OSA RESTRICTS JUDIC AUTHORITY See Editorial Page C, 4c t Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom ~E~ait33 CLOUDY High--7 5 Lowv-50 Cooler; with possibility of showers SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXIV, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA i i OSA Revises Judic By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM John Bingley, director of stu- dent activities and organiza- tions, yesterday explained the additions made by the Office of Student Affairs to the new Joint Judiciary Council con- stitution and appendix. The additions, made during the summer, were placed in what Joint Judic Chairman EHarry Youtt, '64, had considered was "the final and completed draft" of the constitution and appendixes last May. These additions, placed in a separate section entitled "Other Sources of Authority" estab- lishes a disciplinary committee outside of Joint Judic which can "consider students involved in actions of a severe but delicate nature." This committee is la- belled the referral committee in the appendix. Take Teeth Yout complained that these additions as written "take a great deal of the teeth from Joint Judic's power." Bingley re-emphasized that the changes had been made in the "Other Sources of Author- ity" section and not the con- stitution itself. These were added, he said, at the -request of students "so that they would know what other sources of authority exist." The "other sources of author- ity" derive from a regental dele- gation of power to the Vice- President for Student Affairs to handle student discipline. Bingley noted. that the inser- tion of the disciplinary com- mittee was mainly to handle, "delicate situations" where stu- dents are involved in illegal ac- tivities such as morals cases and where action has to be taken immediately." In the past, these cases were handled individually by his of- fice. "But I was unwilling "to continue taking the sole re- sponsibility and therefore felt that the disciplinary committee would serve a much needed functioi," Bingley added. Features Unaltered Bingley said that these ad- ditions will not alter. the new features of the Judic constitu- tion, particularly the provisions for a University Committee on Standards and Conduct. The committee, which re- places the old sub-committee on standards and conduct, will serve as a final appeal board for Judic cases. It will not be used to appeal the discipline com- mittee decisions. It will consist of three fAc- ulty members and two students. Functions Unusurped The disciplinary committee will not usurp the function of the standards and conduct com- JOHN BINGLEY ... additions mittee, Bingley said. He noted that the disciplinary committee also contains student represen- tation, such as the chairman or vice-chairman of Judic, in ad- dition to the OSA vice-president and another OSA representa- tive. Joint Judic is a "delegated disciplinary authority" estab- lished by Lewis through his own delegated control of student conduct granted in Regental bylaws 8.01, 8.02 and 8.03-. , ENDS QUESTIONING: House Unit Moves 011 Civil Rights WASHINGTON (RI) - Congress took its first step yesterday toward (D-NC) concluded his marathon putting together a civil rights bill- questioning of Atty. Gen. Robert -the Iouse civil rights subcom- F. Kennedy on the administration mittee tentatively approved one plan. section of the administration's civ- The windup there came on Ken- il rights program. nedy's 10th appearance since mid- And in the Senate Judiciary July with Erwin citing what he Committee, Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. called "two glaring examples" of SAlabama Tension Lessens li Despite Isolated Outbreaks By The Associated Press Attendance was reported nearly normal at most of Alabama'sI newly desegregated public schools yesterday but a boycott 'was staged by some white pupils in Birmingham and there was a brief outbreak of minor violence. The Birmingham school board sternly warned parents of absent white pupils they could be prosecuted unless the children return. The - - Jv school board statement came after a rock shattered a window, in a car taking two Negro girls home from the boycotted West End High School. No one was hurt.- Racial barriers fell at another Alabama school when a Negro1 student, Wendell Wilkie Gunn,' was admitted at Florence State College at Florence. Other Negroes enrolled earlier this year at' the University of Ala- bama in Tuscaloosa and the Uni- versity Center at Huntsville. In Washington, the Army an- nounced that all but 675 of the 16,000 - man Alabama National Guard will be released from fed- eral service at midnight tonight. The troops were federalized Monday when segregationist Gov. George Wallace sought to use them in place of state troopers to pre- vent integration of the schools. Admitted under court order were Miss Henri Monteith, 18, of Co- lumbia; Robert G. Anderson, 20, of Greenville; and James L. Solo- mon Jr., a 33-year-old graduate student from Sumter. In a registration procedure care- fully staged by university officials, the three entered the university administration building, conferred briefly with school officials, then paid their fees at another office. federal civil rights practices dis-i criminating against white people.1 Less Controversial1 The House subcommittee action was on one of the less controversial provisions. It sets up a community relations service to help communities solve racial disputes. Approval was by informal vote and is subject to revision before final subcommittee action. Sidestep Section In taking up the provision the. subcommittee laid aside a voting; rights section it had been working on. Chairman Emanuel Celler (D- NY) said the subcommittee today. would consider an extension of the life of the civil rights commission, which expires at the end of this month. Separate emergency legislation will be necessary to continue it until Congress can act on the main civil rights bill. After that, Celler, said, the sub- committee will return to the vot- ing rights section. Left for last, probably, will be the provisions for banning discrimination in places of public accommodation and au- thorizing the President to cut off federal grants to states for pro- grams in which discrimination is practiced. Appoint Director The section approved yesterday authorizes the President to appoint a director of the community rela- tions service for a four-year term at $20,000 a year. The director could appoint additional staff. The service would be empowered to enter a community's ra'cial prob- lems whenever it judges that the community's peace is endangered. Proceedings would be conducted in confidence. Any information ac- quired would be kept confidential. Sen. James O. Eastland (D- Miss), chairman of the Senate Ju- diciary Committee, set no new date for Kennedy to return for questioning by other members of his group. The attorney general in turn urged the senator also to speak out against discrimination against Negroes. Convicts Housing Protestor By WILLIAM BENOIT A six-man jury last night found - Eastern Michigan University Prof.1 Quin McLoughlin guilty of violat- ing an Ann Arbor city ordinance J prohibiting loitering in a public place. Prof. McLoughlin was one of 12, demonstrators arrested on August 27 for sitting-in on a meeting of City Council. He is the only one to have asked for a jury trial. In sentencing the defendant to $50 or five days in jail, Munici- pal Court Judge Francis L. O'Brien said, "He appreciated the sincer-e ity of Prof. McLoughlin's motivesF in sitting-in." Judge O'Brien al-n lowed the defendant 10 days ine which to lodge an appeal whicha would be heard in Washtenawa County Circuit Court. Plan To Communicate Vanzetti Hamilton, counsel for 1 Prof. McLoughlin, based his case t on the right to communicate poli-i tical ideas through sit-in demon- t strations. C Counsel Hamilton told the court i that "if the section prohibiting loitering is interpreted as prohibit-t ing the activities of the defendant,I then that section is in violaton oft the United States Constitution." "Although a state may in somet cases regulate activities intended1 to communicate political ideas,t such regulations must be narrowlyF drawn to proscrbe the activity in question," Counsel Hamilton said. Cases Cited1 Many cases were cited by Ham- ilton in which the right of citizensj to demonstrate to illustrate a poli- tical belief was upheld by the United States Supreme Court. Assistant City Attorney S. J.. Elden asked the jury not to "con- fuse the issue at hand, that of considering whether or not Prof. McLoughlin was guilty of violat- ing the section of the city ordi- nance prohibiting loitering, with the moral issue of the rightness or wrongness in segregation." After a trial consuming most of the day, the jury was out less than 30 minutes before returning their verdict of guilty. The fair-housing ordinance was the subject of discussion at an in- formal closed meeting of the City Council last night as Mayor Cecil 0. Creal and the council members met with leaders of the civil rights movement in Ann Arbor. Set Petitioning For Delegates To Conference Petitioning for Conference on the University student delegates opens today. Approximately 50 students will be selected to attend the confer- ence, a three-day discussion of University issues to be held Oct.: 25-27. The conference steering committee seeks a "fairly repre- sentative" group of student dele- gates, who should be "interested in the University but not necessarily experts," according to Chairman Diane Lebedeff, '65. Student petitioners must secure petitions from the Student Gov- ernment Council office in the SAB and sign up for an interview with the selection committee. Inter- viewing will begin Sept. 21. Petitio'ning will remain open un- til all delegate slots are filled, Miss Lebedeff added. Faculty members interested in the conference should contact Prof. Eugene Feingold of the poli- tical science department or Stan- ley R. Levy, administrative assis- tant in the literary college. Legislators ?View Effect Of Statement By STEVEN HALLER Ann Arbor legislators yesterday' doubted that Executive Vice- President Marvin Niehuss' state- ment limiting out-of-state student enrollment at the University will affect upcoming legislation in that area. Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) noted that various mem- bers of the Legislature have been7 talking about a "declaration of intent" in the matter for some time without a great deal ever coming of it. He added that the1 ultimate decision on limiting out- of-state enrollment rests with the' university involved and that the Legislature has no jurisdiction in this area. "If it were given any considera- tion, it would mainly be at the undergraduate -level rather than the graduate student level," he added. No Position Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) noted that the Legislature as such has no position on out- of-state eniollment. He said that there might easily be an attempt by one or two legislators to in- troduce a resolution calling upon the governing bodies of state un- iversities to limit out-of-state en- rollment. However, such a resolution "has no power as a bill and wouldn't have much backing unless it came from a legislator with some sen- iority," he added. He explained that any attempt on the part of Rep. Richard Gu- zowski (D-Detroit) to pass such a resolution may not be strongly supported, since Guzowski's meth- ods in other areas have lost him some backing. Different Story However, if somewone like Rep. Allison, Green (R-Kingston) or Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield) introduces such a resolution on behalf of the Legislative Audit Commission, it may be a different story, he said. "If such a resolution is passed, the implication will be included that state appropriations may be less to any university that does not limit out-of-state enrollment. On the other hand, if the number of out-of-state students is cut, the Legislature should be ready to ap- propriate that much more money to compensate for the decrease in tuitions that would result," Burs- ley said. Thayer noted that limiting out- of-state enrollment would present' a serious problem to students whose own states do not offer them an adequate source of higher edu- cation. Alumni For Re Lirement has convened to take up other matters as well as the tax plan. New Constitution These matters include the time- consuming task of implementing the state's new constitution and settling the reapportionment is- sue. However, fiscal reform will take up the major portion of the session with the earliest possible vote coming in late. October or early November, according to House Speaker Allison Green (R-Kings- ton). While Republican leaders are predicting a victory for the gover- nor's tax plan, which is reported to include a state-wide personal tax, Democratic leaders are predicting defeat.. Revision Senate Majority Leader Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) com- mented yesterday, "I'm quite con- fident there will be a tax revision program, its substance within the general framework Romney rec- ommends. "There's a general receptiveness to tax reform, more than was an- ticipated." Meanwhile, Democratic Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinski asserted, "The preilminaries of this fiscal reform program would indicate it has a very meager chance." To Recess After Romney delivers his mes- sage the lawmakers will recess for two weeks, during which time the House and Senate tax committees will hold public hearings in Lan- sing, Detroit and other cities in the state. Tax bills other than Romney's are expected to be introduced by legislators tomorrow. One plan, announced by Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit), in- cludes reductions in sales and corporate franchise taxes, removal of sales tax on foods. and prescrip- tive drugs and all taxes on beer, liquor and cigarettes and repeal of the business activities tax. GOP organization workers are pressing for a greater voice in all party activities, including finances. They have complained increasing- ly that the finance committees are too far removed from the cam- paign committees to the point that few can even identify the mem- bership of the state finance group. GEORGE ROMNEY ... tax plan Announce CHICAGO: City Sets V: ti e; 0 a n b v a 1 2 V p UNVEILING: Romney To Present New Tax Program By The Associated Press LANSING-Gov. George Romney will present his closely guarded tax reform program to legislators and the public today at 11 a.m. when he addresses a special session of the Legislature. The governor's tax message can be seen and heard live on radio and television. There will also be a rebroadcast on television at 5:30 p.m. Romney officially called the Legislature to order last night at 8 p.m. The special session* --,. " has co ve e" oL ... hvi.ta:ke:,':.\_ up:a o'::::.tner: ' C.: Corporation Reveals Site On Oxford City Planning Grou Approves Details Of Retirement Ceni By RICHARD KELLER SIMO Housing for retired Univer alumni on two and a half ac at Oxford and Cambridge Rc should be available by this s1 mer, according to "U-M Alui Residences, Inc.," a non-pr corporation in charge of the p ect. Construction of four single-fi ily and eight two-family units "cost several hundred thous dollars," Alumni Treasurer F R. Kempf, chairman of a come tee that has studied the prob for four years, said. "This is a pioneering effor the area of alumni housing. where else in the nation'' or world have we discovered any c parable program," Kempf expli ed. - Gracous ivin WAYNE MORSE ... conditional Senate Group May Approve School Aid Bill j , WASHINGTON - The Senate education subcommittee condition- ally approved yesterday a broadj new feddral school aid bill includ-1 ing a greatly expanded vocational training program asked by Presi- dent John F. Kennedy. Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), chairman, said approval was con- ditional in that another meeting would be held on the bill if Sens. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) and Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) who were ab- V sent, desired it. The group included in the' measure a three-year extension of V the National Defense Education Act with increased college student loans funds, expanded federal grants for libraries, and a three- year extension of the impacted areas program. r-- -.-. ". , 4.1, - ,-.....~. .J-l-. Plan Housin CONDUCTOR, COMPOSER, PERFORMER: Bernstein Lauds benefits of TI Air Force Extends Contract On IST Research in Radar By KENNETH WINTER The Air Force has extended for one year the Institute of Science and Technology's contract for applied research in advanced radar techniques. The new $1.8 million extension moves the project into its third year on an expanded scale. Last year's contract was for $800,000; 1961's totalled $900,000. William C. Coon of IST described the work as "basic "research with a definite concrete objective: to find out if certain things are possible." Radio Waves The "certain things," according ree I oles to project director Leonard J. Por- cello,. include studies of propagat- ing radio waves through the dif- ferent atmospheric layers, radar data processing, display and re- cording; implementation of radar transmitter and receiver equip- ment; antenna element behavior in high altitudes; navigation and stabilization of aerospace vehicles, and analysis of systems concepts. The larger contract was given because "IST indicated to the Air Force that there are additional things we can do, and they bought the ideas," Coons noted. Done at Lab Ordiznance By The Associated Press CHICAGO-Four thousands pro-a testing Chicago property ownerst last night did not stop the ChicagoI City Council from passing 30-16 anE ordinance banning racial and re- ligious discrimination in renting or selling real estate. The pickets came to fight a pro- posed ordinance that would bar1 discrimination for race, religion orf other reasons by real estate brok- ers in the sale, lease or rental of property. The demonstrators paraded around the block-square city hall- Cook County building for aboutl two hours while the aldermen pre-t pared to vote on the disputed measure. Mostly Women1 Most of the pickets were women.- While 80 policemen watched, the march went off peacefully and, at the end, the marchers boarded their chartered buses and went' back to their neighborhoods. There were few incidents. A Ne- gro became involved in an argu- ment in a cluster of white spec-4 tators across La Salle St. from city hall. But no blows were struck. Sponsorship The march on city hall was sponsored by the Property Owners Coordinating Committee, an alli- ance of 47 neighborhood groups. Howard Scaman, chief spokes-' man, said most of the marchers are property owners. He estimated that at least 5000 of them came' to city hall in 71 buses. Negro organizations favored the ordinance, but they wanted it to go further and include owners as well as brokers. Backed Board Many of the pickets paraded two blocks from city hall to the board of education's headquarters to back the boardand its neighbor- hood school policy. Negro organizations object to the policy on grounds that it fos-1 ters de facto segregation. But three hours after the picket- ing ended the city council approv- ed the ordinance that bars dis- crimination for race, religion or other reasons by real estate brok- ers in the sale, lease or rental of property. But the war against the so-call- ed fair housing ordinance isn't ended. Percy E. Wagner, president of the Chicago Real 'Estate 'Board, said it "will be tested in the cor~nts. Gracious Living "The basic objective is to pro vide retired alumni with oppor tunity for gracious living in a fin est possible environment, wit other alumni of similar interest as close and compassionabl neighbors, with maximum accessi bility" to the resources of the Uni versity community, Kempf added The City Planning Commissio approved the plans Tuesday nigh The project will be reviewed by tih Zoning Boardhof Appeals nex Wednesday, where Kempf antici pates no trouble. "We have comr plied with every requirement." Construction will begin as soo as commitments for 11 of the 2 units are received. Pending ap proval of the zoning board, t- alumni corporation will tear dow the former Tau Kappa Epsilo house, now on the site, to mak enough room for the new units. Terrace Homes Nearly two years ago,,when thr idea was originally introduce building plans called for multip housing "terrace homes" that con flicted with zoningi regulation Many area residents opposed ti plans. One of the residents, Douglh Crery, explained that the proje as it now stands is "legal ar proper" although it is unfortuna to "increase the concentration < people" in the area. He pointed out that Kempf owr land adjacent to the proper marked out for alumni residene and would be in a good position sell it to his own organization any time in the future. No Conflict Kempf denies a conflict of it terest and explains that "if t alumni wanted the property" 1 would have resigned. He says 1 Will continue to live on his prol erty. iOnce the project is constructe eligibility criteria for prospecti residents will be that an individu must be: retired from his prima occupation, at least 55 years of ag an alumnus of the University, member in the Alumni Associati and approved by the board of C rectors of the corporation. The corporation board of dire tors will include members of t Alumni Board of Directors as wE as residents. However, the fin articles of corporation and byla have not been officially releas yet.. Alumni residents will be shar holders in the non-profit corpor tion withuoccupancy rights of selected unit. They will pay monthly service charge after pu chasing their homes. Kempf d See PLAN, Page 2 TX-H10use The mystery behind Th House Without A Name i clearing. Mary Markley's mystic "X House" remains nameless be cause the Regents, who nam all the buildings, cannot nam the house until their nex By JEFFREY K. CHASE Leonard Bernstein was asked if he wasn't weary of the phrase "pianist-composer-conductor" by which he is frequently described. "Actually, it's a most useful designation," he said. "Suppose one night I conduct a performance that is not con- sidered really fine; people will think that for a pianist it was not a bad effort. Or, if I should do a piano solo that's not top-standard, they'll think that for a composer he really doesn't play badly." Sabbatical Plans Bernstein revealed his plans to take a sabbatical from the con- ductortal duties of the New York Philharmonic, of which he is the