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September 28, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-28

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See Editorial Page

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Little change predicted
for football weekend

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

six I


York Jury Indicts

Sawyer Notes Limits on Grants





On Conspiracy Charge

Must Face
Name Two Others
As Co-Conspirators
In Illegal Expedition
York City men were indicted yes-
terday on charges of conspiring
illegally to organize and promote
a trip by 59 American students to
Cuba last summer, the Department
of Justice said.
Those named in the indictment,
returned by a federal grand jury
in Brooklyn, were: Lee Levi Laub,
24; Phillip Abbott Luce, 26, and
Steffan Barinot, 24 who were
charged with illegally traveling to
Cuba and back.
Anatol Schlosser, 26, like the
others, also was charged with
conspiring to recruit and arrange
for the trip.
Funds Raised
The 'grand jury charged that
the defendant formed a commit-
tee to promo the trip to Cuba,
recruited travelers and raised
travel funds.

Research grants from the health,
education and welfare department
will carry a 20 per cent limit on
indirect costs again this year, and
the same ceiling probably will be
attached to defense department
As a result, the University will
continue its policy of seeking very
few defense department grants,
but will continue to apply for "a
good many" HEW grants, Vice-
President for Research Ralph A.
Sawyer said yesterday.
A Senate-House conference com-
mittee agreed on the HEW grant
ceiling Wednesday as it com-
pleted work on that department's
appropriations bill. The House
originally ha approved the 20
per cent indirect-cost limit; the
Senate version would have raised
the maximum to 25 per cent.
Await Final Action
The defense department appro-
priation, passed Tuesday by the
Senate, awaits final action by a
conference committee. Here the
HEW situation was reversed: the
House originally set the ceiling at
25 per cent; the Senate cut it to
20 per cent.
"I suspect they'll settle at 20
per cent for defense grants as they

Bookstore Manager
Answers Complaints
GSC Hits Use of Exclusive Lists
Officials Deny Studeiit Charges

This is because the type of re-
search for which the defense de-
partment gives grants can be fi-
nanced elsewhere-such as through
the National Science Foundation
-with less stringent restrictions,
Sawyer explained.
Most University research for the
defense department is done under
contracts. Under contracts, re-
searchers carry out work specific-
ally requested by the government,
which pays both direct and in-
direct costs. Grants, on the other
hand, enable researchers to carry
out projects they initiated them-
Sawyer estimated that indirect
costs - expenditures for things
such as administration, building
maintenance and libraries-ac-
tually run between 30-35 per cent
of the cost of the labor and sup-
plies directly used in a grant pro-
Recurrent Battle
Thus there has been a recurrent
battle over just how much of these
indirect expenses the sponsoring
agency should pay and how much
the University should shoulder.
Sawyer said the University
would be fairly contented if the
ceiling on these grants were rais-
ed to 25 per cent.~

... limits grants
did on the HEW bill," Sawyer
Although the limits on both de-
partments' indirect cost payments
are the same, University research-
ers virtually pass up defense
grants while doing $7.5 million a
year in grant business with HEW.

RACIAL TENSION-The Rev. Martin Luther King threatened
Birmingham officials with a resumption of demonstrations unless
Negro demands were met, while Rep. Adam Clayton Powell urged
King to lead a "black revolution.
King C allS'.on -City
To Answer .Demands
RICHMOND (M--The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said yester-
day he would call for a resumption of demonstrations in Birmingham,
Ala., unless city officials "in the next few days" meet Negro demands.
And should Negro demands still not be met, he added, "maybe a
new march on Washington would have to take place."
King said that in addition to demonstrations, a boycott would be
recommended "on everything produced in Birmingham and on all busi-
ness firms operating there." This would inevitably include, he said, "a
- q-nd~Vhvni. i nh, ~ic

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Pope Invites Laymen to Vatican Council


VATICAN CITY W) -- N i n e
Catholic laymen from five nations,
including an American, -have been
chosen to take part in the Vatican
Ecumenical Council under a new
step by Pope Paul VT, sources here
said yesterday.
The pontiff announced two
weeks ago that a few qualified
Catholic laymen would be invited
to the council as listeners. Kings
and princes of Catholic lands at-
tended past councils of Catholi-
cism, but otherwise no laymen

Caracas Police
Arrest Editors
for Interview
CARACAS (P)-Police have ar-
rested two United States news-
paper editors and held them for
an hour after they interviewed
Communist leader Gustavo Ma-
chado, an informed source said
Charles K. Lucey, editor of the
Trenton (NJ) Evening Times, and
Walker Stone, editor-in-chief of
Scripps-Howard Newspapers, were
picked up on the capitol steps af-
ter leaving the offices of Machado;
secretary-general of the Commun-
ist Party, who is a deputy in con-
They were accompanied by
James Whelan, Caracas Bureau
Manager of the United Press-
Cut Europe's
Army Supply
fense Department yesterday an-
nounced a reduction of Army
supply operations in Europe per-
mitting return of several thousand
support troops to the United
The money-saving action, aimed
at reducing the gold flow prob-
lem, will be taken over a period of
time, the Pentagon said.
Involved is the organization'
called the Communications Zone
in France, which backs up United
States combat forces of the 7th
Army in Germany and other
United States forces in France.
The announcement said the re-
organization means "shorter, more
economical routes of supply will
be used for;the peacetime support
of United States forces."
The Pentagon stressed that it
will preserve the present capabil-

swu&ary uoycot u in other cities
of firms which have branches or
main establishments in Birming-
Racial Violence
Meanwhile, racial violence erupt-
ed on the campus of Indiana's
largest high school yesterday for
the second straight day, despite
heavy police patrols, and ended
with the arrest of 34 pupils.
Tempers flared during the noon
hour as pupils milled over the 76-
acre campus of Arsenal Technical
High School on the near east side
of the city.
Police said whites and Negroes
squared off into gangs quickly and
began stoning each other after
a Negro girl struck a white girl in
the eye. Officers estimated the
crowd at several hundred.
'Black Revolution'
Also in Richmond, Rep. Adam
C. Powell (D-NY)urged Rev. King
to become the leader of a national
"black revolution."
Locally, David Strauss, '64,
chairman of the University Friends
of SNCC, asked that "telegrams
and letters be sent to the Justice
Department demanding an injunc-
tion be issued prohibiting interfer-
ence with voter registration in Sel-
ma, Ala."
A total of 307 people, mostly Ne-
gro high school students, have
been arrested in Selma during the
last week as a result of demonstra-
tions, beginning Sept. 16, protest-
ing racial discrimination in
schools and libraries.

The alleged conspiracy began
In October of 1962, and continued
until Aug. 29, 1963, the day the
travelers returned, the indictment
The conspiracy charge cited 31
overt acts, including a number of
meetings in late June in New
York, Paris and Czechoslovakia.
Laub assertedly distributed ap-
plications for the student trip in
New York City and at San Fran-
cisco State College, the grand
jury said.
Three of the six counts charged
Laub, Luce and Martinot indi-
vidually with leaving the United
States for Cuba via Europe, with-
out valid passports. The other
three counts charged them with
returning to this country from
Cuba on Aug. 29 via Spain, again
without necessary passports.
Two other persons who, the
justice department said, made the
trip to Cuba, were named as co-
conspirators, but were not indicted.
They are identified as Salvatore
Cucchiari, 19, and Ellen Irene
Shallit, 20, both of New York City.
Special Passport
The justice department pointed
out that the Department of State
issued regulations Jan. 19, 1961,
requiring *a specially validated
passport for travel to Cuba by
Americans. The indictment charg-
ed the three who went to Cuba did
so without such passports.
This is the third indictment
brought on charges of violating
the regulation limiting travel to
Cuba. The first, in April of 1962,
named William Worthy of Balti-
more. The second, June 26, named
Mrs. Helen Maxine Levi Travis of
Los Angeles.

U.S. May Sell
Surplus Wheat
To Russians
bility of selling United States
wheat to Russian buyers was dis-
cussed yesterday between John
Cole, vice-president of the Cargill
Grain Co. of Minneapolis and As-
sistant Secretary of State G. Grif-
fith Johnson.
Cole told a reporter after the
50-minute meeting 'that he very
much hopes for a deal with the
Soviets "if it becomes the policy
Asked whether the Soviet gov-
ernment had made a concrete of-
fer to buy United States wheat,
Cole said that as far as his com-
pany was concerned there is no
He said he had not conferred
with Johnson specifically on any
request for an export license and
that in fact "the visit was not en-
tirely in connection" with the
wheat issue. Cole did not say what
else they discussed.
Earlier, a State Department
spokesman said "we have not re-
ceived any proposal" for sale of
United States wheat to Russia.
This was in response to a story
in the Memphis Commercial Ap-
peal yesterday morning quoting E.
W. Cook, a business leader, as say-
ing Russia is negotiating in Otta-
wa, Canada.

have ever been invited to take
official part in a council.
Sources here said James E. Nor-
ris, European director of the
American Catholic Relief Service
and president of the International
Committee on Catholic Migration,
would be one of the laymen. The
Vatican has not yet announced
any names, but the others re-
portedly will be three Frenchmen,
three Italians, a Spaniard and a
Cannot Speak
The lay auditors will not be al-
lowed to speak at the full council
sessions in St. Peter's Basilica,
but they will be asked to give
opinions and advice in their fields
when asked by the council's 10
workmien commissions,
Ambassadors, newsmen a n d
other laymen are allowed into the
council only for solemn ceremon-
ial functions and not during regu-
lar council meetings.
Steps to remove some of the
secrecy on what goes on inside the
council were outlined by American
Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor,

newly appointed to head the coun-
cil's press committee.
Daily Briefings
Archbishop O'Connor, formerly
of Scranton, Pa., said newsmen
will be told in greater detail at
daily briefings what was said on
the council floor. Secrecy will con-
tinue over deliberations of the 10
council commissions.
An assistant to the archbishop
said the press committee hopes to'
get permission to match opinions
expressed on the council floor with
the names of the bishops who pro-
nounce them. It is not expected
that the daily communiques will
contain actual quotes of the
speeches, however.
Daily communiques, oral and
written, will be handled in seven
language areas by priests who will
attend the council sessions inside
the Basilica with the stenog-
Archbishop O'Connor is rector
of the Pontifical North American
College, a Rome seminary that
trains Americans for the priest-

A bookstore official yesterday
answered charges levelled by
Graduate Student Council Vice-
President Michael Rosen, Grad,
that the four major Ann Arbor
bookstores had used "immoral
practices" last year in obtaining
exclusive lists of textbooks to be
used for the fall semester.
The official, Follett's Manager
Robert Graham, said these charges
were "out of context" and based
on misinformation.
The charges had been issued at
the GSC meeting Thursday night
against Follett's, Ulrich's, Wahr's
and Slater's bookstores.
USNSA Failure
Rosen made his complaints in a
discussion on the failure of the
United States National Student
Association cooperative bookstore
Rosen said at the meeting that
a "Textbook Reporting Service"
was allegedly hired by, the four
bookstores to collect exclusive book
title lists from various academic
"There were only four copies of
the final lists made. The USNSA
cooperative was unable. to obtain
many of these lists from either the
bookstores or the departments
themselves," he said.
Faculty Facility
Graham responded in a tele-
phone interview yesterday that the
"Textbook Reporting Service" had
assembled the lists only in depart-
ments which did not turn in lists
themselves. They were compiled by
this organization "to make it eas-
ier for faculty members."
He explained that this service
made it unnecessary for each pro-
fessor to fill out more than one.
report of the textbooks he would
be using in the next semester.
Graha mnoted that the USNSA
cooperative could have received
the lists also "if they were willing
to share the expenses of compiling
Random Survey'
As for Rosen's charges that cer-
tain departments were refusing to
reveal their lists, a random survey
made by The Daily of six depart-
ments from three schools-the lit-
erary college, the business admin-
istration. school and the engineer-
ing college--found that the gen-
eral University policy is to make
all booklists available to any book-
In most cases, the survey reveal-
ed, the departments compiled the
lists themselves and sent them to
the stores. In no cases did the de-
partment heads and secretaries
consulted say they would have re-
fused to give the lists to USNSA.
"These lists are available to any
bookstore on request," Prof. Ar-
thur W. Bromage, chairman of the
political science department, ex-
plained. His comment was typical'
of the response received in the
random survey.

... successor needed
Wayne State University's Board
of Governors yesterday approved
an operating budget which will be
$5.4 million in excess of last year's
Michael D. Ference, Wayne gov-
ernor, said that $1.6 million would
be used, for increased enrollment,
$7.4 million for improving con-
struction, $1.3 million for salary
increases and $1.1 million to meet
increased costs of the current pro-
New Budget
This year's budget will total $29
million, of which $22.8 million will
have to be provided by the Legis-
lature. The remaining $6.2 million
will be supplied by tuition and
other sources.
Ference noted that Wayne has
experienced "an accumulating
strain over the years" due to ris-
ing enrollments and increased
"clinical and advanced research
experience now expected of the
doctor, nurse, teacher, social work-
er, natural scientist and' social
Faculty Report
At the meeting, the board re-
ceived a report from a faculty
committee helping to find a suc-
cessor to Dr. Clarence B. Hilberry,
Wayne president, who will retire
in January, 1965.
From a preliminary list of 200
candidates, the report listed 60
who will be further considered.
Eventually less than twenty names
will be submitted to the Board of
Governors, which will appoint the
new president.

Educators Urge Group
To Increase Tax Levies
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-State educators yesterday urged legislators to add
an extra one per cent to Gov. George Romney's proposed income tax
"to meet present and future needs of education."
Roy L. Stephens, Jr., member of the Detroit Board of Education
and acting as spokesman for the Michigan Association of School
Boards, testified before the House Taxation Committtee, whichois



Cites New Role of Rockets
"The rocket today assumes the role of a 'space bus'," Prof. Richard
B. Morrison of the engineering college said last night.
y'= Discussing the changing role of rockets in the overall space pro-
gram before the 46th annual meeting of the Michigan Press Club,
Prof. Morrison said that "the payload is now in the glamour spot."
"Rockets used to have a single mission: to carry a warhead. Today,
however, the many uses found for missile vehicles show the flexibility


holding hearings throughout the
state on the governor's 12-point
fiscal reform program.
Stephens' plan would increase
Romney's income taxes on indi-
viduals, corporations and financial
institutions to three, 4.5 and 6.5
per cent, respectively.
Romney Plan
As it now stands, Romney's pro-
posed plan calls for an income tax
of two per cent on individuals,
3.5 per cent on corporations and
5.5 per cent on financial institu-
Stephens said the extra per-
centage could provide $125 mil-
lion a year for state school dis-
He also recommended that
school districts be empowered to
levy non-property taxes and a
"more comprehensive" state aid
formula for schools be adopted.
Special Considerations
The state aid formula, Stephens
said, should take into considera-
tion special problems of urban

- ---- v I
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Robinson Predicts New Revolt

"There will soon be a second
revolution in Africa," the Rev. Dr.
James H. Robinson, consultant to
the African desk of the state de-
partment, predicted last night.
Speaking before members of the
Protestant Foundation for Inter-
national Students, Rev. Robinson
added, "This time the revolution
will be the masses against the
elites who are controlling govern-
ment power. I hope the second
revolution will not be bloody, but
a revolution of peace and leader-
He said that he was "ashamed
of Americans and American Ne-
groes for being so ignorant of Af-
rica." Past policies of the state de-
partment also came under fire. In
195F~7 there werethree temhao i

shacks and says what they rea
Involved Indeed
"Americans are always tell
themselves they are not involy
in Africa, when in fact they ha
been since the beginning of t
The Americans operated t
most diabolical displacement
people in history, Dr. Robins
stated. "What the Germans
to the Jews can't compare to t
slave traffic." Formevery Afri
that survived the process, 10
lost their lives. If one mill
Negroes made it, 10-15 milli
died, he noted.
"We're not responsible for t
directly, but we certainly b
some responsibility. We say we

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