JN IVERSITY SECTION Liltrgan 1!Iaii4 UNIVERSITY SECTION Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom V, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MiCHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1963 TEN P teulty Act in Ma IcuI [JA Groups} iss 'U' Policies r..xf_ . i The University Senate is made up of all members of the faculty, all the executive and central ad- ministrative officers of the 'Uni- versity, and the deans of the schools and colleges. It deals with any subject which it considers of relevance to the University and the action it takes is binding on the faculty, as long as the area in which the, action has been, taken does not enter into the area of jurisdiction of the in- dividual colleges and schools jur- isdiction. It is a potentially power- ful body and in the past has taken the leading role in some controver- sies of vital importance to Uni- versity policy. Its vigor has waned somewhat in the past few years, al- though the possibility for concrete action is by no means dead. Perhaps the most important branch of the University Senate is the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, which is made up of 17 members of the University Senate elected by that body. Any matter of University policy the president choosestoybring before SACUA is discussed and, the de- cision SACUA makes is relayed to the president. Here it has the pow- er to consider and advise only, Ihowever, as on all matters within the jurisdiction of the University Senate "which affect the func- tions of the University as an in- stitute for higher learning." Major Committees ;' ; he major committes of SACUA the Educational Policies Com- ee chaired by Dr. John Hen- on of the Medical School, the pus Planning and Develop- t Committee chaired by Prof. win Waterman of the Busi- s Administration School, the ic Relations Committee chair- y.Prof. Howard Peckham of history departMent, the Stu- Relations Committee chaired 'rof. Richard L. Cutler of the hology department, the Re- ch Policy Committee chaired Prof. Gordon Brown of the lic Health School, the Univer- Freedom and Responsibility mittee chaired by Prof. Claude rtson of the Education School, Professionalism in Inter-Col- te Athletics Committee chair- y Prof. Robert C. Angell of the >ogy department, and the -Round Operations Commit- chaired by Prof. Stewart rch of the Engineering Col- WILLIAM KERR .. SACUA head U' CENTER: Dearborn Fills Need, The Dearborn Center of the University is a unique develop- ment in American college educa- tion. This Center was developed by the University at the request of industry. It was developed in re- sponse to a specific need in a specific place. The entire program at the Dear- born Center has been set up to comply as completely as possible with this need and to retain all the usual high standards of ad- mission, instruction, and gradua- tion of the Ann Arbor campus. Aids Lower Colleges In order to add support to the various community colleges in the state it was decided that the Degr- born Center would include facili- ties for only junior, senior, and graduate work. The standards of admission are the same as those for any transfer student entering the University. Admission is open to all qualified students in regular four-year col- leges, University students, and parallel program community col- leges. There are three programs of in- struction offered at the Center. These are. Business Administra- tion, Engineering and Liberal Arts with teachers certification for both elementary and secondary schools. Provide Liberal Arts It was decided at the time of development that the enrichment given this campus by the liberal arts program was invaluable and that the same enrichment should be offered rstudents at the Dear- born Center. As long as ',he pro- gram was there it. seemed only logical to make it a full degree program. Another of the unique aspects of this center is its co-operative program with industry. In this program a student in Business Administration, Engineering, or some parts of the liberal arts pro- gram will alternate semesters be- tween on campus instruction and working in his chosen field in industry.- It gives the instruction at the Center the vitality and currency that is deeply needed by industry. It keeps the students completely abreast of the latest technological advancements. And perhaps most important, it acts as a guidance counseling service of the first or- der, allowing students to be sure the field they have chosen is what they want by actual work in the field. ny Areas AAUP Preserves Academic Rights The chief means for guarding academic freedom at the disposal of University faculty members is to support the local chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors. Several hundred faculty are members. The AAUP is a national body whose members include faculty from colleges and universities all across the nationsand whose pri- mary dedication is to the preser- vation of academic freedom. The term academic freedom means the right of professors to express their opinions freely and without tear of reprisal from their school if the opinion happens to be a controversial one. The most common deterrent a professor faces m voicing controversial ideas is the fear that he may lose his job as a result of his outspokeness. Political Pressure The AAUP has no legal or ac- tual powers but it wields a strong political pressure in the form of censure. If it is called in to in- vestigate a question of academic freedom violation and finds the case to be such a violation it cen- sures the accused institution. The censure list is published in the AAUP bulletin. Public statements are also issued at the time of the censure /which the AAUP hopes will pressure the school into re- vising whatever policy or action: had been in question. The University was on the AAUP censure list from 1955-59 because of certain Regents' bylaws which the AAUP felt violated faculty members' rights. Last year the University chap- ter of the AAUP spoke out on several issues. It expressed op- position to the policy of censor- ship directed at the Flint Junior College student newspaper. It cen- sured the faculty intimidation at the University of Mississippi and investigated charges of academic freedom violations regarding the dismissal of Prof. Samual Shapiro at Michigan State University- Oakland.' Koch Case The charges brought before the AAUP are varied. One of the long- est lasting cases was that of Prof. Leo Koch at the University of Illinois. Three years ago Koch made some statements in the stu- dent newspaper condoning free love. He was fired a while later as a result of the adverse pressure put on the university. After an extremely lengthy de- bate the AAUP put the University of Illinois on its censure list for failing to use due process of law in firing Koch. , The Shapiro case at Oakland aroused a furor at the University. Groups picketed in front of the Oakland student center and the AAUP was asked to investigate. The local AAUP looked into the case and issued a statement criti- cizing the rationale Oakland used in dismissing Shapiro. In Mississippi the faculty faced strong pressure from the national AAUP for its continued silence in the face of the injustices faced by James Meredith. The faculty was accused of abnegating its duty as ,teachers because of its failure to take the responsibility many felt was so clearly laid upon its shoulders. Groups like the University Sen- ate also offer faculty a means of voicing disfavor at certain Uni- versity practices, although again, any decisions made in the Senate have only the advisory power the , AAUP decisions have. EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT: Nehuss Acts as Chief Deputy In February of 1962, the Regents established the post of Execu- tive Vice-President and Marvin L. Niehuss was chosen to fill it. Regent Carl Brablec of Roseville commented at that time that heretofore "the by-laws have not provided the President with a com- petent deputy. I'm glad this has'been remedied."' As executive vice-president, Niehuss is the chief assistant to President Harlan H. Hatcher. When the University's chief executive is away, Niehuss assumes command. During his 11 year stint as vice-president and dean of faculties,: Niehuss became a familiar figure in Lansing and at Regents' meet- ings, attempting to inform these. Hatcher as Heads bodies about University needs, and faculty needs in particular. Roger M. Heyns took over many of Niehuss' old duties in his post of vice-president for academic af- fairs. This allowed Niehuss to be free to concentrate his engergies on relations with the state and federal government. He joined the faculty in 1927 as an instructor in the business ad- ministration school. In 1936 he be- came an associate professor in the Law School. Niehuss became a professor of law and vice-presi- dent for University relations in 1944. He was named vice-presi- dent and dean of faculties in 1951 and holds a bachelor of arts and bachelor of laws degree from the University. Faculty Confidence At the time of Niehuss' appoint- ment, Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor said that he had been "impressed with Niehuss' skill and adroitness and the confidence placed in him by the faculty." He added he was glad to see Niehuss "promoted to a position that will make special use of his particular administrative skills." Niehuss employs these skills when he talks to legislators, Re- gents and governmental commit- tees. A large part of his work cen- ters around the University's battle of the budget. He, along with all other top Uni- versity administrators, attend and take active part in Regents meet- ings. During this past year, Univer- sity administrators spoke before Governor George Romney's Citi- zen Committee on Higher Educa- tion about the needs and problems of Michigan education. Informs Legislatures Niehuss has also taken part in informing Michigan legislators about work being done at the Uni- versity. He was ifi Lansing when the University demonstrated in- struments of scientific achieve- ment to the legislature. Another one of his duties is to work with the Coordinating Coun- cil for Higher Education. Com- posed of the presidents and a board member of each of the ten state supported schools, the coun- cil meets about four times a year to discuss common problems be- tween the universities and also with the legislature. He usually attends the meetings and advises President Hatcher on issues considered by the council. Niehuss as chief assistant to President Hatcher has 'a post which entails varied jobs. He commands g r e a t responsibility along with a great amount of respect. Association Aids Alumni By THOMAS COPI "Service is the foundation of the Alumni Association," Alumni Asso- ciation Field Secretary Phillip J. Brunskill said recently. There are indeed many ways in which the Alumni Association serves University alumni. When a group of alumni-comes back to the. campus for a class reunion, it is the Alumni Association's job to find quarters for those who need them and also to prepare a pro- gram for the reunion, including such things as speakers and films. When an alumnus wants to con- tact an individual or an office here on campus, the Association makes the arrangements for him. The Association also directs alumni interest toward the Uni- versity into constructive channels. Alumni play key roles in preserv- ing and perpetuating the well-be- ing of the University. -There are many ways in which they do this, such as: --helping to maintain a top- notch student body by directing outstanding students to the Uni- versity. --advertising the University-to the legislature and the news media in particular. --giving advice and counsel to the University. --providing financial support through their own contributions and through soliciting; contribu- tions from others. The Alumni Association spon- sors many activities aside from class reunions. One of these is the annual European Tour that was started last year under former General Secretary Jack Tirrell, and which was continued this and which was continued this year. Alumni going on the European tour benefit not only from reduced group rates, but also from the fact that U of M alumni greet the trav- elers in various countries. ' In 1963, the Alumni Association launched its first fulltime program of Alumni Family Camping. Camp Michigania, on Walloon Lake, near Traverse City, Michigan, was op- ened this summer for Alumni Family Camping. The camp offers a blending of education with rec- reation, as outstanding members of the University faculty are resi- dent campers, The camp is run on- a family ba- sis, and all members of the Alumni Association are welcome. See ASSOCIATION, Page 7 Fast- Growln Chief MARVIN L. NIEHUSS. ... second in command C' This past academic year SACUA committees were in the midst of some of the biggest controversies on campus. Last summer, changes in the Office of Student Affairs brought about by a demand by the Stu- dent Relations Committee for a re-evaluation of the OSA were ef- fected. This evaluation led to some major transformations in the of- fice. Responsibility for Policy The Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, began a study last fall "on the extent to which the faculty is responsible for the development of University policy." A special SACUA commit- tee on Conditions for Staff Excel- lence was established this spring. It will deal with "the conditions essential to the development and preservation of an excellent staff.", Acting in an advisory capacity only, it will meet with the vice- president for academic affairs once a month. « This spring the Student Rela- tions Committee drafted a resolu- tion adopted by the University Senate backing the power of Stu- dent Government Council to take action against student organiza- tions practicing discrimination in membership selection practices. dm1Inistratol x0 igU niversit) Regents Create Post At Faculty Demand Modern Times Brig Problems ,Unimaginable to First President The job of University President is a complex one. It began in 1850 when the Board of Regents conceded the demands of the faculty and created a special post to ha dle the myriad of jobs which, up until then, the faculty h been forced to assume in addition to their teaching. T first University president was Henry Philip Tappan and held his position from 1850 to 1863. In the days when President Tappan first, came to Ai Arbor, the University was a church oriented school deer concerned with providing its students with the best classic education possible. T h i n g s" were calm and well ordered. 7 President Tappan kept the Uni- versity's affairs, well ordered but his strength lay in his ability to disrupt the calmness of the Uni- versity community and introduce vigorous and thoughtful discus- sion of the goals the University should be seeking to attain. He pushed his school out into the f ' fields of the sciences from its pure- ly liberal arts orientation and.} sought to increase the number of professors, buildings and courses. In 1850 the post of president called for leadership and innovation. The situation is the same today. New Problems LECTURERS: To Propose. Talk Series The Committee on Public Dis- cussion, the University's new lec- ture committee set up by the Board of Regents last October, will move into highe gear this coming semes- ter. The committee is composed of three faculty members including the vice-president for academic affairs who acts as chairman, three students and the vice-presi- dent for student affairs who acts, as secretary. The major part of its work next semester will be devoted to set- ting up a lecture series for the University an'd working with stu- dent groups desiring to sponsor speakers. Prof. Sanford H. Kadish of the Law School and Prof. George Peek of the political science department were just named to complete the faculty representation on the com- mittee. The student members have yet to be selected. In addition to their regular classroom focused academic activi- ties, many of the various schools and departments within the Uni- versity also sponsor lectures, sym- posia, and colloquia on topics re- lated to their particular disciplines. The lectures, usually held at 4:15, in the last year have dealt with topics ranging from Indian art to cosmology and beyond. These talks are open to the pub- lic without charge and there is a question and answer period fol- lowing the formal presentation if time permits. The symposia and colloquia are usually a series of talks or dis- cussions dealing with a. general subject or even a particular topic. Today, University President Har- lan H. Hatcher is faced with prob- lems President Tappan would have been unable to visualize. The world of automation and mass produc- tion cannot help but have an in- fluence on all aspects of modern life and one 'of th chief jobs of the president is to'keep the Uni-, versity from feeling too keenly the sharp edge of depersonalized education. The role of University President is a double one. There are specific duties which the office entails and there are many more tasks which can be learned only through a knowledge and interpretation of the office's scope, The specific du- ties may in some cases rank sec- ond to the ultimate effect of in- formal action taken by the chief. executive. The president is authorized by the Board of Regents to exercise "such general powers as are in- herent in the chief executive for the protection of the interests and the wise government of the University, the improvements of its standards and functions." Regents Bylaw 2.01 'states that he "shall cooperate with the Board by con- sulting it in advance, except upon emergency and in making tempor- ary appointments, when he shall: exercise his sound discretion, sub- ject to confirmation of his acts by the Board." Close Cooperation The president and the Board of Regents work together closely. The president chairs the monthly Re- gents meetings, at which times he reports to the Regents matters of import to the University and leads discussion on policy making deci- sions. He is an ex-officio chairman of the University Senate and a mem- ber of each of the governing fac- ulties of the University. He testi- fies before the state Legislature in support of the University's an- nual budget request. An under- standing relationship between the, president and the Legislature can do a great deal to smooth the University's way at appropriations time. The Regents also specify that, the president must deliver an an- nual state of the University ad- dress, detailing the progress the University has made in all the areas of its poncern during the previous year. President Hatcher's last state of the University speech was concerned with the increasing enrollment and the plans for put- ting the University in operation on a year around basis. Full Year Calendar In preparation for this trans- formation, President Hatcher re- ported last fall that the adminis- tration of ,the summer session has PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCH ... chief administrator RELATIONS OFFICE: Explains '1 ToCitizens Ihe Office of University Re tions is charged with the mand of interpreting the University the citizens of Michigan. Headed by Director of Univers Relations Michael Radock, the fice works through several di sions and operates many progra in carrying out its mission. This year the office put it operation a new seven point p: gram covering a wide variety areas. One of these is a move to I prove University relations with 1 Ann Arbor community. "Peo think that the University mo through self-interest and a la of planning. There are concei such as land acquisition of 10 property and community relatic ships with students on which lations could be improved. want the community to recogn that we are responsible, Radc said There will be a continuation the "Operation Michigan" p: grams but, the major responsil ily for conducting them has b shifted to the Alumni Associat which has been granted additic al assistance and staff. Under the grass roots progn members of the Michigan st travel to different Michigan cit to conduct seminars, show fill and speak about the University interested business and civic lea ers and alumni. In another program, "We he asked departments to nominE professors who will be willing go around the estate two or th: times during the year and tf about the University. A program to form advisc committees for specific scho and departments is being expar ed. For example, the journali department has an advisory co mittee composed of publishers a journalists from around the sty who come once or twice a yE to talk about problems in the fi and offer advice. The Law Sch has a similar committee. Turning to the field of comr EIGHT MAN BOARD: Regents' Roles Evolve from Long Past_ Sometimes from rather humble origins, great governing bodies make their way to the surface. It happened that way with the University Bord of Regents, which had its beginnings 145 years ago as a small band of "professors." When the University was initi- ally established in 1817, a govern- ing board composed of 13 didax- um (or professorships) was ap- pointed by the territorial gover- nor to regulate all concerns of the institution including the estab- lishment of "colleges, academies, schools, and libraries." New York institutions of higher education) and consisted of 12 members and a chancellor, who was the ex-officio president of the board. Procedural Change The governor no longer ap- pointed board members, but rather submitted his nominations to the state Senate for their ap- proval. Rather slowly, the Regents evolved into the group they are today: an eight-man board, elect- ed by the state and responsible for its actions only to the elec- torate. regular meetings 10 times during the year. The meetings take place over a two-day period, usually Thursday and Friday of the second or third week of the month. Sessions held on Thursday and Friday morning are behind closed doors. Until April of 1962, the Fri- day afternoon meeting was also closed--only members of the press could sit in-but since that time has been opened to the general public. Long Sessions The monthly meetings take be- tween 12 and 20 hours. and in this r I I