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1. Excuse me, sir. I'm conducting
a poll for the college newspaper.
I wonder if I might ask you
a few questions?
Be my guest.
2. In your opinion, what are some
of America's most significant
achievements in the past
50 years?
3. Let me put it this way. During
the last half century what new
ideas have led to important
benefits for the American peoples
Well, uh -there's the
two-platoon system.
4.1'l rephrase the question. Since
1912, what developments can you
think of that have made the lot
of the working man easier?
Now you're getting tricky.
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by Mike Block
Football Finally Arrives
In case you didn't 'know it, Michigan is playing football this year.
In fact, the season begins the day after tomorrow. Now I suppose that
if a person keeps up on sports in general, and in Michigan sports in
particular, he'd be insulted to be accused of not knowing the above-
mentioned facts. On the other hand, if he were to make his decision
on what he's seen or heard lately on this campus, he'd have a hard
time discerning that football is in the air.
The hard, cold facts notwithstanding, it just doesn't seem like
there'll be a football season this year. People aren't talking foot-
ball-they aren't talking about the team, and they aren't express-
ing ,a feeling of looking forward to the first game with the usual
anticipation. Now before I get stoned for accusing Michigan stu-
dents of a lack of school spirit, let me state emphatically that I
don't think this is the case.
Instead, I think that this lack 'of outward enthusiasm, gridiron
atmosphere, or whatever you want to call it, is due to a combination
of several ingredients present this season that haven't been in evi-
dence in years past.
Monster Strikes Again .. .
First, there's that big, bad monster trimester again. Actually, the
trimester system will affect football the least of all Michigan varsity
sports-at least it won't influence the scheduling of games, as in the
case of baseball, for instance. But the new classroom schedule has
created a long, long wait until the first grid contest of the campaign,
and this seems to have dampened things considerably.
During practice this fall, head football Coach Bump Elliott
has often expressed the hope that the team could survive the five
weeks of practice (one before classes started and four thereafter);
without suffering a decline in morale before the first game. The
same principle applies as regards the morale of the Wolverine
student-fan. Previously, the first football game occurred Just two
weeks after classes began-the student knew this and his interest
was easily sustained during that fortnight.
But this time around, there has been a four-week wait until the
start of the season, long enough to make one wonder whether or not
de-emphasis had hit Ann Arbor. It's not that interest has declined,
but that it had never been built up in the first place. When students
came back to school this fall, they didn't associate back-to-football
with their return.
Just One Bad Year..
Secondly, it must be admitted that last year's dismal 2-7 record
has somewhat dimmed people's optimism as concerns Michigan foot-
ball. Although the Wolverines haven't had a really outstanding squad
for lo! these many years, they have been respectable enough of late so
that people could at least hope for a creditable showing from year to
year. But once an exceptionally bad year comes along, it's hard for the
fan to conceive of anything but the same for the following year, so he
automatically assumes that's the way things will be.
Third, while the choice of Southern Methodist for an opener
seems like a good bet to start the season off with a win (ah there,
Nebraska) the SMU game doesn't exactly represent the continua-
tion of a traditional rivalry or the prospect of one of the nation's
better elevens arriving on the scene. In the past few years, Michi-
gan has always opened the season against an aggregation for
which great things were predicted for the upcoming campaign.
Oregon, UCLA, and Nebraska in succession were all highly rated,
but SMU will arrive With little hope for improvement on a record
as bad as Michigan's in 1962.
So if it's occurred to you that King Football may have abdicated
this year, wait until Saturday. It'll only take one game to convince even
the die-hard skeptics that there will indeed be a football season dur-
ing the next nine weekends. Only this time, it sort of sneaked up on us
around the back way instead of marching in behind a flourish of
Curvacious Marty Sinn, acclaim-
ed as the best and prettiest woman
marathon swimmer in the world,
will be off to Egypt next month for
the 30-mile Suez Canal Swim.
She'll leave for Cairo on October
7 in hopes of adding to the almost
$5,000 she won last summer in
three races. En route home she will
stop off in Italy to study art be-
fore returning to her studies in
the architecture and design col-
In Cairo, she'll be the guest of
Egyptian marathoner Abdel Abo-
Heif. The Egyptian government
has promised to pay part of her ex-
penses so Miss Sinn feels that she
can at least break even financially
on her trip.
Longest Swim
The Canal Zone Swim will be
the longest of her short career al-
though it probably won't be the
toughest. At Atlantic City last July
Miss Sinn swam 26 miles under
rather difficult conditions.
She compared it to the 15-mile
swim in Toronto by saying, "It was
a little harder. It was longer and
the most difficult thing was that
we had to swim against the cur-
The conditions of the race in
Atlantic City were so bad that
Miss Sinn had to take off her suit
to swim the distance. This was
in keeping with the practiceof
men swimmers in ocean mara-
thons. In the turbulent ocean wa-
ter along the shore where the
course of.the race was set out, a
conventional tank suit would cut
deeply into and bruise the skin.
Abandoned Suit
So Miss Sinn abandoned her suit
but this still didn't alleviate all
the physical punishment she was
forced to undergo. "Racing against
the current, we were thrown
against the rocks," Miss Sinn said.
"You take a beating when you're
'M' Coed To Swim Suez Canal
washed against the rocks and then
the water recedes.
"Barnacles on the- rocks tear
your skin. You get marks and
bruises on your body."
As well as the natural elements,
Miss Sinn had to contend with the
human element. She was almost
hit by a large chunk of earth that
some boys tried to drop on her as
she swam under a bridge.
Finished Sixth
Miss Sinn eventually finished
sixth in the gruelling race. She
was the second woman to finish,
losing to former Danish Olympic
champion Greta Anderson.
In the Toronto race four weeks
later, Miss Sinn established her
claim to the woman's marathon
swimming championship. Of the
37 swimmers who started the race
in the 54 degree water of Lake On-
tario only 10 finished.
The then men's world marathon
swim champion Herman Willense
of Holland set the early pace. Aft-
er half the race was over, Willense
had what seemed to be an unsur-
mountable half-mile lead. Then
Miss Sinn and Abo-Heif teamed
up to pace each other. They caught
up to Willense at the 11-mile mark
and started a furious four-mile
duel to the finish line.
Pulls Away
With one mile remaining Abo-
Heif started to pull away. He
crossed the finish line first but
Miss Sinn was only 75 yards and
two minutes behind. Miss Sinn
was so numbed by the cold tha4
she had to be dragged from the
water into a boat and then lifted
out of it in a blanket.
Miss Sinn won $4,000 in the
event, $2;500 for finishing second
and $1,500 for being the first wom-
an to finish. Besides that, she had
beaten the 32-year-old Greta An-
derson who didn't even finish.
Her victory over Miss Anderson
meant that she has now defeated
three women who have conquered
the English Channel. It also meant
that she is the only woman ever
to beat Willense who was unde-
feated for four years prior to this
Swims 10 Miles
Miss Sinh's enthusiasm for
marathon swimming was shown by
the fact that she entered a 10-
mile swim in a pool at Three Riv-
ers, Quebec, after the Toronto
race. "It was on the way home
from the Toronto marathon," said
Miss Sinn. "So I thought I might
as well stop in. The prize money
wasn't very much but I wanted to
buy some skirts."
As for Miss Sinn's future in
marathon swimming, she says. "I
am just planning ahead on a year
to year basis. Right now it's fun.
It's kind of a lark. I'll probably
keep swimming as long as I en-
joy it."
5.Give it a try.
Well, speaking
my head, I mi
stretch socks.
Purdue Assumes Role
Of Conference Spoiler
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September 28, 1963
$1.50 per. couple
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
seventh in a series of articles an-
alyzing the upcoming Big Ten foot-
ball season. Today's article concerns
Purdue's outlook for the season.)
Purdue seems to encounter up-
sets, close games, and mediocre
records with the schedule it plays
every year.
Coach Jack Mollenkopf's team
last year compiled a 4-4-1 overall
record and finished fifth in the
conference, 3-3. In their four loss-
es, they were outscored by 13 total
points, and three of their losses
were administered by such gridiron
powerhouses(?) as Miami (Ohio),
Indiana, and Illinois. They tied the
University of Washington, 7-7,
opening day last year and only
lost, 7-6, to Minnesota.
Bright Picture
Once again, pre-season forecast-
ers have painted a fairly bright
picture for Purdue, but one won-
ders what counts more down there
-the players or the jinx. As a
matter of fact, their last nine loss-
es over two seasons only have
been by a 26 point total (one field'
goal per game).
Key losses via the graduation
route have left holes in the inter-
ior line, especially, but Mollenkopf
wishes that were his only prob-
lem. As if anxious to get started
on the right track this year, Lady
Fate decided to step in early.
Purdue had been relying heavily
on junior halfbacks Charles King,
last year's runnerup in the ground
gaining department, and Curtis
Vick, a very promising backfield
man. Both players missed most of
spring practice due to knee injur-
ies, and it remains to be seen how
well surgery has corrected the
If that was not bad enough,
junior scatback Tom Fugate and
guard Lou beFilippo, selected the
"outstanding sophomore" at Pur-
due last year, both were involved
in separate automobile accidents
over the summer and have not
completely recovered yet.
Experienced Line
Key figures in the remodeled
forward wall are expected to be
co-captain Pete Dudgeon, at cen..
ter, named the "outstanding jun-
ior"; and co-captain Bob Lake at
guard, along with Wally Florence,
the squad's "outstanding lineman"
last year.
At the ends, the Boilermakers
have experience in senior Dae
Ellison, who early last season was
switched from the fullback spot,
and Sam Longmire, a junior, who
is considered a capable receiver.
Mollenkopf has a lot to be happy
about, however, with his "twin
quarterbacks." Seniors Ron Di-
Gravio and Gary Hogan for the
third year in succession will be
sharing the signal caller's chores
in the modified "I" formation.
DiGravio last season threw sev-
en touchdown aerials in his sec-
ond season as the number one
man. In two years, he has made
192 pass attempts, completed 86,
and had 13 of them go for touch-
downs. Only seven of his passes
have been intercepted. DiGravio
can also run well, as illustrated by
the fact that he has scored six
times himself.
Hogan is the backup, man for
DiGravio and is also considered a
good runner and passer. He has
hit on 49 tosses in 104 attempts,
with two going for touchdowns. He
was selected to the honorable men-
tion All-American team in high
At fullback, Purdue will be rely-.
ing on senior letterman Gene Don-
aldson, third leading ground gain-
er on last year's squad. Donaldson
carried 46 times last season for a
nifty 5.41 yard-per-carry average.
Purdue will be working with 19
returning lettermen in their modi-
fied "I" formation as Mollenkopf
has switched his offense from the
The Boilermakers will be play-
ing at Miami (Fla) in their open-
ing game of the year this weekend.
SENSATIONAL SINN-Marty Sinn will be off to Egypt next
month to add to the almost $5,000 she earned last summer as a
marathon swimmer in three races. The Suez Canal Swim is 30
miles long which is four miles longer than the longest race Miss
Sinn swam in last summer.
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