sty-Third Yr
'Whee Oinions Are 1* STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., Aw ARaBOR, MlcH., PHONE NO 2-3241
Truth WuI Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Oxford:A Radical Experiment
Miller's Amendment
Wise and Equitable
AY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1963
SGC: Six, of One,
Half-Dozen of the Other
'HE CRITICISMS still apply: Student Gov-
ernment Council is weak and ineffective,
twilling to seek more authority or use the
ithority it already has, and is bogged down
th endless parliamentary procedure and
veral ill-informed members.
But at Wednesday's meeting Council took
ie action that indicated it was willing to ac-
pt some responsibility. Unfortunately, to
dance the books it took another action that
as much less promising.
N THE BRIGHT SIDE, SGC voted to work
in cooperation with an Interfraternity
)uncil-Panhellenic Association committee, if
e were to be created, in the area of elimina-
on of discrimination in affiliate organizations.
was a good move because in effect it defeated
TC President Clifford Taylor's motion to
oV. ROMNEY'S STATEMENT questioning
Western Michigan University's invitation to
Gov. Ross Barnett to speak before its senior
class was a step in the wrong direction in solv-
ing the racial problem. Not only freedom of
speech but also the individual's ability to dis-
cern right from wrong is at stake here.
Although Barnett has rather strong opposi-
tion in the North, his feelings on the racial
problem represent a definite Southern faction
and as such deserve to be heard.
The civil rights fight has been a hard one,
and there is no indication that it will become
any easier. A revolution has occurred in the
South, and Southerners are still reeling from
its consequences. Their feelings and emotions
are very much a part of the racial picture.
TOO MUCH of the Northern press coverage
has not captured the emotion of the South-
ern Negro and the Southern white. Each group
has its own goals, and one must define what
these goals are.
Racial inequality is not a problem just for
our leaders; it is our problem and we must
understand it now.
BUT ROW are we to.understand if only half
the pictuie is given? With only one side,
the racial dialogue is incoherent. One can hear
the Negro speak, but what his white counter-
part says is muffled by the singing of NAACP
If we are to take an active stand on the issue
we can do so only after understanding each
side. Neither side is completely right but if
we are to understand the emotion behind each
stand, then we will know why each;feels the
way he does. How are we to do this, though, if
the NAACP asks that leaders of the opposition
not be allowed to speak?
THE NAACP and Romney were wrong in
opposing Barnett's right to speak. Racial
inequality is everyone's 'issue. If we are to
see it solved in our free democratic society,
we must hear for ourselves each side.
create an IFC-Panhel committee to work with-
in the SGC structure and under SGC's mem-
bership committee.
Taylor's proposal was objectionable because
it would have removed a great deal of authority
and power-including original investigative
power-from SGC's committee arid placed it
in the hands of a special interest, non-objective
The new proposal, made by Sherry Miller
under the aegis of SGC President Thomas
Brown, is preferable because SGC's member-
ship committee and the affiliate system will be
able to work together. However, there will be no
need to provide for structural safeguards to
insure flow of information between the two
again showed itself afraid to assume com-
plete responsibility for its own actions. It voted
to parcel out its authority by creating a three-
man tribunal composed of two students and
one faculty member or alumnus with an LLB
Furthermore, Council voted against Daily
Editor Ronald Wilton's proposal to have Coun-
cil ratify all decisions made by the tribunal.
Instead, Council will not ratify any of the
decisions which the tribunal makes with one
exception. That exception is withdrawal of
recognition from a fraternity or sorority, the
supreme penalty. But even in this case, Council
will act as a mere rubber-stamp, leaving the
actual decision to the tribunal..
Clearly, this Is an avoidance on two counts
by Council of its responsibility to make the
final decision in discrimination cases.
For one, it refused to allow students to sit on
the tribunal without an accompanying faculty
member or alumnus. Presumably the latter is
intended to hold the students' hand as they
attempt to find their way through the back-
lands of legalistic terminology and procedures.
Council chose to overlook the fact that an all-
student tribunal could easily have had counsel
any time it needed it to advise on weighty
AND SECOND, Council rejected the proposal
to give itself the power of reviewing all
decisions made by the tribunal. This is indeed
unfortunate: if ever there is a case of dis-
crimination, the tribunal may decide to give
the group involved a minimal penalty- and
SGC will be left behind without power to
reverse the decision.
An argument put forth against Council's
ratifying each decision was that it would have
to spend untold hours reviewing the evidence
in the case and would probably not be as well
informed as the tribunal. This is a weak argu-
ment, used by a weak Council; a strong Coun-
cil would be informed and ready to review a
CONSIDERING THE present quality of Coun-
cil-and its predicted bleak future after the
next election-perhaps it is wise that SGC has
given away its responsibility.
Associate Editorial Director
FIRSTOPENED for occupancy
this semester, the Oxford Road
Project represents fruition of new
ideas in University housing: never
before has the University sanc-
tioned such a high level of resi-
dential autonomy for so many wo-
man students.
Housed in three different types
of units are 352 women. The units
themselves - apartments, suites
and cooperatives - are not only
structurally different, but repre-
sent to some extent graduating
liberties and responsibilities.
The work necessary to run each
of the four co-ops is equally di-
vided among the 30 residents, and
there are central dining facilities.
In order to be housed in the suite
units, a student must be 'at least
a sophomore. Four women share
two bedrooms plus a kitchenette
where meals may be prepared.
There is a restriction on male
visitors, with the exception of
football Saturdays and Sundays
12-8 p.m. However, currently
pending in the office of University
Housing Director Eugene Haun
is an Assembly Association pro-
posal to extend visiting privileges
in the suites. Assembly President
Charlene Hager says that she is
"very optimistic" that Haun will
approve the proposals.
* * *
genuine innovation in University
housing for juniors and seniors.
Designed for four women, each
apartment has a study-living room,
(the efficiency kitchen can be
closed off by a folding door), a
large bedroom and a private bath-
room. Men visitors are permitted
in the apartments until 12 a.m.
weekdays and 12:30 a.m. week-
ends. A graduate married couple
handles minimal supervision for
each of the two wings.
A few previous University hous-
ing ventures for women bear some
resemblance to Oxford. The Cam-
bridge Apartment Building, operat-
ing for married students this year,
was a small-scale effort aimed at
granting University apartment fa-
cilities for a limited' number of
undergraduate women with finan-
cial need. The University co-ops
have been run on a basis similar
to Oxford's. League Houses, re-
served for graduate women this
semester, and Fletcher Hall earlier,
gave women the responsibility of
getting their own meals, but the
visiting privileges were the same
as in the dormitories.
* * *
THE FACT that University
housing has been to such a great
extent unlike Oxford housing is
understandable, since in the major
planning decisions for residence
halls, student opinion has never
wielded the degree of power it
did in Oxford planning. Students
helped plan Markley, but Miss
Hager claims the land site and fi-
nance difficulties forced major
changes from the plans they sub-
Oxford was the brain-child of
Assembly, specifically the Assem-
bly Housing Committee. "We were
very adamant, and sometimes had
to be in order to get things right.
We told them we didn't want fur-
niture coming out of the wall and
-Day-Kamalakar Rao
NEW HOUSING-Women students are being housed in the Ox-
ford Road Project for the first time this semester.
and mirrors were a clever idea,
and ease early morning and Satur-
day night congestion.
* * *
THE MOST radical evidence of
student say-so is of course in the
degree of autonomy and freedom
women have been granted. No-
where else on campus may a jun-
ior invite a male friend over for
dinner in such a private atmos-
phere. The University, by remov-
ing the prejudice of stipulating the
sex of visitors, has taken a big
stride in acknowledging maturity
in women students.
other monstrosities. You can't live
that way," Miss Hager recently
commented. She headed the hdus-
ing committee previous to her'
election as Assembly president
this year.
* * *
THE FACT that students made
so many of the major decisions
can be seen everywhere at Oxford.
The lobbies lack the immense im-
personality of the newer dorms
and the more pretentious attri-
butes of the older. All three of the
units come equipped with unusual-
ly large desks fbr the myriad of
books, papers and paraphenalia
which are bound to accumulate
and make smaller desks mere
storage tables.
The bedroom and bathroom
storage space is generous and cer-
tainly shows consideration for the
New Yorker who doesn't manage
to make it home except for Christ-
mas and Easter. The dual sinks
Revenue Reallocation:
Balancing- the Scales
This privilege is important be-
cause it will permit increased in-
formality in dating and a more
natural social situation than cur-
rently exists in the quads and
*' * *
THE PRIVILEGE will tend to
eliminate gross situations such as
that of Markley at 12:30 a.m.
every Saturday. By permitting stu-
dents more private freedom, and
according them entire responsibil-
ity for their actions, the Univer-
sity can expect more acceptable
public behavior.
This is, of course, the most they
can hope for no matter how'
stringent they make restrictions:
few women are likely to change
their personal standards in any
way because of a University regu-
lation as any one who has lived
in the dorms probably knows.
The declining supervision by
house directors is also a big step
forward. It is based on the as-
sumption that as students pro-
gress they will become more self-
sufficient, and when in need of
help will have the sense to seek it.
Naturally, this cannot be true
of all women students; no doubt
some casualties will result. But it
is doubtful that the kind of stu-
dent who would be harmed by this
counseling system would not be
also harmed, perhaps even more
seriously, by the dorm bureau-
'* * *
CONSIDERING the structure of
present residence halls; the Ox-
ford Project is a radical and im-
portant experiment. It can func-
tion as a transitional move toward
more general freedoms for 'women
on this campus.
Whether it is ultimately viewed
as a success remains to be seen.
The only certainty is that it will
be closely watched in its first year
of operation.
STUDENT Government Council's
decision to reserve for its own
membership committee investiga-
tory jurisdiction in alleged dis-
criminatory membership selection
in students groups was wise and
equitable. Indeed, it was the only
logical decision Council could make
after a long struggle to obtain
this authority.
When Council voted Wednesday
night to accept tentatively an
amendment offered by Sherry Mil-
ler it tempered wisdom and equity
with generosity-a quality too of-
ten lacking at the politically
owiented Council table.
MISS MILLER'S amendment
outlined a plan of mutual co-
operation between the SGC mem-
bership committee and any similar
committee that might be estab-
lished within the structures of
Panhellenic Association and Inter-
fraternity Council. It specified
that the SGC committee "shall
work in conjunction with, but shall
not be restricted by said commit-
tee in carrying out its duties."
In effect, her motion officially
recognized the announced inten-
tion of Panhel and IFC to set up
a membership committee while
clearly delineating the relation-
ship of this committee to the SGC
It was a clever alternative to an
amendment submitted by IFC
President Clifford Taylor which
asked that the Panhel-IFC com-
mittee be given original investi-
gatory jurisdiction in cases in-
volving fraternities and sororities.
Granting original investigatory
jurisdiction to a Panhel-IFC com-
mittee means that such a com-
mittee would officially be em-
powered to receive complaints, col-
lect information and investigate
suspected violations - functions
currently assigned to the SOC
membership committee.
Where a group's membership
selection practices were deemed
questionable, a membership com-
mittee would initiate proceedings
aginst it in the membership tri-
* *' *
cept Miss Miller's amendment was
wise-in that SGC should main-
tain its authority confirmed by
Regental resolution last May;
equitable-in that discrimination is
a campus-wide concern and ought
to be regulated by a campus-wide
body; and generous-in that the
Greek system ought to "clean its
own house" and should have the
right to do so in conjunction with
the SGC committee.
The merits of Miss Miller's pro-
posal as a compromise amend-
ment were clearly evident in Coun-
cil debate.
Michigan Union President Ray-
mond Rusnak noted that her
amendment avoided delegation of
the authority that "SGC has tried
hard to get" while clearly delineat-
ing the relationship between the
proposed Greek and SGC commit-
Panhel President Patricia Elkins
argued that the national sororities
"would feel terrible about having
to submit information to a group
like SGC" and would more willing-
ly work with a committee within
the Greek structure.
* * *
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Thomas Smithson noted that
if a Greek committee had original
jurisdiction in cases involving fra--
ternities and sororities, this would
create a bureaucracy "far too
Such a complexity would have
evolved in the event that SOC
had agreed to grant a Panhel-IFC
committee original investigatory
jurisdiction in cases involving fra-
ternities and sororities. This would
have created a dual committee
structure, with the Greek com-
mittee working under the SGC
committee. Council would have
had to provide certain safeguards
to insure that the Greek group
was doing its job effectively.
Hence, it would necessarily have
had to backtrack over ground al-
ready covered by the Greek group.
There would be much duplica-
tion, unnecessary paper shuffling,
checking and rechecking.
Kenneth Miller argued that
"this is predominantly a Greek
problem" but that a committee
appointed by SGC should main-
tain original investigatory juris-
diction since discrimination "is the
concern of the entire University
community and should be handled
by a University body."
* * *
THUS, Miss Miller's amend-
ment wisely chose the middle
It capitalized on the potentials
of both plans to combat discrim-
inatory practices, avoided delegat-
ing authority in an area that must
be a "University concern" and
generously insured the right of
the Greek system to work with
SGC in this area.
In endorsing it, Council exer-
cised a broadness and generosity
that should more often be made
known in student government pro-
To the Editor:
FOLiOWING IS the letter that
Student Government Council's
Human Relations Board has sent
to the Ann Arbor City Council:
We, the members of the HRB
note that you have enacted a fair
housing ordinance. But we ex-
press to you our dismay that it
covers only one-fourth of the
city's housing, that the o'rdinance
does not cover rooming houses,
and that it does not take effect
until Jan. 1.
As the elected officials of Ann
Arbor, you know how varied a
constituency you enjoy. Begun by
immigrants fleeing the injustices
of the old world, Ann Arbor grew
up as a haven of the needy. Even
the names of streets reflect the
idealism of this city.
Today, with a segment of the
city's population being Negro and
with the settlement here of stu-
dents and teachers from countries
across the globe, Ann Arbor needs
to live up to its ideals more than
ever. It needs to provide to all its
citizens what the Declaration of
Independence calls the right to
pursue happiness and what the
Constitution calls the equal pro-
tection of the laws.
.* 4' *
passed applies the protection of
the laws to only an estimated 25
per cent of the city's housing.
Many dark-skinned persons will
continue to suffer embarrassment
and discrimination under the ordi-
nance. You should broaden it to
protect all the members of the
Many University students will
be seeking housing in December
for the new semester that begins
Jan. 13. Since the ordinance does
not take effect until Jan. 1, most
of these students will not enjoy
what protections the current ordi-
nance offers. Consequently, we
urge you to change the date from
Jan. 1l to Dec. 1--If not to an
earlier date. Dec. 1 appears to us
to be as adequate a deadline for
educating the public about the
ordinance as Jan. 1. We also urge
you to include rooming housQs.
We urge you to further imple-
ment the ideals for which Ann
Arbor stands through a more ef-
fective fair housing ordinance.
-David Aroner, '63
Robert Selwa, '63
Carol Trevis, '66
Wendy Johnson, '64
Barry Bluestone, '66
Alan Schwartz, '65
Jan Berris, '66
Emil Bendit, '65
Ken Springer, '66
To the Editor:
WHY WAS Gyorgy Sandor's re-
cital, given Tuesday night in
Hill Aud., not reviewed by The
Daily? Does the fact that Prof.
Sandor teaches here bear on the
omission of a review?
A review of the recital would
have been all the more interesting
because of the controversial nature
of Prof. Sandor's Chopin inter-
-Michal Dutko, Grad
David Marcus, Editorial Director " ,;f
versity and the Legislature have fallen out
of touch with one another.
It is only in the last half-dozen years that
the University has had a really severe problem
in getting adequate appropriations. Partially,
this is due to the state's economic woes. Par-
tially, it is due to the senseless political wran-
gling that still characterizes the state.
But mainly it has been that higher education
is not a politically popular cause. Despite all
the state's woes and all the policital wrangling,
Michigan has managed enough money to build
one of the finest highway systems in the United
States. The state has had adequate money for
all sorts of purposes but not for higher educa-
NOW GRANTED there is a limited amount of
money and granted that this limited
amount of money is not enough for everybody.
Granted that much of the highways and other
project money comes from federal matching
grants. But at the same time, those programs
which the Legislature chooses to finance reflect
something of a hierarchy of legislative values.
It is painfully obvious that higher education
ranks low.
The obvious answers are that higher educa-
tion has to raise itself in the eyes of the law-
makers and that the University has to turn
elsewhere for funds 'when possible.
VHE FIRST PROJECT is the most difficult.
An initial step would be to get rid of Ann
A second step would be to work very openly
to get community leaders throughout the state
to bring pressure on their local representatives.
Pressure from the grass roots is much more
effective than any University lobbyist can
ever be. The University might even organize
its own "Citizen's Committee" which, with a
broad geographical base and a prominent mem-
bership, can act as a very powerful force work-
ing for the University.
The University must also look for outside
sources of funds so that the dependence on
the Legislature can be minimized. At present,
the University is pumping the federal govern-
ment for every cent it can, get.
THE BEST SOURCE of money outside the
Legislature should be the alumni. Unfor-
tunately, the alumni contribute very little.
The University ought to encourage its ap-
proximately 200,000 almuni to contribute, es-
pecially to programs in the humanities that are
badly supported by the Legislature and the
federal government. It should also go to the
alumni in an effort to obtain buildings and
other equipment that the Legislature is unlikely
to vote.
Of course there are some successful individual
alumni who have contributed very heavily. But
the alumni as a group have never been ap-
proached in a massive attempt to get them to
bear a part of the operating cost of the Uni-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
tenth in a series of articles Investi-
gating Gov. George Romney's pro-
posed fiscal reform program.)
THE FINAL specific legislation
included in Gov. George Rom-
ney's 12-part plan is somewhat of
an anticlimax after the controver-
sial income tax and local option
provisions. However, it will be an
important part of the program,
especially to local units of govern-
The governor calls for "legisla-
tion to reallocate from new reve-
nues the dollar amounts now ear-
marked for schools and local gov-
ernment which would be reduced
by repealing or reducing existing
Under the governor's program,
the sales tax would be removed
from prescription drugs and from
food consumed off the premises.
In addition, the intangibles tax
would be repealed, further reduc-
ing the amount of funds available
for local use.
constitutes the most important
source of revenue at the local level.
Of the four, cents collected on
every dollar, two cents go to school
districts to help finance primary
and secondary education. Half a
cent goes to cities and townships,
with the remainder going to the
If the sales tax yield is reduced
through repeal of the part of the
tax concerning drugs and gro-
ceries, the schools will still get
two cents for every dollar taken
in, under the state constitution.
However, they will be getting a
smaller amount of money, since
the total yield will be smaller.
THE REPEAL of the intangibles
tax will also mean a loss in reve-
nue to local education. Current in-
tangibles tax revenue provides ap-
proximately $9.5 million which is
earmarked for local use.
Since so much tax revenue' is
"earmarked for local use," local
units of government are assured
of getting a given'amount. Actual-
ly, they generally receive more
money than they are specifically
allocated; but there is a certain
limit beyond which their revenue
"We Must Face The Ugly Fact That, Step By Step, This
Country May Be Led Down The Road To Peace"
IZY{r : am 0
i cs44
As yet the governor has not
spelled out in detail how such re-
allocation should proceed. This is
left for the Legislature to decide.
But the idea of reallocating funds
per se is more than a mere legal
formality. It would be disastrous
to cut the level of local revenue
without making up for it else-
where. Hopefully, the Legislature
realizes this and will not pass the
former part ;of the program with-
out passing the latter part as
well. This is "tax justice," and
"tax justice" is what the gov-
ernor is asking for.
w *,