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September 29, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-29

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As part of the broad, conceptual scheme for long-range expan-
sion the University has presented a building project proposal list
to the state to cover the next five years.
There are nine educational projects for remodeling and addi-
tions and:15 new construction projects in the five-year plan. These
total $9,037,000 for the fiscal year 1964-65 with a grand total of
$80,228,000 through 1968-69.
These projects are a priority listing derived from the Build-
ings Under Study 1963 report which expressed the needs of the
schools, colleges, institutes and other units of the University. It
was compiled by the Office of Business and Finance under the
direction of William K. Pierpont, vice-president, and John G\
McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president.
Necessary for Improvement
The 1963 list of buildings. proposed for consideration con-
sisted of 93 projects which schools, colleges, institutes and other
units of the University identified as needed to support program
improvement and expansion.
"The Buildings Under Study report was compiled to provide
choices. This list indicates opportunities to move in interesting
directions," McKevitt. said recently.


The 93 projects are a consolidation of the list of opportunities
investment, he said. "All the projects are justifiable in terms
specific objectives" though their priority must be determined
the availability of funds.
Modification Possible

The possibility of new federal support funds and gifts for a
particular project might modify the position of a project on the
general priority list, McKevitt continued.
Heading the request list for this year is $385,000 to complete
the Music School Bldg. being built on North Campus and sched-
uled for completion in early 1964.
The second project is the second unit of the Fluids Engineer-
ing Bldg. also to be built on North-Campus. This is a continuation
of the engineering facilities now existing in the area. Completion
is tentatively scheduled for early 1965.
The Medical Science Bldg. Unit II has received third priority.
This building would put all the Medical 'School facilities in the
Medical Center area.
Consolidation Exceptions
The first unit consolidated all the Medical School depart-
ments except three. The departments of anatomy, bacteriology and

physiology remain on the central campus and- the department
human genetics is in a converted old hospital building at the ec
of the Medical Center. It is hoped these will be moved to t
Center area upon completion of the new structure.
An additional $2,300,000 is being requested this year to cc
tinue work on the Dental Bldg.
Other projects requesting funds from the state are in a vag
position having received no previous appropriations. The th
buildings showing either the most imminant need or the possibil
for federal grants or gifts are a new Architecture and Design C
lege Bldg., a Mathematic and Computer Center Bldg. and a Sciej
Bldg. to house the psychology department.
Definite Future
These projects topping .the request list from the state havE
more or less defined future. Other items in the Buildings Unc
Study report are classified into time groups indicating their stat
Those in group II have had studies done, within the departm(
or college; initial contact has been made with an architect, a
some sources for the funds have been located but not fully co
mitted. Group III projects are still in the planning stage by t
departments or colleges. Group IV projects still need definit
See 'U' PRESENTS, Page 2

. priority report

. housing in education

Navy ........28 Oklahoma ....17
William & Mary 0 S. California...12

Indiana ....


Wisconsin ..... 14 Michigan State 31
Notre Dame... 9 North Carolina 0

Washington St.

14 Miami (Fla.)..
14 Purdue .......

3 Slippery Rock 14
0 Edinboro .... 0

See Editorial Page

5k ria


and cooler

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 25




Missiles Threaten
Seaboard Cities
VANCOUVER-The commander of the North American Air De-
fense Command, Canadian Air Vice-Marshal M. D. Lister, yesterday
said that North American coastal cities are wide open to attack from
submarine-launched missiles, the Detroit Free Press reported yester-
The air marshal told the Royal Canadian Air Force Association
convention that there is no warning system to alert NORAD in the
event of Soviet submarine-missile attacks against such cities as New
York, San Francisco and Vancouver.

Lister said early warning systems in
expected to give several hours alert in
lieved to
Catholic unit that 25
St 0 Hitreceivedr
borne m
hTo Examnine e a;E
early wa
Birth Control marine
WASHINGTON (P)-The Center Russia
for Population R e s e a r c h at Pagaist
Georgetown University, a Roman Phar h
Catholic Institution here, has em- that th
barked on a nationwide study of saphisti
5000 Catholic women aimed at per- say how
fecting the church-sanctioned Lister
rhythm system of birth control, terconti]
the New York Times reported yes- will sup
terday. to a lar
A pilot study involving 300 wom- marc n
en of the family movement in the a neces
New York metropolitan area has force.
proved the feasibility of the na-
tional survey, Dr. Benedict J. Duf- "The
fy, director of the center, said. t
Most lived in Westchester and had weapon
an average pf 4.7 children. weapons
Information on the women's He c
menstrual cycles was forwarded the imp
through the organization to the weapon
center. The national survey is be- nuclear
ing conducted in the same way, nadian
with particiuants being the groups
involved or with their endorse-
The survey asks the women to
record the length of their men-
strual cycles, a period which varies
with age and which, in general, is
poorly defined.
"There is considerable talk with- The Y
in the church on the regulariza- Thomas
tion of menstrual cycles," Dr. Duf- ard Sche
fy declared. didates
"If a woman has a very irreg- to Stud
ular cycle, it is almost impossible David V
for her to know her safe period,"' evening.
he explained. In some cases, her The Y
cycles could be made regular, and at an "o
hence her safe periods predictable, utive bo
by use of hormone drugs over a tend an
six to nine month period, dates), k

the Canadian Arctic are
the event of a Soviet!
attack, which is still be-
o be the main threat, and
minutes warning would be
in the event of an air-
aissile attack.
rking Toward System
e working toward some
arning system against sub-
missiles right now," he
tir marshal, asked whether
had a warning system
attack by United States
submarine missiles, said
ie Soviets have "a very
cated" system but couldn't
efficient it is.
said the threat from in-
nental ballistic missiles,
ersede the bomber threat
,ge extent' within two or
ars, but that Canada's Bo-
uclear missiles will still be
sary part of the defense
Nuclear Importance
nuclear weapon is the only
that can destroy incoming
," he said.
ontinued to explain that
portance of the nuclear
"is why we must deploy
defense weapons: on Ca-
cept Twao
r Council
oung Democrats endorsed
Smithson, '65, and How-
ecter, '66, two of ten can-
presently seeking election
ent Government Council,
aughn, '66, announced last
CD's made the endorsement
pen meeting" of the exec-
oard (menibers could at-
d vote regarding candi-
ast Thursday.

... aid to nations
Aid Pledged
Other States
By Dke Gaulle
France - President Charles de
Gaulle pledged French support
yesterday for countries of Latin
America, Asia and Africa "which
are seeking to develop their own
personalities," the Detroit Free
Press reported yesterday.
He said France's assertion of
her own national independence has
been an example to them.
"Our national independence is
a duty we must fulfill toward oth-
ers," he said in, a speech on the
fourth day of his five-day speak-
ing swing through the Rhone Val-
ley area of France.
Render Service
De Gaulle declared that the in-
dependeice France has won for
herself "is a service we render to
many other peoples."
"We render it," he said, "to the
nations behind the Iron Curtain
which are subjected to the foreign
yoke of the Soviets. These peoples
gain a secret hope from France's
"It is a service we render also
to the countries of Latin America
which are striving at this moment
to develop their own personality, to
those in Asia and in Africa."
Reiterates Theme
De Gaulle reiterated the theme
he developed earlier in his tour
about France maintaining its na-
tional identity between the two
great "hegemonies" of the United
States and Russia.

* Survey Charts
Tuition Increases
Median tuition charges for undergraduates in public and
private institutions have increased in the last few years, the
United States Office of Education announced recently.
Details of the study show in 851 private colleges and uni-
versities, the tuitions have gone from $534 for the school year
1958-59 to $740 for the year 1962-63, an increase of over $200
By comparison, the study shows that in 514 public colleges
and universities during the same time period the costs have in
creased by a rate of almost $50 for in-state residents and $111
for students from out-of-state. Specifically the costs have risen
from $134 to $183 in the first case and from $338 to $449 in
the second.
Almost All Raise
Compiling only the answers received in both years the
survey was taken, the office found that 98 per cent of all the
private institutions queried had raised their tuitions and stu-
dent fees over the four year-period.
Of the public colleges and universities questioned 81 per .
cent raised charges to state residents, while out-of-state resi-
dents found charges raised in 91 per cent of the public in-
Per Cent of Increases
Additional details of the study indicate that 19 per cent
of the private institutions were able to hold their increases to
less than $100. Another 32 per cent raised fees from $101 to
$200, and more than one fourth upped their charges by $201
to $300. The remaining institutions, slightly more than a fifth
in number, increased their charges by over $301.
On the other hand, more than seven out of 10 of the
public colleges and universities held increases to state residents
to $100 or less. Eight per cent upped charges from $101 to $200
and one per cent increased their charges from $201 to $300.
To residents who live out-of-state, half of the public in-
stitutions held their increases to $100 or less, while another
29 per cent had increases of from $101 to $200. Ten per cent
raised oosts from $201 to $300, with only two per cent exceeding=
$301 in additional costs to undergraduates.
'U' Expensive
In a report issued last fall by the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, the University was shown to have the
fourth highest price tag for undergraduate students in the.
country. Included in the price are room and board and tuition.
Specifically the study showed that University charges add
up to approximately $1,150 for in-state students compared tor
the national mean of $924.
Of the 72 universities and colleges questioned in the study
the University rated second highest in fees for out-of-state
students with an average cost of $1,780 compared to the na-/
tional mean of $1,250.
Breakdown of Costs
A breakdown of the costs shows the University to have the
18th highest tuition costs while room and board costs are second
only to the State University of Iowa.
Thelast time the University boosted fees for undergraduates'
was in May of 1962, when $150 was added to out-of-state fresh-
man and sophomore fees and $210 was added to out-of-state
upperclassman charges. This was the first time that the Uni-
versity imposed higher rates on upperclassmen than on freshmen
and sophomores.
1 2 :":.r51% ::"

... search for president

Negroes Dispute Steps
To Take in Race Crisis;
KingGives Ultimatum

Board Seeks
EMU Chief.
The State Board of Education is
continuing its search for a new
president for Eastern Michigan
A week ago' the board met with
an EMU faculty committee to dis-
cuss the criteria to be used in se-
lecting the new president.
The faculty committee will make
recommendations to the board
concerning the successor to pres-
ent EMU President Eugene Elliott.
However, as of yet no sugges-
tions have been made, board mem-
ber James F. O'Neill of Livonia
He added that the only list of
possible successors to Elliott came
from the board members them-
selves. He said that the board
drew up a very quick list of per-
sons whom they believed should
be considered. The list will be en-
larged by ,recommendations from
the EMU faculty committee and
other sources.

Others Await
Birmingham Officials
Rescind Agreement;
Upset by Ultimatum
By The Associated Press
Negro .leaders took opposing
views yesterday on the next steps
to be taken in the integration
struggle in Birmingham, Ala.
Martin Luther King issued an
ultimatum declaring that unless
desegregation demands are met
within two days, he would launch
"the biggest and most determined
protest campaign" in the city's
At the same time, two other
Negro leaders in Birmingham op-
posed "additional outside interfer-
ence" while a presidential team
negotiated for racial harmony."
Should Have Chance
Attorney Arthur D. Shores and
A. G. Gaston, a local businessman,
whose homes were bombed in re-
oent incidents, said the presi-
dential advisors Kenneth C. Royall
and Earl Blaik "should be given.
the chance to bring the leaders of
the local community together with
a view of solving our present prob-
lems, as they are doing,"
King's ultimatum was issued
from Richmond, Va., where he
was addressing the annual conven-
tion of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference which he
Birmingham City Councilman
E. C. Overton called the ultimatum
"an outrage." He said that a re-
sumption of demonstrations would
"undermine any chance of peace-
ful settling of our problems."
Mayor Declines Comment
Birmingham Mayor Albert Bout-
well declined comment. He met
with Rc,'all and Blaik Friday and
city officials indicated that agree-
ment on a bi-racial committee to
work out the problems had been
It was at this point that King's
ultimatum was released and city
officials noted that the bi-racial
committee agreement was rescind-
ed because otherwise it would look
like they were bowing to King's
Demonstrations and Boycotts.
King, in his ultimatum Friday,
had noted that demonstrations
and boycotts would be made
"against everything produced in
Birmingham and on all business
firms operating there."
He noted further that should

ultimatum or else
Notes ParTy.,
LANSING - The professional
staff members run Michigan's po-
litical parties, says Wayne State
University Prof. -Charles Schultz
in a 7000-word preliminary paper
on the subject of professional poli-
tical staffing.
"Widespread citizen participa-
tion and control of politics is a
delusion," he says.
Schultz contends that profes-
sional domination of party organ-
ization is not to be feared because
there are many checks upon the
actions of the professional staffer.
He declares that in his opinion
the political knowledge of the
average citizen is dangerously in-
adequate for the organizational
tasks and policy-making of politi-
cal parties.
Schutz says that the professional
staffers, that is, the hired, full-
time and permanent personnel
who are engaged in the political
organizational and promotional
work of the party, are responsible
Schutz attributes the success of
the Democrats after 1948 to popu-
lar leadership, political unionism
and the failure of the Republican
Party to come to terms with cer-
tain economic trends in Michigan.
He feels, however, that for the
Democrats to continue to count on
trends to motivate a mass political
party would be to ignore the "flex-
ible genius of office-craving Amer-
ican parties.
Hatcher to Talk

Wolverine 11 Run Over Southern Methodist, 27-16

Associate Sports Editor
The Michigan football team combined the leadership of quarter-.
back Frosty Evashevski and the fine running of halfbacks Jack Clancy
and Dick Rindfuss to beat a scrappy Southern Methodist eleven, 27-16,
R yesterday at Michigan Stadium.
A crowd of 63,659, including 13,000 high school band members, saw
the Wolverines recover an SMU fumble on the Michigan two yard line,
and go on to pile up a 27-0 lead before being scored upon in the final
period. Michigan scored three of its touchdowns in the second quarter,
including one by Captain Joe O'Donnell, who took the ball from punt
formation and ran 50 yards for the score.

hit hard and fumbled the ball itno the hands of Michigan linebacker
Brian Patschen.
This fired the Wolverines up considerably, as they covered the 98
yards to their first touchdown in just six plays. After Chuck Dehlin
had brought the ball out to the Michigan seven, Evashevski pitched to
Rindfuss, who proceeded to evade tacklers for 35 yards.
Clancy then drove around right end for 13, and after Dehlin had
picked up four more, Evashevski, after thinking better of trying to pass,
escaped a swarm of SMU linemen and turned the play into a 22-yard
gain. Rindfuss then went through left tackle, cut back to the right,
and danced across the goal line.
After the ensuing kickoff, the Mustangs couldn't get anywhere,

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