Sewnty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGEr -BT STDEs or- ThE UNrvE~srry Or MxCmAN UNDER AUtIOTrH Y OF BOARD M COWrMOL OF STUDENT PUWJCATOlW' Mere opinionsArePf STUDENT PUBucATroNS BLDG., ANN AROk, MiCH., Pmiom No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevaill ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: LOUISE LIND NATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS: Session 'Moderate but Not 'Rational' Clique of Campus Leaders Cause Student Apathy '1AMPUS LEADERS are more interested in maintaining themselves as a ruling ique than leading the student body. hey assume the role of guardian and lake all decisions in the students' name. his clique has chosen to hide the intri- acies of the University rather than ex- lain them. When the majority of the students has, o opportunity to examine the facts as ie leaders do-and when the leaders do ot present these facts to the student- is no wonder that the students are nable' to form opinions and act decisive- . Because the leaders have designated no >le to the students, they have in effect ade them apathetic. TUDENT GOVERNMENT Council can- didates do campaign at the quadran- es, dormitories, fraternities and sorori- es. But the elected SGC members, the 3mpus representatives, do not return to 3eak to the student body, to keep it in- >rmed. Once at the top of the power structure, ie leaders are so busy politicing that Zey no longer have the time or the ini- ative to find out the views of their con- ituents; it is much easier to label them apathetic. When SGC candidates cam- aign at student dvellings, no one shows ny interest or enthusiasm. This is prob- bly because after a day of classes, listen-' g to speeches at the evening meal is a. de interruption. Mealtime is not the our and dining rooms are not the place to nnounce platforms. It would be more eneficial to the aspirants and the stu- ents if informal gatlerings at the living darters could be used more frequently. 1AMPUS LEADERS have assumed that it is the responsibility of the student dy to keep informed. The Michigan aily provides good coverage of campus rents which are important to the major- y of t1ge student body. But what the ader finds out is as unsatisfactory and complete as the. city newspapers' cover- ge or a political science textbook on the merican governmental processes. It is npossible to know, how a country is run y reading its constitution and it is just s impossible to have an intelligent un- erstanding of the University by news-, aper coverage alone. Besides, this is one- ay communication; the student body ill is not heard. The same students who once sat in Hill ud. and raised their hands in response President Hatcher's queries as to how any were student leaders and valedic- rians, are now labeled as apathetic. Is possible that college pressures have changed the majority of these former high school leaders into non-caring, in- effectual students concerned only with academic achievement? These students have not been changed; they have just been pushed out by over-zealous leaders who have gotten their hands on the reins of power and intend to keep them there. LEADERSHIP of this campus .is seen as the privilege and duty of the heads of the major student organizations: The Daily, Interfraternity Council, Panhel-; lenic Association, the Union, the League and SGC. The. idea that only these people are competent enough to get anything of any significance done is insured by the leaders themselves. The student body has accepted this idea that leadership is a gift bestowed only on certain individuals. But leader- ship is not ascribed. Even accepting the fact that certain' qualities are necessary in a leader, it is still necessary to keep the students informed and to choose leaders from them and develop the po- tentialities of future leaders. Voice, to mention just one activity, is at a serious crossroad in its existence. It had strong, capable leaders in the past but they failed to perpetuate themselves because they did not train enough future leaders. Things must get done through other people; authority and responsibility must be delegated. As this semester is indicating, leaders do not exist forever. The leaders at this university have failed to train future leaders because they have excluded the majority of the students from any effective role. GIVE STUDENTS a more inclusive role and to discover future leaders, the present leadership must precede on the workable assumption that'leadership skill is possessed by many in varying de- grees and that many students; will prove effective if given the necessary tools. It is not idealistic to believe that on a cam- pus of this academic caliber, many lead- ers and informed students could exist. Give the student body the chance to be informed and they will no longer be apathetic. If the leaders continue to do every- thing themselves secretly, then the situa- tion will continue as it is with the organ- izations crying for iembers and leaders alike. Right now only ten students are running for SGC seats and there are eight vacancies. How long has it been since the leaders of this campus spoke with stu- dents-not only with other leaders? -JUDY LEPOFAKY Associate Business Manager By MARY BETH NORTON Daily Guest Writer LMOST EVERYONE admits that the 16th National Student Congress was quite different from preceeding ,Congresses, but dis- agreenent is rampant when it comes to discussing just why the 16th Congress did not fit into the usual mold. Liberals are apt to adhere to the "conspiracy theory"; i.e.. that the national officers had some sort of clandestine meeting in which they consciously decided to stiffle debate and controversy. Conservatives, on the other hand, look at th relatively moderate policies that came out of the plenary sessions and knowingly pronounce that a definite trend has begun. * * * PERHAPS my attitude is al- ready apparent; I agree with neither of these two positions. This congress was called "rational and moderate" by some phrase- maker in Bloomington. While I agree with the "moderate" portion of this description I am not quite so sure I would go along with. the term "rational." Approximate- ly 80 per cent of the delegates had never been to a congress before. Since this is an exceptionally high percentage, there is much truth in the assertion that confusion was the order of the day throughout the National Student Congress. It is practically impossible for a person at his first congress to. take an active role in the legisla- tive process or in the election of officers simply because a certain degree of USNSA experience is necessary before the dynamics of the NSC can be understood. However,/the delegates' inexper- ience could have been overcome if floor leadership had been strong. While some of thehblame for triv- ial debate can be laid to the singular ineptness of the plenary chairmey and to the poorly- drafted resolutions that came out of committee, most of it must fall upon the liberal and conservative leaders. * * * IN THE PAST liberals have been pre-eminent at the congress partly because of the excellence of their spokesmen. They have consistently provided the only ar- ticulate, well-organized debate of the congress. This year, however, to put it mildly, liberal leaders were disorganized, involved, trivial and completely unable to sense the tone of the congress. They adhered to origidly to strict ideological positions and were unwilling to play the very essential political roles necessary on the congress floor. The conservatives were no bet- ter. One of their spokesmen be- came the laughingstock of the congress; another arouned much antagonism by continual constitu- tional challenges that obstructed the business of the plenary; a third consistently introduced mo- tions that had absolutely no chance of passage. On the other hand, they were more willing to compromise than were the liberals, and this is per- haps one of the reasons why much of the legislation this year was relatively moderate. THE SPECIAL resolution on the Washington March provides an excellent example. Even though the liberal floor leader admitted that the version proposed by a seven-man, committee appointed by USNSA President Dennis Shaul "went farther than any other NSA legislation" in tying discrimina- tion with economic deprivation, most amendment attempts came from the liberal side. In the final vote on the measure (which at- tained an 81 per cent majority) many of the "nay" votes came from liberals and not from the conservatives who had in this case seen the value of compromise. If nothing else, the 16th con- gress demonstrates how difficult it is for an NSC to get much ac- complished without capable lead- ership outside of the national staff. * * * THE 16 CONGRESS was also notable because it did not have a single overriding issue. Past con- gresses may be "typed" fairly easily by reference to the resolu- tion that occupied most of the delegates' time: the 15th was "nu- clear testing"; the 14th "HUAC," etc. At the 16th there were several questions which had the potential to become this kind of major cTn- cern, but none did. Again, this loss of focus may partialy be attributed to the sin- gular lack of direction provided by the leaders of both the left and the right. In addition, however, Dropout the congress was preoccupied with structural reforms. Since 1959, USNSA has been operating under a "program vice- president" system, in which two national officers were elected with the specific purpose of travelling throughout the country helping different schools and regions with their programming problems. Since each man was supposed to cover half the country, the sys- tem was found to be unsatisfac- tory. The outgoing national staff therefore proposed a series of cor- rective reforms to the National posal and satisfied no one. As one officer remarked to me, "If someone asks me in twenty years, 'why did you do that?' I'll have to say, I just don't know.'" Under the compromise plan, which was approved by the ple- nary session, the regions are re- tained; the regional chairmen make up the Congress Steering Committee, and the National Supervisory Board is composed of 10 area - elected representatives, thus dividing the functions of the old National Executive Committee. There are indeed four areas but tional security and civil liberties. Delegates became involved in triv- ial amendment debate in several cases simply because they would not accept the usual NSA rhetoric on many issues. * * * DOES THIS CONGRESS, then, represent a trend? I would say no, although of course no one can tell for certain until after the 17th congress at Minneapolis next August. The 16th NS was not so much "rational and moderate" as it was confused and leaderless, but the very inexperience of this year's delegates means that there wil be large numbers of returnees next year. Botheconservative and liberal leaders recognize their failings, I believe, and will take steps next year to correct their mistakes. Most important of all, perhaps, is the fact that this year's dearth of well-qualified candidates for office will turn into a wealth of them next summer, since most of those approached about seeking office were between their junior and senior years and wanted to finish their undergraduate work before taking a year off. USNSA, THEREFORE, is not on the verge of a major change in emphasis. Its basic orientation re- mains liberal and concerned with the "student in the total com- munity"-not just the academic world of the .university. If this congress was one of transition, it was a transition from the exuber- ance ofo youthful zeal to the be- ginnings of a more balanced, more mature look at the student's role in all sectors of American society. Solitary HE MAIN AREA of difference between criticism and creation is that the critic stands on un- precedented territory, the poet on unprecedented life which he imag- inatively relates to the- past. But the deepest difference is that cri- ticism can be cooperative whereas poets are prisoners condemned to a life sentence of solitary confine- ment. The critic is, ideally, continually consciousof' .past tradition, and he applies this consciousness of the past, viewed as an organic whole, to individual works. Critics share a basis of discussion and of agree- ment with one another as a result of their having shared a con- sciousness of past works. For this reason criticism can become a co- operative undertaking, both in re- search and in the application of standards. * * * THERE CAN BE "movements" in criticism as new emphasis is put on selected works from the past to fulfill contemporary needs. All "movements," even when they are in art, are concerned with shifts in critical standards. There is no such thing as a genuine "movement" in poetry. There is only the influence of one poet, who can use a critical vocabulary to promote his views, on other poets. ... The essential fact about the poet is that he is alone with his experience. He relates the new to the precedented but he does so by instinct and intuition, not by es- tablished rule. If a poet writes an inage and then attempts to judge the truth of his own lines, he does so by asking himself, "Is this how I real- ly saw or experienced it?"... -Stephen Spender in The Saturday Review k 4e LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A Responsible SGC Can Delegate Power Behind The Side-ShOw of Sp!f tV, THIS TIRED CITY of frayed nerves is looking to the new Senate hearings nto organized crime as a welcome diver- ion." This observation of Detroit News Washington correspondent Tom Joyce has more than come true but at the public expense. These hearings, while filling the public need for the sensational, obscure hree important Congressional develop-, nents. The first, ironically enough, was point- d out by Teamster President James R. loffa. He warned that Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy was going to use the hearing to plug for new wiretapping powers. By .rousing public concern against "Cosa Nostra," which may or may not be as ex- ensive as claimed, Kennedy hopes to pass i wiretap bill, Hoffa claimed. So far, Kennedy has performed to Hof- a's prediction. His speech before the Mc- "lellan committee dealt at great length with the lurid operations of organized rime and emphasized that more generous viretapping laws are needed to "give up mportant and effective weapons against rganized crime." Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON, Editor DAVID MARCUS GERALD STORCH Editorial Director City Editor ARBARA LAZARUS.............Personnel Director HILIP SUTIN............National Concerns Editor IL EVANS....................Associate City Editor ARJORIE BRAHMS ...Associate Editoriai Director LORIA BOWLES................. Magasine Editor [ALINDA BERRY .............. Contributing Editor iAVE GOOD ............................ Sports Editor UIKE BLOCK................Associate Sports Editor IM BERGER .................. Associate Sports Editor 3O ZWINCK.............Contributing Sports Editor I li11C 11Cd! lilY NO HEED was given to the grave dangers to civil liberties in wiretapping and "strong procedural safeguards" are not delineated. The Valachi hearings obscure the choice the pubic must make between super-efficient law enforcement and legal telephone snooping of innocent persons unknowingly using tapped phones. Without the sensationalism of the Val- achi hearings, the public would probably choose privacy but a wave of lurid but questionably true stories may carry these civil liberties eroding wiretap proposals into law. THE CRIME HEARINGS also tend to ob- scure the slow pace of this year's Con- gress. Except for passing extensions of current laws, the nuclear test ban treaty To the Editor: STUDENT Government Council is not "unwilling to seek more authority or use the authority" it. already has. We are constantly seeking more authority over the governance of the students on this campus. However, we must, with intelligence, codify our present au- thority with proper policies and regulations to carry out our au- thority. Because of the importance of some matters, it becomes neces- sary to take things one at a time. It is much more difficult to undo shoddy, decisions than to do them right the first time. Hence, par- liamentary procedure is import- ant, though at times arduous. Thus, action of SGC seems slow. * * * MISS BRAHMS seems to wish to imply ineher editorial that SGC should get all the authority it can and keep it all for itself, that re- sponsibility is power. This isuan oligarchy with absolute and un- limited authority and power. SGC should not be such a body. Furthermore, to be responsible does not mean that one must have power. A body can be much more responsible if it knows what to do with its authority, whether to keep it'or delegate it. If autocratically retaining au- thority and power is to be a re- sponsible body, then everyone must admit that the Regents of the University as a body is ex- tremely irresponsible, for it holds all initial authority and power over the goverance of the Univer- sity : "The regents of the Univer- sity of Michigan ... shall consti- tute a body corporate known as the Regents of the University of Michigan." It has delegated much of its authority to others in the institution. Yet, I know that it is a very responsible body. * * * MY FINAL point is that I do not agree with Miss Brahms' con- tention that Ronald Wilton's mo- tion to give the judiciary powers to SGC is the best. One of the ba- sic concepts of American demo- cracy is the separation of powers. SGC is a legislative body. It should not have judiciary powers in addi- tion to its legislative ones, SGC was being quite proper in setting up an autonomous judiciary sys- tem to adjudicate the regulations it sets up. We do not need an oligarchy called SGC, which is what Wilton's motion would have us do. What we need is a responsible and intel- ligent SGC that knows when and urday -e again proved this title by booing the victories of several other Big Ten teams as they were announced over the public ad- dress system in our own stadium. Were we proud to say that we -are in a tough conference, and that we are glad to see our "fellow" Big Ten teams beat non-conference teams? I shall say we were not. We, in fact, booed their victories. One in particular was Michigan State's fine victory over North Carolina. Were we proud that an- other school in Michigan beat a North Carolina school? I shall have to say again we were not. We booed the hardest of all during that particular announcement. WHAT DO other Big Ten teams do in reversed situations? It is a fact that when our great rival (Michigan State) hears that we are winning, they cheer. Notice that I did not say boo or even act indifferent, but that I said cheer. And why shouldn't they cheer? Why shouldn't we? Someone might argue that it is only a few people or a minority that are committing this show of misconduct. This I can not deter- mine, but if it is only a few, these few are yelling loud enough to give the impression that they are a majority. We do not need such an impression. It could give this great school of ours a bad name. This Saturday let's hear some cheers-some loud ones. -James W. DeHaven, '66 Zip... To the Editor: MICHAEL HARRAH wrote a long, "impressive" (?) editor- ial denouncing zip codes and all number phone numbers. It is a shame that a University student is unable to remember his own phone number. Is this fella against progress? Our nation may aepend more on IBM machines now than ever be- fore. I see nothing wrong with it. The United States has millions of telephones in use and millions of people are mailing letters. The "numbers game" is increasing ef- ficiency. ONE IS NOW able to pick up his telephone and call any place in the country in as little time as it takes to dial the number. How long does it take to dial ten num- bers? Michael, if you can't remember your area code-write it down. It isn't too difficult to write 48104 Executive Committee for referral to the congress. The officers wish- ed to abolish the regional struc- ture as it now exists and to es- tablish an area organization in its place. The 22 inefficient re- gions would be combined into four hopefully more effective areas, each headed by a national officer called an area vice-presi- dent. In addition, certain new ex- perts in specific fields would be utilized by the national office in order to develop effective pro- grams. The NEC, then composed of re- gional chairmen, would be replac- ed by an area-based National Supervisory Board. *' * * IMMEDIATELY this eminently logical plan ran into opposition from three groups: 1) The regional chairmen who for selfish reasons did not want. to see their positions abolished; 2) The regional chairmen who had fairly well-organized pro- grams and wanted to continue them; and1 3) The delegates who opposed the whole idea of general pro- grammers and desired more spec- ialists in different fields, each of whom would travel for a short time during the year working only with those schools interested in their specific area of competence. These opposition forces soon coalesced around two key regions and forced the national officers to compromise to achieve even some of their goals. The plan which eventually came out of their delib- erations adopted part of each pro- only two area vice-presidents; and the national office is expanding its expert help. * * IT IS THE HOPE of last year's officers that this unwieldy struc- ture will prove unworkable within a few years and that their original proposal will eventually be ac- cepted. Thus attempts to restructure NSA met with the same' problems that beset those wishing $o see particular pieces of substantive legislation passed. Not only did a confused atmosphere pervade the congress, but also vested interests of various kinds were willing and able to oppose anything that might infringe upon their pre- rogatives. In his keynote address, Dennis Shaul called for a congress of "renewal." What he got was not that-he presided over a congress of inexperience, of sloppy wording, of inept leadership, of trivial and poor debate. HOWEVER, all is definitely not lost within USNSA; for although I have been concentrating on the faults of the congress there were very encouraging signs. Delegates were less ready to accept resolu- tions at face value; more than ever before they desired extensive factual background and logical, coherent bases on which to make their decisions. There was some excellent floor debate on the Washington March resolution, the civil defense mo- tion, and on some parts of the Basic Policy Declaration on na- I "It's An Entirely Different World -Like Birminghamn and aid to medical and Congress and especially1 accomplished little else. tional questions, such as a $10 billion tax cut, are dental schools, the Senate has Important na- civil rights and left hanging by 41 Congressmen unwilling to face these is- sues or determined to kill action on them by stalling. The crime hearings give Congress the appearance of doing something important when it is really not. They are sensational and easily catch the public eye, but whether they catch any criminals is an- other matter. The Associated Press has reported grumbling by law enforcement agencies that this public disclosure is hurting their operations and only driving organized crime underground. THE THIRD FUNCTION of the hearings is to hoop-la up the declining political fortunes of Sen. John McClellan, chairman of the investigating committee. McClellan has done rather badly in the interminable TFX fighter-bomber affair. The hearings on whether Boeing or General Dynamics should get the contract to build the plane A I I