kY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1963 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY EXPECT RATIFICATION: Survey Shows 73 Senators Favor Treaty For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tit 11:30 A.M. I. By JACK BELL Ussociated Press Political Writer WASHINGTON -Seventy-three of the Senate's 100 members either are committed to or are inclined now to vote for ratification of the A, limited nuclear test ban treaty, an Associated Press survey showed they will lose many of those who' have indicated either personally or through their aides their present intention to support the treaty. Senate Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois said he hopes that a letter President John F. Kennedy is addressing to him and to Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana will resolve "some of the fears and misgivings" about the treaty. But it remained to be seen whether the "unequivocal assur- ances" Dirksen said Kennedy will give on the readiness posture of American defenses under the treaty would satisfy the doubters. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-An Associated Press survey showed yes- terday that 12 Senators are opposed to the limited nuclear test ban treaty, 15 are doubtful and 73 are committed to or are inclined to vote for ratification. If all 100 Senators vote, 67 favorable votes would be needed for ratification. Some are keeping the door open to change their minds. The lineup as of today: And Bay Bur Clar Edn Engl Gor Har Hill Hum Jord Lau McQ McG McN Man Mon Mos Nels Past Prox: Ribb Spa: Talir S. Vc DE H. B DEMOCRATS FOR: (51) erson Bartlett h Brewster dick Church rk Dodd nondson Ellenderi le Fulbright e Hart tke Hayden Holland mphrey Inouye Ian Kennedy sche E. Long Earthy McGee xovern McIntyre vamara Magnuson isfield Metcalf roney Morse s Muskie on Neuberger tore Pell xmire Randolph coff Smathers rkman Symington madge Walters Hams Yarborough Eastland Robertson Stennis DEMOCRATS] Bible Douglas Gruening Johnston R. Long Russell Thurmond DOUBTFUL: (8) Cannon Ervin Jackson McClellan REPUBLICANS FOR: (22) Aiken Allott Beall Boggs Carlson Case Cooper Cotton Dirksen Fong Hickenlooper Javits Keating Kuchel Meechem Morton Mundt Prouty Saltonstall Scott Williams M. Young REPUBLICANS OPPOSED: (4) Bennett Curtis Goldwater Tower REPUBLICANS DOUBTFUL: (7) Dominick Hruska Jordan Miller Pearson Simpson Smith PERSONAL TO MOE: 1 DAY LATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY To you who does not need the extra year It shall be, you will see JL P50 ENGINEERS - New Dietzgen & Aristo slide rules from $13.50 to $21.50. Call NO 5-0012. F20 A MESSAGE to whomever it is That watches over helpless things: Jimmy, the squirrel, is gone. Rest him in peace. D, for V F48 HEY FANS! Have you seen the Phi Tau ad in today's Daily? That should start 'em talking. Take a look; you can't miss it. F34 ATTENTION CIVILS ASCE Needs You Sept. 11, Room 311 W.E. F46 EXPERIENCED Babysitter, West Ann Arbor. NO 5-5528. F45 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. F73 DIAMONDS - Directly from Antwerp. Classic and Modern Mountings. In- spection by appointment. Call 665-0538. F43 MIAMI'S LOSS is Michigan's gain. Wel- come, Barbara Levy! F49 In .Memoriam THEOPHILUS GOTTLIEB 1963-1963 Great Author, Philanthropist, and Turtle F47 THIS WEEK ONLY- Aquanet 69c The Village Apothecary 1112 S. University F40 - $1.25 Haircut, Mon. thru Thurs., 347 May- nard near Arcade. $1.50 Fri. and Sat. F30 oung EMOCRATS4 yrd OPPOSED: (8) R. Byrd 'Y"{: r., .J.k..:.}y){J: ,.' .". rf.:{ s',f:., y. "" : O. t : tM'."tt44 CpYj'i};. r: s. jlf V:r: "t :r V: V.1Sr' tr.'". t f: V .'S:tt:tY: t'tsvt" rv 4. .r.VQY t.{{ .Yrs4 ice; :;r jti.,v,. s,";"v ::":v re ; : TSL: .''r. t t. . ..L.. r. VM.r."}. : 's;."ss{' ::{i:: e : %v. j' :pk:...a 4s s. .r.. ..r.r.Y? .............e.{:.....s.s'Y';"r."..,....::v:..:r}r?:{......::>A:{.:"...":1:.........:r}r IIY.t'.::YIA'SY:..VO. M{:{..("".ti..({{.:"'} .' {:':::: {titt.U_ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ..j . ".:V " .{.J . .; .... ..; ......; J....... .'4,. " J :S1+' :tiff'. ..... ".VJ" "JJJ. :"JJ. J " ' 4'J.f' ".'..} YJ i. {. . ""J'. JJJ :":!-'" f "..: ...JJ:. f. J."..':. Persons not enrolled in a college or university should direct inquiries and requests for applications to the Insti- tute of International Education, U.S. Student Program, 800 Second Ave., New York 17, N.Y. The last date on which applications will be issued by the Insti- tute is Oct. 15, 1963. Al Students Enrolled in History 555, "English Colonies in America, 1607- 1763" with Prof. Hanna should come to the History Office, 3605 Haven Hall, and pick up their assignment sheets. RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION IN NON - ATHLETIC EXTRACURRICU- LAR ACTIVITIES: Any regularly enrolled student is eligible to participate in non-athletic extracurricular activities provided he is not on academic discipline. Responsibility:i Responsibility for observance of the eligibility statement is placed directly upon the student. In case of doubt of status, students should inquire at the Office of Student Affairs. Participation in an extracurricular activity in viola- tion of the requirements may subject a student to disciplinary action. Restrictions: In interpretation of the above elig- ibility statement, the following are specifically forbidden to participate in extracurricular activities indicated be- low: a) Students on academic discipline, i.e., notification, warning, probation. action pending, as determined by the faculty of the college in which the stu- dent is enrolled. Academic Discipline also includes the term "Needs Coun- seling" as used by the School of Music and the School of Education. b) Part-time and special students carrying less than 12 hours. Activities: The eligibility requirements must be met by students participating in such activities as are listed below. The list is not exhaustive but is intended to indi- cate the kinds of extracurricular activi- ties for participation in which eligibil- ity is necessary. a) Participation in public perform- ances which are sponsored by student organizations and which require group rehearsals. Examples: Junior Girls' Play; productions of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society; performances of Arts Chorale and the Glee Club. b) Participation in public perform- ances which are sponsored by academic courses and which require group re- hearsals, for those participants who are not enrolled in the sponsoring course for credit. Examples: Ensemble 45, 46 (Orchestra), Ensemble 47, 48 (Bands), Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Voice 11, 12, 155, 156 (Opera Workshop). Student Government Council Approval of the following student-sponsored ac- tivities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Women's League, Buro-Cat Mass Meet- ing, Sept. 17, 7:15 p.m., League. Women's League, Fall Petitioning & Interviewing, Sept. 23-Oct. 5, Mich. League. Michigan Christian Fellowship, lecture by Paul Little, "How to Get the Most Out foCollege Life," Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m., Union. Placement ANNOUNCEMENT: The Naval Officer Procurement Team from the U.S. Navy Recruiting Station, Detroit and the Naviator Team from the Naval Air Station, Grosse Ille, Mich., will be at the U. of M. in the Fishbowl from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. daily from Sept. 18 through Sept. 20. This team consisting of Naval officers will furnish information on all Navy Offi- cer Programs, General Line, Engrg., Supply Corps, Law Specialist, Medical, Dental Theological & Naval Aviation. POSITION OPENINGS: Kidde Mfg. Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N.J. Company is planning the establishment of a branch factory in Japan & is seek- ing a bilingual Japanese for the posi- tion of Manufacturing Manager. Age 25-35. English knowledge. Mechanical aptitude. Mgmt personality. General Box Co., Des Plaines, Il.- Seeking Production Engnd. Ideally suited for someone who is interested - - m i in doing industrial & mech. engrg. work in the packaging field. Degree in Engrg., Indust. Mgmt., Forest Products, Business, etc. Limited travel. Management Consultants in Pa. - A A major motor carrier in the Southeast is seeking an analyst for the Treasurer's Dept. Age 24-30. MBA plus exper. In banking or any industrial position where financial analysis is involved. Edsel Ford Institute for Medical Re- search, Detroit, Mich. - Research Ass't. to develop new isotope techniques for a research project. Degree Biol. or Chem. with life sciences. Exper. not necessary. Male or female. Library Opening - Woman with exe- cutive ability to enter periodicals in che k list, learn binding, etc. Position will develop into a responsible admin. job in the future. Desire woman who will be permanent. Degree -(Library Sci. degree not required.) Foreign lan- guages would be an asset. Some typing. Exper. not required. Age. 30-40. U.S. Civil Service - Opening for Medical Aid (Inhalation Therapist) at Veterans - Admin. Hosp. in Ann Arbor. Require 6 mos. trng, in inhalation ther- apy plus 1 yr. exper. providing all of the continuous inhalation therapy serv- ices, etc. Apply by Sept. 18.1 Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y. - Opening for a man to perform personnel work involving salaried em- ployees at the corporate level. Degree in Bus. Ad., Personnel Admin., or In- dust. Rel. pref. exper. in recruitment of scientific, tech., & admin. people, including contact with agencies, news- papers & magazines adv. & corporate re- cruitment desirable. Michigan Civil Service - Graphic Presentation Designer I - Bachelor's in Art or Art. Educ. For higher level positions, exper. is required. Apply by Sept. 23. Oakland County Juvenile Court, Pon- tiac, Mich. - Three vacancies for Child Welfare Workers II (male). BA in Psych.a or Soc. Higher salaries paid to men who have had previous exper. in a casework agency. For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. PI POETS: O E T R Y NOW BEING considered for publication in the campus inter- arts magazine, GENERATION. All ma- terial submitted will be carefully read, criticized, and returned if not used. Manuscripts may be left at the main office, Student Publications Building. First issue in October. GEN ERATI ON F42 ORGAN IZAT NOTICES ION USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered organizations only. Organizations who are planning to be active for the Fall Semester should reg- ister by Sept. 24, 1963. Forms available, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. If you wish to be listed in the Student Directory, please give the president's name, address and telephone number to Miss C. Bilakos, 1011 SAB by Sept. 16, 1963. Alpha Phi Omega, Organizational Pledge Meeting, Sept. 11, 3:30 & 7 p.m., 3rd Floor, SAB. * * * Unitarian Student Group, Discussion on Unitarian beliefs-"What Unitarian Teach Their Children," Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m., 1917 Washtenaw. University Lutheran Chapel, Chapel Assembly Sept. Meeting, 8:15 p.m.; Mid- week Devotion, conducted by Vicar J. Koenig, 10 p.m.; Sept. 11, 1511 Washte- naw. Voice Political Party (U. of M. Chap- ter of Students for Democratic Soc.). Exec. Committee Meeting, Sept. 11, 8 p.m., 2534 SAB. Everyone welcome. - * * * Young Friends, Supper Meeting Dis- cussion-"An Experience in Georgia," Sept. 11, 5:30-7 p.m., 1420 Hill. U. of M. Chess Club, First Meeting, Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd Floor. Odd Lot Investment Club, First Meet- ing, Movie on operation of N.Y. Stock Exchange, Sept. 12, 7,15 p.m., Lawyers Club Lounge. * * * Congregational Disc. E & R Student Guild, Study Action Dinner, Sept. 11, 5:30 p.m., 802 Monroe; Midweek Wor- ship, Sept. 12, 12:10-12:40 p.m., Doug- las Memorial Chapel. ATTENTION STUDENTS Furniture, bookcases, books, chests, desks; Appliances; Antiques; Musical instruments. Bought, sold. DARWINS, 2930 S. State. NO 8-7744. F11 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call C. K. Reaver Co, of Ann Arbor, 300 S. Thayer. NO 2-1132. F18 Meet The Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others whose background and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE F HUBBA, HUBBA, yubba, yubba .. .1I Did you march to San Francisco when everybody else was marching in Wash- ington? Are you sure your bus ticket didn't say East Lansing? Do you think the football team and Sigma Chi are synonymous? Are you an illiterate who wrote for your high school news- paper? Did you put your high school yearbook together, pasting every other page upside down? If you have any or all of the above mentioned talents, call Bump Elliott-don't bother us. However, if he's hanging out some place, call friendly Bob Adams at NO 5-0175 and tell him you want to write for GARGOYLE! F44 BUSINESS SERVICES PIANO INSTRUCTION DANIELA WEINBERG Formerly Instructor at City College, N.Y. Now accepting a limited number of beginning and advanced students. 662-2821 J5 term papers and dissertations (Offset for reproduction). Photo copy, mail- ings. Gretzingers Business Service, 320 S. Huron, HU 2-0191. J8 665-8184 Manuscript typing, transcription, medical, legal, technical confer- ences, mimeographing, offset. Quick, Accurate, Experienced. ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine B2 I R. L. Wrentmore Entertainment Complete services for any event. Finest music available area. NO 5-6719. social in the Ji I. r1 WANTED !! ADDITIONAL RENT A TV THIS SEMESTER Reserve Yours Now ! U'f,-P ENEW 19" G.E. PORTABLES S 11 G Ii it 11 I