HATCHER'S ADDRESS: OLD ADAGE See Editorial Page S1ir t1 Da3 itl FAIR Iligh-72 Low--44 Warming trend through Saturday Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXUV, No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1963 SEVEN CENTS b EIGHT CAI Brown In di _N r~ r Sees Possible Rift Over Tribunal GroUP Committee Might Want More Time To Make Formal Study of Plan By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Student Government Council President Thomas Brown, '66L, last night raised the possibility that faculty members of the Committee on Referral may have objections to parts of the SGC membership motion passed Wednesday night. According to the Council constitution, if the referral committee wishes more time to study or file formal objection to the motion, tit must request a stay of 14 days cates Faculty May Object to MVotio * * * * * * * * * * * * Kelley V01ds Rules Fair f on Anti-Bias Bills lousing PROF. RICHARD CUTLER ... no implication AMERICUS: Fechheimer Cites Jails By JOHN WEILER The jails in Americus, Ga., are "more like a prison of war than anywhere else in the United States," Fred Fechheimer, Grad, said last night in summing up his stay in Americus jails. Fechheimer, in speaking before the Student Nonviolent Co-ordin- ating Committee and Voice Polit- ical Party, described the five days he spent in jail there last summer on a charge of disturbing the peace and how people arrest- ed had suffered police brutality. Fechheimer, who was alone in his cell, described it as adequate. But .fhe cell that was next to him, which was theasame size as his, held 40-50 Negroes, he said. 'Like Dogs' "The Negroes were treated like dogs there," Fechheimer said of the'situation. The Negro cell had a pipe of running water that was the show- er and one toilet that worked only part of the time. While in jail, he was allowed to make two phone calls and at no time could 'he get out on bail. For two Aays the nature of his crime was not even told to him. The bail finally set was $200. "There was a very noticeable void in press coverage in both the radio and newspapers. The only thing I noticed was an article on Chicago racial unrest and a few inches on the Americus issue say- ing a few people had been arrest- ed," he said. Arrest 200 During his five-day stay in jail 200 people were arrested, the youngest being about nine years old. Fechheimer said he saw much violence by the Georgia police. "The police had no re- spect," Fechheimer concluded. "The FBI can find no brutal- ity in Americus because they are working with the local authori- ties," Fechheimer noted. The spirit of the Negroes both- ered the police, he said. The fact that SNCC workers swept their cells was unexplainable to the whites there. Strong Resentment I Fechheimer found a strong re- sentment toward the whites by the Negroes in Georgia. They tended not to trust even white SNCC workers who had been with them for almost a year. About the only thing good that, he saw has been done in Ameri- cus that the SNCC has advocated has been the integration of jail -cells., Fechheimer explained that Don Harris, Ralph Allen and John prdue .who were arrested in' by Tuesday. Referral committee chairman Prof. Joseph Rallenbach of the po- litical science department noted that his committee had discussed the motion yesterday but "would not take any official action at this point." Advisory Capacity The referral'- committee serves only in an advisor, capacity to the sole person vested veto authority over the motion, Vice-President for Student;Affairs James A. Lewis. Brown said that an official ob- jection may be raised because of the committee's concern "that Council would appoint someone be- sides a student to the membership tribunal." The motion specifies that the tribunal-which will hear and af- fix penalties for alleged discrimi- nation cases-must consist of at. least two student members. It does not specify who the chairman shall be. Question Right Faculty members on the refer- ral committee have in the recent past questioned Council's right under its constitution to appoint non-student members to Council committees, Brown explained. The Council constitution states that one of Council's function is to serve as an appointing body "for the selection of members of student committees." Prof. Kallenb ch noted that "there was some' question in our minds in regard to one point mentioned in the document." He did not specify which point it was. No Implication Prof. Richard L. Cutler of the psychology department and chair- man of the faculty Student Re- lations Committee said that it was his understanding "that the reso- lution which passed did not neces- sarily imply the appointment of a faculty member." He went on to say that the mo- tion "clearly did not imply the appointment of a faculty member as representative of the faculty." As to the question of Council's legality in appointing a faculty member to its tribunal, Brown said that precedent has set the constitution's interpretation to mean that students must do the appointing but do not necessarily have to be appointed. He explained that Lewis had participated in past discussions of the Council's legality in this matter and had not seemed op- posed to a possible Council ap- pointment of a faculty member to its tribunal. Lewis had not vetoed the motion as of publication time last night-some nine hours be- fore his deadline of 24 hours. The referral committee's appeal would extend Lewis' deadline to veto 14 days. NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Ministers Agree on Space Policy UNITED =NATIONS (A) - The big three foreign ministers wound up their New York talks last night announcing a policy agreement to ban nuclear weapons from outer Space. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk and British Foreign Secretary Lord Home made the announcement after a two-hour talk at headquarters of the British United Nations delega- tion. Gromkyo said he hoped that a conclusive agreement can be Keppel Sees Partnership An "emerging partnersilip" be- tween the federal government and America's colleges was noted yesterday by Francis Keppel, United States commissioner of education. Because "we have not achieved the degree of public concern pec- essary to the task facing higher education today and in the years ahead," the colleges and govern- ment mustwork together. "The federal government will help us to serve the national in- terest by assisting in those im- portant educational endeavors for which local, state or private sup- port is either lacking or is in- sufficient." Keppel did not talk about fed- eral control but did call for a "national sense of common pur- pose.". He issues aywarning that ex- treme diversity would weaken higher education but the trend now is the reverse of this. There is a growing. number of state co-ordinating bodies for higher education, Michigan being one of these. In addition Keppel predicted that "Congress will give the American people a major program in education" this year. Part of this program is the new medical facilities bill which pro- vides $175 million for construc- tion and loans to medical and dental students. Another bill which would pro- vide up to $400 million worth of college buildings , annually has passed in different forms both the House and the Senate. Although Keppel favors passage of the House bill he said that either would make a "good" bill. reached quickly and that he would confer with President, John F. Kennedy in Washington next Thursday. Continue Discussions Gromyko added that discussions on other disarmament matters will be continued. He declined to say where or-when. British spokesman Michael Ha- dow, in a statement on behalf of the three delegation, said: "The three foreign ministers continued their discussion of the questions which they have been pursuing. They concentrated on the possibilities of further move- ment in the field of disarmament. "Their discussions were not con- clusive, but it was agreed that dis- cussion on the matters should be continued through the various channels available. 'Near Future' "With regard to the question of nuclear weapons in orbit, it is clear from the statements of Gromyko and Kennedy in the General As- sembly that there is agreement on policy which it is hoped can be giv- en appropriate form in the near future." United States sources said it has not yet been decided exactly what form the declaration against or- biting nuclear weapons would take. At this point, they said, it looks as if there would be a formalized statement to which other nations could subscribe when they gain the technical ability to launch ob- jects into orbit around the earth. No Ratification In such a form the declaration presumably would not have to be submitted to the United States Senate for ratification as was the limited nuclear test ban treaty. The United States sources saw no problem in policing a declara- tion against orbiting atomic bombs comparable to that required for many other types of disarmament accords. They said the military sees no military value in having a nuclear weapon soaring about in space. Therefore the purpose of an orbit- ing mass destruction weapon would be primarily psychological- to threaten other nations-and to do this the nation violating the pledge would have to publicly an- nounce it, it was explained. No Place Set There was no definite agreement among the three foreign secretar- ies on where and when the further disarmament discussions should be undertaken, altnough it was gen- erally agreed that they would be continued at places such as the UN, the 18-nation Geneva Dis- armament Conference and through diplomatic channels. These subjects were discussed in this order last night, according to United States sources: orbiting of atomic weapons, a non-aggression pact, reduction of military budg- ets, observation posts, nuclear free zones, prevention of the spread of atomic weapons and nuclear weap- ons disarmament. Also both sides referred briefly to their familiar positions on the Berlin dispute. The United States also warner that adoption of Soviet amend ments to a proposed UN declara tion on racial discrimination migh bring a negative vote on the en tire declaration. Mrs. Jane Warner Dick, Unite States delegate in the social com mittee, said use of such words a "neo-fascist" suggested by the So viet Union brought propaganda in to the picture. She said also tha the United States could not ac cept an amendment declaring tha each case of racial discriminatioi is a threat to peace. ,DISCUSSION--Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko (left) of the Soviet Union and Secretary, of State Dean Rusk continued discus- sion yesterday of the proposed ban of nuclear weapons in outer space. Talks will probably continue at a later date. RACE ISSUE: Rejects Use of Army As Reform Instrument WASHINGTON ()-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara told senators yesterday there is no plan "to utilize military personnel as a method of social reform" to desegregate communities near mili- tary b'ases. But McNamara said if the efficiency of troops is affected by segre- gation, "I think we should work with the community involved." He said commanders have a responsibility to maintain combat readiness and effectiveness. The defense chief made the comments at a Senate 'hearing in response to questions by Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC) who protested that military com- manders had been directed by the Pentagon to force segregation. a'rk Changing Sentiment Thurmond told McNamara: "You want to be careful on this. In- stead of increasing combat effec- tiveness you are going to decrease it.. McNamara was before the Sen- ate Armed Services Committee to, { press for restoration of multi-mil- lion dol],ar cuts in a broad military housing 'program. But the secre- tary, just back from a special in- vestigation of the Viet I am tur- moil, was quizzed over a wide field of defense subjects. Criticizs Questionnaire Ordinanec Civil Rights Power Reserved for State d Decision Replies to Detroit Questio l- On Real Estate Sales Procedures t - By WILLIAM BENOIT d State Attorney General Frank J. Kelley nullified An - Arbor's fair'housing ordinance yesterday by ruling that citi LS do not have any legal power under Michigan's new CoI - stitution to pass ordinances relating to "the regulation an t protection oT civil rights." - All policing power in the area of civil rights is reserve t for the state by the new constitution," Kelley said. The ruling was made in response to a request from Re Michael J. O'Brien (D-Detroit). One Detroit group wants a "open occupancy" ordinance which would prohibit discrim- ination in real estate transactions or rentals. Seeks 'Rights' An opposing group seeks "prop- erty owner's rights" legislation which would ban interference with a "homeowner's right to dis- pose of his property in any way he sees fit." The Michigan Civil Rights Com- mission, created under the new constitution, will probably be granted power by the Legislature to make rulings on civil rights and conduct investigations which will have the effect of law, Kelley,, a Democrat, said. Although members of the com- mission have already been ap- pointed by Gov. George Romney, the new constitution cannot legal- ly do anything until Jan. 1, the date that Ann Arbor's fair hous- ing ordinance was scheduled to take effect. Still Have Power Kelley noted that cities still have the power to establish human relations commissions such as the one Ann, Arbor has had. ' Ordinances such as those creating a human relations com- mission which has as its primary purposes education, counseling and mediation are still within the authority of a city since they do not seek to create or enforce civil rights," Kelley noted. "Any attempt' by a city to en- force an anti-discrimination law in housing will strengthen dis- crimination in the white suburbs," Mayor Cecil O. Creal said. "Ever since the new constitution was proposed, I've felt that civil rights enforcement should be handled at the state level." 'Forward Step' Fourth Ward Republican Coun- cilman Wendell Hulcher said the ordinance was a "strong forward step and completely in support of the governor's contention that the new constitution is very strong on civil rights." - In contrast to Hulcher's view, Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- litical science department found Kelley's ruling "a bit amusing. "My understanding as a dele- gate to the constitutional con- vention was that the article in the new constitution creating a Civil Rights Commission does not pre-empt cities from acting in this field. Our whole purpose was to strengthen local government," he said. Prof. Albert H. Wheeler of the Medical School, a member of the Ann Arbor chapter of the Nation- al Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People, said, "In view of the NAACP position that the local ordinance is unjust and inadeuate, and that the council was insensitive to the basic prob- lems, we do not consider the pros- pect of the state Civil Rights Commission pre - empting civil, rights areas as a local setback." As a result of Kelley's action, the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Asso- ciation-Congress of Racial Equal- it : +nr 1th i ]nat hnn+f., o+f +h Group Hears Romney Plai By RAYMOND HOLTON special To The Daily YPSILANTI-Ypsilanti citizei last night questioned Gov. Geori Romney on his proposed fiscal r form program. About mid-way through his sta tour to explain his tax prograz the governor answered questio which dealt with his proposals reduce state property taxes 1 20 per cent, levy a statewide tN~ per cent personal income tax ai defer property taxes on seni citizens. Gov. Romney told the crowd over 500 that his plan to redu property taxes by 20 per cent a fered tax relief, but that "disti bution of the $93 million to loc units was a different question." This was his reply to those w] complained that certain "wealt ier" counties would receive ma state aid than other counties. Earlier yesterday, Gov. Romn appointed former Wayne Coun School Superintendent Char] Brake to study the school a problem which was also raised" House Speaker Allison Green (l Kingston). "While I do not take the po tion that my program cannot improved, let's not confuse t: school aid program with proper tax relief or tax reform." Green charged that Romne tax relief is "unfair" and su gested that the $93 million distributed on a per-pupil basi; Romney replied that if tl were the case, some school d' tricts would not get back the fi 20 per cent reduction while oth( would receive more than the per cent. At last night's meeting, t governor also said his personal i come tax proposal would be wit held from payroll checks, becaL "any other way would incres the cost of administrative pr cesses and enforcement." Another income tdx questi dealt with Romney's refusal approve of a possible referendt on the matter. "I know nothing the principles of representati government where citizens E asked to vote on issues which pE tain to legislative responsibilit He added that since the peol elected him and approved t constitution, there is no need i a referendum on the matt "When I campaigned I told t people that my fiscal reform pl would have to include a persor income tax." Romney also justified his def( ral proposal of $6 million in pi perty taxes on senior citizens. ' the object is to relieve sen' citizens and not their childrt then the proposal succeeds," s aid. COUNCIL ELECTION:. Students Stump, at HydeI By LOUISE LIND Five of the 12 candidates for Student Government Council yes- terday spoke on campaign issues at Hyde Park, a political forum held on the Diag and sponsored twice annually by the Michigan League. Barry Kramer, '65E, said, "I don't think The Daily should be represented on SGC, since The Daily is not representative of any- one." Countering Kramer's remarks was Robert Shenkin, '65, who not- ed that ex-officio representatives like The Daily editor and the presidents of the Michigan. Union and Michigan League should be maintained on Council. - -+-1-a - - --. I- Thurmond, a major general in the Army Reserve, brought up in- tegration in criticizing a question- naire sent by Asst. Secretary of Defense Norman S. Paul to all military commanders. It directs them to conduct an extensive "in- ventory" of their civilian sur- roundings for any traces of dis- _~miA- in- fni:-f +h ir +r -nn . .s.ss>' 'fi F ...