THE LAWP AND DEMONSTRATIONS See Editorial Page Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom :4Iaii PARTLY CLOUDY High--70 Low-40 Chance of rain tomorrow VOL. LXXIV, No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX P Resolution Passes Unchanged; Hold Vote on Ratification Today' IFC Panhellenic To See. BARRY GOLDWATER JOHN McCLELLAN ...reservation ... opposes treaty MODERATE TONE: Communist Nations Attack West Germany n tIN UNITED NATIONS (RP)-The smaller nations echoed yesterday in the United Nations General Assembly the moderate tone set by the United States and the Soviet Union, but West Germany became a growing target for Communist attack. Vaclav David, foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, called for an end to what he called "pirate raids" on Cuba by foreign ships and planes. He described the South Viet Nam government as a'puppet dic- <>tatorship supported by foreign aid DEAN RUSK .. foreign ministers R uskMeets W ith Leaders UNITED NATIONS (MP)-Secre- tary of State' Dean Rusk got off to a fast start yesterday in his diplomatic hobnobbing at the United Nations.. He was reported pleased with the results. Hoping to see virtually all of the '70 or so foreign leaders at the General Assembly's fall session during his visit over the next 10 days, Rusk opened shop with ap- pointments with 11 foreign min- isters the first day. A major get-together with So- viet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko and British Foreign Sec- retary Lord Home to explore what further East-West agreements may be possible following the lim- ited test ban treaty was tenta- tively set for Saturday. tTroops In First to troop into Rusk's office yesterday at the United States mission to the UN headquarters was Spain's Foreign Minister Fer-. nando Castiella. A spokesman reported after the hour-long meeting that Rusk was "very encouraged about progress" on the issue of United States bases in Spain and further developments are expected. The 10-year United States- Spanish agreement providing for three big United States air bases and a naval station in Spain is slated for Sept. 26. Negotiations for a renewal have been bogged down for months, reportedly over Spanish demands for more eco- nomic and political help than Washington wants to supply. Student Exchange Peru's Foreign Minister Fernan- do Schwalb said Rusk proposed during their talks a student ex- change deal under which Ameri- cans would get scholarships to at- tend Peruvian universities and and following a policy of terror. He did not blame any nation by name for either the attacks on Cuba or what he called the dis- turbing and dangerous situation in South Viet Nam. Criticizes Government But he criticized the West Ger- man government for hesitation in signing the limited nuclear test ban treaty, saying its attitude was "hostile to peace and deserving to be denounced." David was the first Communist speaker in the, general policy- de. bate to follow Soviet Foreign Min- ister Andrei Gromyko, who took a similar line against the West German government last week. David endorsed Gromyko's call for an 18-nation summit confer- ence on disarmament before mid- 1964, and all the Soviet proposals on disarmament, reduction of armed forces in East and West Germany, and establishment of denuclearized zones in Central Eu- rope and other areas of the world. Asks Expulsion He asked for expulsion of the Chinese Nationalists from the United Nations and admission of the Chinese Communists, but made clear also Prague was lined. up with Moscow in the current Soviet-Chinese feud. He said Czechoslovakia is dedicated to peaceful coexistence and coopera- tion among countries with differ- ent economic and social systems. Vladimir Popovic, chief delegate from Yugoslavia, expressed sup-1 port for Soviet disarmament pro- posals. But he made no comment on Gromyko's call for a disarma- ment meeting on the summit level. President Tito, who has been patching up differences between the Soviet Union and his inde- pendent Communist regime, will 'address the Assembly next month. He may comment then on the Gromyko proposals. Popovic limited himself to a declaration that the UN has the right to expect more from the 18- nation disarmament committee in the wake of the limited nuclear test ban pact.' Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aram told the Assembly that his country-a longtime ally of the United States-is now on better terms with the Soviet Union. WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate smashed Sen. Barry Goldwater's (R-Ariz) Cuban reservation 75-17 yesterday and went on to smother all other proposed amendments to the resolution for ratifying the limited nuclear test ban treaty. Defeat of Goldwater's proposal and the others was a solid victory for the Democratic and Republi- can leadership, which teamed up to push the resolution through un- changed. The lopsided margin of the vot- ing indicated that the pact will easily win ratification today, even though yesterday's balloting was not strictly on a lineup of those for or against the pact. Ratifica- tion will take a two-thirds major- ity-67 senators if all 100 vote at 10:30 a.m., the windup hour agreed to after two weeks of de- bate. Simple Majority Voting on the reservation was by simple majority. And the first one taken up was by Goldwater to de- lay the effect of ratification until Russia removes all of its nuclear forces from Cuba. The Senate leaders had smooth sailing until the final reservation was offered when they ran into a stiff unhearlded fight. This was over a move to attach an "under- standing" that the treaty does not inhibit the use of nuclear weapons by the United States in its own defense or in defense of its allies. The proposal was offered by Sen. John G. Tower (R-Tex) on behalf of absent Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La) in the form of a reservation. It was amended to an "understanding" at the suggestion of Sen. Speesard L. Holland (D- Fla). Tabling Motion Democratic Senate Leader Mike Mansfield and GOP Leader Ever- ett M. Dirksen said they objected to it in any form. It was killed by a 61-33 vote on a tabling motion by Mansfield. With the reservations fight settled, the Senate then turned to a preamble to the resolution pro- posed by Sen. Richard B. Russell d-Ga).- T4eclares that any amendments to this or other trea- ties must be submitted by the President to the Senate for rati- fication. He told the Senate, "We cannot be too careful" about guarding the Senate's constitutional right in the field of treaty making." Sen. John McClellan (D-Ark) added his name to those who op- pose the treaty. Also, Sen. Edwin L. Mechem (R-' NM) became the 17th senator to announce he will vote against rati- fication today. He had been list- ed by colleagues as inclined to support ratification. Barnett Speech At WMU Stirs Romney Query LANSING (P) - Gov. George Romney said yesterday he "ques- tions the wisdom" of an invitation to Gov. Ross Barnett of Mississip- pi to speak at Western Michigan University. Barnett is scheduled to address the school's senior class at Kala- mazoo tonight. Romney's comment was in re- sponse to a telegram from the De- troit chapter of the National As- sociation for the Advancement of; Colored People. The NAACP asked him to speak out publicly againsti Barnett's appearance.a The NAACP officials also asked Western Michigan President James W. Miller to cancel Barnett's; speech. Miller previously declinedi to act on a similar request fromi the Kalamazoo NAACP chapter. House Begins Tax Debate; GOP Resists WASHINGTON (P) - Upwards of 80 million Americans and their dependents have a direct financial stake in an $11 billion tax reduc- tion bill on which the House starts debate today. For almost all of them, the bill as drafted by the House Ways and Means Committee and supported by President John F. Kennedy would mean lower tares starting next January. For about 1.5 million in the low-income brackets, it would mean the end of federal income tax payments. With final voting set for late tomorrow, there was no certainty last night what shape the meas- ure will be in if and when it clears the House. The big fight will be on a Re- publican-backed proposal to tie tax cutting to reduced government spending. GOP leaders want to make the cuts depend on sub- mission by the President of re- duced spending estimates for the present fiscal year and the next year starting July 1, 1964. The re- ductions would not be cancelled if spending exceeded the estimates. Republicans have called the ad- ministration measure a fraud and "morally wrong." For the average taxpayer, they claim, the tax cuts would amount only to "cigarette money." Kennedy is against the condi- tions proposed by the Republicans. The bill as drited s the corner- stone of his economic program. U.S. Backs Jurisdictiont WASHINGTON (JP)-The Justice Department told the Supreme Court yesterday that federal courts have power to act in cases chal- lenging congressional districting. The department made the state- ment in a "friend of the court" brief submitted as a preliminary to the hearing of arguments in the fall on a case from Fulton County, Georgia. Two county voters appealed to the Supreme Court from dismissal by a three-judge federal district court in Atlanta of their complaint that they were deprived of voting power which they said the United States Constitution guarantees them. In its brief, the Justice De- partment asked the high tribunal to rule that the district court had authority to grant relief to the voters. The brief suggested that the case be sent back to the dis- trict court for a final ruling on the merits of the contentions of the voters. The Justice Department refer- red to a Supreme Court decision in March, 1962 that the distribu- tion of seats in state legislatures is subject to federal court scrutiny. The brief said that the Justice Department read that decision, in a Tennessee case, as declaring the cases involving congressional dis- tricting are justiciable in federal court. CROSS-ACCUSATIONS: Haitian Rebels Trigger Fight SANTO DOMINGO (M) - The Dominican Republic and Haiti accused each other of shooting across their common frontier yes- terday. The new border flareup appar- ently was triggered by Haitian reb- els fleeing into Dominican terri- tory after an abortive attempt to topple Haitian President Francois Duvalier. Haitian ex-General Leon Can- tave, who led an insurgent inva- sion of Haiti last August, was among the 80 Haitian stragglers reported to have crossed into the Dominican Republic after a battle in the Haitian border town of Ou- anaminthe. He was interned in a camp near Santo Domingo, in- formed sources reported. Confirm Speculation Events seemed to confirm ear- lier speculation that the reported shelling of the Dominican border town of Dajabon had resulted from Haitian fire aimed at Haitian reb- els.' President Juan Bosch's govern- ment had accused the Haitian reg- ular forces of shooting up Dajabon with .50-caliber machine guns, and the Dominican radio said Bosch threatened a retaliatory raid on Duvalier's palace in Port au Prince. The Duvalier regime denied the Dominican charges and in turn accussed Dominican forces of hav- ing fired on Ouanaminthe. Led Forces However, Cantave was reported to have told Dominican authori- ties that he had led a rebel force against Ouanaminthe and run in- tp a government army garrisan totaling about 500 men. Cantave said two Duvalier planes had at- tacked rebel positions. Cantave said he lost about 60 men killed in what he described as an all-out rebel attack on Ouana- minthe. He estimated Haitian gov- ernment casualties at more than 100 and said some rebels were still fighting in Ouanaminthe under a man named Antonio Baptiste. Dominican border authorities stripped the fleeing Haitian rebels of their arms, reported to be of American make. Cantave was flown to Santo Do- mingo in custody of a special army commission Bosch had dispatched to investigate the flareup. The Dominican government's next step was not immediately disclosed. The Duvalier regime had said it would take its case to the Orga- nization of American States. No Meeting However, OAS Council President Ganzalo Facio said in Washington that no emergency meeting would be held immediately to deal with the renewed tension on the his- toric Caribbean island of Hispan- iola which the Dominican Republic and Haiti share. Facio also said Dominican For- eign Minister Hector Garvia Go- doy assured him in a telephone conversation from Santo Domingo that the Bosch government had not served an ultimatum on Du- valier's regime. The radio said Bosch threaten- ed to order Dominican planes to bomb Duvalier's palace unless Hai- ti met three conditions: an im- mediate cease-fire; punishment of the guilty, beginning with Duvalier himself; and compensation for damages. ATTACK REPORTED- The Dominican Republic yesterday charged that Haitian forces shelled the Dominican village of Dajabon (shown above) and that Haitian forces were concen- trated opposite the village at Ounminthe, Haiti. LOCAL CHAPTER: NAACP Seeks Counl To Unify Rights Action, By JOHN BRYANT The local chapter of the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People 'called for formation of a new Coordinating Council on Civil Rights last Sunday. The proposed council would be composed of "individuals who for the past six months have met informally to coordinate efforts to secure a comprehensive fair housing ordinance." The proposed coun- cil's suggested membership would$ iDiscrimmna 10R To Propose Amendment Tomorrow Sets Up Greek Unit - Under Council Groun With Inquiry Power By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Interfratermnity Council and Pai hellenic Association last night a nounced their intention to subrr jointly an amendment to Stude: Government Council establishing fraternity - sorority membersh committee. The committee, under the revie authority of the SOC membersh committee, would be empowered investigate alleged discriminato practices in the Greek system. The amendment, to be submitt tomorrow by IFC President Cl ford Taylor, '64, and Panhel Pree dent Patricia Elkins, '64, would inserted into the motion current before Council entitled "Membe ship Selection in Student Orga. izations." Work with Group The amendment calls for' t establishment of an "IFC-Pan- committee working in conjuncti with the SOC membership cot mittee. The Greek committ would carry out the functions the SGC committee with regard fraternities and sororities." The SOC membership commi tee is currently empowered und the motions to "receive .cot pLdnts, collect relevant inform tion and investigate suspect violations." The addition of this 1re membership committee would ta the original investigative authe ity of the SC membershp e01 mittee, according to Taylor. Refer Case He explained that this IF4 Panhel committee would not I gather information but could lat refer the case to the proper 12 or Panhel judicial channel fi disposal. These are the IFC Executi Committee and the Panhe i ecutive Council. The Panhei-IFC members#i committee would continue to o erate "until such time that SC finds the committee inadequate Taylor noted. Not Obstructionist Taylor, in indicating his re sons for submitting the amen ment, emphasized that "this. not an obstructionist move."' He noted that "it is high tir that the fraternities and soro ties clean their own dirty laundi This amendment should lead better cooperation with SOC." Miss Elkins, in announcing l reason for submitting the mea ure, said "there is no reason I Panhel not to cooperate-our c ganization wants to get rid of di crimination"' She explained that "we hope achieve better cooperation b tween the sororities and SGC sin the sororitie-particularly att national level-will see that the own group is taking - charge the matter." Voice Names Endorsements For SGC Race Voice Political, Party last nig1 gave its endorsement to Stude Government Council candidat Howard Schechter, '66, and Thor as Smithson, '65, for the fort coming election. Appearing before the Voice ca: pal13O a otpqS '2u4aa uXsa4P for Council to "end OSA and ac ministration oppression." He pr posed that Council work for "a equitable student-faculty gover: ment and the right to make i own conduct rules." Smithson, the incumbent SC administrative vice-nresident. asl Committe 111 Y Y include about 20 representatives of various groups that have been leaders in the movement for a "more complete" fair housing or- dinance plus five individuals who may not belong to groups but have shown interest and leader- ship in civil rights. No Control Mrs. Albert Wheeler, president of the chapter, stated that the new organization was not designed to control the activities of the various member organizations. "Rather, the council will at- tempt to coordinate, plan and speak out on civil rights issues," she noted. No details of the organizations operations have been worked out, she continued. However, it will be a permanent organization, not one which would fold if a fair housing ordinance satisfactory to the group would be passed. No New Ideas The NAACP meeting also scored the Human Relations Commission for "demonstrating an inability to conceive new ideas, to capitalize on suggestions and to organize and lead in the field of human rights." Jpoint Judiciary Officially Gives IFC Authority Joint Judiciaky Council last night officially gave Interfrater- nity Council the judicial authority over complaints of fraternity group conduct violations. This authority will be subject to later review, according to Joint Judic Chairman Harry Youtt, '64. The authority had been request- ed by IFC Executive Vice-Presi- dent Richard Mandel, '64. Joint Judic had previously maintained jurisdiction over these complaints. In turning over this judicial' au- thority, Joint Judic passed aumo- tion stating that the IFC execu- tive committee-its judicial branch -would handle "those cases in- volving fraternity infractions of University regulations .. . referred to it by the referral committee of Joint Judic." The review authority was also given in the motion. It stated that on April 1, 1964, Joint Judic "shall review this judicial author- ity of IFC." Youtt noted that Judic "was strongly recommending" that IFC have created a separate judicial branch by that time to handle the cases. Currently the IFC Executive Committee Is composed of mem- bers, including chairman Mandel, who work "in an executive as well as judicial capacity," Youtt said. After Judic makes its review of IFC's handling of this new author- ity, Youtt said, it will go to Stu- dent Government Council for final approval. T -.1 STUDENT-FACULTY GOVERNMENT: Smithson Calls SGC Members Trailblazers' By LOUISE LIND Thomas Smithson, '65, administrative vice-president of Student Government Council, last told members of the SGC Committee on University Affairs that they were "trailblazers" in the student-faculty government movement on this campus. The committee, whose structure closely parallels that of the University Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, is the student half of a plan to "involve students more meaningfully in the decisions made at all levels in the University community." Smith- son said. -. . . . .. .. - 2 . - r+ cfni ArTTA faculty." He cautioned against "using the plan as a lever for student rights." Not Clear Since the area of student participation on faculty sub-committees is not, as yet, a clearly-formulated one, Smithson pointed out to student members that "your job is, essentially, as you see it-to do whatever you can within the area of your sub-committee." He encouraged students to request all pertinent documents- summaries of action taken last year and prospecti for this year-from the SACUA sub-committee chairmen in order to gain greater F WWN4 M:1*5