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October 02, 1963 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-02

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Big Ten Moves
lTakes Tentative Proposal
'o Cut Number Down to 70

To Cut Quota

on Athletic











By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - The Big Ten took
the first step toward tightening
control on the granting of athletic
scholarships yesterday by moving
to chop each school's limit of full
tenders from 80 to 70.
At a special meeting of the ath-
letic directors and faculty repre-
sentatives in Chicago, the confer-
ence took the action which will not
become binding until passed a sec-
ond time at the winter meetings in
The proposal not only limited
the number of tenders, but also
made further crackdowns on the
distribution of the tenders. The
limits which the proposal outlines
is a maximum of 30 tenders allo-
cated for football and no more
than five for basketball. The re-
maining 35 would go to the other
sports, although hockey, soccer,
lacrosse and crew are not included
in the outside limit of 70.
Michigan Backed
The action was presented to the
meeting by a special committee
headed by John Fuzak, faculty
representative f r o m Michigan
State, and is directly in keeping
with the general policy advocated
by Michigan athletic director H.
O. "Fritz" Crisler, his Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics and Michigan's faculty rep-
resentative to the Big Ten, Prof.
Marcus L. Plant of the Law
Crisler has stated, "I'd Just as
soon seehcollegeathletics con-
ducted on the proposition that
competitors be eligible only for
general aid given to other stu-
dents-on the basis of scholarship
and need." Crisler is well-aware of
the impracticality of this policy,
however yesterday's proposal is a
major step in that general direc-
A feature of the new Big Ten
policy is that a school is allowed
to bank its tenders in football and
basketball. For example, if Mich-
Error Gives
Iowa Break
CHICAGO (P)-Ike Armstrong,
supervisor of Big Ten football of-
ficials, said yesterday that he has
sent a letter to Washington State
Coach Jim Sutherland expressing
that the-lost down in Saturday's
game at Iowa was "a regrettable
The game ended in a 14-14 tie.
With 11 seconds remaining, Wash-
ington State quarterback Dave
Mathieson was thrown for a loss
trying to pass on third down. Iowa
end Lou Williams was then thumb-
ed from the field for slugging and
a 15-yard penalty put the ball on
the Iowa 25 with the clock stop-
ped with three seconds left.
Place-kicker Wayne Foster was
sent in by Sutherland to try for
a field goal. But Larry Thompson,
Washington State captain, said he
was told by referee Leonard Heinz
that the preceding play was fourth
down. The ball was given to Iowa.
Iowa Coach Jerry Burns said
films of the game showed that
"there was no doubt Washington
State was entitled to another
Freehan Goes
..outh To Play
Bill Freehan confirmed this week
that he expects to play winter
baseball this year instead of re-
turning to Michigan.
"Because of the new trimester
plan, I can't get into Michigan
this late," the Detroit Tiger
catcher said. "I have about a
year to go on my degree. I planned
to enter the service, but this is
changed. I'd like to play in Puerto

Rico, where there's more money,
but I'll probably wind up in Flor-
The Tigers operate the Dunedin
club in the Florida Instructional
League where they also plan to
send outfielder Willie Horton for
two months and try to make an
outfielder of former second base-
man Jake Wood.

igan were to award only 25 foot-
ball scholarships in 1964, the
school would be permitted to grant
35 tenders to prospective football
stars in 1965.
The limiting of tenders is noth-
ing new for the Big Ten. The orig-
inal outside figure set was 100 in
1957. Rising costs and faculty
pressure caused the figure to be
cut to 80 in 1960. The current cut-
down is a relative compromise
from the limit of 55 which was
the figure floating around prior
to the current meeting.
The reasons why many of the
Big Ten schools supported the
change are not entirely along the
same lines as those cited by Cris-
ler. The actual reasons fall to
Crisler's favorite expression: "sky-
rocketing costs" of sending so
many athletes through school.
This is contrary to the academic
and ideological reasons prevalent
at Michigan.
One further restriction specified
by the new policy has to do with
those athletes who compete in
football or basketball in addition
to some other sport. Any athlete
who receives a track or some other
tender and then plays football or
basketball will count toward the
quota in the sport he plays. This
restriction prevents schools from
exceeeding the limit on the so-
called major sports by carrying
athletes on- some' other team.

... backs aid cut

The United States Navy comes footbal
to town this Saturday afternoon- "one of
flying the "Jolly Roger." He's a i
Roger is short for Staubach, and anyplac
Jolly is short for Navy fans, who Navy
have watched Staubach quarter- fense t
back the Middies into the num- bach'sr
ber six team in the nation and the big end
most formidable threat along the flanker
East Coast this fall. their be
The 6'2" junior is a walking
superlative. Rght now he leads the
nation in total offense after two °
games with 482 yards-in which>
time he has completed 30 of 39
passes (that's a healthy 77 per
Last year Staubach (pronounc-
ed STAW-bock) was the country's-
most accurate passer; he fell short
of the Naval Academy record for _
total offense by only 117 yards,
and he played less than half as
much as George Welsh did when
Welsh set the record in 1955.
Greatest QB
Navy Coach Wayne Hardin says
Staubach "is destined to be the
greatest quarterback that has ever <_>
played for Navy. He's a deadly
passer and dangerous runner; he
never ceases to amaze even our
people who watch him every day."
Michigan end coach Jocko Nel-
son watched Staubach play when
Navy bounced West Virginia in the
season opener 51-7. "He's a great

1 player," was the report,
d the finest I've ever seen.
great runner and he passes
ce to anybody."
uses a split, wide open of-
o make best use of Stau-
magical talents. "They have
ds," says Nelson, "but their
s and Dick Earnest are
est receivers."

Rookie, Stars
In NL Debut
By The Associated Press
HOUSTON-Eighteen year. old
John Paciorek, who almost played
for Michigan made a smashing de-
but with .the Houston Colts Sun-
day wlacking three singles while
notching four runs batted in.
Paciorek was "All-State" in
baseball, basketball and football
while in high school at Ham-
tramck St. Ladislaus. Many col-
leges sought him, but he finally
signed a Michigan athletic tender.;

Earnest is second-string right
halfback behind Ed Orr, a 180-
pound junior who wasn't even list-
ed in the pre-season three-deep
Fast Backs
"The:other halfback, John Sai,
has excellent speed," reports Nel-
son. "And fullback Pat Donnelly
ranks as one of the finest fullbacks
in the East."
Donnelly only weighs 200
pounds, but the word from An-
napolis is that he "rams opposing
lines with the authority of a Na-
gurski." He's averaging better than
five yards a carry in two games
this fall, including four passes for
90 yards and one touchdown.
On Navy's forward wall Nelson
comments that "Navy will just
about equal Michigan's line for
size; their team speed is good."
The Midshipmen will weigh about
212 pounds a man on the line.
Jim Campbell (6'2" at 208
pounds) and Dave Sjuggerud (6'4"
weighing 212 pounds) both are
good, experienced ends; but the
major line strength wll be at the
tackles. Hardin calls right tackle
Jim Freeman (213 pounds) his
most outstanding lineman: "He's
quick, aggressive, and likes to hit
people." Dick Merritt (225 pounds)
was shifted from fullback to fill
the other tackle post.

Fred Marlin (194 pounds) and
Al Krekich (215 pounds) will prob-
ably get the nod at guard. Marlin
was Navy's leading individual
tackle last season, playing most of
the time as a linebacker.
As to how the Naval Academy'
rates defensively, the scores of
their first two games clearly in-
dicate. Not only did they hold
West Virginia to one touchdown,
but last week against William and
Mary kept their opponent from
even getting within sniffing dis-
tance of the goal line.
Nelson, witness to both these
one-sided contests, was impressed
by the Middies defensive show.
"Navy's defense hasn't even
been seriously threatened yet-
only those seven points have been
scored in two games. We'll just
have to wait and see," he said re-

fering to the Wolverines chances
of breaking the Navy defense.
* * *
ANNAPOLIS, Md. W)-Injuries
forced Navy to juggle its football
forces again yesterday.
End Doug McCarty, a member
of the third team, injured his
knee in Saturday's game with Wil-
liam and Mary and may not be
fit for this week's game with Mich-
Neil Henderson was moved
from fourth to third team to re-
place McCarty.
Earlier, an elbow injury to
guard Dave Gillespie ,led to Larry
Kocisko's promotion from the third
to second team, the switch of
John Connolly from center to
guard, and the elevation of Ed
Kristensen from the junior var-


Turns Navy into Grid Power


... superlative

Sooners Top Nation Again
After Southern Cal Upset

If you think Fu Man Chu is the epitomy of evil take a close look
at the games The Daily senior sports editors have picked for this
week's grid picks.
Pretty rotten, eh?
The editors spent weeks preparing for these games, especially
set up so that any long contemplation on the part of a prospective
entry would send that entry running down the street with the
As if things were not already bad enough they also cleverly in-
cluded the Michigan State-Southern California game which is being
played Friday night, thereby forcing entries to be in by midnight
Thursday instead of Friday.
(Trumpet Fanfare) Red blooded, clear minded and 100 per cent
American youth arise! Overthrow this diabolical plot to enslave
your minds.
The best system to thwartthe machiavellian plot of Dave Good
and company so far suggested is:
a) Make your best thought out picks.
b) Take the complete reverse of these choices.
By honestly following this scheme you will not only upset a new
threat to mankind, but as an extra bonus probably win two free
tickets to the Michigan Theatre, currently showing "The V.I.P.s."



NORMAN, Okla. (P)-The Okla-
homa Sooners, once again a fero-
cious band of football warriors
after seven years of relative mild-
ness, were named the nation's No.
1 team yesterday in The Associat-
ed Press poll.
The Sooners, ranked No. 3 last'
week by the AP's panel of sports
writers and broadcasters, leaped
to the top rung after defeating de-
Fencing Club
To Feature
Sword Show
An organizational meeting for

fending national champion South-
ern California 17-12 Saturday. The
Trojans dropped from first to
"It'shreal nice to be No. 1," said
243-pound tackle Ralph Neely. "I
hope we'll still be there after the
Texas game Saturday after next.i
It's not going to go to anybody's1
Halfback Lance Rentzel voiced
a similar view.
"This is what we worked so hard
for. But we realize we've got eight
more games to play. It's where you
end the season that counts."
The Sooners polled 36 of 53 first
place votes and compiled 495 points
based on 10 points for a first place
vote, nine for second, etc.
(On the United Press Interna-
tional football poll one brave soul
voted for Michigan.)
Team Pts.
1. Oklahoma 495
2. Alabama 402
3. Texas 365
4. Wisconsin 299
5. Northwestern 264
6. Navy 248
7. Georgia Tech 220
8. Southern California 163
9. Pittsburgh 114
10. Mississippi 45
(Others receiving votes, listed al-
phabetically: Air Force, Arkansas,
Army, Baylor, Duke, Michigan
State, Missouri,NNebraska, North
Carolina State, Notre Dame, Ohio
State, Oregon State, Penn State,
Rice, Texas Christian, Washington.)

1. Navy at MICHIGAN (Score)
2. Mich. St. at S. Cal (Fri. N)
3. Rice at Penn State
5. Northwestern at Illinois
4. California at Pittsburgh
6. Ohio State at Indiana
7. Army at Minnesota
8. Notre Dame at Purdue
9. Kentucky at Auburn
10. No. Carolina St. at Clemson

11. Maryland at Duke
12. Georgia Tech at LSU
13. Mississippi St. at Tennessee
14. Oregon at West Virginia
15. TCU at Arkansas
16. Texas A&M at Texas Tech
17. Baylor at Oregon State
18. UCLA at Stanford
19. Iowa at Washington
20. Kansas at Wyoming

-Associated Press
ACES HIGH IN THE SERIES-New York's Whitey Ford and Los Angeles' Sandy Koufax will op-
pose each other on the mound today in the opening game of the 1963 World Series. Last season
Ford had a 24-7 record, struck out 189, and had a 2.64 ERA; Koufax was 25-5, struck out 306, and
had a 1.88 ERA. Both are southpaws.
Kouf ax,_Ford Start Series

the University
ing Club will
October 3, ini
letic BuildingJ
the foil, epee
shown at the

of Michigan Fenc-
be held Thursday,
the Women's Ath-
from 7 p.m. to 10
of three weapons,
and sabre, will be
meeting.' It is not




NEW YORK (P)---Sandy Koufaxv
and Whitey Ford open the World
Series today at Yankee Stadium
in an eagerly-awaited duel of ace
left-handers that should set the
pattern for the best-of-seven set
between the Los Angeles Dodgers
and New York Yankees.
Despite Koufax' 25 victories for
the Dodgers and his National
League strikeout record of 306, the
Yanks are favored 6-5 in the open-
er and 7%-5 in the Series.
A weather forecast for a sunny,
pleasant day with the tempera-
ture in the mid-70s assures a
capacity crowd of 70,000-plus for
the opener of the Yanks' 28th
Series. The perennial American
League champions have a 20-7
record in Series play, and hold a
6-1 edge over their old neighbor-
hood rivals from the Subway
Series days.
In the opener it will be the
speed and firing power of 27-
year-old Koufax, a Brooklyn boy,
against the guile and cunning of
Ford, a 34-year-old New Yorker
whose 10-5 in 19 previous starts,
makes him the greatest winner in
Series history. In regular season
Whitey had a 24-7 record. Koufax
25 victories included 11 shutouts.
Game time is noon with radio
and television coverage.

Koufax shrugged off reports
that he had been suffering from
a slight cold in California and
said he was ready to go against
the Yanks. In all probability he
will pitch three times if the Series
goes the limit. Ron Perranoski,
the lefty relief stopper, also said
he had completely recovered from
a cold.
McMullen Doubtful
The one doubtful position in the
line-up of the two clubs was third
base for the Dodgers. Ken McMul-
len, a rookie recalled from Spo-
kane in late June, suffered a pull-
ed hamstring muscle in his right
leg last week. It bothered him
some during yesterday's workout
at the Stadium, and he appeared
an unlikely starter. McMullen
settled the Dodger infield after his
recall and the club played much
steadier ball. If he can not play,
Jim Gilliam probably will shift
from second to third and Dick

Tracewski, a fine fielder but
.226 hitter, will go to second.


Both Mickey Mantle and Roger1
Maris are ready to go for thet
Yanks. Mantle's left foot was
broken in Baltimore June 5 and1
he appeared in only 65 games.
However, he reports that he is
running at near top speed again
and has been playing recently.
Maris has been troubled by a
series of ailments, and played in
89 games. He was out recently
with a strained back and wears an
elastic bandage.
The Series is supposed to be a
pitching battle, emphasizing left-
handers in the first two games at
Yankee Stadium.

a requirement to have any ex-
perience to become a member of
this co-educational activity, nor
is any equipment needed.
The club would like to promote
fencing at Michigan to the rank
of a varsity sport, as has been
done in most other Big Ten
The Fencing Club is sponsored
by Miss Patricia Daugert and the
Women's Athletic Association.
Prof. William Bender is the fac-
ulty advisor. Any questions stu-
dents may have can be answered
by attending Thursday's meeting.
"Let us style a
to your individual needs."
- no appointments needed -
The Dascola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre


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