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September 25, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-25

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See Editorial Page

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Warm this afternoon;
showers in evening

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Barnett Asks 'Free Electors'






Special To The Daily
KALAMAZOO-An emotion-charged crowd of nearly 5000 people
jammed in and around the Men's Gymnasum at Western Michigan
University last night to hear Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett denounce
"creeping federalism" and advocate the institution of his "free-and-
independent (presidential) elector plan."
Barnett lashed out at states' rights critics who have termed the
concept archaic, saying it is "as vital today as it was in 1776 to pro-
tect the freedoms of our nation."
The Mississippi governor made, a detailed outline of his proposal
for independent electors, whereby voters would have a chance to vote

For Group on Membershi1

Senate Votes
For Test Ban
voted overwhelming approval yes-
terday of the historic treaty ban-
ning all but underground nuclear
Giving President John F. Ken-
nedy the big "aye" vote he asked
the senators lined up 80 to 19 in
favor of the pact.
The only absentee, ailing Sen.
Clair Engle (D-Calif) was listed
as supporting the treaty.
"The wide support of the sena-
tors of both parties given to the
treaty after an extensive and
wide-ranging debate is evidence
not only that the treaty has wide
public support but also of the
collective judgment that this in-
strument is good for the people
of the United States and people all
over the world," Kennedy said.
However, government atomic
agencies are rushing preparations
for resuming nuclear tests in the
atmosphere if the Russians violate
the treaty, informed sources re-
The administration's objective is
to be ready to conduct some types
of tests within about two months
after a go-ahead from the Presi-
It took about six months to get
set for the last United States
series of atmospheric tests in the
Pacific in 1962.
At the United Nations it was
announced that the first United
States-British-Soviet foreign min-
isters' talks on what ;East-West
agreements may be possible as a
follow-up to the treaty will be held
Saturday afternoon.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk-
will be host to Russia's Andrei A.
Gromyko and Britain's Lord Home
at a working lunch at Rusk's hotel
suite starting at 12:30 p.m. Sept.
A spokesman said Rusk and
Gromyko also are expected to meet
separately on United States-
Soviet matters but their schedules
did not permit a get-together be-
fore Saturday.
Further talks among the big
three foreign ministers may be
held the following week, depend-
ing on the outcome of the Satur-
day session. Rusk, who is meeting
leaders attending the United Na-
tions General Assembly sessions,
plans to remain in New York
until Oct. 4.
Research Unit
Singles Out 'U'
As Work Center
The new Interprofessional Re-
search Commission on Pupil Per-
sonnel Services recently chose the
University to be its Midwestern
regional center.
The commission also awarded
the University a grant of more
than $200,000 to finance its pro-
posed activities for the next four
years, Prof. Richard L. Cutler of
the psychology department said.
He is project director for the
regional center's beginning re-
search activity, a project intended
to "analyze the function, role per-
ception and training of those pro-
fessions which are involved in pu-
pil personnel services in the
schools, with a view to under-
standing current practice both at
the University and in the field,
and to developing a design for
training and service which will
maximize the effect of our total
effort on behalf of school chil-
dren," according to the original

Pupil personnel services include
such areas as guidance and coun-
seling, remedial work in speech
and hearing, treatment for special
students and nursing.
The presence of a half-dozen or

for a slate of unpledged electors
identified only by their ideologica
persuasions. That is, the voter
would vote for a slate of inde-
pendent liberal, conservative, mod-
erate (or whatever) electors, in-
stead of voting for electors pledged
to a certain candidate.
In defense of the segregatior
laws in Mississippi, Barnett as-
serted that Southerners realize
the importance of "maintaining
the dignity ofthe races in thi,
nation," and that the segregatior
laws merely worked to, this end:
"The opposition is not in the
South," he said. "Our problem
stems from Washington's interfer-
ence in our local affairs. The time
has come in America when th(
people of this nation must take the
cowards out of the front lines."
In an obvious swipe at President
John F. Kennedy, Barnett claimed
that the nation "needs a rea
statesman, a conservative, not
some mealy-mouthed, fence-sit-
ting politician" for a leader.
In the question-answer period
that followed, Barnett was often
interrupted by laughter and cat-
calls, as the audience responded
to a loaded question. Outside a
handful of pickets from Detroit
NAACP stood quietly as the gov-
ernor spoke within, mustering
their strength only to boo and de-
ride him as he left the gym.


in states' rights

To Talk :Here
Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett
"gave us oral acceptance by
phone" of an invitation to speak
at Hill Aud. Nov. 18, Michigan
Union President Raymond Rus-
nak reported last night. Barnett
will be sponsored by the Union
and possibly other campus
Kennedy Cites
Nation's Need
For Resources
By The Associated Press
DULUTH-President John F.
Kennedy said last night, in the
heart of one of the nation's worst
depressed areas, that the United
States must move quickly toward
saving both its natural and human
Winding up his first day of a
five-day trip in which the theme
is conservation, Kennedy declared
the northern Great Lakes region
has unemployment twice the na-
tional average "which is itself too
The President said: "Waste of
natural resources is tragic. But
waste of human resources is dis-
Kennedy's trip, ending at Las
Vegas, emphasizes primarily that
the nation must save its natural
resources or future generations will
At the program, Dean Stephen
Spurr of the natural resources
school announced a University
field training program in outdoor
recreation to be established next
summer at Camp Filibert Roth in
Ottawa National Forest.
Dean Spurr commented that the
program is a logical extension of
the University's prominent role in
developing outdoor recreation pro-
grams and research.

Gov. George Romney Monday
t assured state educators, including
Regent Paul G. Goebel of Grand
Rapids, that he would "give all
consideration possible" to the
forthcoming financial problems of
institutions of higher education.
The governor also said he was
prepared to accept a ceiling on
his proposed two per cent per-
sonal income tax, subject to in-
crease only by voters.
Goebel said yesterday he was
concerned about the possibility
that appropriations for higher ed-
ucation would be lacking. "We
have had rather lean years of late
with appropriations and 'there
will be an increasing need for
funds within the next seven years
as a result of expected enrollment
increases," Goebel explained.
A Shocker
"Citizens will be in for a
shocker when the governor's blue
ribbon' Citizens' Committee on
Higher Education comes through
with its report," he added. "People
will become aware of the increased
need for more education monies to
handle the postwar 'baby boom'."
Goebel pointed out that there
should be more money available
due to reductions in cost of the
state's administrative agencies.
Under the new constitution 120
state agencies will be consolidated
into 20 departments.
"The major point I am current-
ly worried about is whether there
will be sufficient funds for the up-
coming student explosion," Goe-
bel remarked.
Clarifies Position
Also at the meeting Monday,
Romney clarified his position on
a possible personal income tax
ceiling. He noted that such a ceil-
ing must meet specific conditions.
"There must not be a referen-
dum on the tax reform program
itself and there must not be a
referendum on the tax rate pro-
posed in the program," Romney
explained. "But I would accept
sqme reasonably higher level, be-
yond which the tax rate could not
go except through vote of the
people, if it were part of a sound
Romney pointed this out after
leaders in 25 state-wide organiza-
tions who attended the meeting
emphasized a fear that the two
per cent levy could eventually
rise to a higher rate.
Explaining his stand against
letting the voters decide whether
Michigan will get an income tax
Romney said, "I believe the re-
sponsible officials should exercise
leadership in the tax program and
if the people don't like what these
officials do, then they can kick
them out of office."

SGC To Act
On Rules
Taylor, Elkins, Wilton
To Present Proposals
Student Government Council
will consider amendments tonight
on its major motion outlining pro-
cedures to eliminate discrimination
in student group selection prac.
One amendment, to be submit-
ted by Interfraternity ,Council
President Clifford Taylor, '64, and
Panhellenic Association President
Patricia Elkins, '64, calls for the
establishment of a fraternity-sor-
ority membership committee.
This membership committee
would be delegated the authority
"to carry out the functions of
the SGC membership committee
with regard to fraternities and
sororities," the amendment states.
Relevant Info
The SGC membership commit-
tee is currently under the motion
vested the power to investigate
and compile "relevant informa-
tion" on alleged discriminatory
practices in group selection pro-
The Taylor-Elkins amendment
would give their fraternity-sorori-
ty committee-the IFC-Panhel
committee-the power of "original
jurisdiction" over all investiga-
tions of membership procedures
within the Greek system.
After completion of an investi-
gation, the IFC-Panhel commit-
tee would "operate within the IFC-
Panhel judicial structure," the
amendment states.
Both Have Judics
This means that both Panhel
and IFC have judicial bodies to
which the IFC-Panhel committee
could refer its collected informa-
tion for disposal of the case, Tay-
lor said.
He went on to say that the SGC
membership committee would
serve a "watchdog function" al-
lowing the IFC-Panhel commit-
tee to remain operative until the
SGC membership committee de-
termined "that the IFC-Panhel
committee is not carrying out its
delegated responsibility."
This amendment is a revision of
the amendment proposed last
night calling for the IFC-Panhel
committee to work "in conjunc-
tion with" the SGC committee.
Wilton Amendment
A second amendment, to be sub-
mitted by Daily Editor Ronald
Wilton, '64, calls for the abolition
of the tribunal system currently
established under the motion.
Wilton's amendment asks that
Council assume the responsibility
for reviewing the collected infor-
mation on a case and affixing pen-
alties. This power currently rests
with the administrator-faculty
member-student tribunal.
Wilton noted that he would ac-
cept an alternate proposal to keep
the tribunal "if all its members
are students."
SGC President Thomas Brown,
'66L, noted that he did not antici-
pate the passage of the final
amended motion until the next
Council meeting one week from

.Bevel Calls
For 'Army'
Of Protest
Diane Nash Bevel of the Stu-
dent Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee has proposed a "civil
rights army" of 25,000 people to
disrupt activity in Montgomery,
Ala., the Washington Post report-
ed recently.
However, SNCC Executive Sec-
retary James Foreman noted last
night that her proposal is "not as
yet official policy of the organiza-
"News of the plan has just
reached Atlanta and we are evalu-
ating it," he said.
"We have not rejected the plan,"
he continued, "but it is not SN-
CC's policy as of now."
According to reports published
Monday in the Post, Diane Nash
Bevel, "a former Howard Univer-
sity student now working for
SNC in Mississippi" proposed the
plan as part of an "SNCC commu-
nique to the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC)."
The proposal, according to the
Post story, had the approval of
John Lewis, SNCC national chair-
Foreman said, however, that
Bevel is on leave from the orga-
According to the Post, the plan
called for a massive non-violent
"army," which would "surround
the capitol building in such a way
as to allow no vehicles to enter or
leave the building and preferably
in a way that pedestrians may not
enter or leave also."
The communique further detail-
ed plans for a "general work
strike," non-payment of taxes
and cutting off transportation in
the city by lying on runways, high-
ways and train tracks.
Reportedly, the communique was
turned over by Mrs. Bevel to SCLC
leaders after they assembled in
Birmingham on Sunday.

An Editorial..
INTERFRATERNITY Council President Clifford Taylor's
proposal for an IFC-Panhellenic Association membership
committee is unsatisfactory as it now stands. We are divided
on whether such a committee should be created.
However, if Student Government Council does create
this committee, we believe that certain objections must be
met. Taylor's proposal does not provide adequate guaran-
tees of communication between SGC's Committee on Mem-
bership in Student Organizations and the IFC-Panhel com-
Also, the IFC and Panhel executive boards both appoint
members to the affiliate committee and levy any penalties.
There is no functional separation.#
BOTH COMMITTEES must share all information gather-
ed. This ensures that the affiliate group will operate
fairly. This also ensures that SGC's committee will be able
to assume jurisdiction at any time without having to dupli-.
cate work already done.
The chairman of each group could sit as an ex-officio
member of the other. Council could insert a written guar-
antee that the files of the affiliate committee would be
open at any time to the members of the SGC group. In any
case, omission of a formal mechanism of communication
from the proposal is a serious gap that would hamper the
work of both committees.
THE METHOD of selecting members of the affiliate com-
mittee is potentially unfair. The executive committees,.
which would level penalties against offenders, could appoint'
members afraid of building cases stronger than the execu-
tive committee would like to entertain.
This could be corrected by having SGC's Interviewing
and Nominating Committee interview and appoint the mem-,
bers to the IFC-Panhel committee. Of course, membership
would still be open only to fraternity and sorority members.
AGAIN, WE DO not as a group endorse or reject the basic
J : principle of whether or not an affiliate membership comr
mittee should be created. At the same time, if Council does
create this group, we feel that these safeguards are essential
if the IFC-Panhel committee is to function in a vigorous and s
dynamic manner to eliminate discrimination in fraternities
and sororities.r
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May Seek.
To Revise
First Plan
Changes Include
'Original Jurisdiction'
In Bias Complaints
While endorsing the formation
of a joint Interfraternity Council-
Panhellenic Association member-
ship committee to investigate al-
leged discrimination in the affili-
ate system, the IFC executive com-
mittee last night recommended
three basic changes in the original
proposal by IFC President Clifford
Taylor, '64, and Panhel President
Patricia Elkins, '64.
Although neither Taylor nor El-
kins is committed to support the
IFC changes, they said they prob-
ably would propose something like
the IFC plan at tonight's Student
Government Council meeting.
The basic change is that IFC
recommends giving a joint Greek
membership committee "original
Jurisdiction" in the investigation
and prosecution of alleged dis-
crimination: the original Taylor-
Elkins proposal had not.
Under SGC Unit
The second change is that IFC
would place the joint committee
specifically under the authority
of SGC's membership committee.
Taylor and Elkins had suggested a
Joint committee "that shall work
in conjunction with the SGC mem-
bership committee."
Finally. IFC recommended that
the IFC and Panhel executive com-
mittees jointly appoint the mem-
bers of a joint membership com-
mittee. Taylor and Elkins had not
mentioned appointment of com-
mittee members.
Both Greek proposals would al-
low the SGC membership com-
mittee to assume jurisdiction over
affiliate bias if and when the SGC
membership committee "finds that
the joint committee si not carry-
ing out its delegated responsibil-
SGC Tonight

Court Forbids Interference by Wallace

MONTGOMERY (P)-- Alabama
Gov. George Wallace was ordered
last night to stop interfering with
court-ordered desegregation of
public schools in Mobile, Birming-
ham and Tuskegee.
Five federal judges issued a pre-
liminary injunction against the
governor and other state officials.
It was accepted by Wallace's at-
torney John .Kohn.
The order lists 13 specific acts
from which Wallace is enjoined,
including giving any support to his
executive orders which had order-
ed the schools temporarily closed.
The governor had sent state
troopers into the cities where de-
segregation had been ordered to
enforce the executive orders and
keep pupils out of the schools.
McDowel Out
In Oxford, Miss., the University
of Mississippi expelled Cleve Mc-
Dowell, its lone Negro student, a
day after he was arrested on a
charge of carrying a pistol in his
Chancellor J. D. Williams said
the same procedures were followed
as in all non-academic disciplin-
ary cases at Ole Miss.

McDowell, who left campus for
his home some 60 miles south-
west of Oxford, appeared to take
the decision calmly.
"I have no emotions about it
whatsoever," he said. McDowell
said he would have a statement
after his court trial.
The expulsion followed Mc-
Dowell's appearance before the
student judicial council, a imniver-
sity group which recommends
punishment in student matters.
Mississippi Rule
McDowell was accused of violat-
ing a university regulation against
carrying arms on campus. Jack
Young, a Jackson Negro attorney,
accompanied McDowell before the
The council recommended ex-
pulsion to Dean L. L. Love. Love
passed this recommendation to
the chancellor with his concur-
Charles Evers, state field secre-
tary for the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, said he thought the uni-
versity "went by the policy of the

Earlier, Evers had said he hoped
for a strong reprimand.
Friendly Visit
In Birmingham, Ala., two presi-
dential representatives describing
themselves as "friendly guests"
said yesterday they have sched-
uled meetings today with both
white and Negro leaders in. their
efforts to patch up racial differ-
ences, and indicated such meet-
ings will be held daily.
And in Washington, a sweeping
ban on racial discrimination in
places of public accommodation
has reportedly been added to the
administration's civil rights bill by
a House judiciary subcommittee.'
An authoritative source said the
action was taken Monday but was
not made public at the request of
the administration because of the
crucial vote coming today on
President John F. Kennedy's tax-
cut bill.
Beyond Original Bill
The provision the subcommittee
is reported to have accepted tent-
atively goes beyond the adminis-
tration's original proposal by giv-
ing the attorney general author-
ity to intervene in cases of racial
discrimination in places of public
accommodation, based on the 14th
Amendment to the Constitution.
In its proposed bill the admin-
istration pinned its basic author-
ity to the narrower right of Con-
gress to regulate interstate com-
merce. The amendment reported-
ly approved uses both the com-
merce clause and the 14th Amend-
In accepting the amendment,
the subcommittee endangered the
bipartisan support needed to move
the entire civil-rights bill through
the House.
Alabama Arrests
In Selma, Ala., more than 150
Negroes were arrested yesterday as
eiarur..ann Eir.A anta f.n n,. hi

Any move to establish a joint
committee, in whatever form,
would come before SGC tonight as
an amendment to the present mo-
tion, "Membership Selection in
Student Organizations."
The present motion includes no
joint committee, but delegates the
investigation of alleged discrimi-
nation solely to an SGC member-
ship committee, and the penaliz-
ing of discrimination to a judicial
tribunal. Both Greek proposals
would allow the IFC and Panhel
judicial bodies to penalize discrim-
inatory groups.
IFC also recommended that the
IFC and Panhel executive com-
mittees appoint, jointly the mem-
bers of a joint membership com-
In other action, Rush Subcom-
mittee Chairman Lawrence G. Los-
sing, '65, announced that thus far
there are 386 pledges, slightly
more than last fall's number,
Companies See
No Agreement
In Rail Dispute
WASHINGTOV ()---'The rail-
roads said yesterday they, haven't
been able to agree with the unions
on a single point in their four-
year-old work rules dispute.
The carriers urged arbitrators
to disregard past railroad settle-
ment offers. However, Secretary of
Labor W. Willard Wirtz indicated
both sides were close to agreement
in early August, with one of two
key issues all but settled before
negotiations broke down and
threatened a nationwide r a il
Wirtz' comments came in a re-
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Puppe Views Aspects of Kafka's Symbolism, Style

"I always do want to see things as they may present themselves,
before they show themselves to me. I suspect they must be very quiet
and beautiful."
With this quotation from Franz Kafka's "Dialogue with a Pray-
ing Man," Prof. Heinz Puppe of the German department character-
ized Kafka's approach to symbolism and style. Prof. Puppe spoke
in the first of Student Government Council's Reading-Discussion
Groups, this semester featuring three of Kafka's works.

and religious groups which lent great tension to life in Prague,\
where Kafka lived before the First World War. But these explana-
tions fall short of doing justice to Kafka's force.
Besides his peculiar combination of the bare object, independent
of traditional preconceptions, Prof. Puppe also turned to Kafka's
language for clarification of his strength.
His writing is "concise, with few embellishments, lacking pro-
jection of intangible states into things." Kafka uses no omniscient
viewpoint, no puppet strings for his characters.


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