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September 29, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-29

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bet *Opinio A "* STUDNTr PuwicA&ioxs BL., Ai Ai Rso., M Cq., Pjowz wo 2-3241
Truth Will prong"'
litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Book Store Practices

AY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1963


GOP Must Plan Ahead

For The Lean Years

John F. Kennedy will be returned to office
i next year's election regardless of who is his
epublican opponent.
Up until now, the President has fulfilled all
e classical requirements necessary for re-
ection in this country since the beginning of
e twentieth century. He has kept usout of
ny major war abroad, retained the status
io in foreign relations, avoided any serious
onomic recessions at home and maintained
s personal popularity with the voters..
tEPUBLICANS. should therefore look for-
ward beyond 1964, assuming that their pres-
ential campaign in that year will be a lost
use. They should consider their strategy for
ie congressional campaigns of 1964 and 1966,
id attempt to formulate the strongest possi-
e front for the years during which they will
idoubtedly be the minority party in Washing-
Furthermore, the Republicans should strive
accomplish what will be their foremost task
iring their forthcoming lean years, that is,
aintain party solidarity and morale.
If the GOP falls in the wake of a Kennedy
ndslide next year; if the party, following
feat, turns into a group of disorganized fac-
ons; or if, following 1964, they fail to pro-
ice a strong leader of national prominence,
en in 1968 the Republicans will find them-
Ives in a graver position than they are at the
'HE OBVIOUS and easiest method for pre-
venting these "if's" from occurring is to
eect wisely the GOP presidential candidate for
xt year. The man Republicans choose, al-
ough predestined for defeat, must be able
accomplish several things in the process.
He must be able to put up a good showing at
e polls; by forestalling a large Kennedy plur-
ity, the GOP candidate will help eliminate a
irit of hopelessness in the party ranks. This
an absolutely necessary foundation upon
hich Republican designs for the future must
Secondly, the GOP nominee must be per-
nally strong in defeat. If he collapses poli-
:ally following the election, as Richard Nixon
d in 1960, he will keynote the complete let-
wn of the party.-
'HE REPUBLICAN candidate must retain
control of the party after the election defeat
d continue to do so until another strong
,der rises to take his place. A leaderless
,rty is a weak party as exemplified, by to-
,y's Republicans.

Following his misfortunes on election day,
the GOP nominee must continue to lead the
whole party and not just the liberal or the
conservative factions within it. If it is to have
a future, the Republican Party must remain
united, and any tendencies towards factional-
ism by its leader would be detrimental to the
whole cause.
THE MEN being presently considered for
the Republican nomination next year, none
can adequately meet the necessary requirements
of the party.
Sen. Barry Goldwater would draw the great-
est support at the polls, and would probably
run a closer race with Kennedy than most ob-
servers now speculate. However, in other re-
spects, Goldwater is unsatisfactory.
He appears to be a conservative first and a
Republican second. Following his defeat he
would probably withdraw to the confines of his
conservative cult and lose communication with
the more liberal elements of the GOP. This
would be disastrous to the party because Gold-
water would not only fail to keep all Republi-
cans together under one banner, but his influ-
ence among the conservatives would make it
very difficult for anyone else to unite the party.
Either of the remaining possible choices to
head the GOP ticket would probably fall vic-
tim- to a Kennedy landslide. They would be
competing with the President in his own strong-
hold, the industrial East, and would have to
campaign bitterly on equal terms in the re-
mainder of the country. Goldwater's appeal to
southern and western voters would not hold
true with the other Republican candidates.
ALTHOUGH he would probably fail at the
polls, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller is qualified
in other respects. He represents the liberal wing
of the party and envisions all the Republican
factions, including the conservatives, as mem-
bers of one party. His influence would hold'
the party together after 1964.
/ The qualifications of Governors George
Romney and William Scranton are similar to
those of Rockefeller in that they both see all
Republicans as one party, but both would also
be soundly beaten on election day. They cannot
compare with Rockefeller as a candidate be-
cause they both lack his experience, his renown
and his personal popularity.
THE GOP is now without a leader. Until it
chooses one who can lead the party united
despite defeats, Republicans are doomed to be
in second place.-

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Byways and Highways

UHE CAMPUS PLAN Advisory Committee has
many suggestions for the expansion of the
Jniversity's central campus, some affecting the
ion-University population of Ann Arbor.
The committee made a thorough study of
knn Arbor's relationship to metropolitan De-
roit and proposed a series of "penetrator"
outes that would provide easier access to cen-
ral Ann Arbor without sacrificing the scenery
long the current approach routes from De-
[HE PENETRA' OR ROUTES are proposed to
ease the congestion and confusion of reach-
ng downtown Ann Arbor and the central cam-
us from the two major expressways, U.S. 23
,nd Interstate Expressway I-94.
A penetrator route from I-94 would utilize
he State Street interchange for access to and
rom the expressway, and State St. north to
ackard St. It then would use Packard and an
xtension of this street connecting with Ash-
ey and First Streets and then went on Huron
nd Jackson St. to the expressway.
This road complex would significantly in-
rease the efficiency of the present Washtenaw-
'orest-Huron route.
Also designed to improve this outmoded
oute, which is often congested and hinders

the flow of traffic into the central city, is the
penetrator route for U.S. 23 moving west along
Geddes to North Main St. where it would turn
to intersect U.S. 23 again north of the Huron
A third penetrator route moves south on
North Main St. and over to Huron St. and
Jackson Ave. to the 1-94 expressway west of the
For expressway traffic moving toward the
central city and the central campus, these
routes would work excellently. Most significant
is their improvement on the Washtenaw-For-
est-Huron route which often proves the longest
distance between two points,
ADDITIONALLY, the committee seeks some
important changes in the roads system with-
in Ann Arbor to facilitate a smoother flow of
internal traffic.
Dealing specifically with the student and staff
of the University, the committee suggested
that a number of parking structures be built
just inside a ring of streets which surrounds
the central campus.
This would keep traffic away from the cam-
pus area by promoting the use of a major walk-
way system from the parking structures to all
central campus areas.
However, improvement of certain intersec-
tions is vital to the success of such'a plan. The
committee suggests remodeling of the intersec-
tions at Washtenaw and South University;
Geddes and Forest; Forest and Huron; Huron
and Glen; Packard, Division and Madison; and
State, Packard and Hill.
THIS SYSTEM has one very attractive as-
pect. Several key points could be sites for
"campus entrances," perhaps constructed in the
manner of gateways that would fit well with
beauty of residential areas like the one along
The overall physical atmosphere would be
that of a University community bounded by
visible lines of demarcation between the Uni-
versity area and the town.
However, the impracticality of parking a car
that far from the classroom area, even if the
walking time does not exceed five minutes, is
unnattractive. Parkingo nf a ar wnuld entail

THE MILL of the gods grinds
slowly, but it grinds exceeding-
ly fine." An administrator I know
once made a similar comment
about the University. He claimed
that it changed slowly, conserva-
tively and often under pressure,
but when it changed it corrected
This analogy holds in some areas
but falls completely apart when
the grading system is considered.
Complaints have been levelled
against it and replacements have
been offered. But at this univer-
sity, and just about every univer-
sity I know of except Sarah Law-
rence, the grading system has
stayed away from the milli
Many faculty members and stu-
dents have inveighed against the
system for years. Teachers con-
sider grades a pain in the neck
and not really indicative of the
student's ability. Some use the
bell-shaped curve to help them
apply the system. This has often
led students, who agree with the
faculty complaints, to levy charges
of favoritism and incompetence in
marking against their potential al-
It is ironic that the grading sys-
tem was brought to the campus in
the 1870's when students wanted
to be eligible for Phi Beta Kappa.
not been dropped entirely - the
most frequent remedy suggested-
because of the argument that
graduate schools and prospective
employers need some indication of
the caliber of their applicants.
While the grading system leaves
something to be desired, it is ar-
gued that this is the best system
devised so far to evaluate stu-
dent achievement.
THERE IS A WAY to modify the
system to include the evaluation
aspect while at the same time
society. To put them in a
movie is a dirty trick designed to
prevent the worst film from being
termed worthless.
"A Ticklish Affair" employes
this nasty tactic. Therefore, the
appropriate euphemism is "cute."
The film attempts to conform to
the usualcomic recipe by present-
ing a serious major plot with a
funny minor plot.
SHIRLEY JONES is the ever-
cautious, ever - colorless, ever-
shapely widow who is determined
to give her three kids the stable
life that she, as a captain's daugh-
ter, never had.
Gig Young has discarded the
sour-milk look of his previous
comedies to try the hero-lover
role. Curdling milk is easy but to
attempt the reverse is nigh unto
Supporting these two miracles
are Carolyn Jones and Red But-
tons, both of whom are very com-
petent performers, in serious char-
acterizations. They, along with the
three children. mak emita nnef-

eliminating the plethora of pres-
sures induced by mass grading.
This new system makes grades
mandatory in all courses of the
student's. major, while leaving it
up to the student to decide wheth-
er he wants grades in his other
courses. When the student regis-
ters, he indicates whether he wants
to take the course for grade credit
or merely hour credit. If he elects
the latter, he still writes papers
and takes examinations. However,
all that goes down on his perma-
nent record is the notation that he
took the course.
If a student later wants to show
an indication of his ability in such
a course, he still has his papers
and exams. Distribution require-
ment courses would all operate un-
der the option system.
I think this system maintains
the caliber indicator while getting
rid of some of the more obnoxious
features of the present system.
Grades in the student's major are
all that he really needs, since most
graduate schools only pay atten-
tion to these, recommendations,
and the graduate records exam.
Prospective employers are inter-
ested in how well an applicant will
do in his job, not how well he ap-
preciates art.
I FIRST BECAME opposed to
grades in all subjects when I was
a first semester freshman in the
engineering college. Many of the
people in there with me had no in-
tention of majoring in engineer-
ing but planned to transfer to
other schools after two years. They
were afraid that such courses as
philosophy, English and foreign
languages wouldsdrastically pull
down their averages.
This would hurt their future and
is not to be desired. If the modi-
fied system is adopted these stu-
dents could take whatever courses
they are interested in. If our pri-
mary concern is education then
any system standing in the way of
education should be eliminated.
The same situation applies to
distribution courses. The desire to
acquaint students with the widest
possible range of interesting sub-
ject matter fails when students
pick courses in which they can get
good marks.

FURTHERMORE,; in m a n y,
courses, especially distribution
ones, the range of students goes
from freshmen and sophomores to
seniors. Because of their experi-
ence, upperclassmen are more
adept at writing papers and de-,
ciding what the teacher wants
than lower classmen are. Many
teachers will admit that while they
try to take this into consideration
when marking, it is very difficult
and often the difference manifests
itself in a higher grade.
The modification would have
another less tangible but very im-
portant positive effect. It would be
a step toward changing the Uni-
versity from a diploma mill back
to an educational institution. With
an increasing number of students
graduating from institutions of
higher learning, the bachelors de-
gree is now the minimum ticket
to success in our society. The goal
of the student's four year sojourn
at college is to achieve this de-
gree, accompanied by the highest
possible grade point.
To achieve this latter goal, the
student wraps his whole non-ma-
jor program around the "snap"
courses. This is especially true
for students in schools other than
the literary college. We produce
people who are competent to fill
specific slots in society but don't
really care if they learn anything
about what people in other slots;
are doing. Leaving the final grade
in non-major courses optional
would take the pressure off stu-
dents and encourage them to get
the widest education possible.
* * *
I REALIZE that this proposal
clashes with tradition and there-
fore automatically generates op-
position. It would also be neces-
sary to educate society about the
benefits brought by the change.
Our memberspip in Phi Beta Kap-
pa might suffer but this is an op-
portunity for the universities to
lead society in the field they are
supposedly most competent in, that
of education.
At the same time the change
would have an internal invigorat-
ing effect which would enable the
student to focus on the course
content rather than sweat for a

To the Editor i oto save 10-15 per cent on new
THE LATEST misunderstanding texts.
about the Ann Arbor text book Hopefully students will now stop
situation was a statement in The falsely criticizing the big stores
Daily of Sept. 28, made by Grad- for "immoral practices" and in-
uate Student Council Vice-Presi- stead will volunteer to work along
dent Michael Rosen, that the with either of the student enter-
bookstores use "immoral practices" prises. I will be more than glad
to obtain exclusive book lists. to have a phone call or a post
As a manager of Student Gov- card from anyone who wishes to
ernment Council Book Exchange make a genuine contribution.
for three semesters and a sup- -Chris Cohen, '64
porter of the United States Na-
tional Student Association co- ' Nonsense,,
operative bookstore, I have been
quite concerned with providing To the Editor:
low cost book service, but I must A NEWSPAPER is charged with
take issue with the charge of im- the responsibility of reporting
moral practices. * and applying intelligent comment
TU j kto, the news. Editors must allow
THE FOUR major text book themselves to be persuasive for
stores organized The Textbook Re- and against past, present or future
porting Service several years ago. developments, and yet at the same
Three times a year the TRS mails time they should attempt to sub-
forms to every instructor asking ject their impressions to all pos-
him to list required books, recom- sible viewpoints, no matter how
mended books and 'supplies and contrary particular viewpoints may
discontinued titles no longer to be be to prevailing popular opinion.
stocked by the stores. In your recent coverage of what-
The cost of printed forms, post- ever is happening with discrimina-
age for 3000 envelopes, typing, tion regulation in student life, you
compilation of replies and distri- have not yet given a critical view-
bution of the final lists cost $4000- ing toward one particular view-
$5000 annually by my estimate. point, i.e., that all this talk and
This cost is spread among the four legislation is largely a lot of non-
stores and Overbecks which uses sense, a product of a fantastic,
the medical and legal lists, self-perpetuating, student bureau-
THE SBX has never used the cracy.
THSBXs b hisner usedthe This is the viewpoint of a couple
TRS lists but this is not because of first-year graduate students
they are "exclusive." The one who are trying their damnedest to
bookstore manager I asked was understand what in the world is
willing to include the SBX in the going on around here
TRS for a share in expenses which
would probably be between $500 GETTING DOWN to specifics,
tah BX reuirepro t ai ta first of all, no matter how many
expenses including all salaries and times we read accounts of what
advertising be less than $600 per is going on, we cannot make heads
year.) or tails of it; this is merely from
Presently the SBX attempts to the factual, organizational point of
get this information by sending a view, as if we wanted to know
letter to each department chair- merely to describe the goings-on
man requesting his department's to someone else.m .
book list. Some departments like Second, we remain confused as
political science always compile to what it is all for, what it all
a. single list for all instructors, means. We acknowledge the fact
while others, such as English, do that everyone who is anyone must,
not. The manpower needed to get in order to get a key to the wash-
text book information from the room,' be against discrimination;
hundreds of professors and teach- but, obviously, we cannot, and
ing fellows whose departments should not attempt to be against
have no lists can only be within all forms of discrimination. Some-
the comprehension of a person one has to begin defining terms,
who has never attempted it. The and this should be done at the
point is simply that the large beginning of discussion and action,
stores can afford to pay for the not at the end.
TRS, while the SBX manager and If by the use of "discrimina-
his three assistants can only make tion," you mean racial or religious
a small gesture in this direction. discrimination, stop pussy-footing
All four employees are paid an around and come out and say' it!
aggregate of $2500 salary per se- Now, you come out and say, "Well
mester, are carrying 15-18 hours everyone knows . . ."; no they
of classes, buying and selling books don't . . . the term has become so
and doing the thousands of chores perverted today that it doesn't
the fifty or so employees of the mean a thing.
large stores must do.
* *THERE IS a unique solution to
BEFORE this controversy broke your discrimination problem, what-
out, it was extremely difficult for ever it is, and that would be to
me to convince students to pe- make sure that everyone is the
tition for a position on the SBX same before they come to campus;
staff or even to volunteer to help or perhaps you might cut down on
out part time. Surprisingly, it has the number and size of your stu-
been equally difficult to con- dent organizations, for It seems as
vince more than a few to come to if all this frantic, confused ac-
the SBX to save 10-20 per cent tivity might be related to the ef-
over commercial used book prices fects of Parkinson's Law.
or to come to the USNSA co-op -Willian Fleischman
IThe Multiple Mr. Neel
By Dick Pollinger
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Every week at about this time, Mr. Pollinger claims
that he will write something interesting, touching on local or imaginary
events which "could'loosely be clied cultural." The column's title was
"drawn at random from 'Bartlett's Quotations,' which is a fine way to
use that book." Although no guarantees can he made for the column,
the author, at least, appears to be optimistic.)
THIS AFTERNOON at Rackham Boyd Neel will lead a rather high-
type pickup orchestra through four obscure and delightful eighteenth
century symphonies; yesterday I went to hear him rehearse. When I
arrived, the orchestra was finishing up a middle Haydn (No. 57), by
far the most celebrated. work of the four-the others are by Filtz,
Toeschi and Schwindl-and sounding very good indeed.
The group broke for lunch, and Gilbert Ross (the Stanley Quartet
members are playing the first chair string parts) bounded over ex-

citedly to introduce Mr. Neel.
"MR. NEEL IS A very modest man," Ross began, "and I'm certain
that if I don't tell you about him, you'll have a difficult time getting
him to. He is, you know, the founder of the Boyd Neel Orchestra in
London and Dean of the Royal Conservatory of Music at the University
of Toronto, besides being a medical doctor and a noted conductor. He
was here two years ago to conduct a group of faculty members and
we all had such a good time that we decided to do it again this year.
Ross spun away and busily began to pacify members of the orches-
tra who were upset about missing the football game for more rehearsal.
I turned to Neel, a pleasant, relaxed man who smiles frequently,
and looks more like a distinguished golf pro than like an orchestra-
founder or a doctor or adean.
"I WAS BORN in London," he said, "and music was always just
a hobby. Oh, I did appear as piano soloist at the age of 11 in a school
concert, but my playing has steadily deteriorated since then. I always
was doing music, though, even at Caius College, Cambridge, where I
went to medical school, and eventually the hobby just got the better
of me."
"When was that? I asked.
"I SUPPOSE THE turning point was when I started the Boyd Neel
Orchestra in 1932. It was the first of its kind. We announced that we
intended to play chamber music of the eighteenth century and people
called us crazy. They said that there were only five works that were
available, and less than that which anybody wanted to hear. But we
had a repetoire of thousands of things, since we copied parts out of
the library manuscripts.
"For five years or so we had the field all to ourselves, but after
everyone noticed what we were doing, in the 1938 Salzburg Festival,
imitators began to spring up everywhere. Today there are dozens of
nhttltat-~hrsa - .+ + - mnvA 1 ln h na- +41avivc .. T n"Ar


Folk Fraud?

ME FIRE and Police Research Association
of Los Angeles recently urged a Congres-
nal investigation of folk singing. The asso-
tion points out that hootenannies have
een used to subvert . . . vast segments of
ung people's groups."
Folk music, it says, should be exposed as
: unidentified tool of Communist psycho-
;ical and cybernetic warfare."
And the association was really serious about
*~ . A .,f

Tusk To Tusk
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