THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU AY} SE ERA 22. '1963 T"lEMIV.GA DALY TT.K#.#.Y. PTi iilI41 WR }"OOT. ip TS AND LETTERS: landor Explains Role of Pianist By JEFFREY K. CHASE ice man's primary needs are ed, those things which make ch and worth living become -and music is one of those s" according to Prof. Gyorgy .. or of the music school, and ernationally known pianist. {; s interesting to observe the )nship between concert pian- d audience which exists to- n comparison to that of 50 . years ago, he notes. : the days of Liszt and Pad- di the pianist was idolized to . int of being considered su- iman, Sandor says. But to- ,:. his has changed to the point . these idolized figures are A brought down to reality for observation -to see just .... makes them tick," Sandor Performers Are Human roday the audience wants to usider the performer as a hum- being, too. And because of this, performer tries to act human, her than attempting to give the pression of being a god, Sandor s. andor sees significant differ- es between a child prodigy and normal, talented child. The digy is unaware of the prob- es which confront him in his thushe is able to. overcome m easily and gives them no fur- r consideration. during adolescence, however, diges begin to wonder how they what they can do. It is at this ie, when they become aware of formance difficulties and be- to analyze them, that most digies fade from the picture. ose that survive, such as violin- Jascha Heifetz or pianist Josef fmann, are formidable, Sandor s. Growth Is Essential ?rodigy or not, any artist needs ie to develop; and how the dali To Head 'eleviion Talk ver Pollution he University Television Cen- s "Understanding Our World", gram will present the first part a. series on water pollution in ierica at 9a.m. today on Chan- 7. 'eatured on the program will be retary of the Interior Stewart L1, Cordon 'McCallum of the lic health service and Profes- s George Hunt of the natural urces school, Lloyd Kempe of engineering college and Karl ler of the natural resources aol. t 12 p.m. on Channel 4, two ents of retarded children will uss their personal experiences dealing with retardation with fessors Richard Cutler of the chology department and George mn of the social wo;rk school he participants will discuss a nIt statement by President n F. Kennedy calling for a uni- iattack on mental illness. , SANDOR TRIBUTE-The above medallion was sculptured in 1959 as a tribute to Prof,. Gyorgy Sandor of the music school, an inter- nationally known pianist. Its creator was Paul Vincze, a Hungar- ian sculptor who at the time had moved to London. young, talented artist spends his time is up to him. The necessary achievements of this period, how- ever, are those of expanding the repertoire and cultivating a per- sonal style, Sandor says. The aspiring talent begins a ca- reer first "by performing very, very well." He should be exposed to influences characteristic of the various, parts of the world. He must be international on the high- est level, because he will not be able to play to the same audience in the same locale during an entire tour, Sandor points out. The long process of gaining rec- ognition relies initially on the press to discover a new name, he says. "This often takes a sensational achievement like winning a well- known competition." Then the concert managements choose from those receiving unusual publicity and "put them on the market, thus necessitating some of their present artists being dropped," he notes. Most of the "sensational" ar- tists will be eliminated by time; many of the others will be pushed out by a repetition of the same process during the following years, he observes. Press: Pros and Cons "Undoubtedly the influence and power of the press are enormous Hold Auditions For Announcer Auditions are now being held for the announcer's position in the Marching Band, according to Con- ductor of Bands Prof. William D. Revelli of the music school. Those interested should contact Prof. Re- velli tomorrow to arrange for an appointment. and greatly help to determine the standard of our musical activities. However, it might be interesting to recall the comment of Virgil Thompson, noted American com- poser and music critic, who states that the main objective of today's music critic is not to evaluate an artist, or to educate the public, or to report the happenings at a certain musical event; rather, he should write a literary piece which is interesting reading to the day- to-day consumer of the publica- tion to which the critic contrib- utes. I think this situation is very unfortunate, indeed," S a n d o r muses. The artists who finally reach the top inherit the responsibility of bringing to their audiences the best repertoire in a wayhwhich does justice to their art, he ob- serves. "If they can perform good contemporary music well, they must play this too." It is their duty to introduce the music of today to the public," be- cause it is the good music of today that will be, the classics of tomor- row," Sandor states. Bartok Adaptation One item on Sandor's Aorthcom- ing University Musical Society re- cital in Ann Arbor is a Bartok piano adaptation of a Bach organ work which Sandor finds interest- ing to discuss. "It is not generally known that; Bartok made piano transcriptions of a great number of Baroque com-; positions, mostly of the Italian school, as well as having edited the major works of Bach, Mozart andl Beethoven. The adaptation I will play next Tuesday evening is thel first movement of the Organ So-1 nata No. 6 in G major. This willo be its first local performance," heE says. Negroes Fail To Penetrate Fraternities (Continued from Page 1) social campus organizations won't actually begin screening member- ship candidates until late this month or later. One of the few reported inci- dents involving Negroes and a campus organization took place recently at Long Beach State Col- lege, Calif., when three Negro co- eds attended off-campus sorority rushing parties and reported oth- ers present were "sort of shocked." "Because there is no Negro sor- ority," said one of the girls, "we have to go to the rush." Shortly after, the three said they were giving up their attempt be- cause "It just isn't worth all the trouble and expense.' "Sororities are social organiza- tions," one of the girls said. "You can't force ;yourself upon some- body under such circumstances. If they were interested in accepting Negroes, they wouldn't try to get out from under school regula- tions." The college suspended six of the eight sororities on charges they at- tempted to bypass a college ban against racial restrictions by hold- ing their rushing activities off campus. Spokesmen for national frater- nities and sororities said most such organizations have no racial re- strictions on membership but ad- mitted a few still had. Norrell Traces Multi-Benef its Of Culture Ties (Continued from Page 1) macy, dependent on its many parts for its total effect. This is truly a work for many hands." The University's role in the "to- tal national activity" is highly sig- nificant. "The State Department sponsored, in whole or in part, some 25,000 foreign students in the years 1949-1962. During this same period the University alone enroll- ed almost half that number of for- eign students, under all forms of support," Mrs. Norrell said. Some students in private ex- change programs do not have suf- ficient academic backgrounds or financial resources to compete suc- cessftully in American universities, she observed. To remedy this, the State De- partment plans to offer improved services to non-government pro- grams. These will include extended counselling and selection offices and new orientation and instruc- tion courses in English. The State Department alsoa plans to provide scholarships for students whose private grants have expired and who wish to con- tinue their studies in this country, as well as facilities to assist for- eign students obtain summer em- ployment, Mrs. Norrell said. -Robert B. Ellery BANDING TOGETHER-Conductor of Bands Prof. William D. Revelli of the music school prepares the University Marching Band for their Sept. 28 debut at the Southern Methodist-Wolverine game. The site here is the Angell Hall steps, but football fans will be watching them all season in the more spacious and level confines of Michigan Stadium. WORKSHOP: Foreign Students View Adjustment Problems By DAVID BLOCK for children of foreign student The workshop sessions of the This group mentioned the bas International Center's "Consulta- problems of language, grade plac tion of Friends and Workers with ment and adjustment which fac Foreign Students and Visitors" the foreign children. conference yesterday posed several The workshop observed that el problems and suggestions on the mentary school age childrenc adjustment of foreign students to foreign students tend to be absorb Ann Arbor community life. ed more readily into the new soci There were four different work- ty than do their adolescent broth shop groups. The first concerned ers and sisters. However, the grou itself with the clubs and organiza- decided that it would be undesir tions which sponsor projects for able if the younger foreign pupi foreign students or visitors. The adjusted too well to the America workshop revealed that one of the way of life so that they would hav main problems facing exchange difficulty adjusting back to the program societies was finding fam- old way of life upon their retur ilies to house foreign students. to the homeland. One organization, the Friends of Calling Ann Landers the English Language Institute, A fourth workshop examine expressed difficulty in finding men to work with students in ELI. A the possibilities of where foreig conclusion reached by this work- students could take their prob shop was that the sharing of ex- lems, and found that there woul periences between an American be trouble in locating certain type family and a foreign student is of advice. their strongest bond. The workshop suggested the A second workshop discussed:committees be created to assic intercultural hospitality between foreign students locate housin foreign students and the local and become adjusted to the Amer community. It suggested that im- ican educational and financial syl proved communication between tems. the organizations concerned with foreign students, especially in re- lation to orientation programs, would serve to eliminate a great deal of the confusion faced by an exchange student when he first arrives on campus. Getting To Know You The workshop also recommended that Americans working with the foreign students become better ac- quainted with the students' back- grounds. This would make the students feel more at ease with their Ann Arbor associates and PoFESS__N__ THEATREPRGR would facilitate the entire orien- tation process, the workshop not- ed. SUBSCRI Another workshop probed the question of improving educational and extra-curricular experiences s. ic e- ce .e- of b- e- h- Lp X- in ve ir ;n Id yes at Ag r- s- TODAY Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. .. MICNIGIIM DIAL 5-6290 "H IGHEST .. RATING!" --N.Y Daily News f >A Marching Band Prepares To 'Kick Off' Season I p V 1 STARTS Oct. 2nd TOM & JERRY in "SUFFERING CATS" Join the Daily edit staff I x m r- i cn = - C7 z s t .{.. {."?.V.V.. fl, .a.....yA{i ........ ... ':.N.a.v,.s{.a.v."....... ...... ...... rvn"?:......:"v... k . ,-r{:. .{',...................:.......... - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :;> }};: :":: :};'{ . t). .. . ... ..a .. .. ... .. .::v v..vJ". ra~ . %W.." "r 4 . Aaaa ..... , .,.., .... . . . . .} ..4. N.St. . .Y..........,.V , ..tV .... . .. ..t . assA. .f .. . "... .~... .r . ". A- JrAV .r The Daily Official Bulletin is an ficial publication of The Univer- ty of Michigan for which The Ichigan Daily assumes no editorial sponsibility. Notices should be at in TYPEWRITTEN form to oom 3564 Administration Building fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding iblication, and by 2 p.m. Friday r Saturday and Sunday. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 DayCalendar ,ool of Music Faculty Recital-Rob- Noehren, Univ. organist: Hill Aud., p.m. nema Guild-Lew Ayres in Lewis stone's "All Quiet on the Western at"; pius 'short, "Hugo Van Der. s.": Architecture Aud., 7:00 and 9:00 General Notices niv. Faculty and Staff Meeting: Pres- t Hatcher will give his annual ad- s to the faculty and staff on Mon. ing, Sept. 30, at 8:00 p.m., in the kham Lecture Hall. All staff mem- and their wives are invited. The Distinguished Faculty Achieve- t Awards and the four Distinguish- Service Awards for Instructors and' stant Profs. will be presented at this tIng. A reception will be held in Mich. League Ballroom immediate- fter the conclusion of the meeting. udent Tea at the home of President Mrs. Hatcher. tin Wed., Sept. 25 n 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. he Next Meeting of the Literary Col- Steering Committee will be held in n 1220 Angell Hall this coming , Sept. 23, at 4 p.m. rman Make-up Examinations wilj ield Thurs., Sept. 26, 7-9 p.m. in ns 1088, 1092, and 1096 Frieze Bldg. se register in the office of the Dept. erman by noon Wed., Sept. 25. innual Open Enrollment Period Blue Cross-Blue Shield Campus-Office of Staff Benefits. Hos- pital-Personnel Office. Union-Business Office. Notice to Employes of All University Units BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD Open Enrollment Period will be held in the above locations from Oct. 1, 1963, through Oct. 15, 1963. New applications and changes to exist- ing contracts will be allowable. Any family member, eligible for coverage, may be added at this time, including those children over 19 who are income tax dependents. No new applications, changes, or addi- tions will be accepted after this enroll- ment period, other than for new em- ployes or approved thirty-day changes until October of 1964. Regents Meeting: Fri., Oct. 18. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Oct. 4. ORGAN IZATION NOTICES USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce- 'ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Organizations who are plan- ning to be active for the Fall Semester should register bySept. 24, 1963. Forms available. 1011 SAB. * * *v Graduate Outing Club, Hiking & Horseback Riding, Sept. 22, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. Entrance. * * * ' La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, lunes de, Sept. 23, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. Unitarian Student Group, Talk & Dis- cussion, Sept. 22, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church. Speaker: Prof. Q. McLaughlin, EMU, "Civil Rights & Sit-Ins." * * *. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stud. Or., Supper, 6 p.m., Business Meeting & Candlelight Initiation, 6:45 p.m., Sept. 22, 1511 Washtenaw. Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: Nomi- nations for Woodrow Wilson fellowships for first year grad work leading to a career in college teaching are due Oct. 31. Only faculty members may nominate candidates. Eligible for nomination are men and women of outstanding ability, who are seniors, or graduates not now enrolled in a graduate school, or grads now in the armed forces who will be free to enter a grad school in 1964-65. Seniors who next semester will be dou- ble enrolled in the Literary College and in the Grad School are eligible. To give nominees sufficient time to prepare and submit the required credentials, faculty members are urged to send in their nominations as early as possible, although letters postmarked Oct. 31 will be accepted. Letters of nomination should include the student's field of concentration, his local address and telephone, and should be sent to Dean Richard Armitage. Grad School, the Ohio State Univ., 164 W. 19th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Events Monday Bureau of School Services Citizenship Conference for High School Student Councils-Registration: Lobby, Rack- ham Bldg., 9:00 a.m. School of Public Health Assembly- Rensis Likert, Director of Institute for Social Research and Prof. of Psychology and of Sociology, "Implications of Or- ganizational Research for Public Health' Admin.": School of Public Health Aud., 4:00 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Gary Foy Bennett, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Oxygen Transfer Mechanisms in the Gluconic Acid Fermentation by Pseudo- monas ovalis," Mon., Sept. 23, 3201 E, Engrg. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. L. Kempe. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Ethicon, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio-Seek-' ing Sales Representatives to contact professional medical men & women, purchasing agents, distributors, etc. Degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad, Exper. not required. Desire personable indi- viduals with poise, enthusiasm, etc. Ex- cellent growth potential-extensive dev. progs. are provided within the orga- nization. Limited travel-no weekends. Company is subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. Main products are surgical sutures. Lycoming, Div. fo Avco Corp., Wil- liamsport, Pa.--Opening for Mechanical Engineering grad, who has indicated in his studies a proclivity for theory, de- sign & application of steam & hot water heating. Must have interest in experimental projects, including vari- ous types of oil & gas-fired boilers & flame propagation. Must have signif. knowledge of hydronic heating & its ap- plication. Welch Grape Juice Co., Inc., West- field, N.Y.-1) Programmer-BS in Ac- counting, Bus. Ad. or Math. 1-5 yrs. 1401 computer programming exper. Will be doing programming of Accounting systems on 1401 magnetic tape com- puter. 2) Research Chemist-BS or MS degree in Chem. or Biochem. 2-7 yrs, exper. in food research or technology or related fields such as pharmaceuti- cals. Will do research activities con- cerned with new product dev. & process improvement. For further information, please call General Div. Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. 1 a Subscribe to TheMcia al Ii I I A MOST EXCELLENT FILM I Director Peter Brook has made a gripping adventure-horror flim! Chilling and fascinating! A neat, compact and completely absorbing adventure story... its nightmarish moral is inescapablel" -. c w .t.W, I I DIAL 2-6264 Shows of 1:00, 4:30 & 8:00 p.m. ,u"TEWINNER OE ACADEMY 'if you read William Golding's eerie book, 'Lord of the Flies', you'll find that the film version follows it with unrelenting fidelity. A decidedly off-beat venture, it is at one and the same time horrifying and attention holding. Shocking "EXPERT SHOCKER! It is fearsomely realistic and almost unbearably suspenseful. You will leave the Loew's Tower East Theatre wrung out emotionally. A picture that you have to admirel" -Wanda Hale, Daily News "A study in savagery. .for those who love to go on an unrestricted diet of goose flesh. A commendable job- it aima at and nets "One of those gems that will be watched by connisseurs of the film for years to come. On each occasion, they undoubtedly wil find some fresh meaning to it. -las captured- every facet of the book, it builds up to overwhelming power. The boys r- ..-- I I Id ;5 'U F' 'U TV ARE CALLIN~G IT I _. _ fl I I I I I I I I