THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MTCJTIAN WAtTY W'rruIa X Ia uuwq . DBZU. 31, 1963 I RTEENTH BIRTHDAY: ed China Claims Advance in Agriculture CO OP)--On the eve of its thday, Red China assert- rday it has overcome three{ calamity on the farm and n duction is rising. bry was also pictured as ex- 'g Rights Commission Hit b Southern Foes (Continued from Page 3)P GIRLS: WE WANT YOU!! LEAGUE DANCE LESSONS TONIGHT 7:00 P.M. LEAGUE BALLROOM $4.00 i official statement by Radio ng seemed to be saying that China is doing all right des- ts quarrel with Moscow, which cost important Soviet aid ed for the tattered Chinese Homy. Moves Vindicated e official New China News cy anniversary statement said Tse-Tung's much criticized at leap forward" and the farm nunes had been vindicated. vier Nikita S. Khrushchev as- di the ,communes as a futile npt to accomplish Commu- i at one bound. .11 round improvement in Chi- national economy is now tak- place," Peking said. "The dif- ties arising out of serious nat- calamities in three successive s (1959-1961) have been over- a agriculture, the foundation e national economy, the out- of grain, cotton and many industrial crops this year is er than last year in varying ees. Industrial production has nued to expand. Market sup- have improved greatly. The GOING WELL-Mao Tse-Tung's farm communes, once assailed by Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev as a futile attempt, have overcome three years of poor production and are now firmly- established, according to the official New China News. Travelers through Red China have estab- lished that production has indeed risen in recent months. state financial and foreign trade plans have been successfully ful- filled." Claims Confirmed These claims appear to be con- firmed in part by reports of tray- Peking May Call Talks On Rift, Economic is HONG KONG -- Communist China is believed to be preparing a conference of the Communist par- ty leadership to consider the set- backs. in the ideological rift with the Soviet Union and the deepen- ing economic and political chal- lenges at home, the New York Times reported yesterday. There are reports that Peking's domestic problems have been in- tensified by another disappointing harvest. Observers have noted an un- usual concentrationnof high-level. party figures in Peking over the last three months. In the past, such gatherings have culminated in formal meetings to consider some crisis. Previous Crises For examplea move against "rightist opportunists" and the dismissal of Marshal Peng Teh- huai as minister of defense fol- lowed the eighth party plenum in 1959; the shift to agriculture from industry came after the ninth plenum in January, 1961; and the campaign against "modern revi- sionism" which has culminated in the bitter dispute with Moscow, began in the 10th plenum in 1962. Communist China's economic and political difficulties today are believed to be atIeast as severe on those occasions. Among the guests listed at a re- cent banquet in Peking for Dipa Nusantara Aidit, head of the In- donesian Conmunist party, experts in Hong Kong identified five of the six regional chiefs of the Communist party and they believe that the sixth also may have been present. Such a gathering of Chinese leaders had not occurred since just before the 1962 plenary session was held to define a strug- gle against "capitalist tendencies" in the Chinese society. to deteriorate and has attributed the present serious plight of the Chinese Communist economy to Soviet "betrayals." Agitation Supported against Moscow only by the Albanian and North Ko- rean governments, Peking has turned to anti-white racist agita- tion in an attempt to strengthen its position in former colonial ter- ritories. The Chinese are emphasizing that the Russians are white and portray them as among the op- pressors of the colored peoples in Asia. Many anti-Russian stories arex being circulated in China. One such story describes a Russian walking the streets of Shanghai in the rain with two Chinese serv- ants holding umbrellas "in the fin- est colonial tradition." The anti-Russian propaganda is reported to have led many Chinese to question the asserted infalli- bility of their leaders who before had unanimously p r o c l a i m e d friendly solidarity with the Soviet Union. Trade Overtures Peking's overtures for trade with Western nations and pro-Western Japan are being compared with its dictum in 1958 that "trade and politics are inseparable"-a policy that led to the severance of all commercial relations with Japan. The Chinese retreat from strict adherence to political considera- tions in signing foreign trade con- tracts has become obvious in deal- ings with Japan. Peking's recent purchases there have been from large, conservative Japanese con- cerns, to the distress of small, left- ist oriented companies that had formerly enjoyed a monopoly in trade with the Chinese Commu- nists. These developments have con- fronted millions of minor offi- cials, managers and other func- tionaries, who are the link be- tween the Communist party and the masses, with questions they have found difficult to answer. According to reports reaching here, the officials have been receiving intensive instructions in how to explain such apparent contradic- tions in the evolution of Peking's policies. Anna Louise Strong, the Ameri- can writer who has been close to the Communists in Peking for many years, has written in the lat- est issue of the English-language journal Peking Review that "learn- ing from mistakes is a universal practice now" in China. elers from the mainland. Though no figures have get been released, the 1963 grain harvest is expected to total about 185 million tons, a good, though not a bumper year. This would equal the 1957 harvest as reported by Peking. Red China reported a bumper crop of 270 mil- lion tons of grain in 1959 but Western farm specialists discount- ed the figure because Red China then was admitting flood. and drought were causing grave crop losses. "The areas sown to grain, cot- ton and other industrial crops were all larger this year than last," Peking said. "Although some areas were affected by serious floods and drought, the total national grain output this year is expected to be bigger than last." The national cotton output is, likely to be 20 per cent higher than last year, Peking reported. Cotton has lagged behind other industrial crops. Modify Communes Peking indicated that the rural communes, the ambitious attempt to bring China's 500 million peas- ants into big farm units under rig- id state control, still are under- going changes since they were de- centralized three years ago. "Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist party, the sys- tem of the people's communes, after improvements and strength- ening in past years, has been fur- ther improved, while at the same time their production had been rising constantly and the advan- tages of communes have increas- ingly made themselves felt," the statement said. If the report is true, the hand of Mao may be strengthened in his clash with Khrushchev over the road communism should take to world dominion. Had China continued to experi- ence the bad times of the 1959-61 period, it is likely that he would have been more eager for com- promise. The present signs of eco- nomic recovery, though modest, could well spur him to new excess- es.: Remarkable Increases "The supply of commodities has increased remarkably," Peking said. "There is an ample supply of consumer goods, pork, poultry, eggs, fruit and vegetables on the market." Thereport saidpersonal bank savings in Chinese cities have shown an upward trend this year. Mao launched his great leap for- ward program for industrialization largely on the strength of savings. The report made no mention of the virtual disappearance of So- viet aid and trade since 1960, in- cluding help in building new in- dustrial plants. But it said that hundreds of big and medium-sized capital construction projects are under way this year for coal min- ing, metal mining, lumbering, chemical fertilizer and oil indus- tries. Pro-Soviet local regimes ruled in Sinkiang until the start of World War II and the new Chinese Communist regime was forced to recognize "special interests" of the Russians in the uranium-rich province when it came to power in 1949. These interests included joint Soviet-Chinese oil and mineral exploitation companies in Sink- iang. These companies, which the Russians had the majority voice, were dissolved in 1955. nation could drive Negroes and whites farther apart and leave a legacy of hate, fear and mistrust." In Birmingham, two white men were held in jail without charge in connection with unspecified bombings in the city where a church blast two weeks ago killed' four Negro girls. Whether charges would be plac- ed against the men, State Safety Director Col. Albert J. Lingo would not say. His agents made the ar- rests Sunday night to the surprise of local authorities. "We're not through yet," said Lingo, personally directing a state investigation independent of local and federal officers who launched# an intensive probe after the Sept. 15 bombing. The men were identified by Lin- go as R. E. Chambliss and Charles. Cagle. Both men have been active in anti-integration activities. Meanwhile, in Cambridge, Md., a tense campaign ended in surface quiet on the eve of Cambridge's referendum on a public accommo-I dations amendment to the cityI charter.- Vote Voters will decide today wheth- er racial discrimination will be banned in the restaurants, inns and hotels of the city. National Guard and state police officials held last-minute huddles on their strategy for keeping the peace in the racially scarred com- munity. Except for four days in July, guardsmen have occupied Cambridge since June 14. Record Turnout' City officials, predicting a rec- ord turnout of the 5,282 registered voters, expressed confid'ence that the amendment will pass. "The only question is by what margin," declared City Attorney C. Awdry Thompson. "We need a big one to improve our national image." Mayor Calvin W. Mowbray, in late television appearances, em- phasized this and the economic issue. He said defeat of the amendment would mean continued loss of new industry for the city and kill its chances of becoming the site of a new University of Maryland branch. Optimism also flowed from the camp of opponents of the amend- ments. William L. Wise, an oil distributor heading the Dorchest- er Businessmen's and Citizens' Association, predicted a 2-1 re- jection. The issue, as he described it in a letter to registered voters, is whether public officials can de- prive residents of the right totuse their business property as they see fit. Pointing an accusing finger at the Kennedy administration, Wise said not other community had been called upon to make such a decision. In New York, National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Col- ored People Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins challenged Governors Ross Barnett of Mississippi and George Wallace of Alabama to open their respective state univer- sities to advocates of integration. In a telegram sent to both men, Wilkins pointed out that the NAACP had no objection to Wal- lace and Barnett speaking at Northern campuses. RacomIn RIa sY C I Um : I NUWy NEW 19" G.E. PORTABLES only $1000 per month THE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN Satisfaction guaranteed Free installation Free delivery and service NTE JAC NO 8-6007 '409 THE NEWS IS OUT... With an Ann Arbor Bank Special- check Account, checks cost just 1Oc each at the time they're used -there's no minimum balance re- quired either! Why don't you do as thousands of other University peo- ple do . . . pay your bijlls with Ann Arbor Bank Specialchecks? ANN ARBOR BANI SEVEN OFFICES TO SERVE YOU. Main Street Huron / East Liberty Street Office / Packard-Broc man Office / South University Office f Plymouth Ro Oice j Whitmore lake Office / Dexter Office S ck. adt r RENT A TV THIS SEMESTER V^l Ire Kl ^%Al I n I Rest easy, knowing that in the morning you'll U U We all make mistakes... 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