1963 THEMICHIGANDAILY PAC Kennedy Puts Rigi Ahe d o T x L gi Democratic Leaders Urge Sale to R ussia WASHINGTON-Democratic congressional leaders urged Presi- dent John F. Kennedy yesterday to permit sale of United States wheat to Russia and its satellite nations, but the Chief Executive gave them no indication of his own view. This was reported to newsmen by Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota, assistant Senate Democratic leader, after the leaders' weekly White House breakfast gathering. "The consensus of leader- 4 HSenators Hit Tax Tactics KALAMAZOO (A)-State Sena- tor Clyde H. Geerlings, touting his own tax programs as an alterna- tive to Gov. George Romney's, ran into criticism by three fellow Re- publicans at a Sente Tax Com- mittee Hearing Monday night. Senator William L. G. Milliken (R-Traverse City), vice-chairman of the Tax Committee, was Geer- ling's main critic, accusing Geer- lings of using his position as com- mittee chairman to make speeches when he should have been solicit- ing facts from' persons who testi- fied. Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and Senator Garry E. Brown (R-Schooleraft) sied with Milliken against Geerlings. Milliken's wrath was triggered by Geerlings' questioning of wit, nesses, especially Dean Pridgeon of Montgomery. Pridgeon was one of 15 wit- nesses, 14 of whom approved Romney's program in principle, in- cluding a statewide income tax. w Early in the hearings, Geerlings slipped references to his own pro- gram with questions he fired at witnesses. Oship" at the meeting was in sup- port of the sale, reported Hum- phery, who said he was among' those who urged that Kennedy, give his approval. Hint from Russia But a hint that Russia may have bought enough wheat from Canada and Australia and does not need any United States grainj came in a speech by Soviet Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev pub- lished in Moscow yesterday. He said: "If we use bread economically, the resources we now have will be sufficient for the normal supply of the population." Khrushchev's remarks were the first official word in Moscow of the overseas wheat purchases to counter a Soviet failure. It did not rule out the possibility that the Russians might buy American .wheat to build up a reserve-or to win friends in the United States. Predicts President's Comment Humphrey said the President may decide within 72 hours, or by Friday, whether to lift the restric- tions against sale of wheat to Iron Curtain countries. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana told news- men that the possible wheat sale was discussed. But he said it could not be explored thoroughly because other topics consumed too much time. HUBERT HUMPHREY ... civil rights action BENEFITS.: Report Rise In School Aid Business contributions to col- leges and universities rose last year by $22,000,000 over 1960, and the companies increased their giv- ing from 0.28 per cent of income before taxes to 0.3 per cent, the New York Times reported yester- day. Citing a report from the Council for Financial Aid to Education, the Times noted that for the same years, educational institu- tions received a larger share of the business contribution dollar-38 per cent in 1962, compared with 35.6 per cent in 1960. Despite the increases, Holgar J. Johnson, president of the council, warned that the growth of volun- tary aid to education would have to increase in the near future. Businessmen Need New Trade Approach "lUMcNamara its BiI EndsStudy ,lationIn VJiet .Narn~ SAIGON (1-Secretary of De- fense Robert S. McNamara head- ed hbme last night with a report to President John F. Kennedy that I may set the course for United Humphrey States policy in the war on the Communist guerrillas in Viet Nam. sD anger "The report will give the Presi- Sees D adent our evaluation of counter- insurgency action against the Communist Viet Cong," McNamara In Filibuster said in a brief statement. (In Washington, the White House said Kennedy will meet MCCOrmaCk Says with McNamara and Gen. Maxwell1 Both Bills Must Pass D. Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, early this morn- WASHINGTON (A)-The Ken- ing.) . nedy administration appeared yes- McNamara's report also is ex- terday to have made a political pected to give his views of the decision to press for enactment of effect the crackdown on Buddhists civil rights legislation at the likely and students by Vietnamese Pres- cost of a delayed tax cut. ... Democratic ,leaders quoted Pres- 1. ident John F. Kennedy as tellingf them at a White House con- ference that he wants both bills " passed this year. But timing andN events work against any such ac- complishment in the three remain-h ing months of 1963. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota, assistant Senate Demo- cratic leader, made it clear at a subsequent news conference that if there is a collision between the two problems in the Senate, ac- tion on the House-passed $11- billion tax reduction will have to yield the mainline track to civil rights. Blunt Statement Humphrey was blunt in saying that politics would dictate action on the rights program before the year ends. "Nothing could be more injuri- ous to the Democratic Party than ROBERT S. McNAMARA to have a long filibuster on civil ... policy report rights next year," he said. "'Any- body who looks ahead to 1964 ident Ngo Dinh Diem's govern- surely wouldn't want to invite a ment has had on the long anti- battle over civil rights which guerrilla war supported by mil- would split the party apart a few lions of United States dollars and months before the Presidential 14,000 United Sttes military convention." training personnel. Conceding that a Southern fili- In his prepared statement, Mc- buster is inevitable, the Minneso- Namara said in visits to all four ta senator said lie believes the corps tactical zones in South Viet differences it might create this Nam he and other Washington of- fall could be ironed out by next ficials talked with several hun- summer. dred persons at all levels, includ- Retroactive Tax Cut ing Diem and members of his "Wounds have a way of heal- cabinet. ing," Humphrey observed. - IAs for tax reduction-which T Kennedy repeatedly has said is Labels AYO imperative to boost the economy- Humphrey said it could be made ' retroactive to Jan. 1, 1964, even if it is not finally enacted until early next year. The Subversive Activities Con- House Speaker John W. Mc- trol Board opened hearings in Cormack (D-Mass) and Senate New York Monday on the first Democratic Leader Mike Mans- petition initiated by Attorney Gen- field of Montana said after the eral Robert F. Kennedy to label White House meeting there is no an organization a "Communist valid reason why Congress should front," the New York Times re- not act on both bills in this ses- ported yesterday. sion. The proceeding was against the "No two programs are more es- Advance Youth Organization which sential to the well being of the the attorney general charged had nation," McCormack said. been set -up by the Communist At about the time McCormack party to promote its purposes and spoke, however, the Senate fi- to prepare candidates for party nance committee was smacking membership. down 11-4 an effort to speed up The petition listed six Advance Senate finance committee action Youth policies as identical to those on the tax reduction bill. of the party. vIfnthe petition is successful, Ad- ________________________ -vance will have to register its SW orld 7members with and report its fi- nances to the Attorney General. Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A Senate For- eign Relations Committee inves- tigation was ordered yesterday to determine whether any United States business interests were in- volved in the overthrow of Domin- ican Republic President Juan Bosch. Chairman J. William Ful- bright (D-Ark) directed the com- mittee staff to set up a briefing at the request of Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore). KARACHI-Pakistan yesterday signed a barter trade agreement_ with two more Communist coun- tries-Hungary and Czechoslovak- ia-to exchange trade with raw jute. WASHINGTON-House passage by 332-5 vote yesterday sent to President John F. Kennedy a pay raise for most of the 2.7 million men and women in the armed forces starting this month. The raises will go to all uniformed service personnel with more than two years service and will cost an estimated $1.2 billion a year. It is the first general military pay raise since 1958 and the biggest in his- tory. * * 4 NEW YORK-The stock market recovered yesterday from losses taken during the previous session with a day of lively trading. The Dow-Jones averages showed 30 in-" dustrials up 5.54, 20 railroads up .40, 15 utilities down .08, and 65 stocks up 1.24. VATICAN CITY ()-A decisive vote at the Vatican Ecumenical Council opened the way yesterday for a sweeping new Roman Cath- olic outlook toward Christian uni- ty. An official council theologian said a schema, or topic, approved in principle, contains modern theo- logical thinking that "all who are baptized and share a Christian faith belong somehow (to the one Church), in a mysterious way not yet fully understood." The schema is "De Ecclesia" (concerning the Church), a topic that explores the nature of the Roman Catholic Church. Voting Results More than 95 per cent of the 2,- 301 council fathers voting in St. Peter's Basilica approved the gen- eral outlines of the schema and authorized detailed discussion of its four chapters. Before the schema emerges from the*council in its final form, the document undoubtedly will be al- tered. It has now weathered its first test. An adverse vote might possibly have shelved it. "De Ecclesia" covers a wide range of ideas of what constitutes the Roman Catholic Church, who belongs to it and how they be- long. Aids Christian Unity The original document was thor- oughly revised during a nine- month recess after the council last fall felt it lacked an ecumenical AL HE and his Sextet T and pastoral spirit. Pope John XXIII agreed with the prevailing attitude that all the schemata should be phrased to help the Christian unity cause and reach the understanding of the average Catholic or be pastoral. Cardinals, archbishops and bish- ops who took the floor in the first days of the second session found that the revised schema generally lives up to the mandate of Pope John and his successor, Pope Paul VI. The Rev. Gregory Baum, Cana- dian Augustinian priest who is a leading Catholic ecumenist Christian unity expert, explain that "De Ecclesia" does more tx look at the roles of bishops a laymen within the C a t h o Church. Share in Papal Authority Parts of the schema outli how bishops share in papal auth ity, he added, but the schema self is more basic than that. "This is an important part modern (Catholic) theology wh sees the church as a myster said the Toronto Seminary p ;fessor. Friday, October 4, Hill Auditorium TICKETS NOW ON SALE Prices $2.50, 2.00, 1.50 Hill Auditorium Box Office open 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. SPONSORED BY THE MICHIGAN BANDS ECUMENICAL CO UNCIL: Schema Cites Christian Unity SOUND CENTER 309 S. STATE ST. GIANT Pre-Christmas RECORD SALE! U, ONE MORE TIME EVERY L.P. IN OUR STOCK 1.98... .99 2.98 1.49 3.98 .. 1.99 4.98.. 2.49 5.98 . . 2.99 50% OFF By DARDEN CHAMBLISS Associated Press Business News Writer NEW YORK-America could do a lot more business in foreign lands if she'd really go after it. That's the consensus of busi- nessmen in foreign capitals asked by Associated Press bureaus to comment on how good a job United States firms do at export- ing. } They said that too few Ameri- can salesmen know their way around foreign markets and too few companies adapt to foreign needs. Avoid Errors But the American companies that avoid these errors are very successful, showing it's merely a matter of taking the trouble, these foreign buyers say. Their Judgment carries special significance in a day when the United States government is look- ing to higher exports as an aid to two problems: a balance of pay- ments deficit and persistafit un- employment. A special meeting on these questions now is under way in Washington. American packaging, advertis- ing, product quality and, in some areas, follow-up service is rated highly by many foreign buyers. Many Complaints But many complaints also are heard. A salesman asked the Amerlcan embassy in Paris to line up inter- views for him, then ignored all appointments that hadn't been arranged conveniently or the hotel where he was staying. A Venezuelan firm inquired about auto parts and all it re- ceived, months later, was a thick catalogue, in English, quoting dol- lars. Few Replies A Buenos Aires firm asked 29 United States companies to quote on delivering 500 pounds of sugar a month and got only one reply. The ratings United States sales- men receive abroad vary according to geography (a Colombian banker U' says: "They have about as much of the market as there is to get") and product categories (excellent in industrial goods, weak in con- sumer goods, says a Stockholm reporter). Also, judgments expressed by foreign businessmen make it clear a lot depends on the company. Need Attention From Britain comes the com- plaint, "a lot of American com- panies want export orders but export is handled by the (com- pany) president as a spare-time job-and I mean a spare-time job. it makes it difficult to get atten- tion."r In Paris, the United States com- mercial counselor says "Too few manufacturers know the well- traveled commercial paths of ex- port-minded Europe. They are babes in the~ woods." And :n Frankfort, a banker comments, "I sometimes have the impression that American sales- men when they get here don't know what they want. They come looking for information they could get at home." Small Town In India, complaints are heard that American salesmen aren't as willing as their competitors to leave the air-conditioned big city hotels to go to the small industrial town. Then there are the special prob- .ems of language and pne, both troublesome yet not as bad as one might think. There are many tales of sales literature incomprehensible to a foreign buyer, of technical cata- logues requiring tedicus translat- ing, of salesmen who offend with their disregard for thei cus- tomer's tongue. No Barrier Yet, thanks largely to the British empire, English seems to be the world's business language. The only ,language complaint raised by a man in Lagos, was that quotations were in dollars rather than English pounds. Most foreign businessmen seemed to agree with the German banker who ,aid "It's nice if the Ameri- cans speak our language, but not necessary." Price difficulties are illustrated by this comment from Jaime Souza, owner of a Mexico City discount department store. "An American company wined me and dined me and showed me a ma- chine costing $10,000," he said. "Then a European salesman showed me a machine that would do the same thing for $1,500. "I understand perfectly the rea-; son for American prices," he added. "But that doesn't mean I'm willing to pay them." Home Office American salesmen have pushed their home offices to cut costs be-' cause of this tough competition.' On many items, American advan- tages of better trained workers, getter machines and cheaper raw materials make it possible to off- set lower foreign wage rates. Growing inflation abroad appears to be aiding in this task, also. "Made in USA" prestige helps a lot. A civil engineer with the Colom- bit public works department said "evern if an American tractor costs .5 per cent more than a European one, I'll buy it because I know it's good and I know the company is good." A complaint widely heard is that American firms aren't geared for foreign markets. Quick Change The import manager of a Ger- man department store chain said, American firms change styles too often and discontinue lines too quickly. Europeans don't like to be told something is not being made anymore." A Danish buyer said in Copen- hagen that United States firms "often want to use traditional American outlets like chain stores,. without realizing that the chain store system is not nearly so well developed here. "The Americans over-estimate our marketing arrangements. They think we are more advanced than we actually are." U.S. Aid Eventually An American official in Argen- tina said that where the American; Export-Import bank won't guar- antee a loan for a project because of political unrest, a European firm steps in with attractive terms and gets the sale. "It doesn't need the guarantee because it knows that sooner or later the United States will help Argentina with it balance of pay- ments," he said. CHRISTMAS FLIG TtoERP to EUROPE ROUND 'TRIP - $33900 December\22-New YorktoParis Janary1--Paris to New York FORl ALL: Call: NO 5-8394 or NO 8-7720 STUDENTS Or write: MR. K LA US H ANS MR. JOHN SHURMAN FACULTY 820 McKinley, Apt. 3 EMPLOYEES Ann Arbor, Michigan ? SPECIAL PURCHASE! fashion's sportive pile-lined SHOE BOOTS 8.9 8 above-ankle boot 10.98 mid-calf boot 12.98 below-knee boot :y x :; :}t ':;: . ," M -w, 4:;;w .r vvy t{.' .:;,+ ;, .Xf a i ' " , .}, *.* s' *.k \,T:;:"},}. . r. . . . . } t r" f -" . . Fn"i. ""... I N <, .....,"f.."5 .,.-.........ol . . 4: a.;; :F . ..,. t.... a?.a .a':s. .}is. . I," =t 5 Now Let's Beat Navy! In the meantime corne in and browse. $:a'x<-, hilt _ . k'J:'rr: _}:fi } ti. '$ '? *: :' { Y '.,iS :iF .: :Y::{ : "5} r Vi i;!' r "" , V p f :' S:Sk Exceptional pre-winter boot buy, doubly important now that the country-in-town nonchalant look is so fashion newt Select your style from a group of acrylic pile-lined brass wax leather boots, treated for snow and slush resistance. A. Slipon jodphur boot with instep stitching. 8.98. B. Side-laced , a t " t I r t - . A -- - 1 s t 2 1 1 1 1 n n!1 1.