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September 26, 1963 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-26

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enedict Favors New Baseball Rule

Michigan baseball Coach Moby
enedict sees the recent ruling
ade by the major leagues which
ohibits a team from signing a
allege player until after his soph-
nore year as an intermediate
ep toward the day when college
asebali will supplant much of the
esent minor league system.
Benedict said that he believed
ie rule "will eventually be chang-
I to include junors and seniors
ce the present arrangement with
o basketball and football." He
ated, however, that "it would be
long, long time, if ever, until we

get a drafting system like in foot-
ball or basketball."
The rule also says that a play-
er cannot sign during his school
year. In other words, once the
semester starts the pros cannot
touch him no matter how good
his year may be. This does not
apply, however, if the player is 21
years old.
Economy Measure
Benedict sees the majors' move
as an economy measure in the face
of rising costs and lower receipts.
"By shifting the duty of develop-
ing players to the colleges away
from the low minors, many teams

may be able to cut the number of
their farm teams from perhaps
eight to five."
This ruling is not the only new
thing done to raise level of college
ball. Last year the major leagues
contributed $50,000 to start a new
summer league where college play-
ers could compete during the sum-
mer under expert tutelage. The
league, called the Central Illinois
Collegiate Baseball League, was in
operation this summer but accord-
ing to Benedict the caliber of com-
petition "was not very good."
Teams played fifty games in the
summer schedule. Coupled with

the regular college schedule of 35-
40 games, college ball players can
get in almost as many games as
do athletes in the low minor
League Complements
The CIC teams complement a
long exstent summer league in the
Dakotas, the Basin League. Many
current major leaguers have got-
ten seasoning in this league. He
says that many highly touted col-
lege players have been exposed as
having little real ability by their
play in the Dakotas.
Benedict thinks that, the major
leagues' concessions to college
baseball will pay off to them in
another money saving way. "Many
times a boy will be a whirlwind
when he is 18 and a team might
be willing to offer him a $20,000
bonus," the coach said, "but when
he gets into college the other play-
ers catch up to him in ability as
he may stop improving appreciab-
ly. The same scouts who see him
four years later might not want
to sign him at all."
So Benedict sees college base-
ball slowly taking over the do-
main of the low and lower middle
minor leagues as the majors at-
tempt to reduce their player pro-
curement and development ex-
penses by subsidizing summer
leagues for college players and by
starting a hands off policy on
budding stars while they are still
in school.

Slips Past
'M' Sailors
The sailing club finished second
to Marquette in a regatta on Lake
St. Clair sponsored by Detroit last
The usual 16-race program was
curtailed to ten races because of
light winds. Going into the last
race Marquette was two points
ahead of the Michigan team.
Michigan was leading with Mar-
quette close behind. To win the
regatta Michigan had to put one
vessel in between it and the Mar-
quette craft. The Wolverine sea-
,men weren't able to maneuver the
Marquette team into this position
so the regatta was lost.
The final scores were: Mar-
quette, 65; Michigan, 62; Detroit,
54; Notre Dame, 54; Wayne State,
47; Purdue, 34; and Xavier, 31.
Making up the Michigan crews
were Jim King, Chuck Cannon,
Dick Ruettinger, Roger Wallace,
Tom Frederick and Pete Guild.
Next weekend the sailing club
travels to Kent State for a re-

Talented Rifle Club Seeks
New Members for Season



MUSKET orchestra auditions

for the "BOYFRIEND"

Must be non-union ... Must double on reeds
(side entrance of Michigan Union, first door to right)

the lu rybeer...

One of the lesser known Big Ten
championship teams on campus
last season was the University
Rifle Club.
The local group not only won
the Big Ten league title but the
Big Ten Championship Meet and
the Intercollegiate Cup. Besides
this, the club provided an oppor-
tunity for shooters of all levels of
ability to practice once a week.%
All these advantages of joining
the club were outlined Wednesday
night by President Bill Shields at
the club's organizational meeting.
Starting nextrWednesday the club
will meet every week at the rifle
range for a practice session.
Special Award
A special Improvement Award
will be given at the end of the
season to the beginner who im-
proves in ability the most. Also
three weeks of instruction on safe-
ty standards in shooting will be
offered for anyone interested in or
needing instruction.
At the rifle range, club mem-
bers have an opportunity to shoot
.22 rifles and pistols. The club
hopes to secure the Washtenaw
County range on Saturday and
Sunday mornings this fall for
practice with .45 pistols and the
M-1 .30 caliber rifle.
The competitive part of the
club's activities includes three
phases. Last year the club was
successful in all three areas and
broughtshome honors for its par-
All-Big Ten
Shields, along with Louis Rajczi
and Al Kreese, were named to the
All-Big Ten team last season.
Rajczi also earned All-American
In Big Ten competition, Michi-
gan is joined by Michigan State,
Ohio State, Purdue, Illinois, Wis-
consin and Iowa. The first part of
the program is a series of three
quadrangular meets.
Each team has a meet each
month in December, January and
February. The team's score for
these meets is totaled and the
team with the highest score is the
Big Ten league champion.
Big Ten Meet
In March the Big Ten Cham-
pionship Meet is held with the
same teams that participated in
the quadrangular league meets.
This meet lasts just one weekend
and the winning team receives the
Wiles Trophy. Last season, the
University team captured the
Wiles Trophy after winning the
Big Ten league title a month
In this competition, each team is
composed of six men. Each shoot-
er takes 10 shots prone, 10 shots
kneeling, and 10 shots standing

and then goes through the course
again. The scores of a team's five
top men are counted to get the
team total.
The rifle club sponsors an in-
vitational tournament each year
in April at Camp Perry, Ohio for
the Intercollegiate Cup. All the
teams in the midwest area are in-
vited. Michigan has won the cup
for the last two years.

On weekdays from November to
April, the team is entered in the
Huron Valley League. This is an
association of area clubs.
Coach Bob Baseler, also the
vice-president of the club, looks
forward to another successful sea-
son. With the nucleus of three All-
Big Ten shooters, Baseler can also
count on John Crossman return-
ing to the team.



at a popuiar price
Pfe iffe r


... into second place
I-M Football
Theta Xi 28, Pi Lambda Phi 2
Phi Delta Theta 16, Acacia 6
Alpha Tau Omega 32, Trigon 0
Evans Scholars 24, Psi Upsilon 6
Sigma Alpha Mu 36, Delta Chi 0
Chi Phi 12, Zeta Psi 0
Delta Aau Delta 24, Delta Sigma Phi 0
Zeta Beta Tau 8, Phi Sigma Delta 0
Lambda Chi Alpha def. Tau Epsilon
Phi, forfeit
X House def. Hinsdale, forfeit
Don't Forget
That Haircut
6 Nickels Arcade

SHARP SHOOTERS-Michigan's defending Big Ten champion
rifle team met for the first time Wednesday night. In the back row
are Lou Rajczi, Bob Warzynski, Coach Bob Baseler, and Bill
Shields. Kneeling in the front row are John Crossman, Al Kresse,
and Chuck Freese. Rajczi, Shields, and Kresse were All-Big Ten
shooters last season.
Haven't you always known that life is all a matter of luck?
Haven't you always said that the person who won all the money
from the Irish Sweepstakes or the cartridge pen contest, or the great
Brinks robbery was just lucky.
Grid picks works the same way. You don't have to know anything
except how to draw an oval around one team on a line. All you do is
draw 20 ovals in the lucky order and you will be the person everyone
says is "just lucky," because you'll win two free passes to the Michigan
Theatre to see whatever movie happens to be playing there.
The current feature is "Hootenanny Hoot," believe it or not.


Washington at Pittsburgh
Rutgers at Princeton
Syracuse at Kansas
California at Illinois
Indiana at Northwestern
Washington State at Iowa
No. Carolina at Michigan St.
Nebraska at Minnesota
Missouri at Arkansas


Wisconsin at Notre Dame
Texas A&M at Ohio State
Oklahoma at So. California
Purdue at Miami (Fla)
Auburn at Tennessee
Clemson at Georgia Tech
Texas Christian at Fla. St,
Louisiana State at Rice
Houston at Baylor
Colorado at Oregon State

. --

look to
"BOTANY" 500

for a really
fine 2-pant
Most unusual to find a "Botany" 500
suit with 2 pairs of trousers (in fact we
are one of the few stores that has it).
Featured is a very handsome irrides-
cent reverse twist, a fabric that will
keep its good looks for a long time.
The colors are distinctive shades of
blue, grey and brown. The model,
a trim 3-button style with single-
pleat trousers. In a full range of
proportions and sizes........$95

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