AUMED SUKARNO: INDONESIA'S NAPOLEON See- Editorial Page ic, '' r SW 43 tan :4Ia iI4 COOLER High--70 Low-57 Occasional showers Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA IFC POWERS: Joint Judie Grants Authority USSR Proposes Summi By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Joint . Judiciary Council last night agreed to a request from Interfraternity Council that IFC be given judicial authority over A complaints of fraternity group condct violations. Joint Judic had previously main- tained jurisdiction over these com- plaints. The official transfer of judicial authority will be made Monday night, according to Joint Judic Chairman Harry Youtt, '64. Joint Judic's acceptance of the request in principle last night came in a closed deliberation af- ter IFC Executive Vice-President Richard Mandel, '64, had entered the request in an open hearing at the Judic meeting. Dual Role Mandel was speaking in his sec- ond capacity as chairman of the i s Jackson Students Quiet Following Stoning of Police JACKSON (M--Students attended classes quietly in racially inte- grated Parkside High School yesterday following Wednesday's out- break of stone throwing at police. Principal George Kiesel, 40, ex-Marine and former college foot- ball player, took charge. "I will not," he told his attentive audience, "tolerate anyone in this school who is going to try to deny an education to anyone else - in this school." Police stood watch as the approximately 1500 Negro Sta te Board and white students came to the newly opened, $3 million school. Rejects Bid For Delta By MARGARET WITECKI The proposal to establish a pri- vately financed degree-granting "senior college as an adjunct to Saginaw Valley's Delta Community College was defeated for the sec- ond time in two months yesterday by the State Board of Education. Dividing 2-2 on the vote were Dr. Lynn Bartlett, superintendent of public instruction, and Frank Hartman in favor of the proposal, and Board Chairman Cornelia Robinson and James O'Neil, who voted against it. President Samuel Marble of Delta College stated that the next move in the thumb area's attempt to establish' a four year college was now uncertain. "We have agreed not to put forth any mre proposals .until after Gov. Romney's Citizen's Committee on Higher Education has presented their report," Marble said. Other Plans The Blue Ribbon Committee is studying various plans for provid- ing four years of college to Sagi- naw-Bay City residents in con- Junction with its study of state- wide education needs. One proposal, suggesting the es- tablishment of a University branch in the tri-county area was refused support earlier this year - by the Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education and the Michigan State Council of College Presidents. A so-called "piggyback plan" that would have set up an inde- pendent four-year degree granting institution in addition to the pres- ent two year Delta College met with defeat in the Legislature about the same time. The main objection to a Univer- sity branch at Delta was the fear of other institutions that similar institutions would then be estab- lished all over the state. Delta Proposal "In his speech to the Saginaw Valley Chamber of Commerce on April 19 Gov. Romney commented that he would ask the committee to make a proposal concerning the Delta area," he continued. Marble also mentioned that the Attorney Gneeral's office has said Delta would have a legal claim in case of a suit and that its rights had been transgressed in being denied the charter. The reasons for opposing, ac- cording to the president were 'that Mrs. Robinson believed a dan- gerous precedent for the founding of institutions would be establish- ed. Also, O'Neil was not satisfied that the standards of the new college would be high enough. Were To Follow Plan The proposal offered to raise funds totaling five million dollars for a new college and then follow the state's plans for education in the area, Marble said. At the present time Delta is con- ducting third year nursing classes. The students are being given a full program, although as of yet Delta will not be able to confer degrees upon them. Three Students Evacuate School The school was evacuated be- cause of a fake bomb threaton the telephone after regular morn- nig classes. Police and firemen found nothing in a search of the building. Afternoon classes went on as scheduled. Nearly a score of white and Ne- gro youths were taken into cus- tody after a scuffle on the school parking lot Wednesday. Police broke up a crowd of Negro adults Wednesday night. There were no injuries. Equal Enrollment Parkside High's enrollment is about evenly divided between white and Negro. The school opened for its first glasses Sept. 14. Most of its students come from other inte- grated schools. Meanwhile in Washington, Pres- ident John F. Kennedy is sending Earl H. Blaik, former Army foot- ball coach, and Kenneth C. Royall, former secretary of the Army, into Birmingham, Ala., to try to ease racial tensions there. Kennedy said the two men will go to Birmingham in the next few days "tio represent- me personally in helping the city to work as a unit in overcoming the fears and suspicions which now exist." Confers with Negroes The President,' who conferred with seven Negro leaders and an- nounced he will receive a delega- tion of white leaders from Birm- ingham. Monday, issued a state- ment urging the "cooperation and restraint of all citizens." He said the tragic death of four Negro girls in the bombing of a Birmingham church last Sunday has given rise to fears and distress. The Rev. Martin Luther King, speaking for the delegation that had an hour-long conference with Kennedy, said Birmingham's Ne- groes are "frustrated, confused and almost on the verge of despair." King, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, read a statement which said the Negro .leaders had promised full cooperation with measures taken by the President to avert further violence in Birmingham. These include the naming of Blaik and Royall to serve as Ken- nedy's personal representatives. "There is a lack of confidence in the law enforcement officials," King said. "This confidence has been lessened by the presence of state troopers in Birmingham who by their brutality continually har- ass and intimidate Negro citizens." He described the meeting with Kennedy as "a very fruitful con- ference." King said they discussed the Ne- gro leaders' request that federal troops be sent into Birmingham to replace state troopers. IFC judicial committee which would assume the authority-the IFC Executive Committee. The executive committee con- sists of IFC senior officers, dis- trict fraternity representatives (house presidents), alumni rep- resentatives, a junior IFC repre- sentative and an Office of Student Affairs voting member. Mandel presented specifically for Judic's consideration the unanimous proposal of the execu- tive committee "to consider any (fraternity group) violation re- frred to us by the OSA." Answers Objections In support of the proposal he answered objections that by its Greek composition the executive committee would be unable to serve as an unbiased group in fraternity cases. "We feel that we're strong enough internally so that we can rise above petty fraternity poli- tics," Mandel said. He noted that members of the committee "directly connected with the group in question will be dis- qualified from the poceedings." IFC President Clifford Taylor, '64, emphasized IFC's interest in "watchdogging its own house." He called the executive committee "a group dedicated to the fraternity system and the solution of its problems." Mandel went on to explain that IFC's assuming jurisdiction to handle discipline complaints against fraternity groups was in line with repeated OSA sugges- tions. In accepting the jurisdiction, the committee realizes that its de- cisions "are of consequence not only to the fraternity involved but to the whole fraternity system generally," he said. To Retain Powers Mandel reminded Joint Judic that it would retain its power as a board of appeal on all cases brought before IFC. Citing structural revisions nec- essary to implement the change, Mandel explained that the IFC constitution already gives the executive committee jurisdiction over matters of fraternity conduct referred it by the OSA. The Joint Judic constitution can be amended in the bylaws such that the Judic referral com- mittee is instructed to refer fra- ternity violation complaints to the IFC, he said. Joint Judic last year handled five cases of the type that would come before the IFC executive committee, Mandel noted. They were all for fraternity drinking violations. Announce Date For Plase-out Of High School The date for the phasing out of University High School was set yesterday as September, 1967. The announcement of Septem- ber, 1967 as the target date for completion of Ann Arbor's second public high school by the project's architects, Charles W. Lane Asso- ciates, Inc., determined the phase- out date for U-High. Sources at the School of Edu- cation related that the University had been advised of the projected date and were making appropriate plans to stay in operation until at least June, 1967. Prof. William H. Mills, assistant to the director of University School said yesterday that: "University High School will re- main in business until the new city senior high school is opened." The University had pledged last spring to keep U-High operating until facilities could be obtained for the adequate education of the school's students. JAMES O'NEIL ... board member Board MeetsJ Over EMU Presidency Representatives of E a s t e. r n M i c h i g a n University's Faculty Council met with the State Board of Education last night to estab- lish procedure for selecting a new president for the Ypsilanti col- lege. , Current president Eugene B. Elliott was fired by the State Board last June following a NCA report on low morale conditions at Eastern. He. will continue in office, however, until June 30, 1964. The NCA report was requested by the State Board after it had received complaints from Eastern personnel and interested citizens that the school administration lacked direction and was causing disillusionment among faculty and students. NCA Investigation An NCA investigation team vis- ited the campus to obtain first hand knowledge of the situation. The final report was k pt partially secret, by the State Board until official requests from Gov. George Romney made the complete in- vestigation public. Main points in the study stated that there was poor faculty-ad- ministration communication -and that Eastern lacked a comprehen- sive goal. Although it is the primary re- sponsibility of the State Board to fill the vacancy, it has pledged to work in close cooperation with university personnel during the selection process. Open to Suggestions The board is now open to sug- gestions of candidates. During screening procedures, every effort will be made to obtain advice from the faculty committee and also enable them to meet the candi- dates, James O'Neil, Republican board member from Livonia said. Whether the board will actually appoint the new president is still undetermined. The responsibility may be turned over to Eastern's individual governing board if such a body is created by the Legisla- ture in the coming session. O'Neil, as well as the presidents of the four regional universities have recommended to Romney and Legislature leaders that this action be taken as soon as possible. Another item on the State Board's September agenda was a proposal for raising the pay scales of faculty and nonacademic per- sonnel. A hike of from five to 10 per cent for faculty and slightly less for other employes had been tent- atively approved at the August meeting.,1 To Tighten Lid On Security For Session Bar Public Attendance At Kennedy's Speech UNITED NATIONS (P)-A tight lid of security will be clamped on United Nations headquarters to- day during President John F. Ken- nedy's four-hour visit to the world forum. A UN spokesman said the gen- eral public will be barred. It is customary to bar the pub- lic when the head of a major power comes to UN readquarters, but precautions are particularly tight this time in viek of a rash of recent demonstrations inside and outside the building. Thant To Greet President Under present" arrangements, the President and his party will roll up to -the delegate's entrance at 11 a.m. Kennedy will be greeted at the door by UN Secretary-Gen- eral U Thant. After he speaks, Kennedy will go to the Indonesian lounge out- side the Assembly Hall and head a reception line to shake hands with the heads of the UN delega- tions. The Indonesian lounge is named for its decor and two wood carvings, of peace and prosperity, donated by Indonesia. To Return to Assembly Following this ceremony, the President will return to the As- sembly and greet the 1500 United States members of the UN staff. Kennedy and Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, a for- mer Assembly president, will be honor guests at a luncheon given at headquarters by Thant. It is understood that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko, who addressed the Assem bly yesterday, will be a guest at the Thant luncheon. Foreign Ministers Conference In Washington, potentialities of the Sino-Soviet split are expected to underlie much of the discus- sions which Secretary of State Dean Rusk will be undertaking with foreign ministers at New York. Rusk flies to New York Satur- day for 12 days of intensive con- sultations with leaders attending the UN General Assembly, includ- ing a round with Gromyko and British Foreign Secretary Lord Home on East-West problems. Rusk anticipates seeing Gromy- ko on United States-Soviet mat- ters, perhaps around the middle of next week, and to confer with Home and Gromyko together on multilateral East-West questions late in the week. Gromyko subsequently is expect- ed to come to Washington to see Kennedy. In the Rusk-Gromyko meetings, United States officials believe a variety of well known problems will come up-including disarma- ment issues, trade, plus such items as the United States and Soviet interest in the building of new em- bassies for their diplomats in Washington and Moscow. Among disarmament proposals likely to be discussed in the wake of the limited test ban treaty signing are the Moscow-propos- ed non-aggression pact between the NATO and Warsaw military blocs and the stationing of observ- ers in the East and West to guard against surprise attack. HEADS OF STATE-U Thant, Secretary-General to the UN, will welcome President John F. Kennedy to UN headquarters today. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko spoke on major policy issues before the General Assembly yesterday. DISCRIMINATION: Cutler Raises Doubt Ont Proposed Tribuntal By LOUISE LIND Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology department and chairman of the Student Relations Sub-Committee of the University Senate last night viewed recent actions by Student Government Council to establish regulations over student group membership selection: practices. In particular, he expressed some skepticism about Council's move to place a faculty member with student and administration members on a t ;bunal to decide cases of alleged discrimination. T U Startling but Superficial Hruska Gives Prof. Cutler saw a "startling, but possibly only superficial re- semblance" to a plan previously suggested to the SRC by S.C. AtBa Support that time, the SRC expressed "ser- Policy Omits General Tone Of Cold War Offers Proposals For Peace Talks' To UN Assembly Discuss Disarmamen ious reservations" about such a plan, he noted. Its skepticism was sufficient so that it eclined to recommend the appointment of a faculty repre- sentative to the proposed commit- tee. Th SRC at that time question- ed whether Council was "on solid legal ground in deny:7g recogni- tion to non-conforming student groups," Prof. Cutler said. "It is not apparent at this time whether the recently adopted policy of SGC provides a sounder legal foundation for action. If it does, one of the faculty's concerns 3iay possibly be removed." Clear Power Prof. Cutler recognized that "it now seems clear that the Regents intend that SGC have the author- ity to withdraw recognition" from those groups found guilty of dis- criminatory practices. However, he noted that "wheth- er the proposed tri-party panel will be able effectively to exer- cise the authority delegated to SGC is an open question, particul- arly if the original questionscon- cerning proper legal steps have not been answered."" Yet he confirmed that the SRC will "examine in detail the posi- tions of both SGC and the Office of Student Affairs "The previous history of the SRC's actions indicate that this committee will support enthusias- ticly any plan which promises to implement the intentions of the Regents' bylaw on discrimination." WASHINGTON MP)-Sen. Ro- man L. Hruska (R-Neb) announc- ed to the Senate yesterday he has decided with difficulty "against a background of some doubt and brutal realism" to vote for the limited nuclear test ban treaty. His departure from the slowly dwindling list of undecided Sena- tors offset the switch, earlier in the day, to the ranks of treaty foes by Sen. Frank J. Lausche (D-Ohio) who had been counted as a supporter. That kept the total of backers at 81, raised the opponents to 14 and left only five in the undecided column of an unofficial Associated Press list. When the Senate votes next Tuesday, it will require a two-thirds majority of Senators voting-67 if all 100 vote- to ratify the pact. Foregone Conclusion Ratification is considered a fore- gone conclusion. But President John F. Kennedy has urged ap- proval by "a margin large enough to show the world that the Ameri- can people want a just peace." In a Senate chamber containing only a handful of Senators listen- ing most of the day, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W Va) a declared op- ponent of the pact, delivered a lengthy speech. Several times he was interrupted by other foes of UNITED NATIONS (.)-Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko came up yesterday with new proposals on disarmament, includ- ing the holding of an 18-nation summit meeting on that issue be- fore next June 30. He offered Moscow as a site. His proposals were contained in a major policy speech to the a ao oiysec oteUnited Nations General Assembly that was devoid of cold war lan- guage as far as the United States and the other big Western powers were concerned. But it wtas vit- riolic in respect to West Germany and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. One Speech Ahead Gromyko spoke in advance of the policy speech to be delivered in the Assembly this- morning by President John F. Keninedy. In general, UN diplomats wel- comed the .mifd language and Western leaders said they would give careful study to the dis- armament proposals. Besides proposing the summit meeting on disarmament Gromyko advanced a plan to let the United States and the Soviet Union re- tain some nuclear rokets until the final stage of disarmament is achieved. Outer Space Ban He also' said the Soviet Union wanted agreement with the United States to ban placingobjects con- taining nuclear weapons I outer space. United States Ambassador Adli E. Stevenson said Gromyko's rem- phasis on further steps to reduce tensions, especially in disarma-' ment, "was very welcome to the United States." Similar reaction came from Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and Britain's Ambas- sador Sir Patrick Dean. But the latter commented that "the un- fortunate attack on Konrad Ade- nauer and the West German Re- public seemed quite inconsistent with the general tone of the speech." German Blackmail Gromyko accused the Adenauer regime of attempting to blackmail any government which opposes what he called "the revenge- seeking" demands stemming from Bonn. He added: "The government of Chancellor Adenauer has long since won a stable and quite definite reputa- tion: whatever proposals originate that could lead to the relaxation of international tensions, Bonn will inevitably throw a wrench in the works and interfere with its implementation." He cited Bonn's opposition to a reduction of Western troop strength in Central Europe and to making that area a denuclearized zone. He said the Soviet Union would continue to oppose "the present militarist and revanchist course of West Germany, and its attempts to poison the relations between states, and prevent agreementon crucial international problems" West German Ambassador Sig- ismund von Braun had only a terse "no comment" when asked for his reaction to Gromyko's speech. West-Germany is not a UN member. It has only observer status. The 18 nations which would be invited to send their heads of state to the summit conference on disarmament would be those which have been taking part In the lengthy off-and-on talks in Gene- va /It would include France, which has been boycotting the meetings. Regents To Set Year's Budget The Regents are expected to authorize a budget for the 1964- the treaty.^ One of these, Russell (D-Ga) what he called. sion to create a He said it may Sen. Richard B: complained of America's obses- favorable image. have caused the NATION-WIDE MOURNING: Demonstration Protests Negro Deaths By CARL COHEN Approximately 400 observers and participants attended an orderly demonstration protesting the "bru- tal murder of Negro children in Birmingham," from 4-5:30 yester- day on the Diag. The. demonstration was part of a nationwide series of ad hoc pro- tests this week over last Sunday's church bombing and two other killings in that city. President, the Attorney General, Negroes as "the tools for gradual and various congressmen, urging progress," and provide the "abso- federal intervention in Birming- lute imperitive" of disarmament. ham. "The economy needs to reallocate 'Hideous Reflection' its funds to clear up such social. Former Daily editor Thomas problems as the need for teachers Hayden, Grad, called the racial and schools and the urban ii rflt of blight" of the slums._ United States to fall behind in certain nuclear tests it should have conducted. Calling'for a firmer policy, Rus- sell said: "World opinion will have to go hang in any clash between world opinion and the vital in- terests of the 'United States. No Reference Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), in his speech, did not refer to the reservation he will offer Monday to postpone the effectiveness of the treaty until after Russia with- draws its military forces from Cuba and permits onsite interna- tional inspection. He already has made clear he will oppose the treaty even if his proposal is adopted, which appears unlikely., situation a hdnieous rei ection of the general social crisis." He ex- plained that the possibilities for reaching a compromise on any auestion of civil rights are quickly Action Now If America can't get down to the business of doing something about human needs, "we are committed -~ '.'~-~ '-~ .m~ "~ ___________