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September 19, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-19

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See Editorial Page

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

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Partly cloudy with
chance of showers



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Study Reports
Outlay Needs
Higher education in Michigan will require $361.6 million in
the next four years if it is to provide enough instruction space
to accommodate anticipated enrollment increases, the third sec-
tion of a recent study by the Michigan Coordinating Council for
Public Higher Education reports.
The report by the coordinating council was presented' to
Gov. George Romney's Citizen's Committee for Higher Education.
Preceding sections of the study dealt with the enrollment
increases, admissions policies and future faculty needs.
New Structures
To provide classroom space, not including residential or med-
ical facilities, Michigan's colleges and universities will have to
provide 7.9 million gross square feet of new structures.
In addition, 12 per cent of present buildings will have to be
replaced, while eight per cent need renovation.
Through research and studies, of a similar nature, by Cali-
fornia and the United States Office of Education, it was deter-
mined that a new student requires 135 gross square feet in a pri-
vate college, 85 in community colleges and 180 in public colleges
and universities.
Residential Purposes
Of higher education's present buildings, 40 per cent are for
residential purposes. Individual institutions will have to forsee
future housing shortages as well as the physical plant needs
outlined in the report.
Two possible alternatives to supporting the expansion of
higher education are raising admission requirements or increas-
ing tuition.
"Denying higher education to now-admissable students by
raisirng admission requirements means proportionately fewer en-
trants to the professions of medicine, nursing and education,,
among others."
The study also points out that increasing tuition would re-
strict "college attendance to only the most financially able,
thereby denying the opportunity for college attendance to many
youths who are academically qualified."
r c... .


As s upport for.

Tax Cu


BIRMINGHAM (M)-More than 4000 persons, led by hundreds of
white and Negro ministers, gathered at funeral services yesterday for
three Negro girls killed by a bomb.
The mourners filled the 1800-seat church and spread out over the
area of the Baptist Church for a block. They stood quietly as the fam-
ilies of the slain girls arrived.
As the crowd gathered, a line of Negroes and white persons came
walking two by two, a line stretching for blocks. They were min-

Labels Plan
As Insurance
To. Econom
WASHINGTON () - President
John F. Kennedy carried to the
peoplelast night his plea for an
$11-billion tax cut as "insurance
for prosperity"-free from what
termed ruinous amendments to
curb spending.
In a nationwide radio and tele-
vision address Kennedy pledged
"true fiscal responsibility, leading
to a balanced budget in a bal-
anced full-employment economy."
But he rejected-and called on
the public to support his stand-
a Republican plan unveiled a few
hours earlier to make the two-
stage reduction conditional upon
Congressionally fixed budget ceil-
The Republican National Com-
mittee quickly announced it will
demand equal time for a reply.
"If we are to make the most
of what this bill has to offer in
creating jobs, fighting recession
and balancing our international
payments and internal budgets, it
must not be diluted b ' amend-
ments or conditions," Kennedy
"It must not be sent back to the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee. It must not be put off until
next year.
"A tax cut means new protec-
tion against another tragic re-
cession. Recession means high un-
employment and high budget def-
icits. We need a tax cut to keep
this present drive from running
out of gas," Kennedy said.
"It means new markets for
American business. American citi-
zens will spend an overwhelming
percentage of the extra after-tax
dollars left in 'their pockets. And
this spending will broaden the
markets of businessmen and re-
quire new machines and new fac-
tories to be built."
"A taxi cut means higher family
incomes, higher business profits
and a balanced federal budget. As
our national income grows, the
federal government will ultimately
end up with more tax revenues.
Prosperity will balance our budget.
Spending will be controlled and
our deficit will be reduced," he
i '
Jackson Sees
Fight Eruption
t igh School,
JACKSON, Mich. ()-A racial
fight erupted yesterday among
students at a new high school over1
the beating of a white youth. ;
No injuries were reported. t
Police said 10 Negro youths were
arrested on disorderly conduct
Police, tipped of possible after-
school trouble, moved into a mob-
of several hundred white and
Negro students when a number of
girls began pushing each other.
The president of the Jackson
chapter of the National Associa-
tion f o r t h e Advancement of
Colored People, Harold White, said
he called Gov. George Romney's
office in Lansing requesting an
investigation of the incident.
Romney's office said the gover-,
nor was attending a meeting else-
where in the state.
School officials and NAACP rep-
resentatives met in an emergencyl
session after the incident.









SGC Tentatively



Inserts Plan
For Tribunal
Deletes Judge System
Despite Harris' Plea
Student Government Council last
night restored the membership tri-
bunal plan to its main motion out-
lining procedures for the elimna-
tion of discrimination in group
membership selection.
The tribunal replaces the single
judge system incorporated into the
motion at the last meeting. 'The
motion has not yet come up for
final vote and last night's changes
will be' subject- to further revision
next week.
The three-man membership tri-
bunal, vested with the power to
deliberate on cases of alleged dis-
crimination and to affix penalties
where necessary, will consist of a
representative from the students,
faculty and administration.
OSA Suggestion
The tribunal was reinserted into
the motion at thensuggestion of
the Office of Student Affairs. The
change was made by a 12-3 vote
following a lengthy discussion
weighing the merits of a single-
-judge and tribunal system.
Speaking for the OSA, John
Bingley, director of student activi-
ties and organizations, noted that
the single judge plan "encourages
an unnecessary legalistic ap-
proach." This approach, he said,
neglected the primary educational
and moral concerns of the discrim-
ination issue.
Earlier in the evening, Prof. Rob-l
ert Harris of the Law School, orig-
inal drafter of the motion current-
ly before Council, had advoqated
the single judge system.s
'Lay Panel'
He explained that the "lay pan-
el" tribunal would be unable to
deal with the legalisms involved in1
alleged discrimination cases. He
argued further that the prestige of
the tribunal, and its decisions,
would be hampered where a dis-
senting opinion existed.<
Under the tribunal plan inserted
last night, the student would be
selected by Joint Judiciary Coun-i
cil while the administrative mem-1
ber would be selected by SOC.

Council Sets

-Daily-James House
TAKES ACTION-Student Government Council voted last night to accept nearly all changes brought
forth by the Office of Student Affairs on membership selection practices. Under the changes the
membership judge will be replaced by a membership tribunal. Further action will be taken on the
proposals at next Wednesday's meeting.
A labama 'U' Sile-nces Meyer,


" isters of all faiths, estimated by
one of their number at 800.
Nationally Known
Also in the crowd were several
nationally known Negro leaders-
and a group of white and Negro
youths wearing overalls and blue
denim jackets. They were describ-
ed as members of a civil rights
group from the area of Jackson,
Police Capt. George Wall said
the crowd numbered at least 4000.
The joint services were for Den-
ise McNair, 11; Addie Mae Collins
and Cynthia Wesley, both 14. The
funeral for the other bomb victim,
14-year-old Carole Robertson, was
held yesterday.
Dynamite Blast
As they attended Sunday school
four days ago, a dynamite blast
killed them. The slayer has not
been caught.
Inside the jammed church,
mourners heard a calm service
and the voice of Dr. Martin Luth-
er King saying, "They did not die
in vain. The' innocent blood of
these little girls may well serve as
a redemptive force for this city.
"This tragic event may cause
the, white side to come to terms
with its conscience," said King.
"In spite. of the darkness of this
hour we must not despair. We
must not lose faith in our white

Collegiate Press Service
TUSCALOOSA-The University
of Alabama has required the 1962-
,63 "student editor of the year,"
Mel Meyer of the Alabama Crim-
son and White to remain silent on
racial matters.
Meyer's editorials gained him
national attention and drew re-
peated threats on his life during
and after the racial crisis at the
University of Mississippi.
The Alabama administration
asked Meyer and all other stu-
dents to sign statements agree-
ing not to write or comment on
any racial matters for publica-
tion, Meyer said. The administra-
ton would not permit Meyer to
keep a copy of the statement he
signed. When he appealed the pol-
icy he was told there could be no,
Aimed at Him
Meyer said he felt the new pol-
icy was aimed, at least in part, at
However, according to a spokes-

. holds services

IU Students
Pl an Protest
A demonstration will be held at
4:00 p.m. today on the Diag pro-
testing the killing of six Negro
children in Birmingham.
The action will be part of a na-
tionwide sweep of protests which
as of last night included 32 schools.
Locally, the demonstration is
supported by Voice Political Par-
ty, Students for a Democratic so-
ciety, Friends of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee,
Congress of Racial Equality, and
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
Rennie Davis, Grad, and Nancy
Hollander, '65, co-chairmen of the
ad hoc committee organizing the
demonstration, prepared a state-
ment, declaring that the demon-
strators are in sympathy with
Chairman Bennard Rustan of the
"Washington March for Jobs and
Freedom. Rustan had demsnded
"certainty of federal protection,"
so far denied to Birmingham Ne-
groes, against brutality.
Included in the statement are
the following pledges: to make

Geerlings Reveals Proosral
For State Fiscal Tax Reform
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland) revealed his version of
state-wide fiscal reform yesterday.
Geerlings, chairman of the Senate Tax Committee, explained that
his tax program stresses the local option solution for .revenue prob-
lems. He said he will introduce the plan Tuesday when the special
legislative session resumes. Geerlings said that the program would add
$171.4 million to various govern-
/MIPoa iment units within the state.

man for the school the new policy
applies only to student corres-
pondents on the campus.
Edward Brown, director of the
news bureau, said that the school
"prefers professionals" to do the
racial news writing and said that
a claim that the policy would pro-
hibit all comment by students was
No Exception
He said the student oorrespon-
dent ban was the result of long
experience with student reporters
Hayden Cites
"We were trying to serve notice
that the threat of arrests and jail
would not be seen as an impedi-
ment to civil rights activities in
Ann Arbor," former Daily Editor
Thomas E. Hayden, Grad, said
yesterday in explanation of the
time spent in jail by six sit-in
Hayden claimed a jail official
tried to "intimidate" him by tell-
ing him that no other demonstra-
tors would join him in choosing a
stay in jail.
"I was held in jail for 17 hours
before I was allowed to make a
phone call. I was given a card to
sign permitting the police to cen-
sor my mail and when I refused
to sign, I was told by one person
it was policy not to allow a phone
call until the card had been sign-
ed," Hayden said.
Post No Bails
SAlthough I had $163 in the
custody of the sheriff, when I
asked a jail official about posting
my bail he told me it was not
his business to see about such
things and therefore I could not
post bail for myself," Hayden con-
"The sudden appearance of a
lawyer and the fact that I insisted
absolutely on being allowed to
make a phone call seemed to make
the jail official willing to permit
me to make the call, but after the
call was made I was placed in
solitary confinement in a siouffy,
unlit chamber for 45 minutes to
an hour;" Hayden said.
While in jail Hayden was al-
lowed no pencil, paper or books.
He said the jail official told him
he fa _ na 1nnfa n~vehn

and that there would be "no ex-
ception" to the rule.
Asked if the Crimson and White
would be allowed to carry news
stories and editorial comment on
racial matters, Brown said, "Cer-
tainly they will. They always
He said that the paper had al-
ways done "pretty much what it
wanted." Brown said that the
policy was set by the president of
the university who acted as rep-
resentative of the board of re-
To Be Continued
The ruling first came last June!
during racial incidents there and
will be continued "until the
trouble is over."
Brown said he did not know
when to expect an end to the
trouble, but guessed it would be,
A inistrative officials were not
availle for comment.
All Racial Matters
"The thing that really bothers'
me," Meyers said, "is that this
ban isn't just against writing
about events at the university-
it's a ban on all writing about all
racial matters."
Such a ban is an infringement
on the right of freedom of expres-
sion and invites censure of the
university, Meyer said.
Meyer said he signed the state-
ment "under duress" and plans to
continue his appeals against it. At
the same tine, he said, he will ask
the newly formed Committee on
Freedom and Responsibility of the
Student Press to look into the
However, Dean Gottearer, CPS
executive vice-president, said that
the committee probably will not
launch an investigation.
Board Delays
Final Approval
of'U' Housing
The plan which would provide
housing for retired University
alumni hit a snag yesterday when
the Ann Arbor Zoning Board of
Appeals postponed final approval
of the project until its Oct. 1
Republican Fifth Ward Coun-
cilman Bent F. Neilsen, chairman
of the board, noted that many
people attending the public hear-

Committee v
To Try Cases,
Debate To Continue
On OSA Legislation
At Next Meeting
Student Government Council
last night tentatively approved a
major portion of proposed regula-
tions on membership selection
practices among student organiza-
The regulations establish chan
nels for dealing With cases of al-
leged discriminatory practices.
They provide a membership com-
mittee to initiate proceedings
against groups suspect of violation
and a membership tribunalkto try
the cases.
Legislation on the regulation'
package will be continued at next
week's meeting. If approved in
total, the regulations will becpnme
effective immediately.
Under VD bate
The proposed regulations under
debate came in the form of three
documents-a working paper to
ban discriminatory practices, .
34-point implementation paper
and a series of suggested changes
in the above two, submitted by the
Office of Student Affairs.
In a section-by-section review
of the documents, Council voted
to accept nearly all changes
recommended by the OSA, which
included the replacement of a
membership judge by the mem-
bership tribunal and elimination
of a section seeking to interpret
use of the blackball system.
OSA rationale for striking the
section on blackballing was that
such a system, if used in a dis-
criminatory manner, is automat-
ically prohibited by, the proposed
rules. Therefore, interpretation of
the blackball system would be su-
The tribunal would consist of
three members: a student selected
by the Joint Judiciary Council, a
faculty member to be nominated
by the Faculty Senate Subcommit-
tee on Student Affairs and ap-
proved by the- Senate and an ad-
ministrative member to be selected
by SOC.
Mostly Stylistic
Other changes recommendedby
the OSA were mostly stylistic in
nature or were designed to elimi-
nate unnecessary legal terminology
unfamiliar to the layman.
Present at the Council table to
answer questions on the OSA sug-
gestions was Director of Student
Activities and Organizations John
Also present briefly at the Coun-
cil table was Prof. Robert Harris
of the Law School. Prof. Harris
termed the body of the OSA sug-
gestions "excellent" from a legal
He turned to a series of objec-
tions raised Monday night by Law-
rence Smith, '37L, legal counsel
for 10 sororities contesting SC's
regulation of membership selection
Smith had charged that the pro-
posed rules were "penal in nature"
and did not provide for due proc-
ess of law. He had suggested that
Council abandon the proposed reg-
ulations .and refer the entire issue
to the Regents, who in May of this'
year confirmed SGC's authority to
legislate in the area.
Prof. Harris refused to "take
Smith's objections very seriously."
"I think he's either incompetent ~
or in bad faith" h said

a U. ' rr £ . ' 'N

Liag W idened tor 1 rattic

County Income Tax
Among the major points of his
program is a county income tax
which could be levied at no more
than two per cent except by vote
of the people.
He said a maximum rate of two
per cent "is necessary to take
care of Detroit and Wayne County.
Other areas may enact less than
two per cent or not take advantage
of this legislation if they have no
need for more revenue."
Out of the estimated $171.4
million in new revenues, the state
government would get only $6.3
million, while county units would
receive $36.1 million. The largest
portion, $87.6 million, would go to
cities, villages and townships,
while schools districts wnld dnaw

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