zs, 963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 25, 963 HE IHCHGA~ AIf U.S. Freezes New Aid To Indonesia Economy) During Malaysia Crisis BritanMay Cut Relations, With Nation LONDON 05)-Qualified sources reported last night that both Britain and Indonesia are consid- ering a break in their diplomatic relations despite American efforts to calm tempers in both capitals. British government officials were described as losing hope for a reasonable settlement of the ex- plosive feud over the British- sponsored Malaysia federation formed last week over Indonesia's objections. These developments contributed to the British government's deep- ening anxiety: Official and unofficial reports from Jakarta warned that further maltreatment of. Britons may oc- cur. As a precaution, the foreign office ordered all remaining de- pendents of British Embassy per- sonnel out of the country. There was word from New York to the foreign office that Indo- nesia's Foreign Minister Suban- drio was leaving there for Jakar- ta before British Foreign Secre- tary Lord Home arrived in New York. Home had indicated he wanted a meeting with Subandrio. There has been no move by the Indonesians to return seized Brit- ish firms to their managers. This has raised fears that they may be nationalized or confiscated ul- timately, despite Subandrio's as- surances to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that Indonesia has no such plans. DEAN RUSK ... warns Sukarno OPEN DEBATE:I Ask Support For TaxI Cut WASHINGTON (/P)-Appeals for the crucial votes of conservative Democrats opened the House battle over President John F. Kennedy's $11 billion tax cut bill yesterday. Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark) pleaded with colleagues to make possible a "turning point in eco- nomic policy" by pledging faith in private enterprise, rather than government spending, to invigor- ate and improve the ,nation's econ- omy. But almost from the first word, Republicans were bidding for an amendment that would make the tax cut depend on budget cutbacks for this year and the next.' IMF Halts Credit Help Temporarily Rusk Warns Minister On Embassy Raids WASHINGTON (AP)-The Unit- ed States has put a freeze on any new economic aid to Indonesia in- cluding participation in the $250 million stabilization program. State Department Press Officer Richard I. Phillips said yesterday the "disturbing events in Indo- nesia of the past week may well affect adversely the multi-lateral aid efforts to help the stabiliza- tion of the Indonesian economy." It was also learned that the In- donesian government has been told that until the intentions of In- donesia toward Britain and Ma- laysia become more clear, the United States is "reserving judg- ment" on the feasibility of the multi-nation effort to contribute to the Indonesian stabilization program. In addition the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has noti- fied Jakarta that a $50 million standby credit arrangement con- cluded last July has been sus- pended at least temporarily. Ot the United Nations General Assembly, Secretary of State Dean Rusk put Indonesia's foreign min- ister on strong notice that the United States wants an end to vio- lation of embassies and a return of friendly relations in the area. Foreign Minister Subandrio said Indonesia, too, seeks a peaceful solution. He denied that Indonesia is trying to provoke a break in re- lations with Britain or intends to nationalize seized British proper- ties. Subandrio acknowledged that tensions are high. Indonesia and the Philippines have refused to recognize the new British-backed state of Malaysia. Indonesia or- dered a cutoff in trade with Ma- laysia. The British embassy in Ja- karta was sacked. Shortly before take-off he was; handed a message from British Foreign Secretary Lord Home, the contents of which were not dis- closed.; Lawmakers Reconsider Red Trade WASHINGTON (A)--Spurred in-' to action by the $500 million Cana- dian wheat sale to Russia, two Senate committees will meet in- formally today to explore the pos- sibility of relaxing United States export control policies. Chairmen J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark) of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee, and Allen J. El- lender (D-La) of the Agriculture Committee, set up a meeting for 2:30 p.m. to which a spokesman for Secretary of Agriculture Or- ville L. Freeman was invited. Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges told a news conference yesterday he personally favors permitting more civilian goods ex- ports to Communist nations. There have been a number of demands for a reconsideration of United States trade policies since the Canadian wheat sale and an- other Soviet purchase of $90 mil- lion worth of wheat from Austra- lia. Sen. Milton R. Young (R-ND), from a big wheat-producing state, started the ball rolling last Tues- day when he told his colleagues the sale "makes our foreign policy look pretty silly-we should take a new look at it." World News Roundup NORRIS COTTON ... backs Goldwater BACKS ADMINISTRATION: Senate Passes Defense Bill s To Support Goldwater CONCORD, N.H. (MP)-Sen. Nor- ris Cotton (R-NH) gave a power- ful boost to Goldwater-for-Presi- dent forces yesterday as battle lines began to take shape for New Hampshire's first - In - the-nation presidential primary. Cotton's long-expected declara- tion of support for Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) came as back- ers of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller were hard at work building a campaign organization for the GOP primary next March 10. It came as politicians weighed the implications of informal polls showing that Goldwater ranks much higher than Rockefeller in the hearts of conservative Granite} State voters.I Neither Rockefeller nor Gold-T water has announced he will enter the primary, but Rockefeller will visit New Hampshire Oct. 18 for a speech at the University of New Hampshire and a football game the next day at Dartmouth Col- lege, his alma-mater. Cotton's announcement gave rise to immediate speculation that Goldwater would not be far be, hind Rockefeller in making a for- ay into New Hampshire. WASHINGTON (P-The Sen- ate swept aside all major efforts to cut the administration's $47.3 billion defense appropriations bill yesterday and approved it '7-0 in a swift and crushing display of power. The unanimous passage sends the bill back to the House which had previously approved $258 mil- lion less than the total voted by the Senate. A House-Senate conference com- mittee is expected to iron out the differences. One Squeaker The brief floor battle, spanning only a few hours of debate, was marked by only one close call: a 45-43 turndown of an effort by Sen. Leverett Saltonstall (R-Mass) to trim one per cent-nearly $158 ,million-from the $15.7 billion earmarked for new military hard- ware. Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga), floor manager for the bill, then led administration forces in over- whelming a $2.2 billion cut pro- posed by Sen. George McGovern (D-SD). The vote was 74-2. Then just before final passage the Senate scuttled 72-5 an effort by Sen. William Proxmire (W- Wis) to trim $60 million from $103 million designated for develop- ment of a new mobile Army missile of medium range. It is designed for launching from railroad cars, trucks, ships or fixed sites. British To Join Talks with U.S On Atom Fleet LONDON (P)-The British gov- ernment has decided-hesitantly and conditionally-to join Ameri- can-sponsored talks on President John F. Kennedy's plan for an international nuclear fleet. Qualified sources in the govern- ment, who reported this last night, outlined the conditions: Participation in next month's discussions in Washington and Paris must not commit Britain to eventual membership of the mixed- I nationality force of Polaris missile carriers. Scope of the inter-allied talks must be widened to allow for an examination of alternatives to Kennedy's project. Foreign Secretary Lord Home will fly to New York today to seek an accommodation along these lines with united States Secretary of State Dean Rusk. The project for a mixed-nation- ality nuclear force envisages 25 surface ships armed with nuclear- tipped rockets, jointly owned and controlled. It would be de- ployed in coastal waters for the defense of Europe and its develop- ment might take up to 10 years. COED BOWLING Michigan Union Alleys Open 7 days 1-11 p.m. Automatic Pinsetters U ideas: "The future depends on people with ideas." This statement helps explain the work at IBM today: seeking and finding new ways to handle information, planning and building new machinery for the task, exploring wholly new methods.... I The demand for ideas has never been greater. Check with your college placement officer and make an appointment with the IBM repre- sentative who will be on campus Interviewing. I Ask for our brochures.; IBM is an Equal Opportunity Employer. I If you cannot attend the interview, write: I Manager of College Relations, 1 IBM Corp., 590 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. U MOVE AHEAD: SEE NOV. 4 and 5 IBM6 Russell did steer through one change by voice vote-a $31.7 mil- lion reduction in the military hardware section. Russell said he had been assured the money is for Army missiles that can be defer- red. The quick approval, contrasting with the two weeks the Senate took to approve the limited nu- clear test ban treaty, provides more than $12 billion for the Army, more than $14 billion for the Navy and Marine Corps, more than $18.5 billion for the Air Force and $2.2 billion for other defence agencies. The total is $1.6 billion less than the President requested, which in turn was $12.75 billion less than the armed forces re- quested before the President sent his budget to Congress. Russell said this year's total, as approved by the Senate, also is $1 billion less than Congress vo last year. But he pointed out t actual defense costs would be mi than $53 billion for the cum fiscal year when other bills cai ing funds for military constr tion, housing and foreign ass ance are added. There also will be a reqi later for $900 million to meet cost of a pending military increase for part of the year. Russell blasted McGovern's I posed reduction in procuremo of aircraft, ships, missiles a other hardware, saying "This c tains the germs of unilateral d armament which could only l this country to destruction." said the United States has "a i thin margin" of military super: ity over the Soviet Union, this has maintained world peac ,.... I OLD HEIDELBERG 211-213 N. Main St. NO 8-9753 Specializing in GERMAN FOOD, FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUOR PARKING ON ASHLEY ST. Hours: Daily 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS - Vietna- mese President Ngo Dinh Diem de- clared yesterday Buddhists are susceptible to foreign domination and warned other Asian countries to expect trouble with them. He described as an "imperialist in- vention" reports that Buddhists are being suppressed in his coun- try. LONDON-The British govern- ment yesterday agreed to grant Zanzibar independence on Dec. 10, and agreed to recommend that the constitution should declare the Sultan of Zanzibar to be head of state. A communique issued said all Zanzibar representatives reaf- firmed their wish that, on attain- ing independence, the island should be a member of the British Commonwealth.! WASHINGTON - The newly- named commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Gen.: Wallace M. Greene,, Jr., predicted yesterday that by the late -1970's leatherneck battal- ions may ride space rockets to snuff out brushfire crises in far- away lands. He suggested that the Marines could load a battalion team of 1200 men into one vehicle and shoot it from the United States to a trouble spot overseas. NEW YORK-The New York Stock Exchange reached another record peak yesterday. Dow-Jones averages showed 30 industrials up 5.53, 20 railroads up .49, 15 utili- ties down .14 and 60 stocks up 1.25. At a Washington news confer- ence Cotton declared, "I am for Barry Goldwater because he has fought courageously and unceas- ingly for a philosophy of govern- ment and a way of life to which this nation was dedicated and to which it must return if it is to endure." 'KennedyAides Open Viet Tour SAIGON (P)-A United States Air Force transport landed Presi- dent John F. Kennedy's two top military advisers here last night for a survey that may help shape future Washington policy toward President Ngo Dinh Diem and the war against Vietnamese Commun- ists. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declined comment on the trip's purpose beyond say- ing they are to report to Kennedy "on the progress of the military situation." ..1 m I J (By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boyl" and "Barefoot Boy With Cheek.") I I - n 'i _ _ -- - ,! , w i CENTRAL COMMITTEE PETITIONING MEETING' for POSITIONS on Publicity * Amusements* Refreshments* Booths Parades * And Many Other Committees TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. Room 3R-Union THE DEAN YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN Colleges are complicated and bewildering places, filled with complicated and bewildering people. Today let us eramine one of the most complicated and bewildering-yet fetching and lovable-of all campus figures. I refer, of course, to the dean of students. Policeman and confessor, shepherd and seer, warden and oracle, proconsul and pal-the dean of students is all of these. How, then, can we understand him? Well sir, perhaps the best way is to take an average day in the life of an average dean. Here, for example, is what happened last Thursday to Dean Killjoy N. Damper of the Duluth College of Belles Lettres and Pemmican. At 6 a.m. he woke, dressed, lit a Marlboro, and went up on the roof of his house to remove the statue of the Founder which had been placed there during the night by high- spirited undergraduates. a i _~ _ - . 101" r s . , rt ' ,;. , EiE i ยข, > r t i j:. rt tl j 9' At 7 a.m. he lit a Marlboro and walked briskly to the cam~- pus. (The Dean had not been driving his car since it had been placed on the roof of the girls dormitory by high-spirited undergraduates.) At 7:45 a.m. he arrived on campus, lit a Marlboro and climbed the bell tower to remove his secretary who had been placed there during the night by high-spirited undergraduates. At 8 a.m. he reached his office, lit a Marlboro, and met with E. Pluribus Ewbank, editor of the student newspaper. Young Ewbank had been writing a series of editorials urging the United States to annex Canada. When the editorials had evoked no response, he had taken matters into his own hands. Accompanied by his society editor and two proofreaders, he had gone over the border and conquered Manitoba. With great patience and several Marlboro Cigarettes, the Dean persuaded young Ewbank to give Manitoba back. Young Ewbank, how- ever, insisted on keeping Winnipeg. At 9 a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and met with Robert Penn Sigafoos, president of the local Sigma Chi chapter, who came to report that the Dekve house had been put on top of the Sigma Chi house during the night by high-spirited under- graduates. At 10 a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and went to umpire an intramural softball game on the roof of the law school where the campus baseball diamond had been placed during the night by high-spirited undergraduates. At 12 noon the Dean had a luncheon meeting with the prexy, the bursar, and the registrar, at the bottom of the cam- pus swimming pool where the faculty dining room had been placed during the night by high-spirited undergraduates. Marlboros were passed after luncheon, but not lighted, owing to dampness. At 2 p.m., back in his office, the Dean lit a Marlboro and received the Canadian Minister of War who said unless young Ewbank gave bac innipeg, the Cnaadian army would march against the U.S. immediately. Young Ewbank was summoned and agreed to give back Winnipeg if he could have Moose Jaw. The Canadian Minister of War at first refusedbut finally con- sented after young Ewbank placed him on the roof of the metallurgy building. At 3 p.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and met with a delega- "ONE -OF-A-KIND... she is fresh and sophisticated, subtle and straightforward, complex and direct. Above all, a consummate performer, mixing improvisational flair with an effortless control of her songs and her audience." That's how Variety described "the electric climate of excitement" that Barbra creates. She ignites the spark whenever she performs-Basin Street East in New York, the Riviera in Las Vegas, or on records. 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