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September 18, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-18

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Kennedy Urges U.S. Export Increase

'In Indonesia, Philippines


Thnt Says
UN, To Drop
Congo Force
tary-General U Thant announced
yesterday that he is going ahead
with plans to liquidate United Na-
tions forces in the Congo despite
appeals by the Congolese govern-
ment and some member nations.
Thant declared in a report to
the Security Council that he plans
to have all the United Nations
troops out of the Congo by the end
of the year unless he receives or-,
ders to the -contrary' or unless the
General Assembly acts quickly to
provide money.
"I would like to warn," he said,
"that if any such new action is
contemplated, it must be taken-
very soon since, in anticipation of
its termination by December 31,
supplies for the force are no longer
being fed into its logistics pipe-
Costly Operation
"To establish and feed supplies
into a new pipeline would take
much time and would be very cost-
Thant expressed some misgiv-
ings about withdrawal of the Unit-
ed Nations forces. But he said the
needs must be weighed against
the serious financial condition of
thei United Nations caused by "the
refusal or failure of many members
to pay the special assessments."
/The United States and Britain
are understood to be among the
countries, which have urged a go-
slow withdrawal of the United Na-
tions forces.
Next to Disarmament
In Moscow, the secretary-gen-
eral said that next tor disarmament,
the most important items on the
Assembly's agenda dealt with help-
ing'underdeveloped countries im-
prove their economies and indus-
He also talked of the problem of
Africans living in Portuguese ter-
ritories, and of the situation in
Southwest- Africa-an area over,
which the United Nations claims a
trusteeship South Africa refuses to
Thant said in the interview, dis-
tributed by Tass, that he was con-
fident decisions, settlements and
compromises could be found.

McCormackSup- ports
Proposed Shelter Bill
WASHINGTON (P)-Speaker John W. McCormack told a hushed
House of Representatives yesterday "I, in my conscience, could not
vote against" legislation designed to provide fallout shelters for 11
million Americans in case of nuclear war.
"This bill is aimed at saving American lives in case there is a
general attack," the white-haired Massachusetts Democrat said

City Mourns
For Victims
BIRMINGHAM (p) - Negroes
prepared yesterday for the funeral
of a 14-year-old girl, among four
killed Sunday in a church bomb-
ing, and their leaders sought a
meeting with President John F.
Kennedy to plead for federal forces
in keeping order here.
Heavily armed state and local
policeman, nearly 900 strong, pa-
troled the city. Extra precautions
were taken by police officials for
the funeral of Carol Robertson,
the first of the bomb victims to be
Hold Services
A funeral service for the other
three victims will be held today.
They were Denise McNair, 11, and
Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia
Wesley, both 14.
City Councilman Allen Drennan
was to attend the funeral. Several
other city officials might be there,
said a spokesman for Mayor Al-
bert Boutwell.
In New York the Congress of
Racial Equality announced today
that 100 CORE chapters in as
many cities have been asked to
"make Sunday a day of mourning
for the six Negro children killed in
Draw Attention
A CORE spokesman said that
"each chapter will conduct me-
morial services or other appropri-
ate activities to draw attention to
the murders."
Meanwhile, the 10 chairmen of
last month's March on Washing-
ton issued a statement saying "in
response to please from the be-
leaguered Negroes in Birmingham,
we are calling upon all Americans
to observe this Sunday as a day
of mourning."

in 'a rare appeal from the House
And Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-
La) told the House:
Save Lives
"I don't know whether it will
save a single life, but I am not
going to play God and make a
judgment that affects the chances
for existence of millions of Ameri-
McCormack termed "unfortunate
and materialistic" the argument
that lifesaving efforts would be
hopeless in the face of an all-out
nuclear attack.
He urged House passage of Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy's $175-mil-
lion program to offer federal in-
centive payments to spur fallout
shelter construction i4 public and
non-profit institutions. It would
help create 10 million new shelter
The measure also provides $15.6
million to build one million new
shelters in federal buildings.
Calls Bill Unnecessary
McCormack made his speech
after Rep. Clarence Brown (R-
Ohio) attacked the administration
plan as an unnecessary "political
Brown said the choice of areas
that would get federally aided
shelters could mean political trou-
bles for members of the House.
The $175-million authorization
would be only the first step in a
five-year, $2.1-billion program of
shelter aid, Brown added.
Hebert said apathy and disin-
terest are biggest barriers to an
effective shelter system.
The administration bill provides
up to $2.50 a square' foot to help
provide shelter spaces across the
To be eligible, a shelter would
have to provide space for 50 peo-
ple, at 10 square feet each.
Hebert said it would cost an
average of $4 a square foot to mod-
ify potential shelter areas in build-
ings open to the public.

U.S. Seek's s
Of Neighbors
Soviets Denounce
New Federations
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (W )
-The infant Federation of Malay-
sia broke diplomatic relations yes-
terday with Indonesia and the
Philippines, two big neighbors who
viewed its birth with aversion.
Their diplomats were ordered to
leave Kuala Lumpur within a
A tit-for-tat raid by a scream-
ing mob of more than 1000 Malays
on the Indonesian embassy ac-
companied severance of the ties
that Malaya, the kingpin of the
federation of four former British
colonies had maintained with
Manila and Jakarta.
The diplomatic break drew ex-
pressions of concern and regret
from United States officials in
Washington. The United States
approved the creation of Malaysia
as an anti-Communist bulwark.
President John F. Kennedy has
made his views known to both In-
donesian President Sukarno and
Philippine President Diosdada
Denounce Federation
In the Soviet Union, two Mos-
cow newspapers denounced the
creation of the Federation Mon-
day as a neo-colonialist plot to
preserve Britain's influence in
Southeast Esia. This line, which
follows that of President Sukarno,
was presented by the armed forces
newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red
Star) and the trade union organ
Trud (Labor).
The Malayan march on the In-
donesian embassy was in revenge
for an Indonesian mob's assault
on the Malaysian embassy in Ja-
karta, where Sukarno's govern-
ment condemns the new union of
Malaya ,Singapore, Sarawak and
North Borneo and vows to main-
tain "a policy of confrontation."
About 200 Malays broke through
the lines of blue-helmeted riot
police and surged into the embassy

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy posted a new growth
target yesterday for Americanj
business-a 10 per cent increase
in exports which, he said, would1
wipe out the balance of payments
The President also urged 400 in-
dustry executives and others,
opening the two-day White House
conference on export expansion, to
press for restoration of what he
termed disastrous House cuts in
foreign aid funds.
Government aid cannot substi-
tute for free enterprise in expand-
ing foreign trade, Kennedy said,
"but it can assist in breaking the
path." .He went on:
Severe Impact
"And the recent cuts in this
program by the House of Repre-
sentatives, while saving at most
only $20 million in American dol-
lars on our balance of payments
accounts, will have a severe im-
pact upon our exports as well as
our security."
Half the members of his Cab-
inet joined Kennedy yesterday in
launching the accelerated export
drive. The conference is part of
the six-point . government-wide
campaign to stem the dollar out-
The Secretaries of State, Treas-
ury, Commerce, Labor and Agri-
Hit Attitude
Of Scientists
NEW YORK W)-The Center
for the Study of Democratic In-
stitutions has issued a report say-
ing many American scientists are
irresponsible and self-assured to
The report said a majority of
scientists, especially those con-
nected with the arms program, are
not acting in the best interests of
a free society.
Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, presi-
dent of the center, said scientists
are educated to do nothing but col-
lect facts and are so specialized
that they have "no general ideas."
Dr. Scott Buchanan, former dean
of St. John's College in Annapolis,
Md., said, scientists are "not able
to take responsibility for their own
strategic judgments in science, to
say nothing of the uses to which
their work will be put."
He said that if the scientist's
concern is truth, "It's his respon-
sibility to be sure that science is
not misused so that something
false comes out of it."
The center, located in Santa
Barbara, Calif., is a non-profit
educational institution establish-
ed by the Fund for the Republic.

culture, endorsed Kennedy's in-
vitation to the businessmen to
speak out "freely, candidly and
fully" on their complaints or sug-
gestions for government measures
to improve the climate for United
States exporters.
Solve Problems
"If you can add just 10 per
cent to your exports-and that
should not be too great -a task for
the enterprisers of the United
States-it will help us solve all our
problems," Kennedy said.
Secretary of the Treasury Doug-

ge neration
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las Dillon reported that govern-
ment efforts for 2V2 years have
produced only "slow and difficult
progress." The tax reduction bill
will help, he predicted, but a
stepped-up volume of exports re-
mains "imperative" to correct the
deficit which last year exceeded $2
"The dollar must and will re-
main firm," Billion promised, "but
this requires that we balance our
international accounts in the near
future even though it may call
for heroic measures."

Secretary of State Dean R
called a 10 per cent increase "
an impossible goal-perhaps it
too modest. And Secretary of,.
riculture Orville L. Freeman
ported that farm product expo
appear likely to meet that
jective in the fiscal year bei
July 1.
Kennedy noted that w
American exports have contin
to grow, keeping the United Sta
in top position among the trac
nations, they have not kept p
with the rising total of world tra

World News Roundup1

309 S. State Street




By The Associated Press
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities yesterday scheduled, then
abruptly cancelled a renewal of its
hearings on illegal travel to Cuba,
which touched' off two days of
violence last week.
Chairman Edwin E. Willis (D-
La) said the cancellation had
nothing to do with last week's dis-
*~ *
General U Thant said Congo's
Premier Cyrille Adoula had for-
mally requested that 3000 United
Nations troops be left in the for-
mer Belgian territory at least for
the first half of 1964.
Thant declared that he had

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been advised by military experts
that this was not feasible. If any
United Nations troops are left, he
said, there must be a minimum of
6000 to protect their own bases
and lifelines in an emergency.
ALBANY-Gov. Nelson A. Rock-
efeller, in a shift of strategy, has
eased his attacks on the far right
wing and has sharpened his criti-
cism of Democratic President John
F. Kennedy.
* * *
FORT LAMY, Chad - Soldiers
are patrolling the streets of Fort
Lamy, capital of the Sahara Des-
ert Republic of Chad, following a
bloody clash between government
supporters and political dissidents.
Private sources said in Fort Lanny
yesterday that 19 persons were
killed and 21 wounded in the short,
sharp fight.
TAIPEI-United States Secre-
tary of the Army Cyrus R. Vance
said yesterday the Chinese Na-
tionalist armed forces are capable\
of defending Formosa against
Communist aggression.
* * *
BELGRADE-President Tito left
yesterday for a tour of Latin
American countries to seek new
partners for trade and the cause
of nonalignment..
* * *
PANMUNJOM, Korea-Commu-
nist North Korea has turned down
for the 11th time a demand by
the United Nations command for
the release of two United States
Army captains held captives since
May 17.
The two, Capt. Ben W. Stutts of
Florence, Ala., and Capt. Charleton
W. Voltz of Frankfort, Mich., made
a forced landing in their helicopter
just north of the demilitarized
zone. Since then they have not
been heard from.
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
flirted with another now high yes-
terday but could not hold its best
gains to the end and presented a
mixed picture with the Dow Jones
averages showing 30 industrials
up 1.67, 20 rails off .13, 15 utilities
off .74, and 65 stocks up .02.
I WanInma f nOde 1

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