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September 14, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-14

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Lw 43~LU


Turning warmer tonight,
clouding up

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom










-Daily-Todd Pierce
PROTEST-Five University students and an Ann Arbor resident are shown standing-in at City Hall
last night. From left to right, they are David Aroner, Peter Jensen, Charles Betsey, Doris Walsey and
Daryl Bem. Betsey, the resident, left before police arrived. The five University students were arrested.
enate TreatyTalks Roll

debate on the limited nuclear test
ban treaty may extend into a
third week, Senate Majority Lead-
er Mike Mansfield of Montana
yesterday, and he called for "early
and late" sessions to move it to-
ward a vote.
He would prefer to have the
ratification vote by next weekend
but "if need be we will continue
early and late sessions into the
third week, including Saturday.
The first early session will be
Monday after the Senate returns
from a weekend off.
The Republican and Democratic
leadership had tried to speed
things along by asking the Sen-
ate for unanimous consent to move
from debate on the treaty itself
to the resolution of ratification.
But Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-
SC) ,who. opposes the treaty,
blocked the move by refusing his
Thus, there's no way to get a
vote on pending amendments un-
der the present parliamentary sit-

Appearing on a taped radio
television program,tMiller, who is
on the doubtful list, said that if
the Russians offered some "sec-
ond step" agreement toward world
peace after the treaty's ratifica-
tion, it might helprre-elect Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
On the other hand, he said, if
the Russians violated the pact they
might influence the voters to elect
a Republican.
Yesterday's Senate debate was
highlighted by speeches by two
key members of the Senate Pre-
paredness Subcommittee, one for
and the other against the ratifica-
tion of the treaty which would bar

all nuclear tests except under-
Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss), the
subcommittee chairman, asked its
rejection as "a gigantic game of
Russian roulette" and a possible
"pact of national suicide." He said
the Russians may leapfrog ahead
of the United States in nuclear
weapons under its terms.
He spoke after Sen. Henry M.
Jackson (D-Wash), a member of
that subcommittee and head of the
Atomic Weapons Subcommittee,
announcing support for the treaty,
termed its risks "serious" but "ac-

Must Appear
In Courtroom
On Monday
Direct Action Group
To Continue Protest,
Releases Statement
Five University students were
arrested yesterday on a charge of
loitering in the Ann Arbor City
The five arrested were standing-
in on the second floor of the City
Hall building in protest of what
they ermed a "weak, ineffective
fair-husing ordinance" passed on
first reading by the City Council
and to be passed or rejected in
final form by the council Monday
David Aroner, '64; Doris Walsey,
'65; Robert Walker, '65; Peter Jen-
sen, '64, and Daryl Bem, Grad,
were the five individuals arrested.
Arrests Demonstrators
The demonstration, which be-
gan at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon,
was interrupted by Deputy Police
Chief Walter Krasny at 5:30 p.m.
He told the demonstrators they
were violating both the state law
prohibiting trespassing on public
property and the Ann Arbor ordi-
nance against loitering.
The demonstrators were arrest-
ed a short time laterand booked on
the loitering charge.
They were then released with-
out bail and told to appear in
Municipal Court Monday morning
to make their pleas. If they choose
a jury trial, a date for the trial
will be set at that time.
Five Reasons
Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor Di-
rect Action Committee last night
issued a five-point statement back-
ing its picketing to be held be-
tween 9 a.m.-3 p.m. today at City
Based around a campaign to ob-
tain the dismissal of Roy Couch
from his post as deputy sheriff, the
demands include:
1) That Negro policemen be add-
ed to the local police force, and be
"in uniform and visible." Having
only one Negro on a 90-man staff
"constitutes an intolerable token-
ism which must be corrected," the
DAC statement said.
2) That only Negro policemen
be assigned to beats in the city's
"Negro ghetto."
3) That an "investigation of
the mental health, social attitudes,
personal experience in racial mat-
ters and professional training" of
Ann Arbor policemen be con-
The statement suggested that
Joyce Holmes of the Medical
School take part in appointing
this bi-racial board of inquiry.
Other Tasks
4) That the above board also
function as a screening commit-
tee for hiring new policemen and
investigating complaints of police
5) That there be appointed in
Ann Arbor "a Negro judge to pro-
vide a guarantee against the per-
versity of laws and courts that
bear down on Negroes and ease up
on whites."
DAC's complaint against Couch
results from an recent incident in
which he allegedly threatened to
shoot an "unarmed" 13-year-old
Negro boy who had come to pur-
chase gasoline at a station where
Couch worked.

Passes Bills
education subcommittee has unan-
imously approved a four-point
school aid package that includes
a vocational training program ex-
panded far beyond the one passed
by the House last month, accord-
ing to the Washington Post.
The, Senate measure also in-
A three-year extension of pro-
grams aiding school districts "im-
pacted" with children of govern-
ment and military personnel.
A three-year extension of the
National Defense Education Act
programs. The subcommittee also
raised the ceiling on student loans
authorized by the act.
An increase in aid to libraries
from the current $7.5 million a
year to $45 million and an. exten-
sion of such aid to urb n libraries.
$702 Million More
The subcommittee's vocational
education program would provide
an additional $7.802 million in fed-
eral aid over a four-year period.,
The government now spends about
$57 million a year now on a pro-
gram that critics say is geared
too much to agricultural and home
economics teaching.
The new measure, which Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy advocated
last June as a part of his civil
rights program, is designed to up-
date vocational training to pre-
pare youths for jobs in business
and industry. The House last
month went along with the gen-
eral idea. Its authorization would
provide an additional $450 mil-
lion in four years.
Residential Schools
The Senate subcommittee also
recommended spending $15 mil-
lion this year on residential voca-
tional education schools and $50
million on work-study projects.
These projects would allow needy
high school students to work and
study vocations in school at the
same time.
Post Views
The following is a Washington
Post summary of other major
facets of education aid. It com-
pares House and Senate actions
on the measures.
Impact aid-The Senate sub-
committee's inclusion of Wash-
ington, which would get between
$4 million and $5 million in the
program faces trouble because the
House Education Committee re-
versed itself last June and took
Washington out. Also, the House
committee voted a one-year ex-
tension, of the 358.6-million-dollar
program with a provision that aid
to segregated school districts be.
shut off.
NDEA programs-The House
committee has not acted, but one
of its subcommittees has recom-
mended lifting the ceiling on loans
to students from $90 million to
$135 million a year and removing
the current $250,000 ceiling on
loans students at anyone institu-
tion may receive.e
The Senate subcommittee yes.
terday raised the student loan
ceiling to $125 million this year
and $135, $145 and $150 million in
the next three years. It raised the
institutional ceiling to $800,000. It
also increased funds for coun-
seling and testing from $15 million
to $17.5 million.-

Library aid-The House com-
mittee approved the same money
figure as the Senate subcommitteet
but added an anti-segregation rid-
er which the Senate unit did not

students were again hauled from


More Than 80
Now that the first week of de-
bate is completed, treaty support-
ers have counted heads and be-
lieve they havea minimum of 80
votes, far more than the two-
thirds necessary for ratification-
67 if all 100 senators vote.
During the so-called "great de-
bate" proponents have generally
praised the pact as a "first step"
and a "ray of light." Opponents,
while, conceding they have little
change of defeating it, have called
for reservations to the ratifica-
Meanwhile, Senators B a r r y
Goldwater (R-Ariz) and Jack Mil-
ler (R-Iowa) contended yesterday
a Soviet follow-up on the treaty
could influence the 1964 election
one way or the other.
Britai n Vetoes
UN Proposal
On Rhodesia
cast its second veto in Security
Council history yesterday and kill-'
ed an African-supported resolution
asking Britain not to turn over
military and constitutional power
to Southern Rhodesia.
The Africans contend that
Southern Rhodesia is governed by
a white supremacy government'
which could use the new powers'
against African nationalists.
The resolution won eight af-
firmative votes, but the big power
veto-used by Britain once before
during the 1956 Suez crisis-killed
it. The United States and France7
Britain's Sir Patrick Dean cast7
Ch in, af r,#+mavlrivn'a A atmn

--Associated Pre
UNDIGNIFIED EXIT-After creating a disturbance at a session of the House Committee on Ur
American Activities, this demonstrator and his wife were hustled down the stairs of the House Offic
Bldg. by several policemen.
Students Demonstrate atHUA(
WASHI4NG~'TON (R) -College t

'QU' Officials Laud'Bill
On Medical School Aid
Two University officials lauded Yesterday the passage of
President John F. Kennedy's medical school aid bill and described how
the University hopes to take advantage of the funds it offers.
They predicted the bill will allow the dental and public health
schools to add additional buildings, and allow for more research
structures and lighten student "
financialburdens in the Medical
"We all heartily welcome the
news," Dean William N. Hubbard
of the Medical School commented.
"It now will be possible for the
new medical schools the nation>
needs to be built."
Cites Impact of Bill
Dean Hubbard cited the impact
of the three parts of the bill, pass-
ed Thursday by the House, on his
Funds from the first provision, >
authorizing student loans of up
to $2000 at 3 per cent interest will 4.
be sought, he said. These loans
will be administered by the indi-
vidual schools, which must put up
10 per cent of the amount.
The second provision offers dol-
lar-for-dollar ' matching grants
from the federal government for
construction of medical research
facilities. "This is an extension of DEAN WILLIAM N. HUBBARD
existing legislation. A continuing . . . discusses aid bill
program has been in effect for
approximately seven years. The
University has participated in the
past and will continue to do so,"v
Dean Hubbard explained. 13ttrlPrga
SSets New Program
The third provision sets up a B
new program of construction By RAYMOND HOLTON
grants for medical education In the long run, Gov. George
buildings "based on an increase in Romney's fiscal reform program
enrollment or the establishment will improve the state's financial
of a new medical school," he said, position, but it will also make the
Since the Medical School has "lo state more vulnerable to short
plans for enrollment increases in term crises, Prof. Robin Barlow of
the next few years," it won't be the economics department said
eligible. yesterday.
However, Dean Hubbard com- Prof. Barlow, who is currently
mented that "the dental school teaching a course on state and
undoubtedly will seek to partici-
pate heavily" in the latter section. See Related Story, Page 3
Dean William Mann of the dental

a House hearing room yesterday
in a violent windup of two days
excitement on Capitol Hill.
While members of the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities questioned youthful Amer-
icans who defied a state depart-
ment ban and went to Cuba, po-
lice wagons hauled off five -young
people who noisily protested the
They were all released after be-
ing held briefly.
And, as the hearing neared its
end, new violence exploded inside
the ornate House caucus room.
Demonstrators Removed
Thirteen demonstrators-some
of them shrieking as police held
their arms behind them - were
carried from the room after they
applauded defiant criticism of the
committee by a girl who made the
Cuban journey.
It was the third-and by far the
toughest-show of police force in
the hearing room itself.
One girl was lugged off hand
and foot by four officers. Another
girl squirmed loose and fell to the
"Let them alone, let them
alone," shouted others in the hear-
ing room-packed by some 300
spectators, newsmen and two doz-
en visiting congressmen.
'Literally Thrown Out'
At the main entrance to the
office building, police literally
threw out the demonstrators.
Two Petition
For Council
Two more students yesterday
took out nominating petitions for
election to Student Government
Council, bringing to six the total
number of candidates.
The two new petitioners are
Barry Kramer, '65E, and Howard
J. Schechter, '66.
SGC elections Oct. 9 will decide
seven seats-six full and one half
term positions-on Council, not
eight as previously announced.
Four students took out petitions
yesterday. They are Scott B.
Crooks, '65; Douglas Brook, '65;
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Thomas L. Smithson, '65, and
Robert J. Shenkin, '65BAd.

Some of them tumbled over and
over, down the long marble stair-
way to the sidewalk.
One of the final witnesses was
Catherine Prensky, a 20-year-old
student at City College of New
She told the committee "social-
ism is the way to end racism and
under socialism we can have con-'
gressmen who are truly represent-
ative and who are not elected be-
cause Negroes are not allowed to
vote. ..
Applause Triggers OrderĀ°
A storm of applause brust out,
and Chairman Edwin E. Willis (D-"
La) ordered police to remove the
Earlier, police tossed dozens of
young demonstrators out of the
U.s. Plans

States served notice yesterday it
will carry out an inspection og
bases in Antarctica-including the
four maintained by the Soviet
Union-between November and
The inspection right is given
under a 1959 treaty which bound
the United States and 11 other
nations to use Antarctica only for
peaceful purposes.
The State Department said in a
statement that the formal inspec-
tion "is not based on any an-
ticipation that there have been
treaty violations . . . indeed the
United States believes that any in-
spection . . . will in fact reinforce
the basis of mutual confidence
that prevails in Antarctica."
The statement said the United
States has advised the other treaty
nations that it would welcome an
inspection of United States bases.
Informs of Intention
The United States has informed
the 11 other powers which signed
the 1959 Antarctic treaty of its
intention to carry out on-site in-
United States officials refused
to say whether there had been
any formal objections raised, but
indicated that there were. How-
ever, the objections apparently are
not serious enough to prevent the
operation from going forward.
Officials here emphasized that
the United States has no reason to
believe there have been any viola-
tions of treaty provisions limiting
the use of bases to peaceful pur-
poses but is exercising its right
to make such a determination
through inspection.
36 Principal Stations
There are 36 principal stations
maintained in the Antarctic by
treaty agreement. The Soviet Un-
ion has four active stations and
two others which are not being
France has been seeking nuclear
testing sites in the South Pacific
but there has been no indication
that the Antarctic research sta-
tion would be involved in this ef-
The treaty specifically prohibits

building at the start of the aft
noon session. Five of them w
hauled away in patrol wagons.
Four of the 59 who went
Cuba June 25 and returned I
weeks ago were questioned dur
the troubled windup session.
'Communist Inspired'
When it was over, Willis t
newsmen he believes the demi
strations were Communist
"Of course I do," he said wh
a reporter asked whether he thin
Communists were behind the c
But Willis said he does not co
tend everyone who took part w
a Communist.
"That's how they opera
through fronts," Villis said. "'
big boys who don't show up :
the boys who organize these de
Willis, who also was presid
when two days of riots a comn
tee hearing in San Francisco
May, 1960, told newsmen the 1
est trouble was not much diff
ent in the hearing' room.
Violence Before Worse
But he said the violence th
erupted outside the hearing
San Francisco was far worse.
Willis said an organization ca
ed the Progressive Labor Mo
ment was the key group in orga
izing the demonstrations.
See POLICE, Page 2

. attacks committee

SAnalyzes Tax Reform Plan

ney's proposal would improve the Another questionable area:
state's economic situation in two "there are three available spheres
major areas. of business taxation: the corpora-
"First, the governor's program tion profit tax, the business activi-
has the long run potential for pro- ties tax and the corporation fran-
viding necessary revenues; second, chise tax.
it modifies the regressive nature "Of these three spheres, Romney
of the present structure by im- has repealed the one most suit-
posing a flat-rate income tax," able-the business activities tax,"
Prof. Barlow commented. Prof. Barlow claimed.

Detroit' Mayor Jerome P. Cav-
anagh announced recently that
the city would lose a total of $10
million because of these restric-
However, Prof. Barlow explained
that Detroit could absorb the loss
by increasing the property tax.
"This would not work any more
hardships on the taxpayer because
Romney's program calls for a 20
per cent reduction in taxes levied
for school purposes.

Draft Test
Oan Student
No Selective Service cc
qualification test will be of
for the 1963-64 school year
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, dir
of Selective Service, announce
The test, which helps
boards decide whether to
students, was suspended be
of the small number'of stu
who have applied to tike it i
rantv~ajz Krcav ~lAr, nlninars

Growing Revenue '
"His program permits tax rev-
enues td expand and grow with
the growing population and in-

"A business tax is supposed to
approximate the services rendered
to it by the state. Therefore, with
the proposed corporation profits

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