARY SOCIETY OF PERSHING RIFLES G or's night at 8 p.m. today in Rm. from the Stephen Spaulding col- 2003, AH. The student observatory lection. The MICHIGAN BANDS Present AL RTMUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING